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Gator Stud

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Everything posted by Gator Stud

  1. He is raging on Rachael and locking her out of the house. Where have I ever seen him spend money. Even Gil was seen wearing Gucci? You can both enjoy life and enjoy financial security. You dont have to pick- especially when you are single. Its almost like Americans have been brainwashed.
  2. 100%. This was the point I was trying to make. I thought Jose and Zack were wearing makeup. I thought at one point Johnny was wearing lipstick or lip balm.
  3. Going into larger debt to own 2 houses so you can never take a vacation doesnt sound good either. What is the point of having money if you are locked down in your home and cannot enjoy it? What if he only owed 1 home and put the other home into the stock market? That requires no upkeep and the returns are 30% higher. The extra 30% could pay for vacations, and Jose wouldnt ever be paranoid that a bank would take his house. He could enjoy his money. At this point I think the only reason why he has 2 houses is so he can tell everybody he has 2 houses.
  4. So he is paying 2 mortgages but not enjoying life outside of your backyard BBQ pit? I am still trying to understand this. He owns two houses but wont go to Europe? What is the logic behind this. What if he owned 5 houses? He still would be forcing Rachael to stay at Motel 6 off the highway.
  5. I'm just joking with you. I'm just a fan of bringing your best. Well Ryan is "Dealing" with Brett not trying to bring her best. Once Ryan lied to her and told her that he prefers her without makeup, that all she seemed to do. It was a bad move on both their parts. Another thing, guy are looking at the other brides too, and comparing them against their own wife. If everybody else looks great, but their wife looks washed out, then they are going to be thinking about that. This actually happened in Australia MAFS. I would point to Ashley from a different season. She didnt have the VS model look that Ryan wanted, but she brought her best. Why would you never travel but own 2 houses? You have money to never use it to enjoy life?
  6. What's the issue with teachers going to Europe? Why cant they take a 2 week vacations together? Why cant they take one vacation in Europe and another in the States? Its weird how Americans expect people to work all of the time.
  7. I think they know something about Gil's future that we dont know. Like she somehow knows that he is going to make more money soon in the future.
  8. Why should she work more? Why does she need to earn more? Why cant she just have a good time traveling after she is done teaching for the year? Why do people want to force Rachael to work during the summer. When I used to teach, people use to tell me this whenever I told them I was traveling for a few months.
  9. Hooter girls are average. They would not be good enough for him. Also, VS models have changed over the last 2 years. They are doing non-traditional looks now. So they would not be good enough for him either.
  10. I didnt like Ryan at first, but now think he is ok. You cant force attraction. Also, people tolerate a lot of shit from attractive people, that they wont tolerate from average looking people. Thats just the way the world works. I totally get why Ryan is not attracted to her after seeing her bathroom. It was nasty. That doesnt make Brett a bad person, she just needs to Marie Kondo her apartment. I dont think anybody on the show is a bad person. They just need alot of therapy because they are fucked up in the head. Johnny has daddy/anger issues. Jose has spending/anger issues. Michaela has abandonment/anger issues. Brett has insecurity/low self esteem/anxiety issues. Thats why I think her house is a mess. Bao has insecurity/need to please issues. The rest seem ok. I used to like Johnny, but he turned out to be an asshole.
  11. If he had not done that we just would have seen the good edit and not the truth. I
  12. Does Ryan deserve somebody with basic hygiene? I mean, her dirty underwear was kinda just strewn out there. I've been to frat houses after parties that were not like that.
  13. He owns 2 houses but cannot afford a trip to Europe? Look, I lived in TX for 10 years. New Orleans gets boring after the 2nd trip. So does Galveston. Anything not to spend money. Why are you supporting a cheap jerk? He can afford it. He just doesnt want to spend the money on her.
  14. Nobody is saying it has to be Europe. But how about Montreal? The weather is way better. Or West LA. We basically didnt have a summer this year and only a few days in the high 80's. Jose looks like he would have a problem booking a proper hotel. He would look for the cheapest motels he could find.
  15. Dont shoot the messenger. This is a show where you are stuck with a stranger for 8 weeks. Bring your best. Especially on TV. She looked like a mess that scene. You dont need make up because you are a hotty- patttati, and probably have great genes, but Brett did need makeup. You cant be a dirty mess and expect to expect a guy who wants Country IG models. I know some of the guys have blemishes too, but I am positive some are wearing makeup. And she is a bit Desperado.
  16. Why does she have to work in the summer? I had 5 classes of 30 middle school and elementary students each. By summer I was ready to travel. Why do you think teachers should work in the summer? Who came up with that rule?
  17. She is filthy. I used to like her, but after seeing her filthy place, I'm totally turned off. Does she even bathe? They made a big deal about Bao not bathing but she looks way cleaner than Brett.
  18. Brett needs to take care of her hygiene first. How did she think she would attract a guy with the way she keeps her house. Its disgusting. Is her body even clean? Thats would I would be thinking if I was Ryan. Ryan looks dead inside, but wants to stay on the show. I think he like his new guy buddies. But bit Brett. Also, Brett sometimes looks like she is not trying hard. Like the one scene where here hair is up and looks like a mess with the glasses and no makeup. She cant do that if she is tryna attract a guy. Maybe after a year or so she can do that, but not at the beginning. She seems dirty.
  19. Its a million degree in Houston in the summer. When I lived there, I wouldnt go outdoor in the summer unless it was after the sun went down- 6ish. Its so hot there that they have a underground air conditioned tunnel connecting all of the building downtown so you dont have to walk outside.
  20. I'm on team Rachael. I used to be a teacher. One year I took a car trip from Miami==> Atlanta==> DC==>NYC ==>Boston==>NH==>Montreal==>Ottawa==>Toronto==> Detroit==>Chicago==>St Louise==>Denver==>Salt Lake City==>Las Vegas==>Los Angeles==>San Fran==>Phoenix==>Austin==>Houston==>New Orleans==> Miami. It took a few months but was the best trip ever. Teachers need to get out during the summer. Non-teachers dont get it.
  21. She cooks for him. She does his laundry. She has sex with him at least every other day or anytime he wanted to. What is his problem? Most guys would be totally ok with how Bao is acting. Not the baby talk, but everything else. She cant be playful at work so she does it at home in the extreme. But that can be changed. She is good dating material. But I wonder why she has had such a hard time landing the ship.
  22. I couldnt sleep with Brett just based on her uncleanliness. Its a total turn off. No wonder she dresses so sloppy. She has a pretty face but does she take care of herself in that way? Why wouldnt she want to clean up and put her best foot forward? Also, Johnny's friend had her dirty feet on the couch last week. I thought he was a cleanliness freak? Or is that just only for Bao.
  23. I think Bao is the best Johnny can get. And his family knows it.
  24. They were cannabis concentrates. Gil is moving on from firefighting, so he's not worried about the drug test.
  25. Her feet were filthy and Johnny just acted like it was ok. I thought he was the Shower King? He wasn't grossed out by that?
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