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Gator Stud

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Everything posted by Gator Stud

  1. I agree that everything is speculation until there is proof. The reason why I call Ashley a bitch, and I use that word lightly most of the time. It's because she did not treat David with respect. Had I been in a similar situation, I would have been friendly with a girl even though I was not attracted to her. I would have told her what my favorite color was. I would have told her about my family and friends. I would have told her about my job. I would told her about what makes me tick. I wouldn't have treated him really with disrespect. I would have told him off camera that I don't think it's going to work out I just want to be friends with you. That's why ashley is a humongo bitch.
  2. Here is my retake: T&V Tres is sincere. Vanessa is too. She expects Tres to act like they were dating for years and had a traditional marriage. I think that if they were dating without the pressure they could probably make it. Ironically, the pressure of the six-week decision is making Vanessa act uptight, and will probably drive Tres away. Nobody should give up their lease. N&S Still think Sam is crazy. Neil is a shell of himself since he's been with Sam. If Sam really wanted to prove that she has changed, she should ask Neil to have sex with her. Neil should go back to his old girlfriend. She seemed really nice. D& Evil Robot I think any drama and dialogue is completely producer driven at this point. I dont think David is that delusional. I think the fighting for my wife lines are the producer begging him to say his lines so they have something to shoot. David needs to text some more women, and sleep with them. I think he has been celibate for over 6 weeks. That's alot to ask anybody to do. Ashley might as well just keep up the blank stares. There is only a week left and nobody would buy a change of heart.
  3. He is not allowed to say that he doesn't want to get married until the final episode. Maybe he doesn't know yet if he wants to stay with her or not. Vanessa is forcing the issue prematurely.
  4. 1) Certain people have taken it as a,fact that David stabbed a woman in the throat with a knife. But now people are concerned that the blog may be accurate? 2) Ashley is the villain. But she has dumped on herself. She doesn't need us to dump on her when she is acting crazy every week on my TV. 3) You said that David has faults too. Can you be specific? What are David's faults? That he is needy and keeps trying to talk to Ashley?
  5. I cannot wait for the reunion. Ashley will accuse David of acting inappropriately and stalkerish. "He kept on trying to talk to me and asking me inappropriate question like, what is my favorite color. He kept asking about my family and what I like to do for fun. Total weirdo." "Then he total crossed the line and did something super creepy. He tried to hold my hand and sexually assaulted me by kissing me on the cheek. He almost raped me when he threw me on the bed, but luckily I was able to escape. How is it that the show put me in these dangerous situations?" "Then to make things even worse, he cheated on me with my friend, and I saw the text. He might have held a knife to her throat "
  6. Yes that's me you are calling out. I still think she is a selfish bitch,even if it's not true that she screwed David over to make her ex jealous . There 2 reasons for the disparity:1) Allegations of holding a knife to someone's throat is a serious crime. It can completely destroy somebody's life even if not true. On the other hand using a show and toying with a guys emotions, while slimy and despicable, is not illegal. 2) David pretty much has acted as a stand-up guy tolerating Ashley's bullshit and abusive behavior. Most guys would have either walked away, or gone coke-Ryan on her. David has not been perfect, but not much to complain about. The worst thing you can say about David's that he is needy and slightly delusional. Ashley, on the other hand, has been a nasty rude bitch the whole time. Some people have given her the benefit of the doubt, but by episide 4 most have abandoned her. Her SM campaign is making her look even worse.
  7. Amazingly how this selfish bitch can toy with somebody's emotions like this. These experts need to go.
  8. Last chance at romance? Barf. What in the hell are they talking about? Does anybody think that Ashley is going to have sex with David or that Sam will have sex with Neil? Between these titles and the Talking Heads, nothing resembles the reality of what is going on in the actual show. And why is an atheist giving spiritual advice. What's he going to tell them? Pray to God-even though he doesn't exist - for strength and Guidance? Why is he on this show?
  9. Did she mention how big the penis needed to be? Inquiring minds want to know. Also until I see a mugshot, I'm not going to believe anything coming out of Ashley's camp.
  10. The only reason people are on David's side is because Ashley is so horrific. I don't know any objective person who thinks it's ok the way Ashley is treating David. I think David SHOULD text other woman and have sex with them. I don't know any man who wait sin weeks while a woman decided whether they were going to allow a man to kiss her on the cheek. I'd be peace out after the first date. Do you know any men this patient?
  11. What is the difference between what you said and me saying I heard Ashley is a child molester? I am not saying she is a,child molester, I'm just repeating what some people say.
  12. So now David is a sociopath. How did this go from do we even know if this is him to David could be a sociopath?
  13. I notice this too. They show up and only bash David. They don't even mention any of the other cast members. I am not saying David is perfect.
  14. I think that people have different opinions on things, and I think that is ok. I don't see the vitriol between posters, just vitriol directed at Ashley. Also some people think that Ashley's friends and family are coming on the forum just to bash David.
  15. Currently there are 24 David Nortons listed living in AZ. And those are the ones with listed landlines. Who knows how many unlisted landlines and cell phone David Norton s there are.
  16. I think they don't want to make viewers who hold on to racial traditions, uncomfortable. Theoretically, this show is supposed to have consumption. Showing black male having sex and sleeping in bed with a,white woman might make some uncomfortable. I actually think they would gain viewers if the did this. They do have interracial couples on this show, but blacks seem to be excluded from the opportunity. Black women should just date the best men they could find regardless of race. I'm dating a white woman who is a doctor. I'm not going to trade her in for a black woman who is not as good for me, just because she is black. I think people should just date whoever is the best option, regardless of race.
  17. So you've been lurking and never wrote a post about this show before. And your first post is a deep dive investigation about David's supposed domestic violence charge. But no mention of any of the other cast members. Hmmmm. I am not saying that you are Ashley or Ashley's friend. But it is just weird that this is your first post. What do you think about the other people of the show? Or is David your target? I have know people that have been gaslighted before, and this is how it normally happens. On the other other hand, the producers did let coke head, anger management Ryan on the show, so who knows.
  18. I've kissed women on the cheek within an hour of meeting them and with no romantic intentions. This counts as progress?
  19. The reason why people are more harsh on this season is because the cast is so horrible. In season 1 the worse people were Vaughn and Jaime. They were not that bad, and they both it a,good try. Sam and Mustache treat their men so poorly that people just can't take it. The cast who complain about social media remind me of the actors who complain about the paparazzi. It comes with the territory. If you don't want to be attacked don't put yourself out there in the public eye and start acting crazy.
  20. I feel the same way you do. None of the women are my type, but if I was on the show, I'd give them a try in bed. I would insist that Sam take a shower beforehand though.
  21. Now that I've seen the back and forth about the situation I changed my mind about the whole Vanessa thing. Tres invited his friend and her boyfriend. Vanessa was insecure that a woman she considered attractive was Tres friend. If the friend was unattractive I don't think she would have any problem with it. It might have been because the woman was lighter. Who knows. Vanessa was insecure. Also too sometimes black women don't like it when successful black men date white women. I understand why.
  22. I'll stick up for Vanessa. I was in a very similar situation where I was at a house party with a woman I just started dating. Someone made a comment to me about how we really looked in love with each other. I just smiled nervously and said Thank You. Tres should have just said nothing or squeezed her arm.
  23. "Can you imagine if Vanessa was matched up with the other two guys? They might not be as good looking as Tres, but both really wanted to be married" No I cant. For whatever reasons, this show does not allow blacks to be paired with other races.
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