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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. -I’ve been waiting for the flirty little flashlight thing since I saw it in one of the first teasers way back when.  It did not disappoint, especially with the “back in the day with three-inch heels” preceding it.


    Not only that, their flashlight beams crossed into a X, when they first walking into the dark room. Loved that.

    • Love 11
  2. Did anyone else think the monster looked like Peyton Manning?


    Omg, now that you say it, YES! Ha! I'd say appropriate, considering my Panthers lost... /cries


    Un M & S like? I disagree on that. They felt like they did back in the day to me. They felt un M & S like to me during Founder's Mutation. No chemistry or history at all. 


    As for Mulder not saying a word... he was letting her talk, taking on her burden. He was being a grown up. I couldn't have been more proud of him.


    Apart from what you mentioned, how did they seem off to you guys?


    I don't know. Maybe it's because I've been watching lots of episodes of the earlier X-Files seasons lately, but I've always seen Scully as being more in control of her emotions, more reserved, more...I don't know, just not someone who dissolves into tears so easily. She usually can hold it together, but there were even flashbacks to the later seasons were she was bawling.


    But even her being all upset about her mom not asking for her - it just seemed un-Scully-like to me. Not sure why.


    And then her "Mulder, I need to work" just seemed out of place too. Also, the hospital removing the dead patients in full view of the family - just wrong.

    • Love 3
  3. I thought he appeared normal as well and since I dvr'd it I replayed it several times. I didn't see anything except maybe a tint of red in his eyes, but it was very faint. On a shallow note, Ellis simply wears the hell out of a black suit but once the shirt comes off I'm out, he's too thin. As always YMMV.


    Yes he does - he wears it very well. Nah, he's not too thin for me at all. Dude's tall (6.3). He is quite nicely slender... /shallow


    I too replayed a few times to see what she saw. He looked like himself, eyes and all, but something about maybe his expression peeked her interest. What I find interesting is that he does this stuff completely in front of everyone without worry.


    I enjoyed the QB story - did they model him off Tebow? Though the motives for this agent to kill seemed weak.


    Are they doing something with his eyes? They seem so....can't think of the right word but I think they're doing sone sort of CGI thing to them. I'm finding myself fascinated with his eyes.


    His regular non-Devil eyes remind me of Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) from Lost. They both have very dark lashes, which frames their eyes and makes them look like they are wearing eyeliner.

  4. OMG, the Trashman ripping apart those bodies!! Like trash! The people deserved it, but what a way to go...


    Poor Scully, losing her mom. Giving up William has really messed her up, and these new cases are pushing her to finally decide to track down her kid.

    Loved Mulder being by Scully's side. When he called, and she looked up and there he was - *sigh*


    I will say though, this episode they were very un M&S-like. Even Mr HD commented on it. They didn't seem like M&S. And I was kinda thrown off by how everytime Scully was crying, Mulder didn't say a word to her. Weird.


    But good COTW, good comeuppance, good creepy factor.

    • Love 2
  5. I was watching Denver and Carolina not the Cowboys. There were far far far more opportunities to extend drives and get scores after that occurred. And I'm still not agreeing that the ball was a catch anyway. From that pov, there's nothing wrong.


    Obviously. but the Dez Bryant catch from a couple years ago was ruled a non-catch (it was a catch) and cost the Cowboys the game and their spot in the playoffs. Since then, there have been a myriad of bad calls made by officials that changed the course of the game, to the point that the NFL will sit down this off-season and have discussions about what really constitutes a catch.


    Bad calls change games. it could be something as simple as denying a team a first down in the final seconds of a game. It could push a team out of field-goal range. It could negate a touch-down that is the difference maker. In Ron Rivera's case, it cost him a time-out and a challenge that may have been vital later in the game. The frustration of a true legit scoring effort being negated by a bad call, affects the teams emotions and causes frustration overall


    I think the entire officiating system needs to be overhauled. The NFL doesn't care much about the players or about the quality of the game as far as I'm concerned, and don't care enough to improve it because they're raking in billions so why bother?.


    Yup. I agree. Not sure how they are going to do it, but they should. Breaking up the officiating teams during the post-season should be one thing that goes. I mean, if a well-respected veteran referee like Mike Carey calls it a catch, it most likely is. But like you said, they make billions. The overnight ratings for the SuperBowl was over 100 million viewers. Why make the effort to change an enormously profitable product.


    Because the national sports media is comprised of a bunch of Patriots groupies. That's all any of them talk about, during any given season -- how the Patriots are the greatest team in the history of football, how the great Bill Belichick can do no wrong, and how Tom Brady is a football god.


    Exactly it. The media spins it like they want. It reminds me again of Dez Bryant, a couple years ago, where the media was up in arms when he looking like he was freaking out in anger on the sidelines, looking like he was having a temper tantrum. You found out later, he wasn't, he was just trying to be positive and rile up the team. I realize that we actually saw Cam dejection, but the fact that these guys aren't given a pass, but others like Brady are, irritates me.

    • Love 2
  6. I don't care how upset he was, Cam was a jerk at the press conference. Being young and passionate is no excuse for being a bad sport.


    So then why does the press and some football fans, seem to give Tom Brady and Bill Belichick a pass for being pissy and sulky in press conferences when they lose? Not a single Patriot went to the ProBowl (from what I read) this year, because they were sulking over their loss. But no one calls out THEM out in it, but they complain about Cam.


    The catch or not-catch had literally no bearing on the outcome of this game.


    Tell that to Dez Bryant and the Cowboys.

    • Love 3
  7. I'm just not seeing the officiating as having an effect on the game, so talking about one catch is short sighted. If anything, it's just another argument to remove the constant looking over the shoulder of the refs. Get rid of replays and challenges, except for goal line. It is beyond impossible to expect that every call is going to be correct, and the replays don't correct that. Let the refs call the game. Play will be quicker.


    Disagree, dude. That catch (god I forget the person who made it!!), that Ron Rivera challenged, was totally a CATCH! That was a terrible call. That could have led to a touchdown, and some energy for the team. Later on ( in the third Qrt) there was a blatant pass interference call that should have been made against the Broncos, yet funnily enough, no call.


    Officiating was terrible for most parts, and obviously favoured the Broncos. Just saying...

    • Love 5
  8. I thought it was a catch too. But how many times did Cam get sacked? Congrats to the Broncos. Miller and Ware were on fire.

    Bruno was my fave of the singers. I did feel sorry for Coldplay as it seemed the sound was all screwed up during most of their act. I had to turn my volume way up and still could hardly hear them.


    At least 7 times from what I read - Cam getting sacked. Best defense in the league totally proved it. Congrats Wade Phillips, ignored for a year, and boom, FU league, I'll just lead my team to a SB!!


    As Mr HD is a Cowboys fan, I kept yelling at the TV, "Why didn't the Coyboys KEEP him!!" (this refers to both Wade Phillips AND DeMarcus Ware)


    Coldplay were the only act that I liked - because they played live. I hate lipsyncing and I hate manufactured acts, so Beyonce and Bruno, you fail big time. Overall it was pretty boring (especially for a milestone show). But at least Coldplay could play live and play well.

    • Love 1
  9. And a truly unexplainable replay non call that led to a touchdown. I wonder if the NFL and it's associated networks will throw that in the memory hole.


    Don't even talk to me about that so-called "non catch" that was called by the Refs. Ron Rivera issued a challenge that SHOULD have rightly been overturned, and NO, these assholes didn't bother. Terrible officiating for the Panthers, since they missed a pass interference call later on....




    I have no problems with Cam's behavior post-game.  I think he should have been a better sport, but I'm giving him a pass based on the fact that the Media hates him anyway, so there's no need to be a better individual, especially after a rather painful loss


    Neither do I. Dude's a very passionate guy. This has got to hurt....

    • Love 3
  10. Zod’s outward physique disguises the fact that, inside, he’s really just a grumpy old man.  He simply sits around all day, turning that wheel, while complaining about those damn kids on his earth and how everything is Pandora’s fault.  Hopefully, Pandora will soon wake up and realize, while missing Zod’s fine body, she had forgotten what a total crank he was.  She'll remember how happy life was when it was just her, the tree, a truck full of amazing clothes/wigs and having total control over her own box.  When that revelation hits, Pandora will grow a new tree to sprout herself   widow’s weeds and funeral music for a god.

    Oh totally. That was the exact thing that I thought what I watched it. Zod, get off your lazy entitled ass and do something about it, instead of sitting back in your Lazy-Boy, whining about his lack of powers, then threatening his wife. If I were Pandora, I'd shoot his ass back into the tree and go find a better husband.


    So now this makes me wonder two things: a) will SHE be the one to ultimately rescue Abbie, or help Crane rescue Abbie, in order to get the power to give to Zod, or b) will she switch sides and basically kick Zod to the curb and move onto to other evilly things. The only reason she WAS messing with the Witnesses early season was to get Hubby back, so then what?


    Lately - as I mentioned above - I have felt that the Ichabod/Betsy flashbacks are to mirror or parallel his partnership with Abbie and set Abbie apart. Boobsy let Nathan Hale die. Abbie never would. Boobsy doesn't elevate Ichabod to being better just by being there (she doesn't at all). Abbie DOES. Boobsy doesn't make Ichabod reckless and desperate. Abbie does. The whole Nathan/Boobsy flashback served two purposes:


    1. To show how desperate Ichabod WAS being in comparison to his buttoned up old self.  To any fan not familiar with Ichabod's tight posture, etc.. he may not have looked completely desperate and a hot mess.  But we who have watched him know that he is terribly desperate.  I don't think he looked this messed up when he redrew that map.  But this time - he literally risked unleashing hell on earth to get Abbie back.  Talk about crossing lines for someone you ... love.  
    2. To help Ichabod gain some sense of self so he could stop being quite so reckless and think more clearly in order to bring Abbie back.  I don't think he was thinking that he'd just abandon her - he was thinking that he needed to be smarter in order to successfully bring her back and not unleash hell in the process.  Boobsy would abandon her partner, but he refuses to.


    The only issue this week is that his flashbacks had NOTHING to do with the demon they were facing - but I'm kinda glad it didn't - because I don't want Sophie let in on THAT.  She still doesn't know Ichabod is 250+ years old.


    I do wonder what causes Abbie's hair to go kinky-coily.  Does she find a stream to wash in?  And her clothes look different too in the promo... she appears to be wearing a short sleeved gray top - instead of her black ops outfit.


    I think PanOne are supposed to be another mirror/parallel to Ichabbie.  The toxic/abusive PanOne vs Ichabbie.  This season seems to be all about partners.


    ^^THIS^^ Again, so all of THIS! Yup, BR and Crane flashbacks are deliberately a parallel to the modern one with Ichabbie. The entire purpose for that is as a contrast, and for Crane to really reflect on his past decisions and really what his past mindset is now. You are dead right - Modern!Crane would NEVER allow Hale to hang. And he knows this now. I've been saying for years that Ichabbie make each other better people. It's been that way since day one. Abbie makes Crane a better person, Crane makes Abbie a better person. Hence the "Better Half" comment.


    And I like your comment, phoenics, about how buttoned-up Crane may seem on the surface as calm, but he's really screaming and flailing inside. It's one thing to be the kind of person who loses it quickly - it is in a way a quick outlet for ones frustrations. But in Crane's place, he tries to overcompensate, by holding his emotions in, and barelling on in these missions mindlessly. The difference is that Crane is like a sealed container under incredibly intense pressure. The container can only sustain itself for so long, until it violently bursts.


    The flashbacks have nothing to do with the COTW, but does have to do with the overarcing these of this season. The partnership of Ichabbie. BR did provide clues to solve cases, but since day one, it's also been offering parallels to the partnership of Crane/Abbie. Just like you said, this season is about partners.


    And I cannot believe that anyone hasn't mentioned that the demon, in "reading" Crane's desperation, equated Lingerie = Abbie. aka, when the Demon looked into Crane's soul, felt his desperation, it used an item that Crane would automatically link to Abbie. Not a gun. Not her leather jacket. Not her badge. No - it used a sheer lingerie top!!! Ha!


    Also, it took me a second to realize it was Crane on the motorcycle, but I really like the little nuance of the bike not being ridden perfectly - i.e. when he was riding, the bike was wobbling a bit. Basically, he is a not very experienced rider but CAN ride, so this held very true for me.

    • Love 6
  11. FOX moving Sleepy Hollow to Fridays turned out to be a VERY smart move.


    0.9 rating is just down a little bit from the season 3 premiere (1.0 on a Thursday), AND lower ratings are more tolerated on Fridays. Looks like SH and Grimm actually helped each other last night with both being on Fridays. FOX might have just saved the show with the move.


    Yeah, I was bracing myself for a ratings hit due to Friday, but not even close. It actually did better than Novo Ordus Seclorum, the episode before the winter break. So there is hope. plus, the Live +3 and +7 numbers make a difference too.


    Basically, if it's economically feasible and profitable for FOX to keep SH, they will.

    • Love 6
  12. I thought maybe Phyllis was Geronimo, and maybe she is and wouldn't that be a twist?  The Resistance killed Geronimo!  I don't think this show would go there, though.


    That is EXACTLY the first thought that popped in my head, with Phyllis showed up at the Yonk. Then 3 minutes later, she's killed off. Did NOT see that coming. I was very surprised actually, but what a twist.


    Same with Broussard being a "Red Hat" in real life. I like these twists alot.


    What I am worried about is who is going to fill Phyllis' shoes? What are the odds that Will will be promoted into that spot??

    • Love 1
  13. By the way, I haven't heard any discussion about that oh-so-subtle mention of Orpheus and Eurydice yet (the lamp Ichabod used in the beginning was said to belong to them).


    I noticed, but forgot to comment on it, but yeah, I do think this was a bit of clever foreshadowing, and how Crane saves Abbie, is going to unfold very similarily to the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice. The show has been doing this all season, dropping little hints here and there.


    And on a purely shallow note: so niiiiiiiice to see Mison again.


    It's always nice to see him. Love this man to death. And such a brilliant actor. He did such a good job at showing how Crane was lost, but also grasping at straws and just obsessed. That's typical Crane.


    Cue in my eye roll to the max when Sophie came in to try and "arrest" Ichabod.  Did so love his, 'if you're going to charge me, do it, otherwise leave me alone.'


    Me too. I totally loved this scene. He just did not care and had no time for Sophie's BS.

    • Love 6
  14. I don't think Ichabod was giving up on Abbie there at the end...I think he realized the manic way he was going about it was not working and even actively doing harm. Abbie wouldn't have gone off the deep end; she would have been measured and calculating and bided her time and grabbed every shot that presented itself with logic and purpose. Walls of crazy (per the PreviouslyTV article) are not getting him anywhere. He has to cool down and take measure.

    I also appreciated that there was no visible attempt to force chemistry between Crane and Foster during their partnership. They're pleasant to watch together, which bodes well if Foster is going to become part of the group, but it wasn't compelling like the Ichabbie and more importantly, there was no hint that it was meant to be (a là the Katrina nightmare).


    ^^ THIS ^^ All of this.....

    • Love 1
  15. First note, these are just quick thoughts from the watching, and fast typing, so I am gonna jump from topic to topic.


    I liked it! I did. Crane's desperation, Jenny trying to get it, Joe being supportive, and I actually really loved how Foster had a supernatural connection, but was initially suspicious of Crane, then kinda fell in.. I said earlier, it makes sense that Crane should be the first suspect

    Whoa - excellent episode.


    Three way anyone?? i.e. both Reynolds AND Crane were both incredibly desperate to find Abbie. I think they are setting it up for her to choose which man to be with.


    I admit it - I totally liked the interactions between Crane and Sophie. They work well together. Do they have the crazy-ass chemistry that NB and TM do? No. But they are really natural and bounce off each other well. I like them as a team


    It was nice, it was good to see.


    Oh, Pandora and Zod are gonna have some issues. Is Pandora gonna be the one to "rescue?" Abbie. And Zod, you are an ungrateful bastard. Though I totally understand and agree with your opinion that humanity "was allowed to spread, and destroy earth, and must be destroyed". No really, I do. But I predict Pandora will somehow bring back Abbie, instead of Crane. I hope it's Crane, but we will see.


    Also, the mirror totally gave me visions of the movie Constantine, with Keanu Reeves' character trapping a demon in a mirror, then destroyed the mirror to destroy the demon. Oh, and I cannot help think that special effect of the rippling mirror, totally reminded me of Star Trek: DS9, with the effects for their wormhole. Basically nicely done.


    I really enjoyed the episode and the time FLEW!! See, this was like season one, where time flew. This one did too!


    And shallow comment of the episode - Crane, pretending to be Daniel, with his hair slicked back. HOT!!!!!


    God, I will miss that sexy man on my screen. He may not be "conventionally" sexy, but there is something about Mison that does it for me! Le sigh.


    Oh, I should also say that apparently NR has been working on her dialect. She no longer sounds like Valley Girl in Colonial times. Her voice/line delivery was pretty good actually. She didn't make me cringe, she didn't make me roll my eyes.


    Actually, she reminded me a little of Anna Strong, from TURN. Basically, she is MUCH improved. The only thing is that I don't know a crazy amount of history on Nathan Hale - just what I read in the book TURN is based off of, but I think he was much more of a Patriot and calculating individual than portrayed. But still, the show is nicely embracing the dark side. Like it. Love it.


    Oh, and show? Giving me Crane on a motorcycle?? Why you mess with me like this...........??

    • Love 4
  16. I'm rereading one of my X-Files books that cover the first two seasons and in it they talk about David's near photographic memory. I'm much more like poor Gillian, I have a really terrible memory which is one reason I'm mostly a lurker on this site. I'm trying to come out of my shell a bit more though because I was seriously obsessed with this show back in the day.


    festivus!! Don't lurk - come join the insanity! Never mind your memory. Mine is absolutely terrible, to the point that yesterday is a relative blur to me. I remember I went to work, but don't ask me what I did in any sort of semi-detail. Last, week, I can't remember what I did Wed, compared to Thursday, it's that bad. However, I do remember completely useless facts, go figure.


    Here's a hint. If you are not sure about sometime you want to write - google it. That's what I do. Sometimes I'm not 100% about something I remember from the show, or mix it up with something else, so I just double-check on the Internet! Come, join us Memory-less Members! *grin*


    Same here as I'm not really looking forward to episode 6 based on summaries and the fact that CC has said he intends the show to go on..aka, not going to give people answers yet. Add to that Tad O'Malley and the awful oil company-climate change-fast food-9/11-Bush conspiracy theory and it seems Batcrap Crazy Mulder will be returning.


    I've decided to employ my drinking game that night consisting of taking a drink every time someone mentions that X is the key to everything. I think I'll be drunk within 20min.


    Drinking game, hell yeah!! We'll be wasted in no time. Here's an oldie published way back during the original series run. X-Files Drinking Game


    So basically, in this episode we would be very very hammered:


    • Mulder utters a wry witticism or "Mulderism" (two sips if Scully actually smiles as a result). (one sip)
    • Scully misses the proof of a paranormal event (one sip)
    • Any character, including Mulder or Scully, shows their badge (one sip)
    • Mulder or Scully call each other on cell phone and say, "It's me" or "Where are you?" (one sip)
    • Scully does an autopsy. (one sip)
    • Scully happens to know/notice some obscure fact which later helps solve the case.(two sips)
    • They drive a car other than a Ford Taurus. (two sips)
    • Mulder is seen in his underwear or a Speedo swimsuit. - ding ding ding! (two sips)


    She's back at the FBI because of the personal interest her alien DNA represents, but it will be interesting to see how long she stays there. 


    I would think she would be like a lot of us - you get sick and tired of a job, and leave. But if you end up thinking you missed it, go back to said job, then quickly realize why you hated it in the first place.

    • Love 1
  17. I love the joint interviews that DD and GA have given as they are mostly fun but what they reveal most to me is that DD has an incredible memory of details and plotlines of the show while GA hardly remembers that she was on a show called "The X-Files."


    Oh now, that's a cool factoid. I didn't know that! I believe it though, that he has an excellent memory, because how else could be memorize and recite in one take, half of Mulder's long-winded dialogue that is written for him.


    I think it would be exhausting for her to live day to day with Mulder and even though she loves him she just can't do it anymore.


    I'm in the same boat too. I don't think Mulder would be easy to live with, and sometimes the demons are too strong. Also, sometimes couples do better living separately than together. Scully has her own issues too, and throughout the X-Files seasons, was always trying at a "normal' life, but the X-Files, and Mulder disrupted those plans.


    What I find interesting, is that she finally got a chance to pursue that "normal" life, and it turns out, she's bored silly by it. But as the episodes are going on, you can see the sparks of life coming back into M&S, which bodes well I think for their future. They just need to finally accept/conquer/work together to resolve their demons, to finally be able to move on (and maybe get back together).

    • Love 2
  18. Episode synopsis: A woman with two children weighs more than 600 pounds, so she agrees to go on an extreme new diet, but her weight-loss efforts are threatened by her debilitating habits and a child's health emergency.


  19. I noticed that, glad it's being promoted, but I don't understand why they'd use her when her contribution is so slight. My guess is it's driven more by her own agent pushing her than the network promoting the show. I want to see Tom or Nicole, I wish they were being seen out there. I find them both delightful in interviews.


    Well, I think it's more that a) they are busy filming and b) they just don't want to. They both don't seem like people who like promoting themselves. Not good if one if an actor/actress and needs to put themselves "out there". But probably good for their personal sanity and privacy.

    • Love 1
  20. Enjoyed this one. Liked Lucy calling his brother, simply to stop time and pluck the bullet out of the air. Nice touch!


    The promo has him saying he's an offical consultant for the LAPD, but I think that line was missing.


    The common trope is that the female lead character isn't falling for the handsome mans' charms (but eventually captulates), but what I DO like as a bit of a twist, is, as Chloe is learning more and more about Lucifer, she's not learning the good things, she's learning the bad. I like that she's getting little hints and realizations that he's actually quite sinister.


    Yeah, Maize is gonna abandon Lucifer, or go off on her own, and there is going to be a showdown. Won't be good.


    Liked his scenes with Dr. Linda. Yes, she is using Lucifer in a way, but also seems ot be taking the shrink sessions seriously. And it's giving him pause for thought.


    Tom Ellis could be the "Most Charming Man in the World" (with respect, Dos Equis Man)

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