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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Enough with Mattie's desperate, tired Martha schtick. Even her "family" is sick of it. I noticed for all of her flailing about in the cab, and screaming about getting out, she didn't actually try to open the door. She's a terrible actress. One thing that tickles me about Lyle is that he's a big grown man, yet he cries when he's sad. (And usually drunk.) Anyone else think Lauren is faking the "I feel sick" so she can just lay around in bed? I wish they'd replace her.
  2. The attention-starved, narcissistic parents are very disturbing.
  3. Kelli has never been able to completely hide her bitchy disdain for certain candidates. She can be very polished and professional, but she ruins it by making faces and sarcastic comments, such as during practices. Judy is so impassive as to appear tranquilized. It's curious to me that the organization hasn't replaced her with a more dynamic choreographer. Maybe she does a lot of stuff off-camera that they find valuable. I appreciate seeing the short-haired women, because not all of "America's sweethearts" have long blonde hair. Holly has a very appealing look and dance style.
  4. Daniel has been such a detached, otherworldly character, with his slow speech and remote affect. So when he starts behaving normally - joking with his family - it seems strange to have him fit in again. I love how he uses words in a kind of old-fashioned way. Many southerners I know have this trait. One of my uncles, now long dead, used to say "See you in the funny papers."
  5. Thrilled to see Leslie! I'm so pleased for her kids' sakes that she is sober. They broke my heart during the episode.
  6. Honestly, when he was wearing that black net hood and bellowing in that deep voice, I thought "Sylvester Stallone in a church hat." If I had to sit through Bedelia's affected, measured intoning, I'd be glancing at my watch the entire time.
  7. I saw a little blurb on HBO that said Getting On is in production for its third season. Yippee!
  8. Did Mattie say she had a Brazilian butt lift? Or did she say she looked like she'd had one?
  9. They've ruined the series by encouraging the fighting. I hate it. I'm pretty sure the producers told Mattie to bunk with Lauren and Tiffany so that Hannah was odd girl out. Then we heard Lyle say that he doesn't like Hannah - what's that about? There seemed to be an undercurrent of everyone ganging up on Hannah. And Lauren is trying to be Tiffany 2.0, with all the drunken flailing about. Epic fail. Bring back the old good-natured gang.
  10. I don't like that they confronted Colby about plastic surgery while the cameras were rolling. That's a mean thing to do and deliberately humiliating. Colby held her ground with dignity. Kelli can never resist trying to take down certain candidates a notch or two; she seems to resent the fan favorites squeaking in to camp over her own preferences. It's very unprofessional behavior. Too bad someone can't ask her about how many pairs of Spanx she is wearing under those ridiculous bandage dresses. If they think Colby is too old, they can just release her from camp. No need to draw attention to her face work. There's a line between realistic, constructive critiques and mean girl cattiness.
  11. It was a significant surgery, yet he wanted to prescribe only Tylenol. It was only after I whined that he agreed to the pill (I think oxycodone?). Even a family member was on only Tylenol a few days after open-heart surgery. And this is with no history of drug abuse.
  12. This was a singularly unpleasant episode. Zoila behaved abominably - I felt sorry for Gage. I don't understand why she doesn't live with or near her own family. And that gawdawful video shoot...and the finished product. The whiny Palm Springs client...rich people's problems. But I was coveting her Acoma pottery. I have a few modest pieces.
  13. I'm pretty sure that was Trace. My understanding is that he falls on and off the alcohol wagon. Sexual abuse stories are so common in the media that they almost run together. Yet these addictions remind us how traumatizing and devastating the abuse is to each and every victim. It's heartbreaking and there's a special place in Hell for the religious abusers. So many of these children never have a chance. I have a friend who was abused by her father 50 years ago and she sleeps on a small cot inside a large walk-in closet. It's how she feels safe. Sylvia! So awesome to see her alive and thriving! And I'm amazed at what a little prescribed testosterone will do. I would never have recognized the transgender person from his intervention. I'm glad some doctors are being very careful about prescribing painkillers. I had dental surgery last year and my dentist gave me a prescription for one pill.
  14. I'm just discovering these guys and I like 'em. I've seen the tall one in various things - I think maybe Reno 911 - and I'm glad they are gaining visibility. I think they have a great, fresh talent.
  15. Hang in and be tough farmgal4, we need you and appreciate you on this forum.
  16. Like a surgical air strike, Jeff pummeled Gage in all the places it hurts: age, boys, money. Those comments revealed everything about Jeff that Gage needs to know. That kind of disrespect and nastiness will always be hanging over Gage's head, and Jeff will absolutely play the financial card when he gets mad enough. And we saw a master class in passive aggression: "I was just joking!" AND I don't think Jeff is attractive or appealing. He's aging and pudgy. (Normally I wouldn't go there but Jeff's behavior doesn't deserve respect.) He's essentially a miserable human being. I don't know...sometimes I think Gage has been using Jeff for money and "prestige." Getting that baby might seal the child support deal. So maybe they deserve each other.
  17. I watched the last four episodes at one sitting, and it eased my confusion about the many characters a little bit. That endless goodbye scene in the train station - holy cow that was awful. Even two good actors couldn't have pulled that off. And did Jordan HAVE to have on a low cut outfit in so many of her scenes? I kept wanting to shout "put some clothes on!" I loved his performance, even though he gave us that weird cowboy accent when trying to trap Frain and that other guy. Did they show us a scene with Kitsch's baby?
  18. I thought she and her mother were auditioning for something. I just don't know what. Perhaps they thought they had a trendy topic in gender confusion, but too late - Caitlyn Jenner and others beat them to the punch. They hijacked the episode, and I think production tolerated the nonsense to get David into treatment. The ginormous script on the fireplace mantel gave me pause. Interesting that the family apparently accepted David's sexual preference but he supposedly hates himself for it. Actually, David and the friend and her mother seemed to be acting. He looked pretty good for a homeless meth addict. And he made his ongoing escapes seem routine and boring. Ken's always had that scratchy voice, but it did seem a bit worse in this episode. I can't remember if he did meth - can smoking drugs cause larnyx damage? I'm always glad to have Ken on my screen. The man is tireless.
  19. Ugh, I hated Gillian Anderson's affected speech and ended up FFing through her scenes. Well, except for when she jammed her hand down her patient's throat. It wasn't the horror of that that held my attention, it was the fact that she was able to express an open-mouthed scream despite all the Botox. Hannibal is positively reptilian when they light MM from below. And Hannibal's jaunty little banter with the telephone rep made me laugh.
  20. I appreciate all the actors, but he's become my favorite. I'm continuing to enjoy the writing, the realistic small-town feel, and the acting. And! We have a murder mystery and a determined sheriff to boot.
  21. I thought every single look was horrible, with the exception of the caftan. I'm not a fan of caftans necessarily, and they're easy to make, but given the fabric choices and time limits, he made a safe choice and the look wasn't horrid. Only because the judges swooned over it, I'll say that I hated Merline's look and wondered what the judges were smoking. Merline seems like a sweet woman, but very unpolished and I hope the editors don't shame her too much. Having said that, when they were all checking out the hotel I wondered who would get stuck with Chatty Cathy. I can't imagine trying to rest and recharge my exhausted batteries with Merline around. Last nerve, and all that. Edmond is gonna break my heart.
  22. We're getting the beauty-pageants-aren't-just-about-looks-because-they-give-scholarships treatment. Two women who have careers that require brains are heavily featured on the opening episode. Judy made a revealing comment - she's interested primarily in talent and Kelly is interested in looks. Judy's very reserved but I think she showed a little snark there. Or perhaps frustration. I wonder about some of those judges. What an apparently mixed bag.
  23. Two members of my family had normal EKGs and other tests that were negative, but they had severe heart attacks not long after. In one case the heart attacks were "silent" and only discovered when a different doctor did an EKG during a routine office checkup. This family member's blocked arteries were not revealed by the earlier tests. (Note: he was a former smoker, like Carly.) One family member died and the other walked out of the cardiologist's office and had a quadruple bypass a month later. I was shocked that there was a month's delay but after further tests that was the decision. In Carly's case I think they did the stent as a temporary intervention, followed by a later bypass.
  24. I was deeply engaged with this episode. The story advanced, the acting was superb, and I feel as if I'm watching real people. Even the couples therapy session rang true to life. Although if I were a therapist, I'd avoid working from home. And a miracle has occurred - I didn't loathe Amantha. I thought Daniel was referring to Hannah as his lost love. The kiss was evocative of real life. Toxic unhealthy relationships are usually two steps forward and one step back. Tawney is at a juncture between her old life and an unknown new life and she's struggling with direction. I thought the waitress fled the senator's hospital room because he's still a lech. She visited out of compassion, made the effort to help him, and despite his severe immobility he managed to grab her hand and force it on him. His drive to dominate runs deep and she recoiled. I'm lovin' the sheriff trying to get to the bottom of this thing.
  25. I hate Mondo so much that I ran out of "likes" for all the posts about him. He's such a miserable human being (this is my opinion on his state of mind) that he can never authentically be happy for another human being. He tries to cover it up with a fake persona. I am pretty underwhelmed by this batch of contestants. I was braced for it, but still it's disappointing to know that the casting was based on the potential for TV drama. They should have a competition that features anvils, because there is a surplus of them in this episode.
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