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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Sisko versus Picard. Given how we saw Picard suffer from the Borg, it was pretty gutsy to make this new not-even-a-captain holding a grudge against Picard. Sisko's emotion, flaws and all, are what I like about him though. Like the loving relationship with his son, which we see from the start.

    I've heard that they wanted Ro Laren to be the Bajoran First Officer. Michelle didn't want to a regular. You can see this with the introduction of Kira. She gives off a Ro-ish feel this episode. A lot of that is probably due to the way the character is written and directed.

    Overall, this episode gave a nice introduction to all the main characters and a few minor ones.

    Anyone notice there is not a wormhole in the intro...since it wasn't discovered until after the intro.

    I loved Sisko vs. Picard and thought the show was ballsy to go there. Even during my first viewing way back when. I mean, the show is trying to get Next Generation viewers to watch and they essentially diss Picard, who everyone (including me) loves. Risky but loved that scene. Too bad there were not more Sisko/Picard. Also told me right away that Sisko was going to be a very different Star Trek character. I also liked that he started as a Commander, not Captain.

    From what I know, Michelle Forbes was offered the role but she said no, so they got Nana Visitor. I liked Ro, but I think Kira is vastly superior and a better fit for the DS9 universe. With Ro, you would have a rebel, but still someone torn between Bajoran and Star Fleet views. With Kira, she was all Bajoran and didn't need to adjust her behaviour simply because she was a part of Star Fleet. The first episode perfectly illustrates that.

    And yeah, I noticed the missing wormhole too. Good job, show.

    On the other hand, I can see a lot of Starfleet officers not wanting anything to do with Picard.  Yeah, it wasn't "him" that slaughtered their friends and family, but looking on that face and rationalizing away would be hard.  All things considered, it would have been more diplomatic to have any other starship be the one that comes to DS9, but [PLOT!] then we wouldn't have the nice moments with Stewart.

    It's a very good thing that Ben's favorite sport is baseball and not football (see George Carlin's wonderful take on baseball vs football) or, even worse, boxing.  Yeah, that will convince the Prophets that humans aren't aggressive!

    But the officers still have to (try) to follow protocol and Picard is technically Sisko's superior in rank, so Sisko cutting him off and angrily saying "he'll do his job to the best of my abilities" was awesome but also rebellous in a way.

    I did think parts of the episode were slow. Sisko with the prophets, the white light was a bit slow for me. A lot of the scenes I loved had Kira in them. Her yelling at the Provisional gov't when she first meets Sisko and her annoyance with him. When she is cleaning up the Promenade with debris and her comment to Sisko about Starfleet not getting it's hand dirty, and especially the end when she faces off with Dukat.

    With this show, it was the antithesis of a happy perfect Star Fleet family. Everyone is butting heads with each other in the first episode, even O'Brien, who is another perfect fit in the DS9 universe.

    • Love 1
  2. CinnamonCW said: Ichabod and Abbie have intense chemistry IMO so I don't want that squandered in a rush to get them together. Let's enjoy the ride!

    There had better be a good ride because then that insane chemistry will go to waste!! Like I said, I love them together, they almost glow in each other's company and are definite equals that bounce off each other so well.

    I am curious to see if we will learn why Abbie didn't give Luke another chance. I am also curious to see how much chemistry Abbie is going to have with future hunk that she can have some fun with, because she should! It will be interesting to compare her relative dismissal of Luke and how she acts with the new guy, to how she is with Ichabod. Just like we all know there is a huge chemistry difference between Abbie/Ichabod and Ichabod/Katrina.

    Indi said: But I still want her love interest to be a real one and for her to form a family with him

    Real yes (temporarily). Family no. Already enough babies/children, though looking back at the Jeremy/Henry reveal, okay cool, that was awesome. I do not want Katrina or Abbie  (or Jenny) having the possibility of popping out a kid. No way.

    I will be interested to see how secure new guy is. Most men might become very jealous of their girlfriends spending lots of time with Tall Dark Handsome British guys. Just saying.

    Millahnna said: While she hasn't been the most well used character, I don't have the large problems with her others do and even if ultimately she will be removed from the show (I've been guessing she'll be killed off eventually since her first appearance)

    I've wondered this too. Nicole Beharie did chemistry tests with both Tom Mison and Lyndie Greenwood, so obviously how those two played off Beharie was important to the show. But I have not heard that Katia Winter did a chemistry test with Mison, which is a bit strange. Wouldn't the "greatest love affair ever" kinda warrant that?

    I'm leaning towards killed off too, either in a show of sacrifice (assuming she's all around good), or consequences her suspect actions and decisions.

  3. 1 -->  It’s expected and appropriate. But do we want to see Abbie and love interest folding laundry as they discuss the monster of the week? I sure don’t! So it should be temporary and function as a means to explore Abbie as a character as well as the show’s mythology. Full disclosure: I’m an Ichabbie end-gamer that prefers years of flirting, chemistry, and perhaps jealousy over meeting parents, pregnancy scares and the mediocrity of tv relationships. I find they dull down engaging programs when too much a focus.


    4 --> They can’t go back and fix the underwhelming slapdash that’s been Katrina. What’s done is done.  <snip>  For starters they should have her escape on her own. There’s also potential for comedy and to endear her to us as she discovers modern life. As mentioned I be she’d be more at ease than Ichabod.

    5 --> This should be funny! Just don’t overdo it.

    I also hope the show takes on darker and more sensual tones. Not exclusively or anything, but similar to how ‘The X-Files’ weaved in and out of different tones.

    Point 1 -- Here here, I'm an Ichabbier too, so as long as we have great bonding scenes between them, however trivial or not, then I'm good. Just think of the Baseball Bow. But pregnancy scares? Yikes, no. And Ichabod's parents are long dead. The only parents to meet are Abbie's and one's gone and the other's in a mental ward. Hmmm...should be interesting. Can you imagine if the mother meets Ichabod (she's in the mental ward) and actually totally believes him on being from the 18th century.

    Point 4 -- yeah, I think Katrina would be ripe with comedy and I think she will acclimatize very quickly to the 21st century. She'll fit in with no issues, contrasting stubborn Ichabod.

    Point 5 - No, I don't think they won't overdo it, like with the jeans thing and other little things he discovered. I know the show said they would be filming in New York City and in London. Abbie and Ichabod hop on a plane to London and him seeing how the city has changed. Man, that would be an eye-opener. I think Ichabod will need several valiums just to cope.

    Big X-files fan and I agree with the darker and more sensual tones. They are fighting the apocalypse after all. Weaving back and forth high tension to more comedy/laid back will suit the show and characters really well.

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  4. I was thinking of "above" as someone she obeys, whether out of choice, duty or compulsion.  I respectfully disagree -- I believe that Ichabod is her equal.  They have a real partnership already, where neither is "in charge".  If Abbie is to have a romantic relationship (and I hope she does), that's the kind of man I want her to have it with (and don't see her accepting anything else).

    Ichabod is definately her equal and they really do have a nice relationship in which they can give and take. They keep each other on their toes, play off each other really well, respect each other's opinions and learn from each other. Honestly. that is what I see..

    I mean, here we have Abbie, who never told anyone about her family issues, never seemed to trust anyone, including Luke. She is completely open with Ichabod. He too - never holds back, tells her everything as soon as he can. Crane's stuck in a rock and a hard place, honestly.

    Crane had already had a positive influence on Abbie too: She has found her "meaning in life", reunited with her sister, gained some closure on the stuff that happened from her childhood, had a good relationshop with her boss Irving. Already positives. Okay, stuck in Purgatory not so good, but she is going to get some good information and personal growth out of that, guarenteed.

    I mean, think of the second last show, where Abbie is "paging" Crane. The smile on her face, a little bit of glee, etc. She deserves someone to give her happiness, be a equal partner, challenge her, learn from her, and work as a team.

    But since Katrina is back (hopefully temporarily), let Abbie have some hot romance for a bit, have some fun then realize how important/valued the connection is between her and Crane.

  5. I am so confused. I know who Abe and his dreary wife and smug father are (and, really, did Abe's beloved late mother knit him that awful hat? It's the only excuse for his wearing it), and Spy Girl at the ale-house, but I cannot for the life of me keep anyone else straight. Big bearded bear guy--is he good or bad? Redcoat or Revolutionary? Spy or counter-spy? I guess the whole point of a spy show is that you really don't know, but gosh this has me all at sixes and sevens.

    I love that hat! Though when I saw it the first episode, I was like, wait, that's so a modern beanie hat that guys wear today, it's not 18th century appropriate.

    Big bearded bear guy I think is working both sides. He killed the Patriots in the opening episode because he got paid to do it. Paid spy, for sure.

    Abe and Tavern ex-girlfriend are Patriots. Dreary-wife I have no clue (probably Patriot). Smug father is on the British side.

    Abe though knows he has to look like he's on the side of the British, to not piss off his father, others. So he's pretending to be loyal. That's all I got.

    And there is nothing funnier than Captain Simcoe in his disheveled puffed out wig, having dinner with Ben, trying to be proper and keep his dignity. When they were digging out that musket ball though, he should be dead solely from the resulting infection.

  6. What I find most interesting, is that given everyone's perilous situation in the finale, all the spoiler talk has been about everything EXCEPT - "How will they ever manage to escape/survive their predicaments?"  So I'm thinking a quick "911" on that flip phone is going to get all the players back in the game pretty quick.

    Good point, CM. No one is like, well, how are they all going to survive? I think mostly it's because the survival will be pretty obvious. Ichabod's got to get out first, only because no oxygen/water/food will make him a dead man very quickly. Unless the vines keep him alive....hmmm. 911 call, very possible though.

    Jenny will NOT be dead, just maybe in a hospital, found by a driver passing by on the road. I know they say "Well, she could be dead, but dead doesn't mean dead", but there is no way Lyndie Greenwood is going to be promoted to regular, and they have her in Purgatory or a ghost. She is too good of a character to waste. So someone drives by, called ambulence, she's fine.

    Katrina, hopefully rescues herself. Abbie will be in a few days, learn some valuable stuff, get forgiveness from Jenny (or someone else), and is out.

    Now our illustrious quadruple can focus on crazy scene-chewing Jeremy/Henry.

    And who says Abbie is the instructor?

    Well, someone has to tell him what the Mile High club really is. The rest, well, maybe some cross-era instructionals can be shared. You know, things in the 18th century were like this, 21st century like this....

  7. No topic on the most amazing woman in Star Trek??

    Episode title comes from an interview with Nana Visitor (who played Kira) after the series wrapped. Visitor commented that Kira's journey had her come full circle.

    Love the character to death. The writers did an excellent job giving her depth and Nana Visitor played her beautifully. Brilliant actress.

    • Love 2
  8. I know that the Redcoats had better resources during the war, but were their uniforms really that bright red and pristine?  I'm no historical scholar, but it just struck me as unlikely that so many officers, while so far from home, would have uniforms in such good shape.  Wigs too.  Anyone have any insight?

    Just reading a bit on the internet about it, the red is supposed to be one of those "official" colours of England, descending from Tudor's times.

    Also, during that war, the guns used required powder to fire, and apparently battlefields would fill with heavy smoke, so to figure out who your enemy or friend was, a bright red coat might help.

    Also, I swear I remember reading this long ago, but the Revolutionary War is where they had "turncoats", i.e. literally a coat with one side blue, one side red. Depending on whose army decided to show up, you could flip your coat inside-out and look like you were loyal.

  9. Clearly Abe (? Jaime bell) only really decided to get involved in the spy plot to save Anna, but I assume his ideology will grow as the British continue to be jerks. Anyone besides me think that the old captain might have been killed by the new captain? New captain is certainly evil and ambitious.

    I didn't see it that way when I watched the show, I admit. I saw it more than Abraham was kind of pulled into the fray, due to the British continuously interferring in this life, whether it be his home, or at a bar, his farm, whatever. The barfight I think was just showing that he had honour. But I do think that Anna was the catalyst - her telling him "Why aren't you spying" made the decision for him.

    New captain is very evil and ambitious. And yes, I think that too, that old killed new, whether directly or issued orders. There is no way the "exiled" captain was killed by one of the townspeople. What better way to frame someone, I would think.

    Abe's father is clearly one of those social climber/power hungry type of people. He wants the keep the British on his good side, because he personally benefts from it, whether it is financially or influencally. Probably both.

    Looking forward to tonight's episode.

  10. Riley702 said: 4. Can she just die in a fire, already? Wasn't she supposed to have done just that? As others have noted, every time she appears on screen, time seems to drag. Headless ex can keep her as far as I'm concerned. Except I might start feeling sorry for him.

    Ha! I love this. Though technically she was burned at the stake, right? The witches said that, and her soul didn't move on, I think? I hope that gets clarified.

    Apparently we are to see stuff on Katrina's family, which from the hints, states that they were around for a while, and also hints at Katrina being around for a while. Like in the 1600's and before. This was touched on a bit, but I would like confirmation if she is long-lived. The four witch Sisters were long-lived, as was Reverend Knapp. Because that would have some implications to the Crane marriage. Ichabod grows old, but Katrina does not.

    Indi said: 5. Who is going to teach him to drive? Is he getting another partner to replace Abbie, while she's in Purgatory?

    Abbie of course. It's got to be in her car. The comic possibilities alone are endless!

    Cracked Muse said: Last I heard, Ichabod and Abbie were still stuck at the tram stop! [Apologies. A little PM "stuff" from TWoP]

    *Ahem*, I fully expect a special PM detailing how Abbie teaches Ichabod all about the Mile High Club. *ahem*


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  11. I don't want Ichabod in modern clothes, but I am glad he found a source for new clothes from his era.

    As long as he keeps the coat, boots and hair (and beard) I'm happy. I though the re-enactment "store" was a great idea, actually. Very creative. The show claims that Crane bought lots of clothes from that lady, so it will be interesting to see what he bought (and would be nice to know where he got the money from!)

    I did like the shirt he wore, during the skinny jeans scene. It was nice and I don't see why Crane couldn't wear button down shirts, to be honest. And normal jeans/cotton pants. But there is something about the antiquated clothing that works well for him!

    • Love 2
  12. Gotta say she's the weakest link here by a long shot.

    I totally agree, and I'm concerned that season 2 will have an increased presence of her character.

    I just hope she can go for more than 10 minutes without being kidnapped or imprisoned.

    This made me laugh. I just want to see something that would indicate that she is supposed to be a powerful witch. Anything actually.

  13. Okay, so I assume I can post this here, in an attempt at some season 2 discussion here, right?

    During Paleyfest, and other articles I have read on what's to come in season 2, what does everything think of...

    1 --> That Abbie will get a "love interest".

    2 --> There will be a higher up from New York that will take over for Frank Irving, at least for a bit. Will Abbie and Crane have as much free reign as they did before?

    3 --> That the show will delve into Abbie/Jenny's family background.

    4 --> Katrina will have a much larger presence in the show season 2.

    5 --> Crane (and Tom Mison) is going to learn to drive and hop on an airplane!

    • Love 1
  14. maraleia and I are big fans of Sleepy Hollow and are really looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    And please, start new threads or contribute to the existing ones - we want LOTS of conversation here!

    Sorry about that, stacey. I think because the Sleepy Hollow thread over at TWoP was a single one and enormous, for some reason I'm thinking of this thread like that too. Off to the discussion thread.

    And there will be some good conversation, if that other thread was anything to go by!! Off to post something to talk about!

    • Love 1
  15. Anyone interested in doing a series rewatch? (If we get enough interest, we may even be able to set up a calendar and spin it into a seperate discussion thread.


    ShadowDenizen, yeah I would be up to re-watching the series. I loved the show when it actually aired but bailed when Worf was brought on board, season 4 I think. I think it was because at the time, I thought that they were going to "Next Generation" the series and remove all of the conflict between the main characters, which I loved. I always considered DS9 the "dark' trek and loved the conflict. I did watch some later episodes and later decided Worf was actually a good addition.

    I do like Next Generation though, but DS9 is far superior to me.

    I have the DVDs for the entire series, so can easily do a rewatch!

    The interesting thing about the show is that so many episodes relied on previous episodes/seasons that set the story, unlike the others stand alone Treks. Critics have said this is why the show didn't do as well during its initial airing, because of the long story arcs.

  16. I like to "do stuff" with Ichabbie via PM!  Oh well...  Looking forward to future conversations when the show starts filming again.


    Ah, all is right with the world - Crackedmuse has appeared, "doing stuff" and waving her Hurricane Ichabbie (tm: CM) flag! Excellent!!!

    I guess The next big Sleepy Hollow news will probably be around the summertime ComicCon. Not much out there now. *sigh*

    • Love 2
  17. Maybe this is a well-known element, but I was very surprised to see any Scots helping the British, given their decimation at Culloden just a few decades earlier. I did get drawn in after a while and so will stick with this. Closed captioning made the dialog understandable, which made a big difference in my interest.

    I'm not surprised, actually, that the Scots were helping. I just assumed they were hired mercenaries and if the money was enough, then who cares. That meeting the head Scot had with the Redcoat with braids (I wish I knew the names!), the Scot mentioned getting paid double or more, so I think they are just hired thugs.

    Did anyone happen to notice which lady ended up with the silk length?

    I thought Abraham handed it over to the Redcoats in his little town. He said he was mugged by the Patriots (bluecoats) and his money was stolen, but he was able to hide the silk from them.


    I'm hoping she gets more audacious! Huge pre-Betsy Ross flags on the line, or needlepoint maps! It might be nice to also get more of Abraham's wife's point of view. She can't be any happier with the quartering than Anna, who at least is set up as an inn.

    What's funny about the quartering is that if the British wasn't to inspire some loyalty from their subjects in the Americas, taking over the townspeoples homes and inns and behaving like spoiled drunken idiots was probably NOT the way to inspire confidence. And they wonder why some people were annoyed with them.

  18. Well, I actually liked it. Very interesting. Yes, the pilot was a little slow, but they have to introduce the characters and set the scene.

    Will say that some of the dialogue was hard to understand, the accents being very muddled.

    The wife being a background character I get, because they are emphasizing that she was not Abraham Woodhull's first choice, so yeah, I guess she gets sidelined.

    I read about the Culper Ring (that's what this spy ring is called) before the show aired, so the characters and situations made more sense to me and I think was very beneficial to read about before watching the show. I know little about Revolutionary War history but apparently this Culper Ring wasn't even known about until the 1930's, which I think is fascinating that it was hidden/not known about for over a hundred fifty years.

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