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Everything posted by Norby

  1. VK would be better off having no words.
  2. 🤣 Yes! If the horrible things Shayne said to Natalie the night before weren’t a big enough red flag, those exposed ankles should have sent her running.
  3. OMG, Nick’s wedding sweat was out of control! While I agree he was looking sick to his stomach about the wedding, I’ve gotta think the sweat was also from standing in the blazing sun in Chicago in summer. The humidity is no joke. And I could see a little bit of sweat in Danielle’s hairline, so it was probably really hot that day. So the sweat was distracting, but I thought Danielle’s makeup was even more of a problem. No one can help how much their head sweats, but her makeup was intentionally applied, and whoever did it clearly hates her. It was like contouring on her cheeks, but it was too high? And also the color of mud? I’m still thinking about it days later.
  4. Lol!!! Yes!! I’m so glad you brought that up, because that was such a stupid thing to say. I was expecting a “USA! USA!” chant to break out.
  5. Y’all, Natalie Woods’ house was the definition of McMansion. It’s like someone thought up a bunch of features that are supposed to signify “wealth” and “taste” (Double staircase! Oversized double front doors!) and shoved them all into one giant house. I thought it was beyond ugly, but the back yard and view were beautiful. No offense to anyone who liked it. I understand personal style varies and if Natalie likes it then that’s all that matters, but like Kitty Carter’s hair, it was just not for me.
  6. I’m with you. I can’t shake the memory of VK lying about the doctor’s appt Jinelle set up for her during her first training camp. Though it’s been a few years, I’m not convinced she wouldn’t lie or spin a story now if it suited her. Basically, I’m not gonna speculate as to why she left the team this year based on anything she says. If our insiders want to spill the tea, I’m here for it, but otherwise I’m pretty “meh” about VK at this point.
  7. I agree completely. I respected how all three, but especially Brennan and Hannah, didn’t make it easy on Kelli and Judy. Not giving K&J any sympathy or understanding about how hard the cuts must be for them as the ones doing the cutting was great! These women were being fired for what appeared to be trumped up reasons (my eyes rolled so hard when Kelli told Lily she’s had a excellent rookie season as she was cutting her). Their reactions were completely appropriate and not unprofessional at all.
  8. Right?! I’ll be damned if MRS wasn’t actually helpful with her comments to Jada in their session with Caroline. And then she was the voice of reason with Kelli & Judy when she said if you have a vet who barely made it last year, stayed at the bottom all season, and are still struggling now, maybe you need to cut them. This is a weird season, y’all.
  9. YOU GUYS!!! Let’s start collecting money to hire the DCC! Instead of dancing, maybe they could just answer our questions???https://www.instagram.com/p/CIGrWZEFx2d/?igshid=10vig4mqopxuo
  10. I wonder if they’re not getting as many older candidates because the pay is so low and the time commitment so great? I know the pay has always been terrible, but it seems like the cheerleaders are required to do more now than they used to. It’s easier to do that when you still live with your parents or have their financial support, and that’s more common with younger girls than older ones. Just a thought.🤷‍♀️
  11. OMG! 😂 Believe in themselves as much as they believe in Jesus! I love it!!
  12. When she said, “And that’s it!” at the end, I laughed. Really?! Is that all???? That was exhausting! Still, I’m glad to see something different on the DCC social media, and it might actually be useful for people trying to get that ‘DCC look.’
  13. I really hope it was just some random person trying to get where they were going at the Star that night. 😆
  14. I met Kelsey Lowrance at a movie theater the season she made the team. She was buying candy and a drink at the concession stand (I was shocked! Shocked, I say!) and I congratulated her on finally making it. She could not have been sweeter! I was ready to shuffle off and let her enjoy her movie, but she was ready to have a little conversation. Clearly, she took her ambassador role seriously, even when she was off duty. Also, she was TINY! Not as tall as she’d appeared on tv. To keep things on topic, Meredith reminds me a lot of Kelsey in looks and maybe even dance struggles. Personality? Not so much. Meredith is probably a lovely person, just not very outgoing on the show.
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