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TV Diva Queen

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Everything posted by TV Diva Queen

  1. ahhhhh, is that the same dress she wore at someone's garden party?
  2. Sorry - but Grigor using the "they" pronoun just didn't ring true to me. He wants to kill them and yet he's PC? yeah no.
  3. OMG With the gift bag comment....she didn't mean anything by it, it's two people who haven't talked to each other in a long time, two people who have shared a deep friendship at one point, and two people who probably were always into the swag bag back then. It was a joke. As B was walking back to her car, JZ even said "you're so funny". I'm Italian....they say Jews and Italians are the same but we have better food. Our wakes and memorials are NOT somber, we laugh, we joke, we catch up, we tell funny stories about the deceased (right in front of the open casket). I wouldn't read too much into B's comment, its a regional/ethnic thing.....and actually, its not even a thing.
  4. YES! and they way she does the Pardon Superpower with her hands.
  5. I agree 100% with you and the Bethenny stuff. And I'd like to add I also am on her side regarding the fax machine. I'm in the C-suite at a major medical center and (attorneys, CPA's and MD's) when someone ask me for our fax number, I say "hold please, while I go back to the 90's". We have a fax, don't know its number, the only action it sees are getaway vacation scams. #truth
  6. she was talking about blue collar shows, the others were still on the replacement actors
  7. and her success and money. They're foaming at the mouth over it, that she made it all happen via the Housewives show and their business aren't doing jack squat. available Sept 10
  8. Let me fix that for you.....Al Gore Rhythm (tm the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I'm sure there's not much cross over viewing between the two shows, but I couldn't pass it up()
  9. I forgot that it was their real name it I giggled when they said it. (for those who wonder why - there was also a New York Giants baseball team, so the football team added "football" to their name) the more you know....... :)
  10. Keith used to get blood transfusions back in the day. LOL. Today's version is a saline drip with some vitamins added, there are different kinds to heal what ails you. There are a couple of these stores in Chicago, I know people that swear by it for a hangover cure. I would want to do it Snooki style, just stay in bed and have them do it right there. Getting out of bed, driving to the place, parking, and then having the procedure it pretty much exactly why I'd rather stay in bed all day. By the time I do all that, I'm pretty much up at that point. Back on topic: I've been around pools my whole life and one creed that every boy/man that I call a friend is.......you don't push a woman in the pool. Ever. Jagoff Ron. If you did that to me, consider yourself dead to me. I have zero tolerance for that kind of bullshit.
  11. So Axe and Lara are separated/not separated? When she was in his apartment and he was making a move, she said something like "we're not going to get sloppy now" To me that mean, its a ruse. Anyone else?
  12. Next year I would like Bravo to do a Very Special RHNY Christmas Special showing the gals Christmas shopping/holiday partying it up and culminating with them at the Berkshires for a couple days, 3-5 hours of footage would be fabulous. No one does Christmas like the NYC ladies. (I'm not even sure we've seen other franchises during Christmas lol)
  13. I was thinking the same thing. I seem to think that Frozen hasn't' been around long enough to warrant a Broadway/big bucks spectacular. My eldest is 18 years old - and we just went to see Aladdin on B-way. I think the Frozen target audience is still too young for a parent to justify spending that kind of money to see it. No one in my house has seen the movie Frozen and we LOVE all things Disney, I just don't think I want to see this show. Seems like there's more giveaways lately, I was at The View taping in January and we didn't get jack......I would have DIED if we got Frozen tickets (It wasn't out yet, and while I said up there that I don't want to see it, I really meant I don't want to pay for it. LOL)
  14. Thank you - he's gone now, just over a year and your post brought a tear to my eye. Sorry to digress mods, I just couldn't not acknowledge.
  15. My dad always told me -"hate is like acid, it destroys only it's container". I know it wasn't his quote, but he said it alot. :)
  16. OMG - I bow to thee. I can't believe I just watched that at work. thank you!
  17. I think its because its not a real product yet, and maybe Bethenny is like "talk to me when its real, until then, you're full of shit"
  18. Yeah - I shocked the shit out of my 18yo when I said that "me and dad were going to darty today". I work with a young hip gorgeous urban chick who keeps me up to date on what the "kids" are staying.
  19. Oh us middle-aged ladies can hang.....we just have to start earlier. I love me a darty,
  20. re the thanking of the Nutcracker. I used to be "Michael" (Dorinda's guy that found the Nutcracker) I was a personal assistant to a fairly powerful man. When his friends asked for things - I was the one to scout it out. When it was a friend in his close circle asking, I WOULD GET THANKS, the thank you note and maybe a gift card or flowers. When it was someone that wasn't in his close circle, He would get the thanks. I was totally the woman behind the curtain. those who mattered knew.
  21. /small voice: I FLOVED her entire outfit. The top, the jeans, the shoes. It was everything to me.
  22. Hilarious - but I see it as an ABC Friday night sitcom in the 80's. I'm penning the theme song as we speak.
  23. She doesn't own the characters and I forget who does, she has just a little piece of them; she said as much on a Howard Stern interview a couple months ago. She said that she made sure that Seinfeld learned from her mistake.
  24. I"d watch the shit out of show without her. All my TV's and devices would be tuned it (not sure TPTB would know that, but I would). Jackie and Dan were sweet on each other.....let's kill off Rosie and see where it goes....
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