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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I don't think Abbie's conflicted about Crane  or her work as a Witness. Her reaction when he said something about meeting her again made me think that she was remembering Pandora's words about being alone.


    I read elsewhere someone else's theory that everytime Ichabbie had a "moment", a flower would bloom on Pandora's tree. Because I am a sucker, I rewatched the Pandora parts of the first three episodes to confirm that.


    Nope. But what I did discover...okay, we all know the tree's "nourishment" is fear. It's a Fear Tree. So any time a demon that Pandora released was able to pull fear out of these people, her tree (or a blossom) grew.


    At the end of Blood and Fear, when Crane said "I am more grateful that we found each...one again." Okay, it could be initally misintrepreted as shipping (as I did). But I don't think it is.


    He says that, then the show cuts to Abbie, and she looks - I don't know, like she had a disturbing revelation or something. That look I think was this. It was fear that Crane was back in her life. Because him being back in her life means that the demons will come back, the fighting as Witnesses comes back, the disruption of her life comes back. Fear that she can never "live the life she dreamed of". Right after that, we have the shot of the Pensieve, with Abbie's face swimming in the water. Then Pandora smiles, and a rose bloom opens.


    Abbie is fearful. She's fearful of the implications that Crane's return brings to her. The tree needs fear. That fear in Abbie made the rose bloom. Does that make sense.


    Like having a nice glass of wine after a long hard day.  Watching these two find their places and exploring their relationships, is lovely.


    I like this. Season 1 and 2 reallt missed the personal moments. The bonding, even the downtime between the mains. That's why last years scenes with Jenny, Crane and Abbie in the bar were fun. We need the downtime too. I love it too!

    • Love 6
  2. I think she hoped Annalise would get caught, fingerprints, pills, whatever...and go to prison for murdering her lover's wife.


    I never even thought of it! But I think you might be right. I mean, I will be honest - I think Mia(?) should be given the chance to decide her life - but then I guess she could technically stop treatment and go home to die. She seemed so genuine though, and in pain (from the cancer and side effects). I never thought of this one, but yeah, for sure. I thought Annalise would be smarted than that.


    Damn emotions.

    • Love 1
  3. First of all, what the hell is a Pensieve? I though Pandora was looking at Abbie through a pool of water.  LOL


    In terms of Abbie being alone if Crane died, Crane is Abbie's only true friend and peer. I know she has Jenny, but that relationship is different. Jenny's her little sister, and yes, they've managed to repair their relationship despite the years of misunderstandings and betrayals. But Abbie doesn't share everything with Jenny, either because she wants to protect Jenny, or because Jenny's a hothead, or because she just doesn't feel comfortable telling her everything. Abbie doesn't like sharing things with anyone, but she's slowly starting open up with Crane. And that's a valuable relationship she doesn't have with anyone else.


    And I agree that each week the stakes are being raised and the suspense levels are going up. I'm liking this season a lot, even though it doesn't have as much fast-paced action and excitement as Season 1. Pandora, for example, is a much quieter villain than Headless or Moloch. And that's okay. Seeing the same kind of antagonists and threats year after year would get old.



    Yes, that one threw me. It's not like Sleepy Hollow has CDC toxicology labs. Maybe the FBI does? Eh, I choose to ignore it.


    Any medical lab in a hospital would most likely have some samples kicking around - you'd just have to get it illegally.


    I get the 100% reversible part. I guess I just don't think of malaria as being so common that you can easily get a syringe full of infected blood.  Flu would have been more plausible to me (and they earlier referenced the Spanish flu).  Or any number of infectious bacteria that are easily obtainable from a research lab (anthrax?  plague?).


    I could take a vial of Malaria home if I wanted to. I could even transfer some malaria-postive blood into a different tube and take it home, and no one would ever know. A patient's hematology samples (that's the department that tests for the parasite) are not held in secure locked places, so any medical employee with access could grab the vial sample and take it with them if they knew which one to get. No seriously. I'm really not joking. It's not treated as a major biohazard that incredibly contagious/infectious. I will add that this is my situation - not all hospitals/labs.


    To get technical in a way, the small amount of blood that Crane injected was not the problem (though would make him feel ill). Malarial parasites basically destroy your blood cells by growing in the cell, leading to severe anemia in major cases. That small amount of blood would only have so many parasites (some probably dead), and they wouldn't have a chance to infect and destroy in cells. Hell, there wasn't time for the injection to circulate through his system. The more serious aspect was that Crane was STABBED! In the lower body, possibly damaging some organs and he had huge blood loss.


    For the Malaria, Crane just needed testing to determine whether he had a G6PD defiency (most likely not, since he's English), then prescribed Quinine or a similar anti-malarial drug. It was the blood LOSS and stabbing that was serious! Dude should have been in a hospital.


    1) You break my heart! It's a Harry Potter reference. A pensieve is a thing where someone can watch memories.


    A Pensieve! I didn't even catch that! First Dementors, then Pensieves! Someone likes HP - Good man, Cliff Campbell!


    I liked the episode, but thought that the first part would be Crane's fear, then the second half, Abbie. When that didn't happened, I side-eyed that, but by the end realized that it's a longer arc for Abbie. Her fear of abandonment and being alone is the theme that Pandora's playing on.


    Loved the final scene with injured Crane and Abbie patiently sitting with him. Just lovely and my shipped heart warmed! And what is actually surprising me is that I really am thinking now they are going to get those two together. I didn't think so, but knowing this is most likely the last season, Cliff and co are going for broke.


    I actually like how the reasons for Pandora's target of the Witnesses is not known fully, but it's obviously it's personal for her.


    Jenny being awesome, getting back the Anubis thing and basically being annoyed that someone is one-uppering her at her game. Awesome. I really like these scenes and Lyndie is killing it.


    Still not sure what Daniel Reynolds agenda is.


    This show needs to be able to swear. Shooting some guy and they fall out a window does not garner an "oh damn." It garners a "Oh shit!"


    Oh, and SH Casting department...If you are going to cast a young Crane, try to get the eye colour right. Tom Mison's eyes are very blue, and you can't miss that, so try to get a blue-eyed kid next time. Cause you know - eye colour doesn't change that much (naturally).


    I am finding the interactions between Crane and Abbie really interesting this season. Crane seems so much more relaxed and comfortable. I mean, he still has that formality and stiffness from his time and upbringing, but around Abbie, he just seems so mellow and relaxed and content. Abbie, however, is not. She seems more reserved and she is obviously conflicted over Crane and his return. She had nine months doing her thing for herself and her future. Now Crane comes back, evil returns and she's back to square one. BUT what did Pandora say at the end of the episode - she fears losing Crane, fears fighting alone and BEING alone. That shot of Beharie's face at the end, where you knew that she is totally conflicted about Crane, about them, about the Witness obligations, about this person who she feels to close and connected to. It's not even shipping, it's just very interesting and a new dynamic that I see.

    • Love 1
  4. I was with them right up until they said it was malaria-infected blood in the syringe. All I could think about then was why the writers chose malaria, and then how they managed to get blood from someone with malaria in Sleepy Hollow.


    It has to be a blood-borne illness that was 100% treatable and reversable - like Malaria. Anything else like Hepatitis, HIV or whatever would be very bad - and permanent for Crane.


    And Malaria is much more common then you think. I work in a med lab, and probably about two or three times a week, there would be patients who were positive for Malaria. It's pretty easy to determine and view on a blood film. Why so much malaria? Because citizens go back home to visit family (India, Asia mostly in our cases), and are too cheap/stubborn to take malarial meds in advance. Then they come back, get a fever, come to ER and boom! Malaria. Very common.


    I liked the episode. More to say on it later, but Pandora is targeting Abbie specifically I think. Crane is feature and a part of the targeting, but in this episode, his past childhood experiences were used to basically highlight to Abbie her fear. Being alone/abandoned. This theme will continue throughout most of the season.

    • Love 6
  5. I could even make a lame "down at the Rogers, the Rogers Centre" joke but I won't.


    Hee. SkyDome, man. Always the SkyDome. The "Rogers Center" has been forced upon us, but it shall forever be know as the SkyDome!! *grin*


    (Seriously. Everytime I mention where the Jays home field is, I immediately think/blurt out SkyDome then have to correct myself and say the Rogers Centre - it just doesn't sit well, isn't right. But yeah, SkyDome to a lot of us!!).

  6. Also. MY JAYS WON!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!! Ok I'm done. Thanks for indulging me everyone.


    Also also, I do hope everyone realizes that most Torontonians are not jerks who would throw things from the upper deck. When the Leafs lost back in 2013, we all went home quietly and were sad, when the Raptors lost last year we all went home quietly and were sad. This was just an unfortunate anomaly, and what I hope were reletively few jerks in a crowd of 50,000.


    Yeah, I totally concur. Hell Yeah Jays!! When I heard about the idiots throwing beer cans (not allowed into the SkyDome aka Rogers Centre!!), I was like, SERIOUSLY!! I expect better from Toronto fans in any sport. We are Canadian - we have a reputation to maintain......


    Anyway, honestly, the response really didn't surprise me. I think back to the fallout from the Vancouver Canucks losing the Stanley Cup a few years ago, but I thought, if those fan bastards can burn a city like that...Toronto has no chance.

    • Love 1
  7. Taylor Shaw disappeared in Pennsylvania 25 years ago, when she was five and Weller ten.


    Well then, I must be a callous and miserable person, because seriously? Someone you knew 20+ years ago still haunts you? Yes, there are people who consume you, but this seems extreme. I can't remember one week ago, yet alone 25 years. That's why I am having a hard time with this "Weller longs (platonically) for Taylor). It makes no sense, because it was so far ago. Granted, as I have said, I have zero memory, so maybe this is fine. But how many of you, in your thirties around, can remember every detail about a kid you hung out with when you were ten years old?


    There are some people who fortunately will because they are blessed with good memories. But I suspect there are a lot more who do not. Which is why I can't help by side-eye this storyline.

    • Love 5
  8. Wow. Congrats Toronto Blue Jays!! That was amazing. And Jose Bautista - the shot of him hitting the home run, glaring at the field, then flinging his bat back in a definitive "Fuck you!" was the BEST!!!


    I'm from Toronto and we are definitely a bandwagon city. Prior to this, we could barely fill the Rogers Center . Now, tickets are sold out and scalping for huge bucks.


    The crowd noise in the Rogers Center was insane. And I have never ever seen a team celebrate like this for what was essentially a semi-final win. I swear, this was like a team who won a SuperBowl.


    But so many Torontonians and GTA-ians are walking around wearing their Jays jerseys and are totally into baseball.


    And honestly - if Toronto lost by one point - especially after that crazy 7th inning call...I fully expected rioting in downtown. I really did.


    ETA: Munenori Kawasaki just gave the BEST interview ever (SportsNet). I was in tears in laughter. That guy is AWESOME!


    ETA Again!: I guess most of the people here aren't seeing the SportsNet broadcasts that I am - there are fans still in the stadium, singing the tune to that "OLÉ, OLÉ" song, but totally upbeat, and singing instead "JOSE! JOSE!" OMG, We are the BEST!


    ETA Three: Quiz? How many bottles of champagne were sprayed over the Blue Jay players tonight? Hint. All of the players spraying each other with champagne right after they won. Then dumping entire bottles on each player. Then running along the field edge, cheering with the fans, and spraying THEM with booze. Then in the locker room, MORE booze. The players are wearing ski masks, everyone is soaked, and Toronto is happy.

    • Love 4
  9. I find it interesting that in many ways, Ichabod is the more conservative/strait-laced of the two yet he has always been an open book with Abbie, willing to answer all her questions and talk about his life before he met her. Meanwhile, Abbie is the one who lives in the modern age of oversharing but she is the one putting up fences and not wanting to tell him about her relationship with David. It was very sweet to see Ichabod share his secret with her and then gently coax her into telling hers.


    ^^^ This. So this and so true. Love this comment.


    • Love 2
  10. I'm still having a hard time buying this whole thing of them deciphering the tattoos to figure out a crime. The 2 leaves overlapping to look like a bird logo was a real stretch, does whoever tattooed her want them to solve the crimes or not? Why make them so ridiculously complicated if you want them to be solved, or why tattoo her at all if you don't?

    The person who tattooed her and wiped her memory would have been better printing out the clues on regular white printer paper, locking/hiding those clues in a safe, and tattooing maybe only THAT clue - the clue to the safe - on Jane when he/she/them left her body in Times Square. Or you know, simply left a note with her? I mean, it was a very visible place to leave her so a note would have been good too and much less effort.


    But then we don't get the drama/extreme look of the tattoos.


    I'm still so confused about Weller's connection to Jane and why it's so important to him. So he's at least 5 or more years older than her, right? He said he would look in after her, because her mother worked. Then the newspaper clipping stated a Five-year old girl disappeared, but wasn't she supposed to be ten? And again, I just can't relate to him being still so messed up that his neighbour he knew as a kid disappeared. His family falling apart, yes. But then, I would expect him to be resentful of her, not all moony and sentimental.

  11. Here is you thread to discuss the second episode of season 6 - JSS.


    Episode synopsis: When it appears that things are starting to normalize in the settlement, a new problem arises for the Alexandrians.


    To discuss about the episode before it airs, please go to:
                               -------------> S06.E02: JSS - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

    This thread will open Sunday Oct 18th, at 10 pm.

    Remember - DO NOT post Comic Spoilers, Fear the Walking Dead information or any discussion about the Talking Dead. We have threads for that.

    Please remember to be Civil and Respectful to your fellow posters, but always make sure you have fun!

    • Love 1
  12. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your viewing and posting pleasure!


    Episode synopsis: When it appears that things are starting to normalize in the settlement, a new problem arises for the Alexandrians.


    The thread will open Friday night (the 16th and close right after the episode airs on Sunday, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread:  --------------------->  S06.E02: JSS


    DO NOT post Comic Spoilers, Fear the Walking Dead information or any discussion about the Talking Dead. We have threads for that.


    Please remember to be Civil and Respectful to your fellow posters, but always make sure you have fun!

  13. Episode synopsis: Three remaining teams go to battle to create mind-blowing Halloween-themed displays that capture the horror that results from robbing a grave. Actress Bex Taylor-Klaus from MTV's Scream will help determine which two teams will move on to the final battle.


  14. As mentioned, it would have made more sense to have her change into her "super-spy" outfit.


    That "Super Spy" outfit of hers - it screams modern to me. Is it supposed to be her 1700s spy outfit? Everytime I see it, I think modern times, hence probably the belief that she's gonna appear in the modern times.


    I think I would have rathered her try to seduce Howe, and knock him out in a bedroom and escape. The big bulky dress reason does make sense - like stated above, I wish they would have had a quick line of dialogue that stated that.


    Interesting casting news - I remember this mentioned early on -

    the season will be split between two villians - Pandora then this guy. If that's the case, I can see Pandora switching sides, the joining Crane/Abbie in fighting the new big bad.

  15. The pool/zip-tie scene creeped me out due to my fear of drowning. That exercise was just terrifying (to me).


    I thought it was weird that FBI Drunk Guy simply handed over all of the information about Alex's father. Maybe it's too much TV and real life examples of censored infomation released from gov't, but I was side-eyeing that big time. First, it's a major security and confidentiality breech and second, I wouldn't trust the information in there, since he readily handed it over.


    I hope that makes sense. No one ever revealed about Alex's father to Alex herself, yet suddenly FBI guy is so conveniently willing to share the info? *Red Flag*

    • Love 3
  16. It's just stupid that Miranda wants the recruits to think that thinking about yourself is apparently wrong, and being 'team first' is better.


    See, I thought this was the actual purpose of the exercise. How can you work together as a team, trust your fellow FBI agents if you are only thinking of yourself? By being selfish and self-centered, you put your fellow agents, the FBI and the public at a whole, at significant risk. You also - as an agent in a precarious situation - would most likely need to consider sacrificing yourself for the greater good (aka, the USA, the FBI, the People, etc) if you tended towards selfless. Which is what the FBI wants.


    If you are selfish, thinking of only yourself, then you are a weakness to the FBI. Because how could another agent trust you, when you are only in it for yourself?? So when an opportunity arises, where it's either your life, or your betray your colleagues, which do you choose? If a gun is pointed at your partners head, and your own also, what do you do? Cowtow, or find a way to save both you and your partner? The FBI wants you to choose the FBI/Partner/Colleagues. If you were to choose yourself, then you are an inherent weakness and easily manipulated.. I think that was the message.


    At least, that's the message I got from Miranda's little exercise, and it totally made sense (to me).

    • Love 12
  17. Great episode. Totally creeped out by the Quarry of Walkers! Apparently the special effects budgets for the show has significantly increased.


    Lots of great moments tonight. Rick is definately determined. Morgan is conflicted. Interesting dynamics throughout.


    But where did they think the Walkers were going to go? At some point, some other noise not caused by Rick's gang are going to distract them.


    Honestly, I was thinking the easiest solution would be to find some TNT or dynamite or something and blow up the quarry. But I guess the noise would distract far away Walkers maybe?

    • Love 2
  18. On a shallow note, I kind of miss Ichabod's ponytail, but at least the coat and boots remain.  That scene in the first episode when he changes from his orange prison outfit and we see him sort of backlit, putting on his coat --- I think I may have cheered. ;)


    Thought I'd miss the long hair too, but no, it's much better. Because it can actually be combed properly between takes - since it's Mison's REAL hair. And it's a good length for him. I approve.


    Edited to add:  I'll be in the 'real' Sleepy Hollow Friday night taking a candlelight cemetery tour!


    OMG! That is the coolest thing! I love (and honour) old graveyards. I don't know what morbidness draws me to them but...Anyway, that tour sounds amazing and something I would LOVE to do - please share the details in Small Talk! /curious, interested and fascinated!!

    • Love 2
  19. Uh...the premiere is a 90-minute episode. Why in the world close this thread before the episode ends?

    They might not be aware of the extend episode time. I didn't even know until you mentioned it. Hopefully they'll catch it and leave the thread open unail 9:30


    Damn! Yeah, you're right! "They" (that's me) didn't see that until just setting up my DVR a few minutes ago. This one is 1.5 hours. The times have been updated to reflect the episode run length.


    Oh, and PLEASE PM me for things like this, in case I miss something that needs to be fixed! Cause it happens and that gives me a good heads up/gets my ever wandering attention! Much appreciated!


    I want to watch this live, but the Toronto Blue Jays are playing (losing?) game 3 of the postseason and I am being forced to watch. Ugh.


    Everyone enjoy the live chat and episode discussion!

    • Love 8
  20. Season 6 is here everybody! Oct 11th heralds the returns of the 6th season of The Walking Dead, and here is your episode discussion thread for your posting pleasure.


    This season's threads will operate as last season - a speculation/live chat thread open up until the entire episode airs, then the actual episode thread will be open and available for discussion.


    Here is a quick link to the first episode thread --->  S06.E01: First Time Again - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat


    All of the same rules as last season apply - DO NOT post any comic spoilers. We have a separate comic thread for that. Also, as always, be respectful and civil in your posts.


    Enjoy the new season of Walking Dead awesomeness!

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