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Everything posted by snarktini

  1. Corpses and maggot bots before bed? Not my best idea. And yes, Kira is getting creepy. It's the eyes. Helena and Allison are so great! Tired of Rachel's story.
  2. Wondering what I'd do if I were Martha. I am pretty sure I'd have taken the bridge option. But who knows? My opinion is colored since we viewers have outside knowledge that all her outcomes are terrible: Prison, exile, possible execution. No Clark, no parents, ever. Even her absolute best outcome -- a quiet life behind the Iron Curtain -- sounds miserable to me, all things considered. I'm not a suicidal sort, but I'm also not someone who wants to live at all costs.
  3. That was tricksy editing. On the phone, Martha said she was in trouble and wanted it to end. The preview made it look like she was saying this to the FBI, but in the episode the call was to her parents and the FBI were listening via a wiretap.
  4. Yeah, what is up with her? When she dictated the message about the "sample" to transport, she paused. The communications guy asked: "Anything else?" She said "Send it". Hmmm. I expected the anything else to be mention of a passenger (Martha) also being transported, but no. I suppose there's no reason to assume they would be traveling together or mentioned in the same communique, but my first reaction was the omission might mean she has no intention of delivering Martha.
  5. It's hard to judge what would be realistic for Martha. We all behave differently and this is a particularly extreme situation. I buy her behavior. She's been cooperative because she is in shock, in love, and in denial. Those are all incredibly powerful. And what have her options been? Once she realizes she's unwittingly become a traitor, the cognitive dissonance and guilt would overwhelm anyone. And she can't turn him in without turning herself in. She's only running now because she fears something has happened to Clark, and without him she's unsafe -- she asked, "What did you do to him?". The dam is finally breaking. I can even buy her not making the KGB connection before, even though others here feel there's no way she shouldn't have put that together. When she asked I half-expected him to say he works for the Russian government, not KGB. (Yes the USSR is considered evil at this time, but KGB sounds much worse IMO. More explicit.) Yes, he's a spy, but is he a SPY-spy? Like what Paige wanted to know -- do you hurt people? That's what I see Martha wondering. Being an asset is different from being an agent, she's still hoping he's an asset or was coerced or isn't really "that bad". (Despite having the answer, she knows they killed Gene for her.) She's been hoping for an outcome she can live with and her mind has gone full pretzel-logic to protect that. It's been interesting to me to hear from other commenters their perception of America's fear of Soviet aggression at this time. (Generally as a proof point that Martha/Tim should know better.) Maybe I was just a little too young -- I'm a year or two younger than Henry -- but I don't recall being scared at all or hearing much about it in school or at home. It was there, but minor.
  6. I laughed so loud when Barry got hit by the truck. Barry: "I'm okay!" Team Archer (nay, Figgis): yaaaaay....
  7. Wouldn't matter to me, really, especially since that's not what he said. Beyond sex, Leonard is unwilling to start/continue a romantic relationship. I have have been on both sides of very similar conversations and felt it was the right thing. (I'm a woman, I date men.) If I am developing feelings and he doesn't reciprocate or wants something different, "let's just be friends" often isn't wise. If there aren't significant romantic feelings yet we enjoy being together, being friends can work fine. But if one is getting emotionally attached and it's unrequited? Sometimes best to cut ties before it becomes too painful. In this case, sweet Leonard needs friends and a gay friend to talk to would be particularly helpful, so it's a bummer. Perhaps he could have said it more kindly. Even though to my ears it wasn't mean, it was direct and without bullshit. But people often don't have the right words. Case in point: Leonard could have said things more kindly to Mrs. M, too. Not enjoying this season. If it weren't for the Masterpiece season pass, there is no way I'd be watching at all. I kind of dread watching the recordings, they're so depressing!
  8. I wonder if they let Rachel off easy in the sand task. Thought her plot looked less wet -- there were visible dry patches I didn't see in the others. Not that it's a huge deal, they were eliminated anyway. It could explain why they weren't even farther behind, though, given how little water she was bringing up per load.
  9. This was a terrible episode. I've been debating leaving for awhile now. Inching closer. Based on the current trajectory of Caskett happily back together, to me the only logical way to write off Beckett is to kill her. They've done "UST", "MIA, "long distance" and "broken up" separations so far. Are there any other ideas left in the box? The way they're writing her now just can't see them having her leave again, unless they go back to the I MUST LEAVE TO SAVE YOU well. It would be stupid, but I really should know better than to give them the benefit of the doubt on that. And it would avoid Castle in mourning. When they mentioned the trip, I thought immediately it could be the story device to write her off. Something happens to her, she discovers something. But if Castle goes with her, that seems less likely.
  10. I would have liked the mother to be the one to go after the lawyer not only because it's her side of the family, but because it's Keiko Agena! Minimal guest spot for a recognizable actress. She doesn't seem to be doing much these days. Maybe after the GG revival she'll get a bump.
  11. Yeah, those bathings suits were ridiculous. When Dana was struggling to wrangle everything inside her top, I wondered what they'd do if they had anyone with a bigger chest. Enter Sherri! Turns out they did have bigger cup sizes available, they were just very shallow cups all around. I was surprised there wasn't a nip slip. You though you heard Cole crying? I thought he was woo-ing. He seemed to think being underwater was cool. Not a fan of him, but didn't think that was an occasion where he sucked.
  12. My impression was Allison was buying the drugs for Beth, not selling to Beth -- Allison paid Ramon, her dealer, to deliver the pills to Beth with the pee, under the guise of a flower delivery. I don't think it's a retcon, making her a seller at this point. My recollection is Allison was simply well-off so she funded Clone Club.
  13. Wait, the proposal hint was for herself?! I'm confused. I knew Rachel wanted Renard to be the happy family man but I thought she'd want him with Adalind, the mother of his child. Which also confused me, because what would make them think Adalind would want anything to do with that? But it didn't occur to me that Renard would marry *her*, the campaign manager he just met. I really didn't know what in the world she is thinking. (Or, more accurately, what the *writers* are thinking. Or not thinking, as the case may be.)
  14. Seersucker feels very Southern to me in general. It's hot and humid, yet you're still expected to be wearing dress clothes. I've noticed seersucker is trying to make a comeback, along with pinstriped oxford cloth. I've been shopping for a shirt dress and am finding way too many pale blue and pink stripes. Bleh. Yeah, the judges are nuts and I'm not sure they deserve respect, per se. But you don't want to antagonize them! Isaac certainly pulled a face. I've been through design school, the ideal approach is to "defend" your work, meaning explain / stand by, without being defensive. That said, contestants are under extreme pressure. I wouldn't have much grace nor would I always have the perfect, appropriate response. (If ever.) I'm not judging Ken for letting his frustration show; I just noticed he's reaching the limitations of his zen transformation, which has been remarkable. Often when I disagree with a PR winner I can see what they are responding to, it's just not my taste. If Sam wins, it will be one of the baffling ones. Right up there with the woman who made all the dull brown granny panties.
  15. Since you asked, I rewatched the scene. It's not as clear as I thought. They introduced Rivas as "working with us in El Salvador". And he says “When they told me a priest in America wants to know what they do I say you must bring me to him.” Saying “in America” and “in El Salvador” implies to me he is usually in El Salvador. But it is open to interpretation.
  16. I felt like they overstepped by saying the priest actually came in from El Salvador, just to meet Pastor Tim. I get it's part of the conceit, that Philip and Elizabeth are so important -- and so are Tim and Alice -- that this guy undertook the challenges of traveling from another country just to talk to them. But c'mon. I don't believe they COULD have recognized the car -- it sure looked like a different one to me. The tailing car Hans spotted was a "green Ltd", and the color was very, very light. The car Aderholt rolled up in to Stan's house looked black and much boxier.
  17. And after calling Sam's dress basic bitch shit, too! Pot, meet kettle. Ken was showing more of his old self here. His defensiveness on the runway was... an interesting choice. "It was a deliberate choice. She walked fine." Or whatever he said. It was the same pattern, but I think it was a different color palette. Asha's had burgundy accents, and Peytie's had orange. IIRC. My God, when he said he thought a yellow tweed jacket would TONE DOWN the yellow genie pants? I died. Seriously, what was he thinking? Glad he corrected that, because a ladies-who-lunch tweed jacket was not going to tone down the pants OR turn up the edge. As it came down the runway, I liked it. I mean, I'm not going to wear that silhouette, but it's "fashion". Jodhpurs and panniers and bustles were a thing once, too. I was in New Orleans two years ago in summer. At the famed Friday see-and-be-seen lunch at Galatoire's, there was a helluva lot of seersucker suits in the room. Yep! Actually, what I really liked about Emily's was how she made something edgy and black AND light and summery. That's pretty hard to do!
  18. This! I was thinking tonight that if anything would convince me there was something more sinister to Pastor Tim, it would be the hair. How is that not a bad disguise?! Poor, poor Martha.
  19. Maybe a better example than a spinoff like Angel would be Charmed after Shannen Doherty left. I didn't think there was any chance they could replace a sister successfully, but they wrote a storyline that worked and even evolved the characters. Unfortunately, based on the last two seasons of SH I don't believe these writers could pull out a similar rabbit. (Setting aside the love and loyalty many viewers have for NB that render any reboot unwatchable.) I have started freeing myself from shows that were pissing me off -- OUAT, Scandal, Empire, Good Wife, Doctor Who -- not sure yet if SH is on the pile. It really has let me down over the past 2 seasons. And I'm very disappointed Beharie will no longer be part of it (however that came about). But Mison may be enough for me to at least find out what they do next.
  20. Eureka had a lovely final episode, but IMO at least half of the last season got eaten by an annoying character, so ... depends on your perspective. Totally delightful show, though! One of my all-time favs. Smart, funny, and charming.
  21. My guess is it could go either way, depending on how their new storyline develops. They probably don't know yet, either. They left a lot of wiggle room for the writers, lots of characters, a new shadow organization, and a trip to DC. They could reboot Crane into a new context with new people, or keep him in SH with some of the old Team Witness, or some combination. I assume they'll make those decisions based on the story that serves finding the new witness, which could be a half season arc or more. (And, it probably should, if they want any chance of salvaging this. An instant reboot and partnership with Not Abby sounds too stupid even for them. Oh, who am i kidding. I don't trust these writers at all!) I doubt they'll ditch everyone or keep everyone, but at this point it's just a guess.
  22. Ah, my favorite book series as a teen were historical romances set during pivotal periods/events. God, I loved those. :) Even though I could make a case that Rory may have read only classics, your nitpick is legit. Someone with Rory's alleged aspirations probably should have read more widely. (Assuming her library was good.) The problem is, they didn't write her as someone with those interests. Hence the popular opinion that she really wasn't cut out for the career she supposedly wanted. So many of the baffling characterizations on the show boil down to poor writing.
  23. I wasn't sure what I thought of how she pushed Junior away. One one hand I thought it was great -- she absolutely shut it down, no ambiguity. On the other, did she seem a little mean? She had such a light touch with everyone else that seeing her openly rolling her eyes at him felt uncharacteristic. It's interesting the cultural factors that go into being comfortable or not with "hired help". I grew up in an reasonable well-off family that never even considered hiring for anything more than basic child care as needed, even though my parents could have afforded to. (They came from working class families.) My parents cooked, cleaned, sewed, gardened, roofed, plumbed, you name it. That DIY ethos really shaped me. I loathe cleaning my house, and would love to hire someone to do it for me. But I'm incredibly uncomfortable with the power dynamic, with being the "kind of person" who hires help (aka lazy / spoiled*), with asking someone to clean my floors and bathrooms (if I think it's gross, how can I ask someone else?). Rationally I understand it's an honorable job and I could be helping someone else support their family. And, yet. OTOH, A friend of mine lived in Spain for a couple of years and they got major stink-eye from the neighbors because they didn't hire a local to do their cleaning and laundry. It was expected in that area, as a way of supporting the community. * I don't believe hiring people to care for your children or clean your house actually means you are lazy or spoiled. Not in the least! I say, more power to you. That's just the annoying inner guilt voice I hear.
  24. Well, I was that kid. By 10-12 I was plowing through the Classics shelves at my local library, and that's all I read in addition to the kids stuff. Lots of Hardy, lots of Russians. That's where Mom steered me, and it was enough to keep me busy. ;)
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