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Gator Stud

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Everything posted by Gator Stud

  1. I agree with you. I am starting to like Myrla a little better. She looks way better when she smiles and laughs. They do have good banter and he had his arm on her crotch during one scene. I think she might be fucking him. I dunno about this editing. She is starting to look at him like she thinks he is attractive.
  2. He may be gender fluid and doenst know how to break it to her. I think he likes Johnny. When he kisses her sometimes it doesnt make me believe that he wants to go further. I dont even think he tried to touch her breasts. He loves to kiss her in public, but his acting is not convincing. He has trapped himself in his money issues. Nobody cares about his credit score. Boasting over that, is soooo Houston. The producers are doing a good job of showing the Houston vibe. Ryan is soooo Houston as well. I think it is possible that Myrna already had sex with Gil, but is lying about it.
  3. I can only imagine the shitshow coming tonight. So many questions. Does Brett own a bra? Is Ryan checked out? Will Jose do something masculine? Will Rachael surrender her wallet? Will Jonny show Bao the proper way to kiss? Will Myrna be bitchy this episode, and what things will she complain about this time? Will Gill get any action? Has Michaela's libido calmed down? Will Zack cry this episode?
  4. You cant pay people $2/hr + tips and expect people to want to work for you. If they paid $15/hr, they might have enough people.
  5. But she is acting like a bitch. A peck on the lips is not the same as having sex with him, which nobody is saying she should do. Its barely intimate. Less than what might happen on first date. Its no big deal. Nobody is saying she should be forced to do it, but c'mon she signed up for this. The pecks on the cheek is what I give my female friends who I am not attracted to, and conveys no intimacy. Maybe she is getting the bad edit. But she is not trying hard to look good. Maybe she could offer to massage his neck or something nice.
  6. I'm a picky eater too. I thought that breakfast was crap. I can only imagine how bad the coffee is there. But she is trying to look good and bitching about everything is not helping. I actually agree with many of her complaints. But she complains too much.
  7. This is nonsense. Why cant she kiss him? Some would say that he is the attractive on of the couple. If he was gross and disgusting, I could see her making a big deal about this. But he is not. Is she afraid that she might like the kiss and end up with a middle-class man?
  8. What chance? He knows he has no chance. Why is it so hard for her to give him a peck on the lips? He is not grotesque looking. And he seems like a fun-loving type of guy. Why not give him a chance? What would happen if MAFS offered him a job that ended up making him more money than Myrla. What if someone saw the show and offered him a much higher paying job? Its just a kiss. Even Puke kissed the girl, and he is gay.
  9. Two things. Number one, she grew up poor and thinks pretending to turn her nose up about everything, makes her look rich. Number two, she is really pissed with Pastor Cal for hooking her up with a bald, middle-class, pit-bull owner and is taking it out by being negative about everything. Everything she is doing is lashing out at Pastor Cal.
  10. I would disagree with your comment about cops. I dont see the honor the way many of them behave. I've had very bad experiences with them and I have an MBA. Not that that should matter. My dad has as well and he is an Ivy League guy. So I maybe cops used to be an honorable job, but not any longer. They dont treat certain people the right way.
  11. I disagree with you about Pearland. I would never live there. Its a Lifetime movie waiting to happen. I would die of boredom. But thats just me. Houston is far more interesting than where he lives.
  12. She grew up very poor, so she doesnt understand what rich is. She thinks it is just material things. I know someone worth $400M who drives a Prius. She seems like she is buying expensive things to show off to other people. You are right. I do have a fondness for Houston, but i could not be my authentic self until I moved to LA. Great food though, and the cost of living is amazing. After I was dumped by my ex-wife, I hit the dating scene in Houston. Had I seen Myrla at a lounge, I would have not talked to her or gotten her number. She is very average to me and her personality would bore me. I would have talked to Brett. I have a soft spot for teachers. I would have talked to Bao, thought culturally that might not have worked. Maybe I might have talked to the Melania, if she looked the same way she did at the wedding. The other two, woman- no. The only guy that I would hang out with is Jonny. The rest seem boring to me.
  13. I lived in Houston for 10 year and have been to events at the hotel where the wedding went down. Here are my thoughts 1) Bao and Jonny- love these guys. Bao looked beautiful at her wedding. The tea ceremony was the best. I like how they are interreacting with each other. I think they really like each other. Jonny was picky about alot of things, but I think he will let it all slide with Bao. I know families that dont show physical affection, but at least Jonny knows that it is not personal, I think they might make it. I loved Bao's dress. 2) Melania and Zack- Melania looked like she wanted to jump Zack's bone at the wedding. They are so having sex on the first night. The hari and makeup people are on fire. She looked great at the wedding. On unfiltered she was wearing this dominatrix looking thing. But why was she loosing her shit during the previews? And why was Zack crying again? I hope they make it, but she is drama. 3) Jose and ???- The beard is weird. Didnt realize he was that short, but there is nothing he can do about it except wear platform shoes like Tom Cruise. He lives in Pearland, not the most desirable outskirt in Houston. The woman is average. She is acting like she is a model. She called him ugly on his wedding day. Or perhaps below average. I wouldnt let that comment slide if I was Jose. I do think Jose seems slightly gender fluid. I think it is going to be a rough season for him. She said he was no good in the looks department. That is the thing he will remember. 4) Gil and Myrna- Hey Myrna, why didnt you kiss the guy? It seems like the women on this thread would take him home. Something i snot right about her. There is nothing wrong with buying expensive things. But if you have a closet full of Loubis with a small apartment, that makes no sense in Houston. Houses are like $180K there (not the Galleria area), so to have $50K worth of clothing/shoes with no house, makes no sense. In LA it make sense because a good house costs $4M. But not in Houston. Galleria area is full of gold-diggers. Thats where many of them live. The last time I was there, one of them hit me up for a $20 drink. There are constant luxury vehicles around that area (Rolls, Lambos). Why does homegirl work in Rosenberg? That like another state. Gil seems like a nice, honorable man, who wont have any problems with dates after this shitshow is over. This marriage wont work. She wont even kiss the guy. Most of my 1st dates, I kiss the girl. Even if we dont work out. To be fair to Myrla- she did ask for a non-bald, rich guy, that didnt have dogs. So you cant blame her for that. That is all Pastor Cal's fault. 5) Brett and ????- When I lived in Houston, I worked with guys exactly like ??? dude. Down to the dress. Its definitely what is expected if you work in Oil and Gas. I worked for two O&G giants when I was in Houston. Everybody dressed like ??? dude. Not only was I expected to wear a suit and tie at work, but when I wasnt working i was expected to dress a certain conservative way too- like the ??? dude with Brett. ??? dude always looks bummed out. I'll give him props for not totally staring at her boobs. Brett is interesting. I didnt like her wedding dress, but she has great boobs. Did she have a bra on? She had amazing hair and a nice smile, and gorgeous eyes. I fell asleep before she took off her makeup, so I dont know what she really looks like. But she looked good to me at the wedding. The thing she did where she pointed at her ears and ordered him to listen, I didnt find that sexy at all. She doesnt like hunting. Or ranch stuff. That is what is expected in Texas. Hunting, fishing, ranching. Not things that I am interested in. Neither is Brett. I lived in Houston and never bought cowboy boots and learned the two-step. I am not a country guy, and neither if Brett. I wonder what type of music she listens to, Hip-hop, rap?
  14. One of them bit my friend's face off last year. She was trying not to buy the hype, but it backfired. Pits are aggressive dogs. I am sure some are ok.
  15. The firefighter is not gonna work out with Miss Louboutin. Here is the salary of a firefighter in Houston. Every two weeks he can spend his entire paycheck on one pair of shoes for her. Not gonna work, unless she gives up her materialism. Starbucks baristas make more here in LA. http://www.hfdcareers.org/benefits.html
  16. Its sad that religion divides people. I'm like Clara. I grew up in the Church in a very conservative family. Like, no thanks. I dont get the point of religion. They are no better than anybody else.
  17. Best to Worst 1) Brianna- She might be a bit bossy, but she is the most normal one, with a great job and presence. She is in good shape and seems to be driven in life I think she is being kind putting up with Vincent's temper tantrums, unless those are purely production driven scenes. She probably will be the bread winner. She says Yes. 2) Clara- I'm not saying I would date her, but she is genuine and nice. Some might see her as over the top, but she owns who she is. She is not trying to pretend that she wants to save the world. And she loves her some donuts. A really fun gal who I would hang out with sometimes. I dont know if she is in to God. Doesnt seem like it. If Ryan is a fanatic it cause some problems. Maybe he is not into God either. She says Yes. 3) Jake- Yah, some people think he is an 80's weirdo, but thats just who he is. A different woman could tone him down and get him to wear cool sneakers. He will have no problem with slaying it out with women after they divorce. He has a good job and muscles. I could hang with the guy, maybe once a month. He says No. 4) Vincent- He is deeply insecure and if he doesnt get his weight together, it wont be good for him. He lucked out with his wife. She is so much better than him in so many ways. He is not going to be successful if he sleeps past 9AM. But I think he has a good heart and most likely production created some of the conflict for drama. He says Yes. 5) Eric- He is controlling in some ways, but he has shown a willingness to compromise. He is blinded by sex but I think he really likes VA. He should stop talking down to VA. But I agree with him that passing out on your male friends' coaches is a nonstarter. There is this thing called Uber. He says Yes. He is blinded by sex. 6) VA- She drinks too much. She is inflexible about normal things, like passing out on her male friend's couch and sleeping with her cat. Is it possible that she is not an alcoholic and that production gave her a bad edit? Does she twitch because she is going through some sort of withdrawals on camera? Can she stop partying so hard? Can she tolerate their political differences? Can she compromise? Can she stop twitching? She says Yes but only after Eric begs her to stay. 7) Ryan- He is fake and has so many complexes going on. The Model Minority. The Preachers' Son. The Inner Control Freak Really bad combinations. Is he really into God or is he pretending to be to satisfy his parents? Does he know how to relax, or know what the word even means? Why is he wound so tight. Why wont he have sex with Clara after accepting BJs from her? Is he lying and having sex with her? Why does he have the patchy beard? Why does he part his hair twice? Why is he externally in control, but internally a quiet storm? He says Yes. 8) Haley- Fake, fake fake. She didnt try. She wasnt feeling the sex with Jake and was disgusted with herself afterwards. She thinks she is better than everybody. She donated Jake's gift to her mom and then lost her shit when Jake called her out on it. She bitched about him eating eggs, even though everybody knows that is what he does. She spend all her time trying to get the rest of the couples to hate Jake, but it didnt work. She says No. 9) Paige- Gurl get some respect. It didnt have to be this bad. You let him call your face ugly on national TV instead of dumping his weak ass with dignity. Go get some therapy. She says Yes, and agrees to get plastic surgery. Also, never wear those rasta weaves again. 10) Chris- He played the villain perfectly. He is the bad guy that nobody likes. Even his preacher bros read him his rights. I dont know if his baby mamma has his baby. I dont think he bought her that Benz. Maybe a 3 month lease, max. He is a cheating machine. Paige dodged a bullet. He will say Maybe, after Paige agrees to get some work done.
  18. Why would a conservative have more standards? Virginia might have problems too later in life because of the filming. I think everybody has standards.
  19. But Haily IS the villain. Donating the bracelet to her mom was low class. She should have worn it once or twice to be nice.
  20. What do you think the proper corporate dress code should be? Why do corporate dress codes even exist?
  21. Except for the fact that apparently, Clara is the BJ queen for Ryan. Thats not be cautious, that is being an asshole. If Ryan didnt get BJs from Clara, that would be a different story.
  22. When Eric talks to VA, he always looks like he wants to explode. He was grinding his fist into his palm one time. Does he want to hit her? Eric has every right to expect his wife to spend time with him and not rage out on alcohol with his friends. VA is not a bad person, but clearly has alcohol problems. Eric has every right to try to help her with that. Eric should continue to try to get VA to at least slow down her drinking. Its not Eric's dog,; its VA's. If a woman I started dating started getting on my cats, she would be gone and I would move on to the next girlfriend. I would never give up my cats for a woman.
  23. To be fair to Cal, he was against Chris coming on this show, but was overruled by Pepper. Pepper is responsible for this mess. Paige has responsibility as well. Did you see the way her hair looked. If you are gonna come on this show, you should visit a stylist first, and bring your best. Anthony's wife from Chicago didnt have the perfect body, but she maximized her assets and brought her best. Mindy brought shitty sweatpants and expected Zack to be attractive to that. Why doesnt everybody bring their best?
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