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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Damn, do not piss Peggy off. That remark to Thompson about "Waiting for someone to pin a medal on you." cut to the bone. I do like the way they're painting Thompson in shades of grey. He's an ambitious asshole, but he has enough awareness to know when he's being played.


    And the best part, is the next time we see Thompson, where Kurtwood Smith (sorry, forget the characters name) basically says "Thompson, you're doing good son. I wish I could give you a medal" right after. Brilliant.


    You know, I don't watch any other of the Marvel TV spinoffs, but I love Agent Carter to death. Hayley Atwell just engages me and kills it.


    And I have to say, I love Jarvis and Carter working together. They both obviously enjoy each others company. He coming to assist her after that thug tried to attack Peggy at night was awesome. Love how they look out for each other.


    Knew Wilkes was still alive. Yes. Love him. Hope they can "corporalize" him. I didn't mention this last episode, but god damn, that man's look, height and voice totally reminds me of Michael Dorn (who played Worf on Star Trek TNG/DS9). I actually looked up the actor to see if it was Dorn's son (it is not).


    I have to admit, Howard is a hoot. So modelled after Howard Hughes, just no where near as germophobic. Hee


    Yeah, I have to confess that I'm enjoying how meta this season is getting. "A movie based on a comic book! Preposterous!"


    I caught the double-meaning and loved it! And never have watched any of the Marvel/Captain America movies.


    ETA: I will never NOT love how seemlessly Atwell can switch from English to American accent. Seriously, I have to look up where she really was born, because it's that good!

    • Love 5
  2. I loved every single minute of it. I'm in for now, of course Ellis is a major role in selling point for me. What is the make and model of the car he drives? I want one!


    I believe it's a 1958 or 1959 Chevy Corvette Convertible. And is an absolutely gorgeous car.

    • Love 5
  3. I am greedy and would like both; both men are nice to look at and listen to, imo.


    Yup. Totally agree.


    Gave it a chance after someone said the screening of the Pilot at NYCC (or SDCC, I forget) did really well.


    Tom Eliis is hot and charming as hell (hee). And he was funny and witty and smarmy and I totally enjoyed it. It was viewing fluff but viewing fun. I'm in.

    • Love 5
  4. Episode synopsis: 600-pound June copes with the tragic death of her son by eating. After gastric bypass surgery, she must confront the emotional issues driving her food compulsion. If she can stay on track, she can become the mother she desperately wants to be.


    Just a reminder to everyone to please keep the discussion considerate and respectful, and to limit the unnecessarily body shaming and general shaming overall. This Mod Note explains in a little more detail. Thank you.

  5. Episode synopsis: The contestants are faced with a communications challenge; the winning team goes on a relaxing retreat while the losers prepare for dinner service, which involves gutting 100 pounds of sea bass.  VIP guests include astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
  6. "The visual gore/creep factor has increased dramatically."

    F. Emasculata. Those heaving and exploding pus-filled boils on those escaped prisoners faces were disgusting!


    Now that you and others have mentioned it, now I remember some of that stuff. Not part of my frequent rewatches is probably why. But yeah, I do remember. Ew....And Flukeman. Remember Flukeman?


    Didn't Scully do a PhD. thesis on part of Einstein's theory of relativity? Mulder's background is psychology, right? I always understood her line about "hard science" to be about a contrast with the social sciences or psychology (or, given their work in the X-Files, and some of Mulder's loopier ideas, parapsychology) not about drawing a distinction between physics or chemistry and medicine.


    Yeah, first episode I think Mulder asks her about that. I just always assumed a surgical doctor would have a degree in something like Biology or Pathology, before going into a residency to develop their specialty. Like, I would want my surgeon to know the detailed in and outs of the human body. I just assumed every doctor who performs operations or is a cardiac specialist, or gastroenterologist (for example) would not have a degree in psychology, but a basic and very detailed understand of the physical human body and how it functions. A psychology degree isn't going to allow a pathologist be able to distinguish between a myocardial cell and a striated muscle cell or whatever. I hope that makes sense. I just assumed the hard science is required for these careers.

  7. Lastly, about DD and GA's voices...I'm not sure about DD, but GA's voice seemed fine as recently as the second season of The Fall. She did whisper some, but for the most part, she sounded like herself. So, maybe they were both sick?


    I definitely notice both of their voices are much more hoarse. GA has smoked for years and still may. Not sure about DD, but age and smoking probably took a toll on their voices.


    Yeah, Skinner protecting them is the best. Made me smile.


    Scully was a pathologist before. She also taught surgical techniques at one point. Then she would always introduce herself as a doctor with a background in "hard" science. I never understood that line, cause being a doctor is based in precise science (to me).


    So I assume Scully quit her job at the hospital then, and is an FBI agent again? Or was she FBI still, but somehow working in a partnership with that Lady of Sorrow hospital. It's not really clear.

  8. A pretty good episode. I enjoyed it and was very disturbed. Those poor children, my god, my heart broke for them. Just terrible. Poor things.


    Much more original recipe X-Files. M&S seemed more like themselves. Anyone notice Flashback!Scully had the "proper" red Scully hair. Were they flashbacks or daydreams, or lamenting what each lost, and could have had, with William.


    Good COTW/Connection to the government conspiracy. Creepy as hell.


    And here is a clear example of how TV has changed since original recipe X-Files went off the air. The visual gore/creep factor has increased dramatically. Original Recipe XF was creepy, but always off screen, or hinted at, or shadows and sounds would try to create that atmosphere. Home is considered their creepiest episode, Humbug had it moments, and the gore factor was nothing like today. Always hinted at, never shown. FTR, I didn't watch the final two seasons, and now skin showers popped into my head and apparently they were gross.


    But anyway....


    After 15 years, and shows pushing the envelope of gore and creep and violence, like (The Walking Dead, Hannibal, for example) and now the X-Files can show disturbing mutations, disembowled deer, someone pushing a letter opened into their skull, etc etc. What a significant difference.

    • Love 4
  9. That 18-20 5.1 rating is huge in today's tv world.  I hope they can do great again tonight.


    It's huge, but someone in the comments over at the link mentioned there would be adjustments because of the overrun, and they are right. The X-Files schedule time slot had 20 minutes of the game in it, which is where the numbers are coming mostly likely coming from.. Since this is the overnight early ratings, they have to make the adjustments to actually reflect when the show was on screen, so those numbers will drop.


    According to TVLine, that 5.1 share is from the first half of the episode time slot, which really means ~20 minutes of NFL football. Tonight will be a real indicator if that audience will stick around to watch the 6 episode. I hope so!

  10. All in all, the only thing that bums me out is that it's only five more episodes and it will be over again.


    You never know - if the ratings stay like this, FOX may persuade them for another season.


    SpoilerTV Ratings - S10:E01: My Struggle


    • 13.5 million viewers/5.1 ratings share - The NFL game before had an audience of ~34 million at 9:00 pm and ~20 million during the Postgame show. Now you know why FOX stuck The X-Files after football, to try to pick up that huge number of viewers


    • Series first season debuted to 12 million viewers - Back then, 12 million was actually a low number for the big networks. The show itself was ranked #105,  and FOX almost cancelled the show due to what they considered low ratings. Today, it would be considered an insane hit and a number 1 show. Times have changed. The highest ratings ever was the season 5 premiere, with 27 million viewers. The rank? 11th place. Insane, eh? Networks would kill for those numbers now, and the 12 million is very very good these days.


    • Series finale drew 13.3 million viewers - huge today, mediocre back then.
    • Love 3
  11. So, why is the episode called "My Struggle"?  At the very time that plans are being made to re-publish said book for the first time in 70 years?


    Some sort of conspiracy, no doubt!


    I would hazard this guess:


    Mulder struggle to get out of his depression, and not let the previous government/alien conspiracy really destroy him (he was failing, it seemed). Mulder also struggling to get Scully to jump aboard.


    Scully struggling to have a normal life again without Mulder, but realizing she misses the excitement.


    O'Malley's struggling to get the word out about the vast gov't compsiracy publically heard and accepted.


    Sveta's struggle with the abductions, and toll on her life from these violations she's had to endure.


    Chris Carter's struggle to take the X-Files and make it revelant to modern times and events.


    Just throwing it out there :') I really liked the episode and am looking forward to the one written by Darin Morgan. Man's a storytelling genius!

    • Love 3
  12. The second episode is Monday at 8pm est.  I am not sure where you are getting 11pm from. Perhaps sports in your area bumps it.


    Thanks to everyone who mentioned this. On on of my FOX HD channels (Canadian viewer) the X-Files episode tonight is ONLY airing at 11:00pm. But reading you guys' posts, I doublechecked and whew! Yup, 8:00 pm on the other FOX, channel and local affiliate.


    I had scanned ahead a couple days ago setting up the taping, found the 11:00 pm one first, and thought that really late and strange time.


    But no - Episode 2 airs tonight, 8:00 pm everyone!


    Did they really just retcon the entire mythology?


    I think they did. It did kinda throw me off, because it seemed like Mulder accepted the fact that the really was no alien comspiracy and abductions really quickly, after O'Malley spoke to him for only a few minutes. I do feel bad for Mulder, who just cannot be "happy" without chasing the truth about these government shady activities. And yeah, they did retcon, I mean, in the first movie, you had the aliens land on earth during caveman times and here we saw the black oil. What about the super soldiers, the green blooded aliens, etc. However, Scully DID say she and Sveta both had alien DNA so..I think episode 1 just scratched the surface and there is going to be so much more mythological craziness.

    • Love 1
  13. Aaaaaaaaargh! Tivo messed up due to the football game and I didn't get this ep at all and it's not showing as repeating at any point! How do I see it before watching ep 2 tomorrow? I have been looking forward to this evening for weeks! 


    The football game ran into the X-Files broadcast by about 20 minutes. Which honestly was completely unsurprising. You needed to tape the next show that was airing on your channel, to get the entire episode. I knew it would happen, hence set up to tape the show after.


    What throws me off is a) why would FOX put X-Files after NFL football, when they know it's late and maybe people don't watch. Answer: because a shitlload of people are watching football and they want the audience. But still. 10 pm? Then Monday night at 11pm? Just wrong......

    • Love 3
  14. Well, it would, if this stupid football would get off my TV!!


    Sacrilege!! Do not mess with the Panthers kicking Arizona butt! Amazing game, just awesome.


    Well, I have to say. I liked the episode. I really like it. There was something so familar and welcoming about it. It wasn't anywhere near as jarring and uninteresting as the second X-Files movie. Honestly, it had the original series feel. I was engaged the entire time, interested and totally into it.


    I really liked how Carter is spinning current World Events into the global gov't conspiracy to take over the US. Very creative. And I will say that the cinematography was beautiful overall.


    I honestly had no problem with M & S not being together, I can see it, tbh. Mulder is not an easy person to be with. I've always thought (during the original series run and movies) and Scully was a saint for dealing with that. I love Mulder, but it can't be easy.


    Skinner - WOW! Man has not aged, looks gorgeous as usual. So happy he's in the main credits.


    And can I say how much I LOVED that they used the original credits, just added Skinner, and zoomed in a bit. Made me grin insanely.


    Smoking Man - How much do I love William B. Davis - let me count the ways!


    The Alien craft was awesome, felt bad for the alien and overall, quite enjoyed it. Great episode!!


    I guess I am easy to please and happy over my Panthers win/Patriots loss, but I don't know, I thought it was really good!!! :'0

    • Love 13
  15. Also, based on these spoilers, looks like Abbie will be MIA for at least the first couple of episodes when the show returns.


    Honestly, to me, since the whole cliffhanger is for people to think Abbie possibly dead, they are not going to reveal any of that before the episode begins. I think we are going to see scenes with Abbie whenever she ended up - (Some supernatural place, or something like Dante's levels of hell, etc). It makes sense (to me) the show will flip between the POV's of both Crane and Abbie, and we get to learn where she really is. So no, not MIA at all.

    • Love 3
  16. This is from the Season 4 - Moment of Truth thread as it is more appropriate here.  These are some of the Facebook pages of past contestants: (I'm fixing the broken links)


    Hey notyrmomma. Excellent reference post. And a lot of work!!


    Hopefully you're cool with this, but I am going to take your post and PIN it to the top of this thread. Basically, anyone who comes into this thread, and whatever page they are on, can see this awesome list you put together right at the top of each page, so it can be used as a nice reference. You can still edit it for updates whenever you want.


    I just figured it's better to force it up at the thread top, then to lose this awesome reference post somewhere in the thread that people now have to search for . Good job!! :')

    • Love 1
  17.  I think his unlikely partnership will be with Sophie. They've signed the actress on as a regular, and I don't think his run in with her in 3x7 was random or even just to build the tension for the big reveal of her being undercover FBI. I think her and Crane will form some type of partnership to find Abbie. She'll be doing it because it's her job i.e. Danny did tell her to find Abbie, and he'll be doing it to get access to Atticus' stuff in hopes that it will provide some insight on how to get Abbie back. 


    I think you are correct. Based on the episode description in "Incident at the Manor." Very interesting and I think could be fun.

  18. Well, the little we got seems like such a waste of Bill Irwin - I've been wondering if that character is dead dead or just Sleepy Hollow dead? Because it seems probable he would end up in hell, which is where Abbie went, isn't it?


    Well, with Bill Irwin - Atticus - we saw blood in the van, but no evidence of a body. So he probably is still around. And it makes sense actually, thinking about it, that Atticus has some "supernatural" dealings, has access to artifacts, so teaming up with him gives Crane that access too.


    If he's SH dead, that Abbie would be teaming up with him, not Crane. It may be a new character also, that hasn't been introduced yet. I'm intrigued though.

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