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TV Diva Queen

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Everything posted by TV Diva Queen

  1. agreed - and then one daughter says "is that alot", which leads me to believe that calorie counts are not a top priority for the girls, nor should they be. (well to a certain extent, but you know what I mean)
  2. Couple random thoughts: The new husband is taking the CA bar, the new wife mumbled something about him already being licensed in UT. I would imagine its harder to pass if you've been out of school for a minute or two. BUT - when you already have a license, do you take a full bar test for another state, or is it an easier condensed version? Kelly - I can't be the only one that noticed she had a shit eatin grin on the whole time she was making out with that guy. That's NOT her boyfriend, she's doing that to spite her ex and vicki Vicki's face. 'nuff said. I heart Shannon.
  3. I'm sticking with mine only because something tells me that MM relishes in the fact of being called a "rich bitch" even though its her mommy that's rich...reminds of a Cosby episode when Vanessa asked her parents "are we rich?" and Cliff said "me and your mother are rich, you are poor".
  4. LOL, I thought it was Raging Bitch Meaghan. LOL tomato/tomaaaato
  5. We don't know what Luann did to help or not help clean her mattress. I can totally see her finding the maid, explaining what happened and looking for guidance from the maid. She probably said - I'm happy to clean it, but don't want to ruin the mattress if you have a method you prefer. I don't think Luann left a big old diarrhea dump on her bed.
  6. OK - how can I watch this show on my phone whilst at work? I can't take it anymore!!! Someone said youtube. regular ole youtube, do I have to pay?
  7. The way it sounds, the View won't be able to post any clips today on social media.
  8. OMG - I'm giddy! Can't wait to get home and watch this. Those that are watching....PLEASE keep the comments coming, you're making my icky day much brighter. :)
  9. I think that was the tequila slammer lady. I was part of the "shot" routine. doesn't make it right though....
  10. I have nothing more to add here, except to pile on the MM hate. I so enjoy everyone else on the show and I fear that my viewing days are numbered. I simply can not stand her and she's ruining the show. I'm sure the ABC exec believe that MM is generating conversation with the viewers and they think that's a good thing, but there comes a point where its just too much and that time is now. I'm glad they're off for a month - maybe things will change.
  11. genius theory! "talk about Christmas" "tribe, and now red meat" "you're doing great babe" "let em know you've signed on for another yet, make you sure break for applause....."
  12. re: Luanne and the gift she left the staff on the bed.....I remember in 1977 and I was a young teen, we were on a family vacation at the Acapulco Princess, and I saw a "fancy' looking man in white dress slacks, have an accident, in his pants, in the lobby, while just standing there talking to his wife. Montezuma does not discriminate.
  13. I'm going to have to re-watch that Lee Radizwell trendsetter part. I thought B was groaning because someone said that Carole has good fashion sense.
  14. you don't bring sand to the beach and I can sooooo see her asking a houseman to get her some. I'm thinking its not taboo there.
  15. The sea was angry that day my friends, like Sonja trying to return a pee stained swim suit
  16. probs tomorrow, Whoppi is off on Fridays.
  17. It was common knowledge and I forgot about it, and then she lied on Friday and said they got married because trump won and romance was in the air. she said "if trump wouldn't have won, I'd probably wouldn't be married to Ben"
  18. Oh my.....I completely forgot about this. Just the other day she said they decided to marry because Trump won and their emotions were all over the place. OMG she did get married because she wanted her father to be alive for it. I just hate that woman!!
  19. She was probably going to annihilate her just like she did to Comey. lolololololo
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