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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Pretty good episode. Quite liked it.


    Loved the humour - damn, Crane makes me laugh. Mison is brilliant with the comic bits. I was howling with his reactions in that colonial restaurant thing whatever. Even the prison Yo, peace man to the other prisoner was a riot. Mison has a gift for comedy (he really does, though I don't think he - or others - realize it) and there's lots to gleen from it in this show.


    Thrilled at the Abbie/Crane and Jenny/Crane reunion. I love Crane and Jenny together, so it made it all the more better. Truly - as much as I love Ichabbie, I crave Jenny and Crane bonding scenes. Hell, any scenes. Truly, the two actors work wonderful together and the characters have this great chemistry also - love them!


    I will say that I kinda wish they portrayed more what Crane's reaction would be to seeing his own grave. I mean, yeah, he gets the weirdness, but I was hoping for a bit of poignancy over him discovering what was to be his ultimate "resting place", and maybe a reflection over his loved ones who mourned his death. I will say it totally screamed "National Treasure!" to me (which is a great thing - love the movie)


    Good solid story, though with some past influences that may not be so good... And you know what - Pandora?? I like this character. I like that the cop saw her first in "weird" clothing, then as a modern person just wandering. I love her introducing herself to Abbie in the bar, spotting the other Witness (Crane), and being all shady and such. Loved it. If they do it right, there is a good villain here to present. I'm in for this.

    • Love 8
  2. Doubt-posting to provide a link to this really interesting article. It's a four DECADE long study done by York University (located here in Toronto, Canada).


    Basically, the consensus is that it's becoming much harder to lose weight and keep it off, due to a variety of factors - both internal and external. The changes in gut microbes really fascinates me, especially when you think of how a large number of patients tend to contract C. Difficile in hospitals. It causes severe diarrhea and is incredibly hard to treat. The most effective (but controversial) way to treat it? A *cough* infusion *cough* of human feces works almost every time.


    Quite fascinating read.

    • Love 1
  3. Here is your episode thread for the season finale of Fear the Walking Dead. This thread will open at 10:00 pm on Sunday October 4th, prior to episode airing. Prior to that, please head on over to chat away in the pre-air thread here:


                                        S01.E06: Cobalt: The Good Man


    DO NOT post any Walking Dead spoilers. For any Walking Dead discussion or ever reference to the show that contains spoilers, go HERE


    As always, be good posting, respect your fellow snarkers and have fun discussing the end of the world (In Fear the Walking Dead Land).



  4. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting enjoyment! It's the last one of the season, so hopefully we'll see some walkers and get a really good cliffhanger to keep us around!!


    This thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread to continue the discussion....


                                                    S01.E06: The Good Man


    Please remember -  DO NOT Post Any Walking Dead Spoilers. For any Walking Dead discussion, go HERE.


    Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters!

  5. I missed a line or two about Weller's background story on Taylor. Were they close childhood friends? Because for some reason I thought that Taylor was Weller's sister. The actors even have almost the same light greenish/hazel brown eyes, so I think that's why I think that. Same with Jordana Spiro's sister character attending Shaw's memorial.


    I guess I don't see why Weller is still messed up about a childhood friend. Everyone has childhood friends that they never see again. However, knowing that her disappearance caused their family to fall apart makes total sense. But then why would Weller go to memorials for her? And why would Taylor/Jane still obsess, keep tabs on Weller as an adult? Someone had to know of Weller and Taylor's connection as children, but why him? She must have had other friends, people she knew later in life.


    Could the bearded guy be Taylor's dad also? Or related to her somehow?


    Guess the show can't be too bad if there are lots of mysteries/questions to ask about it.

    • Love 1
  6. Live viewing is dropping, but the +3 and +7 numbers are steady, so I think AMC is happy with these results.


    FTWD has to compete with Sunday Night Football, and this past Sunday also had the CSI series finale and Quantico premiering all at the same time, along with NFL.

  7. That was a good episode, but disturbing. From throwing the bodies off the building, to the attempted torching of the bus full of high school girls, to killing almost all of the cops at the G6PD...disturbing.


    I actually see Jerome as more Heath Ledger joker. Nicholson was violent, but not to these extremes. Remember the pencil trick? The end with Essen headbutted him, and he was getting a kick out of the pain he felt was Ledger to me. It does inject a crazy twisted vibe to the show.


    Two out of five Maniax are dead. Jerome and Barbara will be last-Maniax standing.

  8. Remember guys, not to discuss any Walking Dead spoilers in the Fear episode threads. Some people haven't caught up on TWD yet. However, if something about the zombies was learned in the previous 5 episodes of Fear, that is okay to discuss, since it occured on Fear itself.


    I've spoiler-tagged some posts that are clear information about TWD.


    If you want to discuss the zombies, etc, you can go to Clarks vs Camp Dinner Bell: Compariing FTWD and TWD 

    or for some more detailed Zombie info, the Walkin Dead has this thread that focuses on the Walkers: Zombie Talk: Gruesome Gory and Grabby.

    • Love 3
  9. It seemed slow. I was waiting for something to happen, but it never seemed to. Really surprised they made CJ (?) pregnant right away.


    When Hap and the wife were pleasantly driving the happy young couple out to some "surprise" location - in the middle of the night - I half-expected Hap to shoot them and dispose of the bodies, since they did sort of swindle, or at least take away his lucrative land deal and access. I just found everyone too trusting of each other.

    • Love 1
  10. The only one that bothered me was when it was said that FBI training at Quantico is the toughest boot camp combined with the hardest grad school.


    I always thought the "order" was something like Special Ops/Navy Seals, Marines, Navy/Army (not sure which order), then Airforce. But these are military branches. Maybe they meant the hardest boot camp for federal police officers, which I could see. Looking it up, apparently Coast Guard is very tough also.


    I kinda see FBI and CSI similar in terms of requirements. I did always think though that those recruited for the FBI had prior police experience or even detective work. Can one go straight from a university program like Criminal Justice and go straight into the FBI? That I don't know.

    • Love 1
  11. Pure speculation on my part, Alex father isn't dead, the finale is Alex finally catching him.

    That could be one of three reasons:


    1. He's not really dead. He totally walked off that injury and he'll be around before the finale, duh.

    2. The FBI know more than what they lead on; Mormon's death was a test but he's not really dead


    Oh, I like that speculation. I was thinking this too actually, except wasn't Alex's dad dead on the floor with a slug in his forehead. He had blood coming out of his forehead. And Caleb (the Mormon guy), they showed blood spatter on the window behind him, after he shot himself through the mouth, and the blond guy witnessed it.


    But I was thinking this. I was also thinking that this is all a ploy to someone get information from Alex, or they think Alex knows something, or something. Or even trying to get info from her, that maybe the FBI thinks the mother told Alex. Why set her up deliberately, so that's why I think it's all to get info - or a physical item - from her, that belonged to dad.


    Though DrunkenFBI Agent guy it looking pretty shady to me to, especially when A. Ellis character was helping Alex escape.


    CarSex guy is an agent who was assigned to watch Alex. That's what I gathered. I hope it's a good twist. I could see Simon being the one though. But I am leaning toward ShadyFBI guy, and the fact that they are trying to get information about Alex's dad.


    It's a good show, entertaining, so I'll watch.

  12. It's that most wonderful time of the year - Autumn and the coming of Halloween!! Season 5 of Halloween Wars kicks off with it's first episode, Infestation, airing October 4th, 2015.


    Episode synopsis:  Five teams made up of an expert pumpkin carver, cake decorator, and sugar artist go to battle to create mind-blowing Halloween-themed displays that capture a terrifying infestation. At the end of the battle, one team will be eliminated with help from a special guest judge, actor Robin Atkin Downes from The Strain.


    • Love 1
  13. I hate to dissuade you in case you might end up liking it, but honestly?  If I were in your position of having missed a couple episodes and weren't all that thrilled with what you've already seen, I'd recommend just sticking it out until TWD starts back up in a little more than 2 weeks.  I'm only watching it still - and plan to watch the last 2 eps of the season - because I was too dumb not to find something better to do during those hour-long time slots the last few Sunday nights, and/or not have the time to watch the DVR later.


    If nothing else, if you are super bored, you can marathon this first season FTWD during this season of TWD's mid-season hiatus.


    Ugh. I just don't care about it and haven't felt like I missed anything. TWD starts up soon, and I will never miss an episode. But this series?? I should really get caugh up though, because there is a second season so...


    It is really interesting how shows grab people, I have to say. Certain ones are must see TV, and others, can easily fall by the wayside.


    Thanks though for the advice!

    • Love 1
  14. I love this show. I want it to do well. I'm giving it a chance and keeping it an open mind.


    Me too. I'm in, gonna watch live (sorry, NFL Football), and gonna enjoy. Haven't seen anything from Clifton Campbell, so have to give this guy (and his writing team) a chance. As with last year, I won't know until I watch, if it grabs me again, and even then, have to give it a few episodes to understand where they are going, how they've laid out the season.


    As for the Ichabbie - as I said elsewhere - if it happens, you have to set up the journey. There has to be a start - middle road of discovery - and finish. There are 18 episodes, lots of time. Either way, just entertain me.


    This show created the amazing characters of Abbie Mills, Jenny Mills and Ichabod Crane. They are portrayed by amazing actors who I want to see on my screen. They have a beautiful chemistry when together (yes, even Jenny and Crane) that is a rarity on TV. It's fun, crazy and funny and sometimes creepy TV.


    And, OMG - less than a week before the premiere! YES!

    • Love 3
  15. Not true. Plenty of people complained everywhere about her skinny pants and high heeled boots in S1. Still, there is a huge difference between skinny pants in the modern world and total nonsense like Sexy!Smart!Betsy.

    Disagree.  No one in the threads that I've been reading, have said a single thing about Abbie and the skinny jeans/tight clothes she wore. Not one


    As for the the BR outfit, I do NOT want another K-wife. However, I recognisze that reality of TV. And the reality is that most of the leading executives of TV/Hollywood/etc etc, are men.


    If you honestly think that "SexyBetsy" isn't a ploy by the clueless masses... Well, I can only help you so much...

  16. Not sure how this went from complaining about "stupid sexy pirate costume" of a fictional version of Betsy Ross to judging/condemning  people IRL who wear ratty jeans (looks at my worn jeans).  No one has said nor implied anything of the sort.  That's a false equivalency and not the issue.


    But for the sake of discussion, if Abbie is wearing a corset under her Fed threads good for her!  But if that corset sees the light of day whilst she's doing her job as an FBI agent , you can bet I'm eyerolling the shit out of that.  And it has nothing to do with her being Katrina. It's a trope of sex up the gals in silly ways.  YMMV


    Abbie has been wearing inappropriate tight skinny jeans/pants and high heeled boots for two years - yet no one mentions that. Interesting.


    I'm not condemning ratty jeans because I wear them -- I am a fucking slob and proud of it. But what is the consensus on people who wear such items? Homeless? Poor? Pathetic? Useless? etc etc..


    "Super sexy pirate costume" is unfortunately a reality in TV World. Women must look sexy. Do I deride it? Hell ya. Do I realize it exists? Hell ya. TV networks know that sex sells - assuming their timeslot fits that bill.


    "Super Sexy Pirate Costumed" person...fact is, you/we know nothing about this person at this point. Granted, if that character becomes crap, then yeah, let's slam and eyeroll the fuck out of it. Otherwise, you have to wait for the episode to air.

  17. It's really not nonsense when we spent last season rolling our eyes at Katrina's corset wear. It would be nice if they gave us something different with Betsy but right of the bat we get promotional material that reinforces the same tired cliched "sexy" trope.


    Let me ask you a quite valid question. If Abbie was seen wearing a corset, would that make her a "Katrina?" Would Jenny wearing a corset-like top make her immediately useless, unhelpful and frankly - pathetic? No, it would not. Everyone is applying Katrina visual characteristics to a character that  - so far - we know nothing of. Now, if the episode airs, and her motivations or behaviour seem very Katrina-like, then yeah, I'm wrong.


    I am wearing a pair of ratty jeans. Am I homeless (not yet). Am I unemployed? Am I in fashion? Maybe I'm working in the garden. Maybe I just don't care. Point is, that famous phrase - "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

  18. Honestly...the clothes don't bother me.. It's the behaviour and manner and purpose of the character shown. TBH, the shot of BR, looked like clothes that Jenny would wear. And I LOVE Jenny to death. But I love her not just because of her kick ass clothes. Because she herself is interesting, and kick ass, and fascinating etc etc.


    So these still shots of these new characters are irrelevant - I need to SEE them act, and interact, to determine what their purpose is, what their personalities are like, etc etc.


    I'm not gonna dismiss a character because they are wearing a corset, because that's exactly what I expect from the male-focused Hollywood world. Just like I didn't complain about Abbie wearing tight skinny jeans and high heels when on the job. Not realistic, uncomfortable, but fact - On TV. Same with the other women. They must dress sexy - this is a requirement. There is a reason that Beckett on Castle - TV NYPD detective - wears 4 inch heels.  TV.


    So to harp on the corset nonsense before actually seeing how the character appears on-screen is nonsense. Wait till the character has some screen time. If she's crap, then by all mean, slam her. But a picture does not make a full story.

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