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Everything posted by jird

  1. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    So, I have been thinking of the quote, "You said you couldn't handle it, and by God, you were right," but I cannot remember where it's from. Is it a Frasier episode? I feel like it is, but I can't place it.
  2. What do we think Caroline did with the shirt she didn't give Charles? Do you think she just swapped the two each time she washed them so he never knew he had two identical shirts, like we did with my son's stuffed bunnies when he was two?
  3. I don't think it's necessarily a bad episode, but I cannot watch the episode where Mary and Laura buy medicine to get Rev. Alden a better Bible. I just can't take the secondhand cringe while they're trying to sell the medicine.
  4. Watching The Rac(c)oon, and man, Pa just all set to shoot poor Jack because he's barking and wagging his tail. Apparently my dogs have rabies every time the UPS truck drives by.
  5. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    For about a full week in December I had O Holy Night stuck in my head, and it would inevitably turn into Martin practicing to hit the high note.
  6. This made me laugh way more than it should have - thank you! Also, Miss Wilder inspired sufficient loyalty in the kids for them to beat up Bartholomew in order to keep her as a teacher. (Although clearly they hadn't learned enough from their teachers to remember that was also the solution to dealing with Bubba.)
  7. And everyone slowly realizes that Pa's hearty laughter has become maniacal, and suddenly it's Little Shining on the Prairie.
  8. Watching the Ma Cuts Off Her Leg episode, the part where she struggles to go unlock the door, and I can't believe they did that and deprived ML of the opportunity to have Pa kick down the door in a super manly way.
  9. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    Yeah, that's not like Martin at all. I know he had his old partner that he had a fight with and didn't talk to for a long time, but I just can't see him ignoring his brother forever, especially once Frasier and Niles got so close.
  10. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    I'm watching Miracle on Third or Fourth Street, and just realized that Frasier actually uses the briefcase that Roz gave him for Christmas in this episode. In the episode where Nathan Lane steals it, Niles refers to the "inferior leather," and Roz says, "I gave him that briefcase!" and of course Niles giggles and says, "I know!" I love the little consistencies in this show.
  11. When my oldest son was in the first grade, he was reading Little House for school, and I will always remember him running into the room to announce, "Santa might not be able to get across the creek to see Mary and Laura at Christmas! And they've been such good girls!" 😅
  12. I didn't mind Kezia in her first episode, but didn't like her in any of the other episodes she showed up in. Like, apparently we're supposed to find it all quirky and charming when she reads everyone's mail (but how dare Mrs. Oleson listen in on phone calls).
  13. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    I have been singing, "If you've got a problem, if you're feeling low" to myself because it is stuck in my head and I had to try to explain what it was when my husband heard me.
  14. It kinda sucked to be Bandit. Pa was dumb thinking he'd just replace Jack, and Laura was mean to him just because he wasn't Jack. Poor guy.
  15. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    I remember reading somewhere that there was no brother in the original script, and that the role was created specifically for DHP after the writers/producers/somebody met him. No idea if that's accurate or not.
  16. My favorite was the one where Charles gave him a ride and took a stupid shortcut racing Almanzo, and Geezer Guy later snitched on him and repeatedly called him "Mr. Smart Brains"
  17. By the end of it, I was pretty sure I was dead. So very, unnecessarily long. And yes, Bev was so, so awful, and completely oblivious to the fact that she is the polar opposite of everything she claims to believe.
  18. Watched the first part of Mary going mline, and I forget how incredibly mad I always get that Pa didn't tell her for so long. Like maybe it didn't occur to him that if she was going blind, every single day of sight she had would be really precious and she would want to make the most of them?
  19. I pretend all the sequels don't exist, except for H20 and Halloween 2018 (which also ignores all the sequels!). I just can't get past the completely dark hospital where only 3 people work, and the fact that even though the guy that just tried to kill Jamie Lee is still on the loose, they leave her completely alone in her dark hospital room all the time. 😄 So, both the original Halloween and Halloween II have Little House actors - I wonder if there are others in the sequels?
  20. So I watched Halloween II the other day (spoiler alert: it is every single bit as bad as I remember) and immediately recognized a nice old lady in it as Miss Trimbull, the pipe-smoking, busted-leg teacher that Laura stayed with in Sweet Sixteen. You will be happy to know that, although Michael Myers stole a knife from her kitchen, she was otherwise unharmed. 🙂
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