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Everything posted by ForReal

  1. I simply can't understand half of what they say...it's seriously interfering with my understanding and enjoyment of the show.
  2. While I was with Max all the way, I did wonder what made him particularly mad at this catfish. Because of his age? Because he was a man? Almost all of the other factors -- he was creepy, he showed no remorse, he is in denial, he is unlikely to stop, he had other victims -- were present in other past catfish, but somehow this guy really set Max off. It was the best part of the episode, frankly.
  3. I know, right? She went from her cheating, lying husband to a guy who went after her male friend first and was deemed a liar by him? How could this possibly not end well for her...
  4. Same here! When he pulled up to his garage and saw the bike, then quickly checked out all the windows facing him and pulls out his gun like he's a match for some unseen shooter, then approaches the bike with no back-up and no one knowing where he is...I thought, let him die now. I've reserved judgment on him till now because he had ups and downs -- pouty, yes, but at odd moments sweet. Last night was just one big no for me. He can't even work well with Abby. I liked her quip about handing over the Cafe Pow -- "When is it too late?" "When I have to ask for it." He should know how to play that game by now. Instead, he seemed so self-absorbed, and that did not change throughout the show. I'm missing Tony more and more as well. No matter how goofy he ever came across, he always did the right thing when the chips were down, with suitable gravitas. These new agents, not so much.
  5. I had a hard time understanding both of them at times, but particularly her. It diminished a lot of my enjoyment of the show, which was otherwise pretty good.
  6. I felt really angry watching this episode. After the first meeting, Yasmine said she was done and just wanted to go home. When they gave her the spiel about staying over night to get closure, all I could think was that while it served the purposes of the show, it didn't serve Yasmine at all. Then, the next day, when she said she was afraid that Blue/Keerah would manipulate her, they said they'd be with her to prevent that...and then they left the table to give them a moment alone! And I thought it was totally creepy that Keerah asked for a hug and asked to slip in a kiss. Predatory, yes, and shame on Max and Nev for not looking out for her!
  7. I didn't in any way mean to imply that Bishop *couldn't* be a good shot because she's a woman, only that, as enoughcats pointed out, we haven't been shown that in her character.
  8. I, too, hope the new season brings Louisa around more than Martin. I know the show has danced around Martin having Aspergers; I have a child on the spectrum. I totally get Martin's perspective, even though I don't share it, and I would expect Louisa to do a better job of it. She's very good at understanding her students, especially the ones who don't fit in. I don't understand why she doesn't see the affect Martin's parents have had on him and show some compassion.
  9. I, too, was annoyed with McGee. Where's his law enforcement backbone? "Most people just pay." Really? Is that what he would have done had it happened to him? His character is becoming ineffective. I was also annoyed that Bishop is "only a few shots" behind Gibbs. She's that good a shot? How? Did she do much shooting in her previous job? You'd think the other team members would have years more experience than her and would be closer in ability to Gibbs, although obviously, he's the man.
  10. I agree with Chaifan, the first moments were such a departure from reality that I couldn't take it seriously, but since this is a tv show, I suspended belief and then I enjoyed it a lot. I was at first perturbed that Bones seemed to be able to use her brain for everything but the one very specific thing needed at that moment, but I did like that she was able (and willing) to recall nice memories about all of her interns. I liked that it brought her to an identity crisis of asking, "Who am I without my intelligence?" and Booth was able to tell her kindly and surely that she is someone who loves and is loved by her family and friends, and really isn't that a more satisfying identity, particularly for Bones? I liked the comment she made about the clock that stopped at that historically significant time...something about it reminds her that nothing has really ended. I am content to think of them solving crimes into the sunset without me.
  11. Oddly enough, Mark Harmon didn't do anything for me when he was younger, but man, has he aged well!
  12. I wondered if perhaps Cam was thinking of Angela. She's pretty good at managing all the personalities. Also I wondered if perhaps Jessica is the villain. It just seemed a little weird the way she approached Aubrey (who I adore) at the office in the middle of a case to tell him they were through.
  13. I thought I was the only one who thought of that, lol.
  14. I have to confess that when I first started watching this show, I had a little crush on Nev, but now I think he's a creeper and it's Max I adore. How could they not call Danny on his "not judging a book by its cover" b.s.? Seems like they let a lot slide this episode. I thought the catfish seemed very troubled and that they were out of their league in terms of helping him, but in the end they didn't offer him much aid and he seemed have to bounced back -- go figure. I wonder if Danny decided it was better to come across as a caring, forgiving type of guy rather than an idiot. Kinda too late for that by the time you are on this show.
  15. Wrap up is right. It feels like limping to the finish line. The stage was set for both Booth and Bones to decide they no longer feel passion for their jobs, although at the last minute Bones decided that Wendell doesn't have sufficient passion, but she still does? I thought Booth micromanaging Aubrey (and then pretending it was just to make him take charge) was ridiculous. The detecting was weak and far-fetched; it's not the first time someone has confessed without a lawyer present, and I get that the show has to wrap things up, but really? She pushed her boss off the building because he was coming back to his company and she'd no longer be in charge? I was actually thinking I would still watch the show without Booth and Bones, but even Angela seems to have lost her passion. I wonder if we will see Avalon/Cyndi Lauper come back with a prediction for her, or maybe her dad?
  16. Tatiana's lotion line is called skinbuttr and she has a website with pictures of her and it looks like Cortney maybe. Interesting.
  17. I was disappointed in Tim for keeping it all a secret. It seemed wussy of him to not tell Delilah; like others said, I'm sure she could handle it, and it wasn't decent of him to withhold the information. I doubt he would have been pleased had the situation been reversed. "I loved the scene between Leon and the congresswoman where she got insulted about the "dancing with the devil" phrase. It's one thing to be pragmatic and understand that you make morally ambiguous choices for "the greater good" (as she might), but that huge dose of denial is not a good look." This! The nerve of her to dump him when he called her on her @#! I'm glad Leon finally stood up for himself. When I compare her to his wife Jackie, I think he owes her memory (and their kids) more than to take up with someone like this.
  18. I, too, thought that Seiairah being "on the crush list" more likely meant he had a thing for her. I mean, he has a list of girls who have crushes on him? And yes, subtracting eight years from each of them, she seemed pretty young for him. AND, finally, how quickly they glossed over that he managed to have a child with someone during those long eight years. He mentioned something about a night after hitting the bars, but still, he had a real woman and has a real child, and all he can think about is some girl on the phone. Poor fool.
  19. I don't actively dislike Bishop, but when she went rogue (and it makes me cringe when someone says that about herself) it was just ridiculous. She went from being the brainy, quirky girl who "keeps people at a distance" to the tough girl who takes no prisoners. I bought that with Ziva, given her upbringing, but I don't see how standing up to some big brothers makes Bishop able to step so easily into being such kick-ass agent. Her actions, to me, were not so understandable or justifiable that she should be excused for them, by Gibbs, Vance, or anyone else. This was not like what Gibbs went through, and she should be punished. Gibbs should make her feel the weight of his distrust from here on out.
  20. "I knew the second Bones was sitting in an oddly vacant blue-lit hospital hallway that Max was going to die." I didn't know anyone was going to die so it was a total surprise to me, but I was fine with it being Max. What I thought was weird was that with their family at risk, their security breached, and her father fighting for his life, Bones is sitting alone in an empty hallway. I thought the killer was coming for her. I did think earlier that Caroline was at risk of getting shot...she seemed to be featured in this episode, and when they were standing outside, I was worried for her...
  21. I did not like the way Booth kept dissing Bones over science. Trying to explain to Christine how riding a bike works is taking all the fun out of it? Yeah, she looked like she'd been having a blast when she ran into the house crying and went upstairs to "self-soothe." The way the crowd threw flapjacks at the woman who took a scientific approach to lumber jacking, the way Booth kept treating Bones with contempt because she took the scientific approach to riding a bike -- why, even Aubrey joined in and agreed with Booth that it took all the fun out of it. I kept thinking how children beg their parents to keep holding on and not let them fall when learning to ride a bike, and the parent has to know that magic moment when to let go, not just let them crash and say that's how you learn. All I can think (and hope) is that they are setting the stage for science to win the day by the end of the season to put Booth in his place.
  22. "I liked Reeves and Gibbs and it was pretty cool to see that Gibbs has a bathroom lol! I don't remember seeing it before. Only thing that would have made the scene of him shaving even better is if he had just come out of the shower and was wearing only a towel. But I'm shallow ;) " I had to rewind and watch that scene twice. Gibbs was in shorts, after all. Guess I'm shallow, too!
  23. Did anyone understand what Gibbs said to Vance upon asking if he'd ever met Ducky's mom? I had repeat about four times and then turn on subtitles. Something about "it really doesn't rank"?
  24. I guess the way Gibbs pushed Quinn to face her past was sort of fatherly. She crossed paths again this episode with the guy she keeps brushing off because she can't get close to anyone, so I presume there will be more story for them down the road. I am still hopeful for the show and the newbies, but for me, it hasn't gelled yet.
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