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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Christmas claymation specials are TERRIFYING! I tried watching one last year, thinking maybe I'd outgrown whatever made them scary to me as a child...nope. Fuck Rudolph and the rest of em forever and ever lol.


    I loved Rudolph and Charlie Brown Christmas (the Vince Guaraldi Trio's Jazz soundtrack is beautiful), but later in life, I realized how much I HATED it. First, because everyone is such an ass - include Santa - that they totally treat Rudolph like crap. Then, Santa decided he suddenly gives a shit about Rudolph, when R can be used to "save" Christmas. Then you have the island of misfit toys, that no one cared about but little R.


    Assholes, the lot of them.


    Same thing with Charlie Brown - all of those kids (and adults) were undeserving bastards to poor Charlie Brown (adults giving a child rocks for Halloween, for god's sake!) Yeah, I had issues as a child...


    As a trusting naive kid, you apparently get one message from those two shows. As a bitter cynical adult, you get another.

    • Love 7
  2. 1) Is it me or has he lost weight since then (heck even since Salmon fishing- his face was fuller)? 


    Yeah he did - a lot. And for someone already so tall and slender, it's quite noticable. Not sure if it's diet of otherwise, but it actually makes me worried about him, tbh.


    Bones/Sleepy Hollow crossover review from The New York Times


    Like that NYTs review.



    How 'Bones' and 'Sleepy Hollow' came together for one of TV's most creative crossovers


    Also at the bottom, scans of three individual script pages with notes. Red by EP Cliff Campbell, Blue by Bones EP John Collier. Ah, that's why he's wearing the ring again....


    I love it when shows give extra information or provide behind the scenes stuff, or even seeing how the script was originally penned, allowing you to compare and contrast how final product appears on screen.

  3. I'm trying to post a picture and I'm getting "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

    This is a jpg I created and uploaded to Google drive. Sharing is set to public. Any ideas what's going wrong for me?

    I also tried putting it in my Facebook photos and FB can't create a link to it. Wha?


    It the file extension. Certain ones aren't allowed to be embedded into the posts.Unfortunately, I forget which ones, but I know that GIF's, PNG's and JPG's are fine, I believe. It happened to me a couple days ago, but I was clicking so fast, I didn't pay attention to which extension didn't work.


    Check the URL too - there may be a problem with it.

  4. Funny USATODAY interview with David Boreanaz and Tom Mison about the Crossover episodes. Both are funny guys and have great rapport! And apparently Mison's a dad now, dammit!....(congrats dude!)


    ETA: now you know why he didn't go to some of the comic cons and there was some filming shuffling...for family reasons (which I suspected, actually)

    • Love 3
  5. Carl was willing to eat dog food way back in the season 3 premiere, but those Alexandrians are spoiled.

    Speaking of food, I thought the strained carrots were just supposed to remind Rick of Judith, not make him think the Wolves took Judith.


    Is it wrong that I felt so sorry for the poor animals locked in the cage, essentially to dehydrate and starve to death? Broke my heart. Nicholas and the other weak Alexandrians - meh. The pets (and Glenn) made me really sad.


    Based on Rick's reaction, I thought the jar of food indicated to him that there was trouble. It's why he then got out his gun and was looking at the side-view mirrors of the winnebago. He knew someone had attacked Alexandria (because of the baby food), and knew immediately he had to stay alert, expect an attack. Plus add to that that Rick couldn't get a hold of Glenn or some of the others...


    Glenn so crawled into the dumpster. I don't know how one crawls into/under a heavy metal box that usually is not elevator off the ground, but he so did disappear under there....

    • Love 7
  6. I agree. We're totally enjoying the Halcyon Days of posting here. (heh)



    And Glen lives, will escape, and FPP dies in the process!


    Heh. Cute (I laughed) . Just stick with the rules everyone and no one gets "hurt". You are a good bunch, let's keep it that way.


    Let's move on from the 15 pages of whatever and our past experiences from "that place", move on from repeating the same thing over and over - it does get tedious and repetitive. Thanks everyone!

    • Love 8
  7. Short clips - promos and BTS's with Beharie, Mison and Cliffy(!) about the Bones/SH X-over.


    Bones/SH Crossover Halloween Event - Bones Centric

    ETA: For some reason, this link doesn't want to attach itself over the text. Here is the YouTube link---> 




    Bones/SH Crossover Halloween Event - SH Centric.


    The more I see these little promos, the more interested I am in this and really looking forward to it.

    • Love 3
  8. If you're talking about reading the whole thread, or being suspended for two weeks, then I don't. I was afraid to comment for *years* in case I slipped up on one or more of those rules, and I would come across people at other forums or blogs who also were, or who were banned for no good reason. 


    I watched Dawn of the Dead, last night. I'm glad our guys don't have to deal with zombies that run and climb (usually). I've seen them walk upstairs, but never seen them actually climb a fence. 


    That's because I don't moderate as harshly as maybe I should. But I want people to enjoy the conversations and interactions and discussions here. As long as everyone follows the rules......


    *cough cough*, no spoilers, don't repeat the same thing ad nauseum, stay on topic, be respectful and BE CIVIL.


    That's all we ask. *smile* Besides...if you people have the patience to read through more than 15 pages of threads, more power to ya!

    • Love 9
  9. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for S06.E04: Here's Not Here. This is terrible though - when I read first read the episode title, I read it as "HE'S not here".


    This episode is once again, 90 minutes long! This thread will close at 10:30 pm, and the episode thread will open at the same time.


    Once the episode airs, head on over to this link --> S06.E04: Here's Not Here to continue the discussion.


    • Post No Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise)
    • Respect Each Other
    • Always Be Civil
    • Enjoy Yourselves!
  10. Episode synopsis: A new face appears; trust issues form.


    Here is your thread to discuss S06.E04: Here's Not Here. This thread will open Sunday November 1st, at 10:30 pm, because the episode is 90 minutes long!


    Prior to the episode airing, you can mourn, speculate and live chat about the episode over here:


                               ---> S06.E04: Here's Not Here - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat


    • Post No Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise)
    • Respect Each Other
    • Always Be Civil
    • Enjoy Yourselves!
  11. Episode synosis: Todd encounters big issues as he attempts to move his 50 ton washplant. Tony's dredge finally starts producing gold. Parker piles on the pressure and it proves to be too much for one of his young crew members.
  12. Okay, I'm not shipping (really, I'm not. I think), but Tom Mison as an actor manages to relax and lose some of that stiffness during his scenes with Nicole Beharie (and even with Lyndie, to some extent). And I find the chaste hugs between Crane and Abbie to be more intimate (and dare I say hotter?) than those two love scenes.


    *sigh* Alright guys - I guess I'll take one for the team...I'll find Mison and determine truly if he's really a "bad" kisser (seriously doubt it) and get back to you on the verdict.... *grin*


    Honestly, I think it's part of the character. He's supposed to be reserved and formal in his bearing, as an 18th century man should be. That's why whenever he sits down, Crane's back is straight and rigid (see the Immigration prison scene). Mison has commented that he never realized how bad his posture was, until playing the role. When Crane is standing, his hands are always clasped behind his back, and again, very formal and rigid. Same with the woman of that time - very courtly and reserved, as expected. For example, he should never appear in public without his coat on - but he does in Abbie and Jenny's presence. And it's reflected in his behaviour with the wife and others.


    I like the difference that Crane is so much more relaxed with Abbie and Jenny - he knows them, trusts them and feels comfortable in their presence, knows he doesn't have to act a certain way. It's a lovely thing to see this actually.

    • Love 6
  13. I cannot disagree with you enough.   :)


    I agree about the shaving - he's one of those guys who looks better with facial hair. But I agree with you sinkwriter! Moar, please!


    I fervently hope he keeps it because there's no way he'd look like the Ichabod we know and (mostly) love without it.


    It's why I've dubbed him The Chameleon - dude can look really different depending on hair (colour, length, style), facial hair, with/without glasses. Unrecognizable at times.


    Forgot to mention (I think) how I love how Jenny was filming Crane "teaching" in the classroom. Lyndie Greenwood is so good in the role, and Jenny just gets so many kicks out of what Crane does in general. Love them working together in this episode.

    • Love 3
  14. Hey Everyone. I know we are in mourning and everything (why, WHY?), but just a reminder that discussions about the Talking Dead should actually go into the Talking Dead thread. There's been some light references to some things that occured on The Talking Dead, which shouldn't be discussed here in the Walking Dead episode thread. Thanks!



    • Love 2
  15. I don't think Ichabod is flirting.  What does that even look like for a person like him? I'd agree he's flattered and that Zoe hasn't demonstrated her obsession in a physical way yet (like Andy did), but there's a reason Abbie pointed out the huge number of text messages twice in the episode.  And that most of them had nothing to do with the citizenship issue.


    Here is a screen shot of the texts. Crane is the one in blue. If I didn't know the background or who was texting, I would think these were just two friends chatting. There's nothing here that indicates romantic at all. The only thing that does is the volume of text messages, which can indicate romantic or friendly interest.


    Personally, the character of Zoe looks/act so young that it seems like a teacher-student relationships, not a romantic one, though Mison is 33 and Maya Kazan is 28. It just looks off for some reason.


    Pandora: You're not like the others, are you? And you don't crave mortality. Not your own or your sister's or even your fellow Napalutu. (echoing): Napalutu... And yet you fight. You fight like you have something to lose. So what is it, my brave one? What is the one pesky thing that you cannot accept to lose?


    Thank you for the transcript, fantique! When I first heard her speech, I thought Pandora was saying that Abbie isn't afraid to die. Reading and analyzing it, it could be intrepreted as Abbie doesn't want to die, doesn't want her sister or Crane to die fighting in the Apocalypse, but she fights against it anyway (therefore risking death), because she's afraid she will lost something very important to her.


    I think the "pesky thing" that Abbie's afraid to lose is hope. That's why the father mention. Abbie's father being alive still gives her hope for a reunion, for a family, a parent in her life. Abbie fights because she is afraid if she doesn't, she loses hope (for herself, her family, for humanity, for the world.) That's my interpretation.


    I would love to know what a napalutu is.


    I found a reference a few days ago, but now I can't find it, but it's apparently supposed to mean "Destroyer.


    ETA: SpoilerTV Advance Review - Dead Men Tell No Tales.

    • Love 3
  16. Following Rick and his plans has lead to lots of ASZers becoming walker chow, not that Michonne had any better luck in this episode.   At the rate they're dropping, they aren't going to be any ASZers left to follow Rick or Michonne.


    I was thinking the same thing, tbh. But the Wolves were part of the problem. Rick and co were leading the walkers to wherever (I still don't know where), without problem. It wasn't until the car horn blared out, that a group of walkers got distracted. This was the beginning of the end, because a) the Alexandrians were completely poor and naive and insufficient at dealing with the zombie apocalypse and b) too many bloody walkers.


    Looking back, yeah, Michonne, Rick et all should have said "fuck you" to the Alexandria residents and took over. However, we have to remember our favourite characters when we first met them. I remember Glenn being pretty saavy yet scared, Michonne pretty messed up, Rick naive in the beginning, Carol timid and unsure. How far they have come...


    RIP Glenn.

    • Love 3
  17. /channels Paigow


    Thank You for being a friend.

    Traveled down the road and back again
    Your heart is true,

    You're a pal and a confidant.


    - Apparently what Rick should be singing when he finds out Glenn is dead.


    (yeah, I'm old and watched the Golden Girls....so sue me! *grin*)


    I will say, this death blew me away. I did not expect it, did not read any spoilers, did not think it would happen. Noah's was more gruesome and so much more viseral and disturbing...either the writers wanted to spare their main guy a violent death, or that was Nicholas's body on top of Glenn's. (I vote Nicholas' body being disemboweled)


    And no offense to Morgan-lovers, but next week's episode looks to be such a "downer"/mellow episode, that it in a way ruins the momentum and intensity of the last few episodes. But I know that this episode will be important for plot purposes/backstory. Still, it kills the "mood".

    • Love 3
  18. Andy Lincoln played that scene to perfection. Nominate him, already!


    Hell yes. Andrew Lincoln is a ridiculously good actor. Why he has no Emmy...bcause there is no justice. But then, the talented ones rarely get the kudos and awards they absolutely deserve.


    I'm jumping on the Guts Save Glenn bandwagon. In a beautiful callback to his first appearances, Nicholas' guts cover Glenn and save him. He needs to be saved. Smart saavy brave people should not have to die due to the cowardly stupidity of other people.


    The body count was insanely high this episode. Almost every Alexandrian is gone. Heath can stay, I like him (and he's nice to look to - Hey! we need some levity).


    The Walkers body presence was insanely and scarily high.


    Michonne is the best, hands down.


    I love how half of the posts in this thread is the sentence, "Fuck You, Show!"

    • Love 16
  19. OMG! They killed off Glenn! How could you do that, show??


    Nicholas, what an asshole. He is directly responsible for the death of Noah, Glenn, his team from before, the others during this little "mission", etc. Rick and co are so right - weak Alexandrians.


    Rick's losing it again. He has the crazy eyes. I don't know how he'll get out of this.


    Why GLENN! WHY!

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