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Everything posted by flyingmontana

  1. I think it's also important to note that someone as morbidly obese as Kate is at much higher risk of dying if she gets COVID. It was already unbelievable that Kate and Toby would be picked to adopt a baby given the factors already at play with their health issues and struggling to manage a disabled toddler. But the added threat of COVID to their precarious health and lives would make it just insane for a birth mother to choose them. So if the show wanted to incorporate a realistic portrayal of how COVID has pervaded the storylines, they needed to scrap the crazy fantasy that Toby and Kate get another baby dropped in their laps. As much as I was annoyed by many other flaws in this episode, which others have covered, the reluctance to address the danger of Kate's weight on her ability to survive the pandemic really outrages me and I'm surprised that it hasn't been mentioned yet in this forum....
  2. Actually, this is exactly the kind of thing the writers on this show would go for. Sophie gets a paternity test, finds out she isn't Jon's daughter, and the way is cleared for her and PJ to hook up after all. It's nearly as creepy as the distinct feeling I had that Maggie was going to seduce Eric out of desire to be as close as possible to her dead brother's beating heart.
  3. In addition to the many spot on comments that have been made about the dumpster fire that Elizabeth and Jamie have become, I wanted to point out that that moment when she asked him "Does that make you have less respect for me?" (the fact that her dad was giving her the job) and his response was a shrug and expression that clearly said, "Well yes," seemed significant to me. That was a real blatant put down, and I could feel her wounded at that moment. Unfortunately to strike back by humiliating him about his lovemaking style/technique certainly doomed the relationship forever as I don't know any couple that could back from that. I'm interested to see if they even try. From my experience once something has become that toxic and full of hurtful statements there is no way to fully heal from that.
  4. I'm 100 percent with those who watch this show with a whole different feeling when Jon is on screen--somehow I forget I'm watching an actor performing and feel like I'm watching a real life scene. Some have noted that Jon was a jerk to Delilah and thus bears some responsibility for the troubles in their marriage. But when she tells him they need to talk, and that she's "made a reservation at L'Epine," I could not help gritting my teeth at her smug, self-consciously "authentic" French pronunciation of "L'Epine." I know the actress is French so that came easily to her, but within the show, it came across as so annoying that I felt like I too would stand her up for the restaurant date, even with my marriage at stake.
  5. I'm mostly agreeing with all the complaints voiced in this thread, but I do want to say that when Gary kissed Maggie right after she threw up, my revulsion was accompanied by a sense of recognition and a little bit impressed. When you really really feel strongly for someone, you can do things like that in spite of disgusting circumstances. I thought the moment showed how deeply he felt. I love Katharine--she's my favorite character--but when she whispered to Eddie "Please don't drink," I immediately felt like he was going to end up relapsing just because of that pressure she was putting on him and the fact that she was kind of reducing him to his addiction in that moment instead of having faith that he could be the person he's trying to be now. I'll be interested to see if he ends up drinking and resenting her for expressing her seeming expectation that he was going to struggle out there on tour.
  6. Doug Flutie was 5'9" and a phenomenally talented and strong QB, but still faced huge obstacles being that height. Damon Gillespie is 5'8".
  7. I enjoy reading the critiques here about realism, from those who have actual experience in the field. Something else that bothered me in this episode, in terms of the emotional realism, was the way that Buck and Abby walked away from the pool scene as soon as the little girl was safe, talking about what a high that was, acting euphoric as though there was no longer a care in the world. Um, there's a potentially dead young man floating in the pool behind you. It didn't make any sense for Abby's character to suddenly not care at all about what happened to him--were they going to be able to revive him? Or was he a lost cause? Either way, there's no way she would have been leaving the scene with such gleeful oblivion.
  8. I've often wondered if a woman who does a lot of extreme dieting and exercising in order to stay skinny would not find Survivor to be much change and would not lose much weight at all compared to her "typical" life. With Hali only losing 2 pounds, this came to mind. I didn't like when they showed her coming across all this debris and discarded junk, and saying Fiji recently had a storm... I totally thought that she was going to get involved in helping the devastated communities put their lives back together. But instead, she was just picking over the pile of people's belongings and trash, to find cool stuff to make a stupid art project with. I thought Survivor might be able to do some social good in the aftermath of a natural disaster but no, it was all in the service of a spoiled lawyer chick's aspirations of craftiness.
  9. I don't like receiving flowers as gifts because I don't like seeing them die and it seems like a waste... but I love flowers growing in the ground. I wonder if Vanessa meant that the way I would mean it. It seems more than obvious to me that Nick kept Liz because the producers wanted her there for at least another week of drama/ratings. Her sexual "secret" guarantees that more humiliation, shame and bitterness will have us tuning in to see her brought down for her wrong-reasoned ways.
  10. Why would Deb tell the guys that she was 96 pounds when they weighed her after she got voted out? In the scene where they weigh her, she's 101, 13 pounds down from her original 114. Is she a compulsive liar? She baffles me almost as much as she irritates the hell out of me. I don't envy those poor two guys being stuck with her there talking their ears off and hitting on them.
  11. While I totally agree with all of your horrified reactions to Sam's insulting, obnoxious behavior toward Neil, I don't think he is such a peach either. In comparison to her, yes he is sweet and easygoing. But his stubborn self-conscious hipster quirkiness is not the only turn-off. When he communicates with her, he seems to me to be seething with hostility. The way he carefully articulates, with that stare of his... he's so passive aggressive that I actually feel like he's egging HER on by playing this holier-than-thou "see I'm acting so mature and patient but really skewering you with my intellectual disdain." I end up feeling like they're BOTH assholes who deserve each other. David's patience, humor and kindness are amazing. If I had a guy like him I would have a little trouble being attracted to his soft physical shape, but I bet he could be easily motivated to get into awesome shape if he had a supportive and enthusiastic partner helping him eat healthy and exercising with him in fun ways. He definitely gets more attractive as you get to know him. I liked his conspiratorial whisper to Ashley that he just thought she would make pea soup better than the restaurant.
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