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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Holy God, have I really typed up a post about fictional characters' potential sexual prowess? *reviews post* Yes, yes I did. Yikes!


    OMG you guys...We don't have any porn tags in here!! *grin*


    Annnnnd... we've devolved into fanfic-dom.  Thanks a hell of a lot, yall.


    Do I need to create a fan-fic thread too? If any of you happen to write fan-fic, please I implore you, make sure your subjects take a shower and brush their teeth first, plzkthx....

  2. ^^ Yup - Nashville is right about the interesting discussion and has created a fascinating thread to discuss this topic (with a hilarious thread title to boot).


    Here is it ---> Post-ZA Society Standards: What Wine Goes With Bob...?


    I've moved some of your posts (the last 4-5) discussing this topic into that thread. Now go discuss!




    ETA: Oh and guys...let's watch the sniping over the Wolf and whether he is a "good" person or not. You are starting to get personal with the sniping at each other, which is NOT civil. Make your point and move on.

    • Love 2
  3. Great idea for a thread, Nashville!! And a very interesting topic. At what point do the survivors consider abandoning their "morality" and adherence to societal standards and expectations - and at what point would WE - in order to survive.


    I'm going to move over the other posts from the Start to Finish episode thread that belong here, so we have this interesting conversation where it belongs.

    • Love 3
  4. Episode synopsis: Todd's crew discovers that finding prehistoric mammoth tusks brings good luck; Tony rebuild his wash plant; Parker opens the biggest cut of his life in an attempt to get more gold than his rival.


  5. I actually think Cudlitz (in real life, without the orange hair) is really cute. And funny as well. When he appeared on TTD last season, or end of season 4, I was very into him. But the character of Abraham isn't quite as attractive. It's not just the cartoon hair and penchant for wife beaters, but the way he rambles on in such a nonsensical way is just maddening.


    Here's a shot of Michael Cudlitz sans the Red. MC


    Yup, I agree. Yum.

    • Love 6
  6. But wait!  She's still going to prison!  Because... well, let me try and figure this out.  Liam basically thinks the real bad guys need to pretend their plan is working, so she has to be found guilty?  The hell.  If anything, wouldn't they be suspicious that Alex pled guilty?  If they wanted to trick them, it would make at least a little more sense if Alex was still claiming she was innocent and putting up a fight.  Going in willing is just suspicious as hell.  Fucking hell.


    What I don't get is the timing and actions of the FBI and of why she has to actually DO something like this. They want Alex to plead guilty to make the actual bombers complacent (this is the assumption). Fine. Spirit her away from the media and all, and plant a story in the media that she will plead guilty because the evidence is overwhelming. She doesn't need to stand in front of a judge the NEXT DAY and plead guilty. Usually these high profile trials take months to set up. So plant several stories in the media saying the "FBI has definitive proof that Alex Parrish is guilty", and that she will plead guilty, and that's it. They could even have her be on camera saying she will plead guilty, but not in front of a judge. Why is Alex actually doing this in front of a judge, which means it's legally binding. They could have a closed courtroom, a "fake judge", and film her pleading guilty and televise that. Maybe that's what really happened. But still, if she actually plead guilty, it makes absolutely no sense.


    The only thing I can say is that when she stands trial, the others have enough evidence that they could prove her innocent. But still. It's binding.


    I'm still blown away at how the FBI is so focused on Alex, they don't even think about someone else, or look at possibly other evidence or anything like that. It's like deer in headlights for them. Originally I thought Liam was running some shady op to target Alex deliberately, but now he's not so...I don't know.

    • Love 1
  7. This is exactly where I am. I was never a big fan of Irving, but I loved the fan presence Orlando brought to social media. 


    Funny, looks like this is not really an unpopular opinion after all. I don't miss Irving either, tbh. Joe is a much better addition to team Witness. But I did love Frank/Jenny chemistry.

    • Love 2
  8. I got a spoiler tag, but I was just talking about that dude lecturing Daryl in the road.  I don't know anything else.


    Mentioned it above - I over-spoilered some stuff since I just scanned for Negan name and tagged it, to worry about later. I'm sure there are a few tags out there are are not needed. But there are some that are needed. Gonna go through and double-check when I have time. In your case, you were providing a description of the character and some people don't even want that much info. Lost of spoiler allergies in here. We don't know anything yet about him, except for the four points above - therefore spoilertag. I'm erring on the side of caution lest I get inundated with a ton of complaints (see previous page).


    In the meantime, watch the posts everyone.

    • Love 3
  9. That would be me.  I've never read the comics and now I'm kinda pissed.


    As you rightfully should be. This is the standard in these episode threads. DO NOT POST COMIC OR SHOW SPOILERS.


    Discuss the episode. That's it. I just spoiler tagged a ton of stuff, probably too much but don't care.


    As for Negan, in this thread there are only FOUR things you can say about him in this thread:


    - His name is Negan

    - The motorcycle gang "works' for him.

    - He's the new villain (not a misunderstood villain, or a nice villain or a bad one). He's the next villain. End Stop.

    - He's played by Jeffery Dean Morgan.


    No more, no less. Go to speculation or the comics thread for anything above the above four points.

    • Love 6
  10. Well all I can say at this point is if anyone is on this board does not read the comics, I feel so bad for you since the whole Negan thing has really been completely spoiled for you. Bad show boards, bad show.


    Exactly. I've already posted a warning note above and am only gonna repeat this one more time.


    No comments about Negan, unless it relates directly to the post-episode clip. You people know this by now. I'm going to start clearing out spoilered posts in here and possible more. DO NOT SPOIL. And before someone complains about the post-episode clip, it's the same as a end of episode clip previewing the next episode. It just aired a few minutes later.


    For the millionth time, DO NOT SPOIL.

    • Love 5
  11. Hey Everyone. Just a reminder to watch the Negan references in this thread. All we know right now is this. His name is Negan. He's being played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He's the next villian. He's got some bikers working for him. That's it.
    Right now, we are veering quite close/barely stepping over the spoiler line. We've stepped over the spoiler line.
    The rest at this point is pure speculation. You can discuss the post-credit scene, but please do not start to even hint at what occured in the comics. Only Speculate. Right now, we don't know where the group lives, why they all have bikes, why Negan is the leader, where they got the weapons from, etc etc, etc.
    If you want to speculate on what's going to happen based on spoilers, go here --> Watch Duty: Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation
    If you want to discuss comic events, go here ---> The Comics: Same, Yet Different
    Respect Those Who Want to be Surprised, aka Not Spoiled. Thanks.

    • Love 7
  12. From what I've read, Henry was always intended to be Jeremy. Even without the Katrina factor, turning the sin-eater into Sonny-boy Whiny-pants was a major misstep, so yeah there was always going to be CFD.


    Yeah, they knew that early on. The problem was the writing. Two steps forward, four steps back, all while never confronting the characters and allowing whininess to rule the day. They could've have kept the focus on Katrina, but built on her becoming evil, all while Team Witness is getting pissed off and calling her out on her inaction/inability to magic/dubious morals and behaviours. If they did that, it wouldn't have been so bad (but she's still have to be killed off at the end of season 2).


    Goffman was the fallguy for sure. This is like a typical old boys club. He took the fall for the show, but obviously was looking way before. I think he was encouraged to find something else, looked and found something, then was allowed to "pursue other opportunities". The Hollywood Writers club is a small one - and there are also union rules to consider. If Goffman helped with some story ideas or some writing, he'd had to be given credit somehow. And I doubt he looks bad in Hollywood's eyes - he was hired by another network quite quickly. We know how badly he screwed up SH, but those sheltered in the network offices may not. Plus, he "knows people". That's all one really needs in the real world.


    For the record, I know many believe Orlando was hard done by FOX, and possible Kurtzman/Orci. Maybe, but if so, he hasn't held any hard feelings for them and vice versa. He just started a company with the former President of K/O Paper Productions, and Orci serves as Executive Creative Director. See. Small world.


    Legion of Creatives - About

  13. Phew. Good, Galavan is gone. Finally. I was getting sick of the mustache twirling. Gordon being the one to shoot him though - I was surprised. Looks like Jim turned a significant corner.


    Loved the Penguin/Gordon/Alfred "gangs" combining forces to rescue Bruce. And was there anything better than Teen!Cat showing up and fighting equally alongside adult males. God, I loved that. And not one of them said something like "she's too young", or implied she couldn't come along, she's a girl, or anything. Just, "Grab a vest, let's go". Awesome.


    Glad Tabitha turned on her pathetic brother. The current boss is starting to irritate me, he's too by the book. I understand why, but he's hindering, not helping.


    Bruce and Silver scenes were sweet actually. And love Bruce reading her perfectly, that it was an act. But he still had a heart and empathy for Silver. That's a nice focus on that trait for the future Batman, as he fights to save Gotham. Anyone think his favourite animal was gonna be a bat?


    That Wayne Enterprises hospital/freak medical place creeps me out. I think that's how we are going to see Jerome be the Joker. We've seen so many bodies arrive at that place, for them to do little experiments on them, and possible have them come back to life. The Joker will be Jerome, experiemented on (hence the acid grin) allowing the same actor to play him - if Gotham gets there.

    • Love 4
  14. Re: the ants......


    The ants to me were supposed to be a metaphor on the show. - a huge number of hungry pests streaming in towards a source of food - the cookie. Parallel to the Walkers all marching en masse towards a source of food - the ASZers. I actually paused the show, because I was like, Why the ants?? Are they fleeing the Walkers....? Oh, Metaphor!!


    And Spencer is also stupid - food is scarce dude - don't waste food, even if it's broccoli. I feel like I am typing the word "stupid" a lot these days.

    • Love 1
  15. The stupidity of some of the characters really me think back to the earlier seasons of the show, and me yelling at the TV, saying "Why the hell are you doing that!!! Are you fucking stupid!!!"


    Remember in Here's not Here, Morgan repeatedly screaming to Eastman, to "KILL ME?" Carol needs to grant Morgan's request.


    Once again, the selfish decision made by a ignorant character causes misery for the whole group. Morgan, letting the Wolf live, now caused Denise's (most likely) death and hurt Carol. Ron, because he's a petulant selfish teen, tried to kill Carl, and allowed the Walkers to enter the house and forcing the occupants to have to leave, risking death in the process. If he wasn't a stupid selfish kid, the house could have held, and they could have survived for a while.


    Remember Father Gabriel, sneaking out of the Church, in his idiotic freakout, then running BACK to the church, being (undeservedly) rescued by Maggie (because stupid), thus allowed the Walkers to invade the church, risking lives and having the people lose their save haven. This is a repetitive "theme" or "trope" in Walking Dead land.


    So mad.

    • Love 10
  16. Carol needs to kill Morgan (and the greasy Wolf) and Carl needs to kill Ron, in order to rid the world of stupid.


    Excellent episode, it flew by - poor Deanna. It's obviously she still doesn't get it, because she choose to be ripped apart by walkers then to die "peacefully" by bullet.

    • Love 12
  17. I haaaaate Dallas, but I also hate for any player to get injured so I hope Romo's shoulder is ok.


    I feel so bad for the guy - truly - because let's face it, as much as the Cowboys are hated, Romo's a pretty amazing QB. He's a tough motherfucker (seriously) who deserves at least a chance at a SuperBowl, but circumstances, and life happen. This is a guy who was undrafted for years, and managed to get onto the starting QB position due to injuries and brillantly excelled. Just look at his stats - dude is a absolute star. He really is.


    When I saw that sack, I knew Romo would be out. Just one minute before, I was talking about how the last time Romo broke his collarbone, that the opposing teams were classy, in that they "sacked" Romo with respect - i.e. not toppling Romo to the ground. Then the next play happened...

  18. Here is your Episode thread for S06.E08: Start to Finish. This thread opens Sunday at 10:00 pm, after the episode airs.


    Before the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E08: Start to Finish - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat, to speculation and chat like crazy! That thread opens this Friday around 5:00 pm.




    Please Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise).


    Respect each others opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves!

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