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Gator Stud

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Everything posted by Gator Stud

  1. I'm calling BS. I live both in the Bay and in Los Angeles and my combined expenses are lower, and I have really high tastes. Two luxury cars- $1200, Mortgage in ATL =$5K. Where does all the rest of the money go? They dont need 2 mortgages unless they rent one out and that would pay for one of the mortgages.
  2. I think he is trying really hard to be a hipster. But culturally he is not a hipster.
  3. Clara seems like a nice woman, even if she slayed it out at the clubs. She needs a filter, but she doesnt deserve to be the BJ gal, with no reciprocation. Maybe Ryan can HELP Clara with her filter. Maybe he could go down on HER for once. What kind of guys are these? They never want to help.
  4. If I was in Eric's position, I would try find out what trauma caused her to get anxious and drink heavily. Does Eric know? Does he even care? If I was getting great sex, I would at least help her. No its not his job and he didnt notice this? Also, just because she has alcohol problems, doesnt mean that she is a bad person. Eric should just be a stand up guy and help her. Even if it didnt work out, he would come across as a nice guy. Now he is coming across like a controlling asshole who doesnt want to do the hard work. He is older than she is. Its time to act like it.
  5. I think you nailed it. Its not that he wont have sex with her. He is not even trying to be sweet and romantic with Clara, like Vinny is with Bri. And He needs to be honest with Clara about why he refuses to have sex with her. If it is because she has no filter, he needs to tell her this. Right now he sounds like Zack.
  6. This IS fair. If a man and a woman go out on a date, who does Society say should make the first move? Is that fair? Ryan is not waiting. He is getting BJ and whatnot from Clara. That is not considered waiting. I dont get the loophole thing. Mormons have the "soaking" loophole. But Ryan is not a Mormon. They are already having sex, just not fully. Does he think he is too good to have sex with Clara? Beth didnt have a filter either, but Jaime was able to make that work and she started to tone things down.
  7. Astute observations. I think VA is consciously trying not to drink and is going through some heavy withdrawals. Good on her. I think she probably drinks 1-2 drinks now instead of getting wicked wasted. I dont think those drinks are enough to even give her a buzz, and she is struggling with it. But she is doing the right thing. I dont think it is Erik's job to deal with an alcoholic. But he should try to be compassionate and helpful. Its going to take her a month to detox. I like VA; she just needs to deal with her issues. If Clara is giving Ryan BJs, he is being selfish for not reciprocating. He needs a therapist too. I think they all do, except Bri.
  8. I grew up in a very religious tradition where women had to cover their head, couldnt do things when they had periods, and were not allowed to talk to men they were not married to, and it wasnt Islam. Protecting women was the main phrase they used. Polygemy was allowed in order to, "protect women". But only for men. Women could not have multiple husbands. Women were ordered what to do by men. For the sake of their protection. This is where I see Eric going. VA has alcohol problems but he should be compassionate towards her and try to understand what the root of her anxiety is that makes her drink? Maybe he can help his wife, instead of gaslighting her. That would be more interesting and useful instead of being the controlling husband. Does he think women should serve men?
  9. Yeah. That has been the narrative. I am not saying the narrative is correct. Is he a corporate guy or a BLM guy? I cant figure this guy out, but he seems really guarded and wont tell Clara the real reason for not having sex with her.
  10. No. I think internally they are popular with Conservative Blacks, but not externally. I do think he is trying to figure things out. I straightened my hair when I joined a band and dated plenty of non-Black women. I dont hate him for having the Syndrome I am just observing. Its not really his hair, per say. Its more his affect. Its really off and guarded. He never looks chilled out like the others. I dont think we are seeing his real personality. It could be editing.
  11. Nobody classifies themselves this way. Everyone denies it, in fact. I recognize it very well. I feel comfortable in my diagnosis. I just dont think he is being his authentic self. Like when they went over his house and everything appeared need for the cameras, but when you dug in under the hood, it wasnt neat. I've seen this a million times in corporate America. Like code switching. And like why Blacks that can grow hair choose to be bald. I think he is thinking about his corporate career while being on this show, and cant relax and be himself.
  12. Model Minority Syndrome is when a minority forces themselves to renounce their authenticity to prove that they are the ideal American and that they dont represent the false stereotype or their race. Its a form of self-gaslighting. Its a form of assimilation with the American culture, but done in a very disingenuous way. I'll give an example. When I was growing up I went to all White schools, where I was the only one or two Black person. I told my classmates I didnt like watermelon because of the Syndrome and that made me seem more like them in their eyes and closer to the cultural norm. But really I actually did like watermelon and was gaslighting myself to fit in with the cultural norm. Good Blacks dont wear BLM shirts in the Syndrome viewpoint because that separates you from the norm. Asians are now going through a different strain of the Syndrome. I hope this helps. I wonder what Ryan thinks of Chris?
  13. My thoughts: Jake is passive-aggressive and should be concentrating on looking good for the next girlfriend who may watch this show. Jake is not a bad guy, but it is time to move on to greener pastures. If I was in his position, I would go out with Hailey to bars and and get numbers from women who actually like me, shile still be Hailey should just try to be nice and genuine. They wont make it. Chris I think is full of shit. I don’t even believe that he has a kid coming. Paige is an accountant. I expect better from her. She is supposed to be analytical. I don’t know what game she is playing. This couple sucks ass. Brianna and Insecure will make it. I like this couple. They seem to really like each other. VA seems less drunk lately. I thought she had a point about 5 animals in a tiny apartment. Its going to be a nightmare and stress out their marriage. They should just rent a place before they buy, and Eric should AirBnB his place just in case things don’t work out. Eric seems inflexible and condescending. I don’t know why they would match a MAGA with an anti-MAGA. I know several divorces going down with friends on mine in the same situation. Especially since VAs sister is a lesbian. Its like matching an Orthodox Jew with a Halal Muslim. Theoretically it could work, but the odds are not good, and nobody really would be to blame since it would be entirely cultural. Eric has to fully accept VAs sister, even if he doesn’t believe in her rights. Eric does look tiny compared to Viviana. I didn’t realize she was so tall. Everybody is bigger than Eric. He looks like a good pilot though. VA has to give up her dreams of passing out on her male friend’s sofa. That would be a good compromise. Poor Clara. It looks like she has to do all the hard work. Is he at least going down on her to show appreciation? I like her. She is bit over the top but genuine. She should probably get a makeover since she seems naturally beautiful. She could tone down the blonde by adding pink. Ryan is fighting internal battles. He want to be the Model Minority, so he communicates in controlled, corporate jargon. On the outside he is neat, on the inside he is a messy train wreck. My parents were hyper-religious, but I raged it out the first chance I got. He seems guarded and like he is holding something back. I don’t understand his hair or beard patch. I’ve seem some White guys with it, but they normally have hipster beards. I think he is trying to be a Model Minority hipster, but its just not working out for him. He should get a makeover too. I noticed he wore a BLM shirt. I wonder if that affected group dynamics. Also, Model Minorites don’t wear BLM shirts, so he is completely mixed messaging.
  14. He has got Model Minority Syndrome. He doesnt talk like himself and always seems to have his guard up. He sounded like a consultant when he was getting on Clara about the donuts.
  15. Why do you say he is creepy? He is passive-aggressive, but that is different than being creepy. Why do you say that Jake would scare you in an elevator? Are you saying he is a potential rapist? I dont get that vibe from him at all.
  16. She is boring and annoying. But he has to get it together. His goal now should be to look good to future women that are watching this show. If he played this right, his phone would be ringing off the hook after the show ends. Instead of constantly bringing this up to Haily when he knows he repulses her. He should have fun, take her our to have fun and show future women what fun dating him would be like.
  17. I would say this is a lease and that MAFS is indirectly paying for it.
  18. I think you've answered your own question. If my girlfriend only had sex with me 2 times year, I would be traumatized and super sensitive to my new wife not having sex once with me. If he is attracted to her, he should have sex with her. What is worst that can happen. Unless he is afraid that his package is not big enough because of what Clara's friends told him about that. Clara's friends blabbing could be why she is not getting laid. What if his package is not big enough and she blabs about to the whole world. Ryan will have a hard time with the next girlfriend.
  19. No MAFS bought her that Benz. That is why Chris is on the show. To get loot for his other family.
  20. After making her wait this long, it better be good.
  21. After last week I have revised my opinions (I’m on the West Coast) 1) Eric is kinda controlling. Texting every hour is unnecessary. In Eric’s defense, I would want my gf to text me all the time if she regularly passes out. VA drinks too much. I don’t think it is editing. She looks rough with all those hangovers. If she stopped drinking for a while she would look 5 years younger. After being called out as an alcoholic by Chris, I cant believe she is still raging it out on alcohol. 2) All of the friends are completely on fire. They are good people. The preachers said the right thing, almost. They were fine when they dragged Chris. But they were wrong to tell him to make it work after he again told them he thought Paige was ugly. They said Paige was a diamond. That was going a bit too far. I think the baby momma was going to stick with Chris until she learned that he went bareback on Paige. Paige was wise to mention it. I do think his ex is better looking and its not related to her shade. Chris thought he was going to watch a catfight, but the cats tore him apart. I loved it. This is what Jesus truly wanted. 3) Vincent and Brianna are going to make it. Vincent has to get it together and stop being insecure. Brianna has to be sensitive about joking at Vincent’s expense. 4) 80’s guy seems ok. I agree he and Hailey’s friend should hook up. Hailey should at least try to get through this with dignity and be nice to 80’s guy. 5) Clara and Ryan. Ryan, can you please bone this lady? She really wants you and is starting to feel insecure and desperate. Clara, you should stop begging for it and act like you no longer want it. I don’t understand why Ryan is making this so difficult since he said he is attracted to her. He seems wound really tight. I wonder if the comments Clara’s friends made to Ryan about how he better have a huge penis has impacted things and have gotten inside his head.
  22. By mulligan, I mean a second chance to make things happen in bed. Thats not happening. Also Dr. Pepper is ghosting the couples. She is the one who insisted on adding Chris after Pastor Cal warned her. 80's wife looks like another wife from a different season. I think it was the really nice guy who had acne, but was really chilled. Forgot his name.
  23. I am new. Here are my thoughts: I am on team Chris on the whole Eric thing. Eric should have never talked to Chris that way. Eric is not Chris’ father and Chris was well within his rights to drag both VA and Eric. They deserved it for being so nosy and interfering. I think its possible production encouraged it or came up with the idea. It seemed fishy that they always showed up late, just in time to throw gasoline on the fire. But I really like Eric, and besides that one mistake, he is probably the most stable man on the show. I hope he finds a good wife. I am not sure VA is it. Either VA is a raging alcoholic or editing is making her look bad. VA should go to rehab. I like them as a couple when VA isn’t shitfaced or puking on her male friends couch. Eric is right to be upset that his wife plans to pass out 3 days a week on her straight-male friend’s couches. No married man would tolerate that. I hope her guy friends are not hot. Eric would go crazy. I don’t think Eric is too controlling. I think if he had been married to a more mature, less alcoholic wife, he wouldn’t say that she cant have guy friends. I am on team Vincent. What does “totally Vincent” mean? I took that to mean he is usually a bumbling idiot. It was meant to be kidding on the square. I think she now knows that she cannot say things like this anymore. When a woman is more educated than a man, it causes these types of problems. My sister has an MBA and she has the same problem. I love this couple. Maybe production set this up to create drama. Clara. I like her personality. She seems to wear heavy makeup and very long fingernails. Not my type of thing, but to each their own. I think Religion will get in the way, unless Ryan was exaggerating. I don’t get Ryan’s hair at all. I don’t get the patchy beard either. Why is he outwardly totally neat and under control, but underneath totally a slob? He should have sex with Clara, unless they are lying, or production is making them do this. I hope they make it. I forgot their names but the 80’s guy seems cool, but he will never get laid if he keeps on going on about the 80’s. The wife is boring and condensing and seems to lie. She could wean him off of the 80’s thing, but she doesn’t like him. Things went south after they had sex. I don’t think she had an orgasm and she is not giving him a mulligan. They are done. My main man Chris. I am trying to figure out who is better: Puke, Matt the basketball “playa, druggie Ryan, or Chris. It’s a hard choice. I don’t know who is more desperate: Paige, Mindy, Katie, or basketball wife who refused to wear makeup. As an aside, people going on this show should always wear makeup and wear their best outfits. Michael, the liar dressed horribly. Mindy blew it by wearing those ugly pants. If you refuse to wear makeup, don’t expect guys to be into that. If you have a shitty beard like Michael the liar, don’t expect women to have a WAP. Anyway, back to my man Chris. Even if he didn’t knock his baby momma up, he was always going to cheat on Paige. So Paige dodged a bullet, but she keeps on jumping in front of more bullets. Chris must have an amazing dick. Because I don’t understand why she stays around. Nothing else makes sense, unless she really needs the money. She looks really desperate. Chris both mumbles and has vocal fry, the worst of both worlds. I think in 5 weeks, Paige will stay married to Chris. Finally, I wanted to get something off of my chest for years. Pastor Cal asks all of the Black couples if they used protection, validating an ugly stereotype, but none of the other couples. He didn’t ask the guy who “identifies as Black” the question. As a Black guy, Pastor Cal annoys me when he does this and he should stop doing it immediately, unless he is going to do it for all the couples.
  24. You are trying to tell me that Ashley acted nice and treated David with respect most of the time, but production edited out all of those scenes? That Ashley came up with 3 thing that she liked about David, but production was a dick and refused to show them?
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