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Everything posted by jird

  1. RIP, Hersha. This is a nice article about her, and even discusses the "baby battering ram." https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/hersha-parady-little-house-prairie-162107252.html
  2. I figured he was just as bad a farmer as Pa, so that's why he didn't mind abandoning it.
  3. Thedishes (that Laura said they used every day) might be in the dungeon outside of town with all the characters that were their best friends for one episode.
  4. Just turned on the TV and it's the last few minutes of the Schlong of Healing episode. With exceptionally bad special effects (not something we usually have to say about Little House!)
  5. Poor Doc Baker. The only educated, single guy in town, and all the ladies acted like he didn't exist. He was there all the time and apparently neither Caroline nor Grace thought he was an option for Grace. Then smelly, drunk Mr. Edwards shows up and they leap on him like water in a desert!
  6. Bizarrely, when Charles finally agreed to build out the house (in the episode where James and Albert run away, I think), suddenly James and Albert were all, "No, Pa, we love spending every moment within 2 inches of seventeen other people all the time! Please don't give us more room!" Every person in Walnut Grove with a house had a bigger house than the Ingalls.
  7. Well, to be fair, they only cared about the grandson for that one episode, then they all forgot he'd ever existed.
  8. Was watching Whisper Country, and damn, Mary is really awful in it. She's a terrible houseguest (oh, it's time for dinner? I'm gonna wash up and change instead of being on time), she yells at everyone instead of speaking like a reasonable human being, and she interferes with everything (leave the rooster tied up, nosy!) because she thinks she knows best. It's like she's channeling Charles - I guess it's a good thing she didn't fall down and break her ribs.
  9. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    I'll bring the coffee thermos (it keeps my coffee warm!)
  10. But when Albert was actually dying, Pa didn't build him a shrine, he just shook Laura and made her say "My brother is going to die!" 😂
  11. So, the drunk driving episode is on (the one where Mr. Edwards gets all tanked and Albert falls off the wagon and jacks up his leg), and Doc Baker says, "I've given him morphine for the pain." So now we know - Doc Baker is the one who started him down the road to drug addiction!
  12. Albert just burned down the blind school, and I will never ever stop being mad that everyone left the baby in a burning building. Also, "Darkness is My Friend" was on before this, and all I can think is that they say darkness is their friend now, but next week darkness won't even be in the episode and they'll all have forgotten about darkness, like every other Ingalls friend.
  13. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    I laughed at Frasier's bridesmaid's dress choice too (even though Roz loved it). Daphne was going for poofy ugly and Frasier went for refined ugly.
  14. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    I am always entertained how they pretend that Daphne and Roz wear the same size. Like the episode where Roz asks Daphne if she can borrow a push-up bra, when Roz is clearly several bra sizes larger than Daphne.
  15. Caught the end of Meet Me at thr Fair, and I forgot how much I love Mary's SUPER-DRAMATIC delivery of the line, "All you care about is your balloon!" 😄
  16. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    Regarding the Superbowl episode, our dogs only tolerate each other, and sometimes someone will refer to them as "friends," and I always say, "He's not my friend! I hate him!" and I'm the only one who thinks it's funny.
  17. jird

    All Episodes Talk

    Agreed. The "jokes" were all lazy and mean.
  18. If it had been Blanche the orangutan that broke them, that would have been peak LH.
  19. I may be misremembering, but I recall a couple of the moms saying that their kids couldn't have gotten home in time even before Miss Beadle said how long ago they left. And yes, I felt awful for her too. Willie coming to comfort her is one of my favorite moments in the whole series.
  20. I hope everyone is wearing their very special angel necklace they got from their stepfather, like Ma. She wears it every Christmas. Except for every other Christmas we see on the show.
  21. I thought the pilot did a much better job of that. The house they built with the rough logs, the kids gathering firewood in cold weather, etc. It was a lot less sanitized than the series after that. I think they even showed Ma plucking a turkey at one point.
  22. I read that LIW was crabby because her publishers wouldn't let her call the book The Hard Winter, even though that's what everyone who lived through it called it. They thought it was too harsh a title. So I imagine they probably made her tone down the content of the book, too. Agreed that it would have been a great two-part episode and would have let us see Manly being useful.
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