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Everything posted by shouldbedancing

  1. Oh yeah, the "plus sized modeling"... it was fetish modeling right? There was probably only one shot they could use on TV. She did have an interesting life. How'd she get a cat?
  2. At first I was rooting for her. I thought she seemed intelligent and self-aware. But then I realized she was totally delusional. I don't know why Dr. Now tried so hard. I feel like he's kicked people out much quicker. She was in the hospital and lost 118 pounds and she was like, when's my surgery. Uh, you're losing the weight now, isn't that the point? I felt bad she was alone but it's apparent why her family stays away. She makes excuse after excuse. She has these fits, is the queen of crocodile tears and then she's speaking in a creepy polite voice. Sister-in-Law (Susan?) was clearly done with her as soon as she got there. She stayed no longer than she said. How do you feel about losing 15 pounds in two months? Oh it's GREAT! Fine, fine, everything's fine - Oh S#%! I'm gonna die! I liked when Dr. Now was like, she's either really delusional or completely believes everything she says. Both of them are bad. It just shows you how seriously sick these people are, especially when they are her age and have been that morbidly obese for so long. Now Jonathan is the ultimate scam. I don't know how much she paid him to stand there and say nothing but... she got her money's worth with that. All in all, no hope for that one. Sad.
  3. Jazz doesn't look /that/ big... I mean her boobs are huge, though. I feel like her parents aren't taking this seriously enough. It's not just a case of willpower, she has some sort of psychological binge eating disorder. Greg is right that it's not a guarantee that she'll get a therapist letter just like that. They need to listen to him more. I'm glad Noelle is feeling better. She does seem more comfortable. I root for her the most.
  4. Todd is the best frenemy in the world. I could watch this all day. Go Todd! Since when is actually having energy, teaching techniques and encouraging people a sign of having a big ego? It's called actually being a good dance teacher, Whitney! Todd should just make his own class, tho. He doesn't have to wait for her failures. I can't tell if the producers are trolling Whit or if they were all on the Avi thing together. Hearing how delulu she is over him just makes me super excited for the fall that will come later this season. Can't wait! I knew Whitney wasn't going to make it through that tour. It's just common sense.
  5. I really liked that the couples met before the wedding. I hope they keep each other's numbers so they can talk to other people about things besides the aggressive Pastor guy. Why'd they get rid of the sex therapist. That always seems to be the biggest problem. Will they still do the fishbowl of personal questions with the new lady?
  6. OMG in a world full of trigger warnings, I'm surprised there wasn't one. I was holding my breath through much of the episode. And shouting at the screen. Bold moves....
  7. It's getting pathetically hilarious how nobody cares/can tell that Kevin is spiraling. Maybe he will end up dead but it better not interrupt Randall's ep! I loved the twist with the plastic surgeon. I thought for sure she was going to be like Kevin, you're drinking so much... and be that outside perspective... seeing the real him when the people closest to him can't. But she turned out to only be hitting on him. Ha!
  8. Why is everyone on this show so gross? Luis: I am your dad now. Aggressively badgering that little girl. Having a completely inappropriate conversation with her. David Poor's Friend: How about you give me a massage? Gross! She's not a whore, no matter how much money you spent on her (And yes I realize David Poor has no funds and I have no idea how he got approved for a K1 visa). I thought the friend's wife was the sane person but... I watched her closely. She didn't even blink while he was proposing that. What happened?! Andrrrrrrrrrei: She's genetically different, as a woman, she has more feelings about things. Uh... wow. No words. Did he come from 1851? Evelyn: It's a shame that your family and friends can't come to the wedding because they're a poor. Boo-hoo, no help here. It's getting un-fun.
  9. My favorite part was when Larry was like, "You think the same things that I think!!!!" Duh! Jennie's merely repeating everything you say in an dull, bored voice as she awaits her plane ticket to America.
  10. That's what I was thinking. She was saying like... of course I'm comfortable! I'm comfortable in this! But it's just my husband... with this fear in her eyes. Like what's she so scared of? Russ probably isn't going to do anything... he hasn't done anything so far. He'll just be upset and she'll huff off like it's her life. I think the reason she was puking were her own nerves... knowing that this probably isn't the best "career". But she did it anyway. What else is she gonna do?
  11. Nah... banging multiple people right before the proposal has always been a thing, haha. Nick was even crying about it in his season when he was on the Bachelorette.
  12. I just watched this. It was really hard to watch Peter and Rachel. I thought she was so frosty with him. To me, it seemed like she really loved him and wanted him to propose... so going through everything with Bryan less than 24 hours later and being so happy left a bad taste in my mouth. I wish she got a better season, I really did. Rachel did come off as desperate in the end just to get "engaged" whatever that means... because they don't even know where they wanna live. Bryan is the perfect TV boyfriend, that's for sure. The most genuine thing Rachel said was NO to being on Bachelor in Paradise. At least she didn't have to stoop that low. I never saw Peter as angling to be the Bachelor. And if he does, I will take my respect for him back. I agree with Rachel and I don't think she was trying to put him down. "The Process" isn't for him. Because the truth is, you shouldn't be on the show if you're not gonna propose... but at least he was always always upfront about that, even after they got in so deep. I don't think he should be the Bachelor. He should go home and live a normal life. But PLEASE! Eric would be the perfect Bachelor. I feel like he really has matured.... from love or maybe a lot of Wheaties plus that beard. He looked so good. He has a great, fun personality. He's easy-going and open to everything. He's surprisingly smart. I really think he would be a great lead. They could do their first black leads back to back... and then probably no one of color for the next 20 seasons. But hey, that's life. #TeamEric! Make him the next Bachelor!
  13. Wow Jazz was super extra annoying with her grandfather tonight. I'm not sure the grandparents really like her sometimes. We still didn't get to hear what Grandpa was trying to say. I suspect he was going to say something about how hormones aren't necessary if you choose not to go that route or something similar. I don't think he was going to say you CAN'T be a WHATEVER without HORMONES AND BOTTOM SURGERY though inside I feel that's how Jazz feels because she's totally obsessed with that stuff. Jazz was so rude when she kept cutting grandpa off and going lalalala and grandpa attempted to call her out, but she gets no reinforcement anywhere else so it wasn't well received. Jazz is a teenager so she's prone to being a bratty know-it-all but they let her take it to the extreme by being scared to challenge her own ideals. Just because she's transgender does not make her an automatic expert. She's still only 16. The parents and grandparents can do research, talk to others and have their own opinions. They can certainly tell Jazz it's rude not to listen to people or be forgiving when people who are actively trying to meet her where she wants make mistakes. I know pronouns are a huge issue and important, but that argument she had with grandpa about them seemed over the top. He's misgendering her? Well like he said, she was thinking about it... was she transitioning, was she not? Did we get pronouns from her? Maybe he should have said they to be on the safe side but he was coming from a genuine place... she didn't have to jump down his throat. I also felt she was being rude in her spoiled way during the bonus scene with Lynn in the episode before. Lynn was talking about how her parents are having a hard time and her mom still uses male pronouns. Jazz was like OMG doesn't she LOVE YOU?! She doesn't love you! I thought that was extremely rude and insensitive to say to Lynn. She's having a lot of issues with her mom. Lynn's mom is going through things. She's not accepting right now but that doesn't mean she doesn't love Lynn. How hurtful to say... especially when it was not what Lynn was expressing at all. For a transgender person, Jazz's thinking sure is very black and white.
  14. I really think that Chantel and Pedro's sister look alike and it kinda freaks me out, lmao.
  15. That was a nice ending for once. Does that mean the series is canceled? I hope not. I want to see what happens with Saad and Lola.
  16. My live feed cut out during the last five minutes. What did she say to Dean? His family scared her away! Ha, Dean was too young anyway.
  17. I'm so sick of Cody. He needs to go find a glory hole or something. Not having sex for 4 weeks (or 6 I guess since he stopped banging every night 2 weeks before the wedding) is the hardest thing you've ever done in your life? Welp. Danielle isn't perfect, but I can't stand his face and every time he talks. The best part was the preview for next week. Sheila and Nate with their fights and then happy together with no inbetween is strange. I'm hoping it all comes to a head but the preview is probably a fake out.
  18. plling all that hair out that fast... does not even seem possible!
  19. Wow Princess is the real VIP. I wanna a show about her, not the Pooh woman.
  20. Well if Dr. Now isn't concerned about the blood, I'm not! He can probably bleed on purpose.
  21. I love Dr. Now. "If you can't find somewhere to go, I'll have them drop you off at a homeless shelter." YES! But then he caved at called Steven's father. I was a big disappointed at that.
  22. Wow at Justin acting like an actual two year old and ignoring Dr. Now. They both have issues.
  23. That dad seems smart... he has a lot of wasted potential.
  24. Remember that one guy who's dad had to mortgage the house to get him a simple medical transport? How does this guy get a medical RV with a freaking ipad to play on?
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