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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Goodness, those colonial ladies sure did like to wear their foundation garments as their only garments, didn't they?


    Isn't corset-training the thing now again? Maybe the costume designer was trying to be trendy? *shrug* Otherwise I got nuthin'


    Man you guys are full of wet blankets today, lol.


    Come Phoenics to my lonely side and sit on my DRY blanket. I am going to watch and hopefully it'll be a fun and good season. Won't know until the episodes air, that's all I got to say.


    Beyond that, Kim Roots - a writer for TVLine who was pretty vocal about how season 2 sucked - tweeted that she watched the first episode:


    Kimberly Roots ‏@kimroots 22h22 hours ago

    I've seen the #SleepyHollow S3 premiere. If you're worried, you shouldn't be. Solid on all fronts.


    If those that slammed S2 last season, and giving good reviews, that that bodes well for me.


    Here are some more TVLine spoilers about the show. SH is two questions around the middle of the page.

  2. I'll add that during the "wedding", Penny seemed so "Yeah, whatever, let's get this overwith" that it threw me.


    Penny can be girly, but is not excessively Girly Girl. But honestly, but she seemed to me like a special wedding would be important to her. Not a big wedding. Not a fancy wedding. Just something that MEANS something to her.


    And honestly - that Vegas wedding?? She's just like "Meh." Not a good start. This alone tells me she needs to marry another. Which may happen, come to think about it. BBT is on for another two years after this. Why not?

    • Love 2
  3. Okay...c'mon, you can't say this isn't a brilliant promo!! The music, the *ahem* shot of Crane in Abbie's laundry room, etc etc...


    First Promo


    I'm coming off HTGAWM and it's awesomeness - I'm jazzed, man.


    But honestly, this promo was FUN. This is what I expect. This is the fun crazy show I want to see. I have good feelings on this...


    I should add this - Kim Roots (TVLine) was another person quite critical of season 2. Here is her quick tweet on viewing S03:E01.


    I'm just saying man, give it a shot....

    • Love 4
  4. Last five minutes - this is me...


    Oh My God....Oh My God, OH MY GOD!!!!!!


    This is a hellava show! Dear god. Bonnie is the killer - we saw her obsession with Annalise before. Annalise that the new lawyer woman (Famke Janssen!). Whoa! Conner being adorable. Michaela with some spunk. The club, and I'm sorry, but damn, does Annalise feel attracted to Wes? Because man....


    That final minute!!


    Oh My God....Oh My God, OH MY GOD!!!!!!


    Oh, and the male eyecandy - thank you Shonda! Yummy.....

    • Love 5
  5. Scanning channels last night and I realized that yes! This show is actually airing on channels I can get (Canadian feed). Watched Spies last night.


    The Harriet Tubman/Octavia Spencer was hilarious. Beautifully done and the narrator (Crissle West) was a riot. I think excessive swearing is an essential part of these "retellings"


    The other ones were not as funny, though the "James fucking Bond" part was priceless.


    Does Derek seem to be more drunk this time around, or just faking it more? I always think he's pretending he's wasted, not actually drunk (since he's kinda directing things, isn't he??), but he seemed pretty gone for all three segments.

    • Love 1
  6. Bam Bam is back! Don't get me wrong, I'm still not happy that he pulled that stunt in the first place, but I'm glad he's back. Hopefully having their defense back to normal means the Seahawks can knock it off with the losing.


    I originally thought that Kam Chancellor was in the middle of contract negotiations, and wanted more cash, but no, he's in the middle of his existing contract, refused to report to training camp and is being fined. Dude is only (ha - only) making $4.6 million this year, and already has incurred penalities of over $2 million?? And now he's coming back with no change? What was the point??


    If it was only money - well Kam - you kinda blew it dude...

  7. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting enjoyment!


    This thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread to continue the discussion....


                                                    S01.E05: Cobalt


    Please remember not to post any Walking Dead spoilers in here. For any Walking Dead discussion, go HERE.


    Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters!

  8. Episode synopsis: The National Guard's plan for the neighborhood is revealed. Meanwhile, Travis and Madison make a difficult decision.


    Here is your episode thread for your snark and analytical enjoyment! This thread will open at 10:00 pm on Sunday September 27th prior to episode airing. Prior to that, please head on over to chat away in the pre-air thread here:


                                        S01.E05: Cobalt: Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat


    DO NOT to post any Walking Dead spoilers here. For any Walking Dead discussion, go HERE


    Enjoy the episode, have fun commenting and as always, please be respectful to your fellow commenters!

  9. Yeah, lol. It's the same one we've been discussing - and btw, this reviewer (as I said above) also gave glowing reviews of Deliverance.

    That hurts her credibility to me.


    Really? *shudders* Okay, credibility lost. Damn you!! *shakesangryfist*

  10. Yeah - this is how I saw it too. The only worrisome part was if they are trying to make Abbie adversarial to Crane rather than his partner, and if they are trying to show SBR as being a better partner.


    Nah, I completely doubt it. Scully was never considered "adversarial" to Mulder. She was logic, Mulder was passion/obsession. Same with these two. Abbie is Brains/Logic, Crane is Impulse/Emotion. It's been that way since day one. In fact I'm surprised people are not happy about this - that she's isn't simply taking Crane's word and aiding him in his emotional pursuits. Last season people complained she wasn't fighting against his whims and blindly following him. Now that she is, it's potentially a problem. I just realized that actually as I was typing....*grin*


    In some of the press releases for the show (3.02 and 3.03), they mentioned how Crane and Abbie have to confront their pasts. That's what BR is for - you need a link to the past to get answers. Of course, I kinda wish they could have spun it so that Crane's mother or father were spies or something. Eh. Not gonna worry. This is only chapter 1 of the 18 chapter story- there will be twists and turns during the journey.


    If they are really dumb enough to do K-wife 2.0, then they deserve the fate and reviews they get. Though the comments about the corset wearing make me laugh. Everyone does know that women in the 18th century (and before and after) were required to wear corsets, no matter what, right? That was the proper way women should dress, otherwise they would be considered a harlot, or scandalous woman. Flashbacks of BR will have her wearing a corset and dress.


    Now, if BR is wearing boots, jeans and a corset-like top, then yeah, dumb dumb dumb wardrobe. Disappoint.


    ETA: yeah, never mind. Just saw some episode pics. Yup - dumb. And apparently I predicted her outfit dead on.




    And if your prediction is right that this is the final season, then we will never get Ichabbie, which would be a shame.


    My prediction yeah I think that's right. When SH finished last season, they were able to negotiate to secure their advertising revenue for season 3, based on those numbers. They know how much revenue they will earn from SH, and are saving money (like with Bones) by forgoing the promos. However, the poor opening of Minority Report, the lackluster Gotham return and possible Scream Queens not doing well may have them second-guessing. Empire kicked ass on it's return, so they will continue to funnel money into that show - it's a sound investment. However, since there are so many people unwilling to give the show a chance, the numbers will suck on return. But when the last episode of SH was much better in ratings than the Pilot of Minority Report, then SH could have hope - but no one wants to watch anymore or give it a chance. So it's the last year.


    As for Ichabbie - lots of time, man, lots of time. I can see them working towards it by season end. For sure.


    I thought it was supposed to be released yesterday?


    Certain shows may have had the promo aired last night, but in terms of being able to upload a link to it here - should be out today on the internets...

  11. They turned Abbie into an idiot!


    No they did not. A scientific sensible minded person who takes a step back and looks at things logically is not stupid at all. They are analytical and intelligent, which is Abbie from day one. It's too bad that you think Abbie is dumbed down. In fact, it provides a nice contrast to the others (hello Scully!) and who know for how long that will last. Especially since Abbie's been in Quantico and working for the FBI, therefore seeing all manner of evil on the streets in the last year, caused by the typical evil that is humanity. I'm looking forward to this.


    I should have kept that to myself. It wasn’t in my review. Someone asked me here and I told them. Still, it’s an opinion, no different than the one SpoilerTV writers who hate Abbie give. No different than all the reviewers give. It doesn’t mean you don’t tune in and watch. I reblogged another reviewer who loved it. The show had its moments, it did. Ichabod was hilarious. If you like Icha-sass you’ll love this episode. If you wanna see an Ichabbie hug you’ll love this episode. If you wanna see Ichabod blush over his relationship with Betsy you will love this episode. If you wanna ship Ichabod with anyone but Abbie you will love this episode. Wanna see Abbie shoot a lot of stuff, you’ll love this episode. Wanna see Betsy do her Laura Croft thing, you will love this episode.


    A little extra info from Blackhoney, on the review. It all sounds good to me, actually, for the most part, but reading the "ship Abbie with Crane" stuff, I am kinda at loss here. As much as I want romantic Ichabbie to happen, I'm getting the impression that unless the opening of the episode is Crane ripping off Abbie's clothes, throwing her onto the bed and then having wild sex with her, then the show is bust. Not gonna happen. You have to lead into the relationship, if there is going to be one. The rest is smut fan fic. They have to reconnect, get to re-know each other and go from there, if it goes there. We won't know for a while. It's just weird.


    Oh, and that Six Things to Expect from SH sounds promising actually! And what,

    Crane and Jenny actually interacting! Yes! Crane in his ancestral home in Scotland (I only wish we could see those scenes - for me, the Scotland scenary and old home part), nice. Crane having Immigration problems - welcome to the new world. Gotta wait and see how it unfolds!


    Apparently the first promo is to be released today.


    ETA: Moved review link to Media Thread.



    There may be some things some of you consider spoilers, for that reason, you may not want to read my review. I believe I have posted nothing that hasn't been told to us already, but you never know.




    Hmm...Well, I'm gonna still watch live (yes!) wine in hand (yes!), hoping the episode grabs me and makes me smile, or at least entertains me.


    When Gotham ended last season I think I remember my post in the Gotham episode thread being something like "What the hell was that??"


    But I watched the season 2 opener this past Monday and it was really good. Some things had changed, the motivations of characters changed or the character themselves were slightly different, but it was really good - so I'll adopt the same attitude for SH. *crossesfingers*

    • Love 1
  13. Sheldon may deserve it, but since the group still includes him as a "friend," I expect some concern from them on his behalf.


    Except Sheldon has rarely shown concern for his friends. Granted, this has been potentially explained as Sheldon being possibly austistic or has Aspergers (I think that was it) which could explain his behaviour, this has not been confirmed on the show, so by default, Sheldon basically acts like an ass to this friends.


    Honestly - all of them have been at the receiving end of Sheldon's selfish antics. They know how he can be, so they are probably not surprised at a) Amy dumping him and b) Sheldon's reactions to said dumping.


    Just my speculation.

    • Love 5
  14. No, I haven't been on the Turn forum. I watch far too much tv, so I try to limit the boards I visit, otherwise I'd be on my computer all day! I do have the book in my kindle waiting to be read. It's disappointing to hear that the show differs so much from the historical record. I don't know enough about that time period to spot the errors in it though. Heck, I don't know enough to spot the discrepancies in Sleepy Hollow!


    Hee. I here ya - these forums here do allow one to waste lots of time reading and analyzing and commenting. Read the book though - it's quite interesting and enjoyable.


    I scrolled through the last few pages of the thread to see if anyone posted, but didn't see it, so....


    Episode 3.02 - Whispers in the Dark - Press Release.


    Episode 3.03 - Blood and Fear Press Release.


    I'm dying for the full episode synopses though, which give some real detail....

  15. That's my problem with Amy Schumer.  I'd never heard of her until a few months ago and all of a sudden she was in every magazine, TV talk show, newspaper interview, etc. and while I've never seen her show or anything that she's done I'm already sick of her and wish she'd go away.


    I know nothing about her, don't watch her show and have no idea if she is funny. But she's not going anywhere. She just signed a multimillion dollar book deal - double what Lena Dunham got for hers. She's gonna be here for a while.

  16. I think the consensus is that Sheldon kind of deserves it and Amy should have broken up with him a long time ago.  Until he grows quite a bit, she deserves better.


    That's exactly what I think. Amy never gets what she wants, usually has to compromise or mostly sacrifice what she wants/needs. And I'm not just talking about physical affection - even things like going out to dinner for Valentines, or seeing a movie she wants, etc.


    Sheldon deserves being dumped (IMO) because he's self-absorbed and selfish. Amy deserves a mate who values her and treats her right.

    • Love 8
  17. Based on that ratings list, everyone was watching Big Bang Theory first, then either Life in Pieces, or switched to DWTS or The Voice. Crazy.


    I wonder if Gotham's ratings will improve a bit once it moves to Thursday.


    Otherwise, solid premiere - I enjoyed it and I'm gonna watch live.

  18. I like the idea of them being removed, one each week, until Jane is all clean and shiny again, with no tats to obscure the view of her naked body.


    I really like this idea too - that the tattoo's are slowly removed, as she starts to remember more and more, until finally the last tattoo is finally gone. She has fully regained herself, all of her memories, and finally gets closure / can resume a new life, etc etc.


    And less for the makeup department to do too/ less time for Jaimie Alexander to spend getting tatted up.

    • Love 3
  19. Did anyone else find the bomb-squad guy at the opening a little harsh?


    Yeah, I did - I mean she's naked - probably not hiding a detonator anyone on her person, but then, maybe that's what they are supposed to do??


    To be honest, I really was disturbed at the abuse of women in this show. First, Jane Doe being tattooed all over her body at one shot - I wonder if the body would go into shock maybe - I just hoped she was knocked out when they did it. I mean, she said her fingertpis hurt, and the tattooes were apparently done weeks go so....Then, the Asian guy beating up on his wife, and those poor girls being held captive as sex slaves. It sickened me (especially knowing this occurs in real life).


    Let's just say I had a hard time sleeping because was really disturbed, while also plotting how I would exact revenge. I just hope that the show doesn't continue with constantly showing women as abused victims.

    • Love 2
  20. I posted previously that, according to my dietitian, the new food guidelines being released by the USDA are supposed to alter the suggestions on fat, because "good" and "bad" fats have not held up to scientific study. I think trans fat is still going to be "bad" because there are some studies to support that finding.


    Salt and sugar are going to be adjusted too, with salt restrictions of 1500mg being lifted for the majority of people, and sugar being restricted further.


    Heh. Can't win, eh? Egg yolks increase cholesteral and are bad - NO they are fine. Fats are bad - NO, only saturated. Meat's good for you, lots of protein, iron, Wait NO, cut back, cut back!! Real sugar has too many calories, eat the fake stuff instead, NO, asparatame is terrible, cut it out!


    I don't think dietiticians and even doctors know what they are doing/saying. And obviously so much (if not all) of these studies are commissioned by corporations looking to come up with a "scientific" conclusion that in turn allows them to promote their product and boost sales. And I'd like to know which of these corporations did some intense lobbying to convince the USDA to fall in line with their (the corp's) thinking. I would bet a lot.


    I think that's why the most logical to me is - eat a large variety of foods in moderation, cut back on processed foods, be active, enjoy life.

    • Love 3
  21. Well Show that's 19.33 minutes of my life I'll never get back.


    Apparently there are another 18.20 million viewers who might/might not feel the same. That's the viewership audience numbers, earning ABC a 4.7 demo. Wow.


    I hate how they've made Stuart so creepy now, and I haven't laughed or really enjoyed this show in years. I just can't with the absolute selfishness of Sheldon, Leonard and sometimes the others. Penny and Leonard look like they don't even care about each other - they are settling. This is healthy?? Like Penny couldn't find some decent guy at the company she works for. Sheldon was demonstrating some seriously creepy stalkerish behaviour, which should require a restraining order, not a poorly written joke. Raj still doesn't have enough to do. Amy should've dumped Sheldon's skinny selfish ass long ago.

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