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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I frankly miss creepy mirror shattering Moloch, his horse riding minions, and the threat of the apocalypse.


    Ultimately though, we all watch shows for different reasons. I'm sad when the shows I enjoy are cancelled, but I don't really think it's fair to basically blame it on people "watching it wrong" or for giving up on it when it simply stops being enjoyable for them for whatever reason.


    I miss creepy mirror shattering Moloch too. Big time. The pilot was absolutely brilliant.


    People are "watching it wrong", as you say, because of one reason and one only - shipping. I cannot believe I am saying this, but it is true. The moment that the Cliff interview quote went viral, people lost it and decided to never watch the show again. For many, it's not "enjoyable" because there is no hope of Ichabbie. I'm not joking. I do think there is an urgency that was lost, but no show can maintain that drive or momentum. But when I read countless comments (here and elsewhere) that blatantly state that they've bailed on the show, because no Ichabbie, then what is one to think?


    It's absolutely fair, in the sense that it's fact. All I am doing is stating fact. It's not that people are watching it wrong, it's that people are so focused and obsessed with A, that they completely ignore B, even though B is what they should focus on. B are the clues and hints. A is just a smoke-screen. Yet A is all people care about.

    • Love 1
  2. Kind of OT but I need to take another swipe at this idea that the massive data collection which leads to arrests is something that only three people know about and manage. There is a long and detailed article here about the DEA using NSA information and then working backwards to sanitize the source of intel.



    The relevant quote is this:

    This article is on Reuters. And it's two years old. Good luck with the recreational outrage, Weller.

     I kinda fanwank that it's due to plot. A complete reflection on society today.  I mean, Winter is the NSA guy..."Edward Snowden, anyone??"

  3. I sympathize that you're hurting, but (1) MANY things were done wrong on this show, (2) none of those things were minor, (3) viewers abandoned the show in droves for those very reasons, and (4) the only people who missed the big picture were TPTB in charge of the show and the executives at FOX. 


    Personally, I hope the demise of Sleepy Hollow teaches Hollywood that viewers like me will no longer tolerate the bait and switch of offering “diversity” only to retreat back to the same old same old as soon as they think they have a hit.


    Thanks LydiaMoon1 for the sympathy. I appreciate it. SH is the reason I managed to climb out of a debilitating depression. Crazy, but true.


    But that's the thing...but what is truly wrong with season 3?? Season 2, yeah I totally get. Season three, all people seem to focus on is a) SBR, b) Crane on dates with Zoe c) Crane's lack of job and most importantly d) No Ichabbie "apparently".


    SBR amuses me now, since she is NOT sexy at all, and is essentially a plot point. What kills me is this. Everyone - EVERYONE lost their bloody minds over the casting announcement about Sexy Betsy Ross. Now I've been waiting about two weeks for a comment about this, and nothing - I didn't say a word because I wanted to see if someone else would post something...Jessica Camacho (Sophia) was promoted to main cast two weeks ago. Her casting announcement has the word "Sexy" in it's description. I've been waiting for the outrage, but there is none. None. Go figure.


    Sexy is a universal term that Hollywood likes to apply to there female characters. To rant about BR having this "label" but not a peep for Camacho...very telling.


    So what is "really" wrong with the show??


    Is Pandora not calculating enough? She is (IMO) hand's down the best villian this show has had. Headless, however violent, just had a machine gun. That's it (not that I didn't love Headless!) Pandora is ruthless, calculating, evil, and very interesting. Hand's down the best of this show. Again, my opinion.


    Is Abbie not featured enough? Pandora is targeting her specifically. We have information about her reluctance to be with Daniel. Her sister Jenny, is involved with some shady-ass situation,

    that is going to affect Abbie directly!!


    But hey, Ichabbie ain't happening NOW, so screw the show and all of the complexity (which is the mindset I've seen).


    Ichabbie not happening right now...From comments and posts, yeah, that's what people think, but it's tainting their view of the show NOW. We have a beautiful season 3, with these little nuances and hints and teases that are all being ignored, all because Ichabbie isn't happening (Now). Breaks my heart.


    I guess I'm finding that the true flaws and problems that people complained about in season 2, are being erroneously applied to season 3, but the so-called reasons's make no sense (to me).


    This is a huge bloody shift for me - seriously.


    That's all I got. Time to start the healing.....

    • Love 1
  4. Nothing has been cancelled yet, so it seems like networks are going to drag things out as much as possible.


    Maybe. FOX does own the show. They could be trying for syndication, which I doubt, because I never see reruns of the show aired. They really should put it back Monday's, since Minority Report will be gone, but again, that's FOX's launching ground for new shows.


    I can't help but mourn at what could have been, if people focused on the right things. Instead, I can only quote some Smith's lyrics (I Know it's Over):


    And I know it's over

    Still I cling

    I don't know where else I can go

    It's over, it's over, it's over

    I know it's over

    And it never really began

    But in my heart it was so real....


    SH was special to me for very personal reasons, so it really kills me that the show is mostly likely done this year, and that everyone is so focused on the one thing, or complaining about minor aspects of the show, that they a) don't watch, therefore assisting the cancellation and b) miss the big picture.


    At least I have the time now to get over the show myself, and move on, so to speak. C'est La Vie.

  5. Not surprised about this move, though expected cancellation announcement first. That will come in in 2016. Ratings are low, it's up against other shows, people refuse to watch for *reasons*, what can you do?


    For me, it's not a bad thing. Thursday's were already stacked big time for me, with SH, HTGAWM and Elementary (though I always watched SH live). Friday's is good (for me) but not ratings. Too bad. Makes me sad, like when Constantine (which aired Friday's) was cancelled.

    • Love 1
  6. Episode synopsis: Daryl, Abraham and Sasha encounter many obstacles and a new threat while trying to return to Alexandria.

    Here is your episode thread for S06.E06: Always Accountable.


    Prior to episode airing, head on over to Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your commenting-whilst-viewing pleasure!




    • Post No Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise)
    • Respect Each Other
    • Always Be Civil
    •                                           Be accountable to your comments!
    • Enjoy Yourselves!





    • Love 3
  7. Yeah, Raina is the better yet more reluctant one and Nimah is the one who is really into the job. It was Raina that Alex and Simon burst in on and Nimah that had slept with the guy across the street.


    And Raina is the one who likes Simon, right? She introduced herself to Simon at the end. I cannot keep these two apart for the life of me - total mind block for some reason. The end scene where Nimah still wore the head covering, and Raina didn't, I think for two reasons - to show Raina is more daring, not so religious, willing to do anything for the mission, etc, while Nimah is more traditional. It also helped filming the scene and splicing together the two characters played by Yasmine Al Massri. And I totally get the impression that Nimah is so done with these FBI idiots.


    Okay, not only are the recruits seemingly incompetant at times, so is the actual FBI. They stormed the one house to get one "terrorist" (Alex), while blowing the entire operation the twins were working on to nail the other terrorists. Nice job, FBI. You just wasted Nimah, Raina and everyone else's time working that case, just to get Alex.


    The smart thing would have been to continue covert surveillance, follow Booth and Alex when they left the house (they had the tracker), then surround and apprehend them without the other terrorists being tipped off.

    • Love 2
  8. Everyone. Please remember not to post discussions or spoilers on the Comics, Talkling Dead (vague references are fine), and please, let's move on from going on and on debating Tovah Feldsuh's age and appearance. This isn't the Kardashians or some celebrity gossip site or the E! Hollywood Plastic Surgery Special. Much appreciated.

    • Love 6
  9. This show has turned into The Young & The Restless, where they just use legacy characters to prop up new, annoying characters no one cares about.


    Except I think they are trying to get the audience to have an emotional connection to these characters, by showing them in these tense and emotional situations, so that when the Walkers finally overtake ASZ, we'll feel" sad" about the ASZ-ers all becoming Walker!Chow. Because you know they will.


    As long as Aaron survives, it's all good.


    I find it insulting that TPTB relies on The Talking Dead to fill in the blanks of things that their writers/director are incapable of showing/telling on their own show.


    Pst Everyone.. Remember Talking Dead Talk really should be in the Talking Dead thread.


    However, this relates directly to the show so...



    I think the writers are assuming that we will remember exactly who is who. The problem with ASZ is that there are so many characters that kind of blend into one - that they don't stand out - that I have no idea of their names. Aaron's the only one. Forgot his boyfriends name. I know Deanna, and that's it. Only reason I remembered it's Spencer now, is that Deanna called him that this episode. The rest, I have no idea what their names are. We were supposed to recognize the Suicide!Walker as whoever, but because most of them all look the same, kinda blend together, no one stands out to recognize clearly.


    Unlike CDB where the characters are very distinct. You'd never mistake Carol for Maggie, or Darryl for Rick or Morgan for Bob (I'm picking people who could look similar). Yes, it's physical looks partly, but also the character themselves. Each one stands out, both in looks and personality and behaviour. I think that's the issue, IMO. Most of ASZ are interchangable - Rick's group has never ever been interchangable.


    Instead he now seems not particularly concerned about his kids who have been his raison d'etre for five seasons while being up for leisurely strolls about the place and trying to get some in an open garage.


    Now that you say this, it just reminded me of their time at the prison, where they had a herd of Walkers pushing against the chain-link fence, and their daily "chore" was to off some of the Walkers. Rick even says that them pushing on the fence is causing the fence to slowly collapse.


    Don't get me started on the fence design, with the structural beams outside. Still don't understand how that wall hasn't collapsed yet - the load bearing beams are on the wrong side. Or did one of you explain why it's fine?

    • Love 2
  10. If Rick Grimes came to my house for some ass my panties would be on the floor so fast it would make him uncomfortable.

    Yup. Totally agree. He is one sexy man, espectially all scruffy.


    Whole lotta navel gazin' this episode. I suppose they couldn't sustain the pace they were on.

    Maggie's preggers! Who coulda seen that comin'?


    I thought she mentioned she was a few episodes ago? Or did I read the speculation here?


    That was blood pouring through the fence - the Walkers are crushing against the fence, I assume. Or it's one of the missin CDB.


    Deanna is clearly losing her mind, like so many others before her (Rick included). And did Rick not tell you headshots?


    So they are going to leave the corpses to bloat in the hot Georgia sun. Okay.


    Aaron is the only Alexandrian I like. Doctor lady is okay too. Spencer needs to go - what a selfish ass (I guess he's losing it too).


    None of the Alexandrians need to survive (save Aaron and the doctor lady) - they've already given themselves up for dead, and they have gone through NOTHING compared to what Michonne, Darryl, Rick, Carol or any of the others have gone through in surviving the last year or so. I mean, think of all of the crap they've gone through, on the farm, in the prison, Woodbury, etc etc. Instead, they decide to just raid the pantry for their "last meal" and assume they are as good as dead. Way to feel those survival instincts, idiots.

    • Love 7
  11. Maybe this show was warped my understanding of legal consequences, but why would Asher need protecting for what happened at Trotter Lake? He had no prior knowledge that a rape would happen, and he didn't specifically cover it up. I mean it seems like the guys who actually committed the rape weren't charged or found guilty, so what exactly would the prosecutor charge Asher with?


    Isn't there laws that if something like that happens on your property, you can be charged with aiding, or being complicit or something like that. Similar to those stupid laws that if someone breaks into your home, tries to rob you, threatens you but then trips on a carpet and injures themselves, they can sue YOU for not providing a safe home??


    By allowing the party to occur and not handling the guests, resulting in the rape, then by that same law/similar law, Asher is liable?  Just speculating tbh.


    Daddy covering up is part of the problem, but Sinclair is out for blood  - specifically Annalise's - and is doing anything and everything she can to nail AK to the wall, it seems. She has a fierce vendetta.

    • Love 2
  12. Would anyone be willing to take pity on me (and keep me from having to re-read about Katrina and Henry) and remind me what the deal was with Katrina's original pregnancy/when Henry was born, etc? Just a quick synopsis. Crane never knew Katrina was pregnant before he got boxed or whatever, right? 


    I'm writing a little fic that involves Crane having descendants, and when I remove CFD from existing in my universe I want to do it cleanly. 


    Crane was definately boxed before he knew about the kid. Season 2 totally forgot that and implied that she was a lot further along before he died and was about to tell him. But season 1, she finds out she's pregnant after he's buried. I think she actually told him that in the Golem, when he "visits" her in the church. It's in the episode Sanctuary. Crane "dies", and is buried and right after, Katrina basically flees. She is being hunted by her coven because she is the one who is supposed to have cast the spell to preserve Crane, which was a big no-no for them for some reason. She apparates all over Europe for some reason (she was looking for something, a spell or something, I forget), then when is about to pop, shows up at Fredericks manner and has the kid. While she is in labour, crows start slamming again the window, trying to break down the window, and Evil!TreeBeard breaks in and kills Fredericks. Abbie sees this through a vision, and tells him about the kid, and he's shocked because he didn't know.


    Crane was buried in 1881, and on Katrina's headstone, her date of death is 1882, less than a year after. This almost fits well actually, since she gave the baby up soon after it was born, then was caught by the coven and sent to Purgatory. I always assumed that she became pregnant the morning before Crane "died". What I find interesting is that the show claims now they were married for 6 years, but she never became pregnant before??? Strange (I attribute it to witchy birthcontrol, but was never explained either).


    That's how I remember it.

    • Love 1
  13. Also the story about the Outerbanks also has me intrigued and could mean a lot of things.  Did they have a close relationship?  Was it a one time thing that meant more to him than her?  I fanwank it is the latter since he only mentions the shack.


    Oh see, when he talked about it, I was under the impression that they were there for at least a couple of months at least (since it was 9 months since Crane left). The way he talked about the fan, and reminisced, I thought it was a lot longer than one night. They "shacked" (ha!) up for a bit, have a love affair, helped each other through Quantico training, and then she left. Daniel is clearly in love with her, but jealous, and Abbie may be in love, but won't allow herself to ever fully give her heart over to someone else.


    Also, this just made me think about how it must look to Daniel, Crane living with Abbie now. She lived with Reynolds for a while, now is with another guy. No wonder Daniel thought they were a couple. No wonder he's jealous.


    And you can't have an honest relationship with someone if you have to hide such a huge part of yourself or can't explain why you are always running off with this other person.


    No you can't. I expect Zoe to find out the truth about Crane and bail - basically because she'll think he's literally insane or something for thinking he's from the 18th century. Both Daniel, Zoe (and BR) are a means to an end....whatever that "end", ends up being.


    Secrets - Whispers in the Dark, the Wraith (or dementor thingy) because it dug out secrets

    Chaos - Première, the yaoguai, it is attracted to chaotic environments where there is a lot of hostility

    Loneliness - Jack the ripper, because it prayed on the loneliness of the vessel and exposed Abbie's?

    Death - Zombie Howe

    Lost Innocence - Sister Mills, the tooth fairy targeting children?


    Thanks for this, fantique! My PVR died again, so I lost my tapings of the first four episodes so couldn't go back to rewatch them. This is what I wanted to connect, so thank you!!

    • Love 1
  14. Love how they talked about going into the town quietly. Yes, nothing says inconspicuous more than that huge, dark, government SUV. And then Jane steps out in a tank top full tats on display. At least she put a hoodie on later!


    Not only that, everyone else was wearing a jacket. I kept thinking, "Taylor!Jane, you must be so COLD!" Then the next scene, she had the grey hoodie on.

  15. Tweets from Shernold Edwards, the lady who wrote this episode (she a WOC, but she's Canadian too! Hell yeah!!)


    @ShernoldEdwards Also curious how much leeway each writer gets for their individual episodes.

    Shernold Edwards ‏@ShernoldEdwards 13h13 hours ago Los Angeles, CA


    Shernold Edwards Retweeted Elaina

    A writer comes in with ideas, but ultimately the team is working on a season-long goal and the two need to mesh.


    @ShernoldEdwards How long exactly is Zoe's arc? Please say it's almost over...


    Shernold Edwards Retweeted Alyssa G.

    Can't speak to length, but I can say this arc is important to the growth of our dynamic duo.


    Ha! Exactly what I thought.


    Here's her twitter for more insight.

    • Love 1
  16. Still, Eve's pregnant pause after Annalise said "It's him" certainly hints strongly that he's Anni's son or some other relative (nephew? half brother?)


    Nephew or half-brother just doesn't have that impact. When she uttered that line, I was like, "Yup, Wes is SO her son!" That's why she's so protective and lax with him. Dammit, this show.


    Fabulous show, great episode. Laurel and Frank, her talking in the accent was hilarious. Asher and Bonnie! Bonnie has every right to feel and react as she did - she is seeing things/reacting through her own personal experience. And I have to say, the actor who plays Asher is good. He can do the goofball, but this episode he was so good, with his remorse and guilt, etc. And for the first time, I found him really attractive. *shrug*


    Love that Connor doesn't want Oliver to get too much into Annalise's world. He knows what happens, has experienced it, therefore is trying to protect someone he loves. So sweet.


    Nate actually got the nurse to switch the samples. Excellent. Loved Eve's play on the case. Not gonna lie - I totally agree with her (the nurse's) sentiment. I'm sorry, but suffering as Nia and others would have, simply because of antiquanted beliefs and religious BS. I've experienced it, and would never wish that kind of suffering on anyone. If a person wants to go, do what you can to let them go.


    Love the teaser at the end "Next episode, we find out who really shot Annalise"! Based on who they showed in the final scene, we most likely can rule all of those people out.

    • Love 4
  17. And the Stargate franchise, and Supernatural, and Men in Trees, and Primeval - it just amuses me that space, heartland America, Alaska and the prehistoric past of the world all look exactly like the same parks in Vancouver.


    Yeah, Vancouver has a lot of production there - mostly the tax breaks. And now, with the crap value of the Canadian dollar, it's even cheaper for shows to film.


    Men in Trees was filmed in Squamish, BC. About one hour north of Vancouver. Beautiful small town, so lovely. I drove up there just to see it and recognized certain places that were shown in the show. Loved that show. *sigh at cancellation*


    However some shows are filmed nearer to me (I live in Toronto). Crimson Peak (the movie) was filmed in Barrie, Ontario, which is about one hour north of here. But I swear to god, I saw a production set up at an old church (200+ year) in my neighbourhood that I think WAS for Crimson Peak. Have to watch the movie to be sure, but think it was....


    I swear when she said that, Ichabod looked at Abbie with more lust in his eye than he ever did with any of his supposed love interests including his wife.


    Heh. That's cause his "love interest" are boring and dull. I think though it's a means to an end. You need Crane to have his "rebound" before pursuring any actual meaningful relationship (aka Abbie). Plus, Reynolds said it flat out - she left him. He's still in love with her, but she left. Because she's afraid of relationships. Won't commit completely. So Crane needs a woman who'll challenge him and accept him as is, Abbie needs a guy who she feels worthy enough to make that leap and WANT to have a long term relationship with. Right now, both are not there. Sad though, because we won't see what the eventual result will be.

  18. Okay, putting it out there:


    That Shard of Anubis has some red gem in it, which absorbed into Jenny's skin. The final scene of episode 6, has her waking up from a nightmare. M. Raven Metzner mentioned at a comic con that "someone would be switching sides". Jenny's the one who's going to switch sides, due to that red gem.


    Pandora went into the tree, like a gateway to something. Based on promo photos of episode 7, she basically created a doorway into a realm so she could retrieve someone. Not something - someone. That someone, is "The Hidden One" played by Peter Mensah. He's the Big Bad for the second half of the season.

    • Love 2
  19. I think it was "lost innocence" - thanks for the list!


    Edited my post to include that - yeah, I think it was. She mumbled something and I was like, Innocence, what? It's Lost Innocence. Thanks!


    It was done to cut down on the budget, that and there's a tax break, I think.


    The Governor of North Carolina passed a law repealing the production tax breaks that TV shows got. It was a break of about $2-3 million dollars. Because of this, SH scouted two other locations. Vancouver (BC, Canada) and Atlanta. Obviously they choose Atlanta (actually a small town close to Atlanta), because they offer the incentives and encourage film production. Vancouver is another one that encourages it - hence why The X-Files filmed there for many years, and is filming there now.

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