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Everything posted by snarktini

  1. Don't lose your rag. Context implied don't panic, keep it together. However, research shows the phrase means don't lose your temper, which doesn't seem quite accurate for the situation. And the mocker thingies are spelled Mochatines. I love how they say bana-ner. :)
  2. Since you asked... https://www.pinterest.com/pin/301459768788740462/ Still, I'd rather just have a plate of éclairs. Fancy centerpieces don't impress me so much as make me assume they are more decorative than tasty.
  3. Thanks! I checked maybe 6 months ago and only found a few episodes. Sounds like some new stuff has gone up! (Or perhaps my search skills were defective that day. Maybe I did use the wrong name.)
  4. Ian is an example of how someone who keeps his own counsel can be perceived as arrogant or aloof by people who don't know them well. Internal people often get a bum rap IMO. I see him as the proverbial duck -- calm on the surface, paddling like mad underneath. He doesn't apologize or panic, he just gets to work and powers through. Calmness doesn't necessarily equate to confidence or complacence. ETA: On a personal note, reading conversations on boards like this has helped me in the real world. I've always cared too much if people like me, and reading how widely mileage varies has proven there is no such thing as a universally liked (or disliked) person. So, thanks!
  5. If you ever find the first 3 (the ones that aired only on BBC and CBS has the rights to), please let us know! I've looked a little and didn't have any luck. The first PBS season is on Netflix. And I have access to all three PBS seasons on their site via their "Passport" which is a gift above a certain donation level. This season I've been rewatching episodes, too. I usually don't rewatch -- my TV time is astronomical and if feels silly to expand it to watch the same thing twice -- but it's really helped me better track the bakers' progress. I've been watching with a friend and didn't realize how much I was missing! Besides, summer TV is such a wasteland I certainly have the time.
  6. That's really harsh. I do not for a second think he believes he's so above the competition the rules don't apply -- that's an arrogance I simply don't see in Ian or anyone else in the tent. Not to mention it seems unlikely he would risk the competition by deliberately ignoring rules. He got it wrong and missed the target. Keep in mind they loved his flowers, which had a similar minimal cuteness, and that won a sculptural challenge. To me it's far more logical to believe he thought his bird would therefore also please the judges, or that he just misjudged the task.
  7. There was a prior contestant who had a similar problem, told over and over (and over) again that she was focusing too much on style and not enough on substance. In Flora's case, her voiceovers indicate she goes overboard to push herself. This compulsion is really kind of fascinating. Is it a straight up need to overachieve or be super inventive, or is that a smokescreen masking a lack of confidence in her basic skills? (Like the useless amaretti cookies she thought would distract from the uneven bake.) Or perhaps they are already so far into planning before they begin filming that it's hard to rethink everything when you're in the thick of it. I shake my head at it, but I rather admire the drive to take on the biggest challenge even if it means sacrificing the win.
  8. Yes, they've done the this early check-in a number of times in this and prior seasons. I find the judging quite transparent -- while I don't always know the outcome, I'm never surprised by it. ("Miracle" is a tremendous thing to need. Mary is precise in her language, that said a lot.) Alvin was lovely, he'll be missed.
  9. Young Jennifer didn't. But old Jennifer warned that Titan brought only death, and Cole should never go there.
  10. You just described why it won't work in the U.S. Forget the logistics, they just don't make reality shows here that don't cast assholes or play up the drama.
  11. Agreed. He does a solid job, but he's replaceable. Fair to note that I'm biased, he's my least favorite on the show -- after basking in the glow of the ladies' warmth, he feels cold and stiff. A friend of mine loves how he screws with contestants and revels in making them uncomfortable: "Oh, you're doing it that way? Good luck." Unlike her, I find this off-putting and affected. It's the one American element of the show, his version of the Colicchio Sniff and Sneer.
  12. Madeline Stowe said: "Death can be undone, James. Love cannot." That's probably the key to Cassie remembering and still being pregnant, somehow. Her timelines merged or something. (Reminds me of Fringe, where the Power of Love overcomes timelines. Blech.)
  13. For #$%@!'s sake, why couldn't Cole even consider heeding multiple warnings about staying away from Titan? She told him he had to not go to break the cycle. The doggedness and loyalty is certainly a huge part of his charm, but sheesh. Then again, without it the story would be finished. (We're getting another season, yes?) So let's all lift a glass to Cole's obstinance. Cheers! Good on all of you who called their kid being the Witness. Though...how does the baby exist in a reset timeline? I guess we'll find out. It was a good season ender.
  14. So interesting how mileage varies! I thought it was great -- better than Aslan, even! The lion was more impressive in an intricate way, but I liked the style of the flower pot better and the way he shaped it with the metal rig was inspired. In 2D terms, I'd say it was "graphic"...simplified, strong shapes, modern. In general, I do tend to prefer clean, geometric lines over intricate ones.
  15. That's how I read it. There was an exhale (noted on the CC) that I assumed was the end.
  16. Just posting to say that whenever I see the thread name, I remember Helena saying this line. And it makes me chuckle. Every time!
  17. You may well be correct about the programming. Especially after she appeared to be thinking he was the Witness, I'd have thought that would make her more wary and curious and freaked out than randy. There is one more way I could spin it, though: Sex is primal, something humans cling to in the darkest times, and she's amped up due to destiny and denied feelings. She's wanted to be with him for awhile now, but she set it aside, trying to be a soldier and sticking to the mission. Which failed. Being apart and lonely has increased her feelings. And now she's found him again. No matter what they've both done -- or tried to do -- she ended up exactly where they said she would, in this house, with Cole. Her fate is sealed. She may as well get what she wants. At least once, before everything goes to hell.
  18. Ugh, that Charlotte thing looked awful. I don't like any gelatin textures, though, and jelly rolls are not my thing. There was not a single component of that I wanted to eat. I am not inside Ruby's head, but her self-doubt seems entirely genuine to me. She's an extreme perfectionist, so even small criticism hurts and she sees the flaws more than the successes. I agree her distress is hard to watch sometimes, but I sympathize. She's still very young, learning who she is and what she's capable of. She's lovely and I wish her well. Not for a moment do I think Paul and Mary are giving her a pass because she's fragile and makes puppy dog eyes. I've thought a lot of her bakes sounded wonderful! In this episode, I heard far more praise for the flavors of her canapes compared to Beca. And I thought they looked better, too. Unfortunately, they didn't praise any of Beca's trio at all and based on what we heard I expected Beca to go, even though I would have liked to see her through. (She's awesome, the one I most want to hang out with.) I admire contestants with poker faces who can present a falling down mess calmly! It takes a lot of poise to present something you're uncomfortable with and resist the temptation to apologize, cringe, or pre-empt the criticism. It took me too long to learn this skill. (And, frankly, watching Ruby reminds me to keep up the good work.)
  19. I have access to the whole season online via KQED, and the only reason I have not hoovered the whole thing up already is that I want to watch in real time with my friends and getting ahead of them would be frustrating. The only way I'm successfully holding the line is by filling the space with the last two seasons. (One I've seen, one I haven't. I didn't find the show until last year.) Summer TV is the worst. There really isn't anything on. Netflix is my friend.
  20. For me, that we had never seen him is what put the blinking light over his head. Of the 200 employees they've been chasing down one by one for 11 months, we only see a handful of them and Charlie's the only one with significant dialogue. And he wasn't under suspicion. He was the only red shirt in the room!
  21. Charlie was a little too obvious, yah? Not only the comments about time, but how he took their odd situation in stride. It's not clear what Cassie & Cole told people, presumably they were living together "in sin" or as alleged siblings. Seemed like Charlie knew they lived together and assumed either they were dating but she stepped out on him (a lot!) or they were in love but not not actually in a relationship (weird if they lived together). He could have been a not-nosy type, live and let live. But it struck me as rather incurious, to the point it seemed likely he knew who they actually were.
  22. I handwaved the choice of "3 years later" because that's how long med school would take, and she could be finished and back working. But med school takes 4 years (can you speed it up if you've been a PA?) and then there's residency... and if Stonybrook wasn't good enough for school, I can't imagine she'd choose Hamptons Heritage for a residency. And she wouldn't have time for HankMed anyway even if she was a resident there. Oh, well. I tried. Consider this just a writing blunder. I'm positive the writers simply goofed and didn't think it through, they didn't intend us to infer she's shuttling back and forth or dragging the kids around. I suppose they wanted us to see Hank choosing to play basketball and leaving the work to Divya and Jeremiah. It was a poor story choice.
  23. Yes, this! Happy little baked goods. (Recently with happy little trees, even, on the black forest gateaux.)
  24. I'm often surprised by what they respond to, stylistically. Quite a few times I've thought designs looked childish or poorly constructed, and they're highly praised. Others, I like and they don't. I find Mary and Paul's judgments difficult to predict! On another note entirely: Why do they almost always say macaroon when they mean macaron?! Drives me crazy! What is the British name for a coconut macaroon, then? (I understand they come from the same root word and origin, so it makes sense they share a similar name. But they're so very different.)
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