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Ahhh yes, that makes sense. Thanks!
I think this was fitting for him and will make him suffer even more than killing him. He said, right before being pushed in, that he'd rather be dead than bored. I can't think of anything more boring than being stuck in a well for all of eternity. I just finished watching, I wanted to binge all at once. I'm good with the finale and like that the main 5 got happy endings. I do have a question though... Chris Lowell's character, the guy who interviewed them at the end, said that a zombies taking over is no longer a threat. How can that be? Even though all the zombies are on zombie island, what's to stop any of them from leaving? I probably missed in one of the episodes how they described that zombie island would work.
No, you don't need to read the books. If you want to, they are good, but it's not necessary.
Well, this RT interview has solidified the fact that I will not watch a season 5. He made a bet, and I think it's a losing bet. And I agree w/everyone else who said if he wanted to make a different mystery series, he should have just done that. Don't mess w/what made Veronica Mars successful, which was in part, Neptune & the surrounding characters. Also, considering that RT read TWoP a lot, he will probably read this forum as well, eventually, so.... Rob, you messed up. 😞
Exactly! It's like when cable/internet companies sweeten the deal for new customers, but shit on the existing ones. It pisses me off!
Yes, she mentioned it one of the eps that she couldn't use Mac for hacking because Mac was in Istanbul.
I would love if that were to happen. Like you, I was hoping he didn't actually die and instead was pulled away on a secret mission. I dismissed that because I didn't think there was a way that he wouldn't have been able to communicate to his wife. But I like your theory, that she knows he's alive and is keeping it a secret. However, after reading the comments in this thread, it seems Rob Thomas didn't really like the LoVe relationship being a focus, so I'm not hopeful that will be the case. BUT, if it turns out he's alive, I will beg forgiveness for ever doubting Rob Thomas. 🙂
I was spoiled, dammit, before I even finished the 1st episode. I was pissed and sad, but wanted to keep watching because I needed to see how it happened. And overall, I thought the season was strong. Now after watching all of it, I'm not exactly sure how to feel, besides being really sad. A part of me thought that he's not really dead, that he had to leave on a confidential mission, and that if there was a new season, it would have him returning. They made a lot of references to what he does and that he has to leave on a moments notice, with no idea of when he'll be back. I honestly did not think that Rob Thomas would do this to the fans of the show. But I realize now it was wishful thinking, because I can't think of any confidential mission that would require Logan to not be able to contact his wife. And, after reading the comments in this thread, I realize I'm pretty naive to all things Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell, with regard to Veronica Mars. I had no idea about all the things they've said in interviews about the LoVe relationship taking over and them not necessarily being happy about it. I get that this season was not going to be like the movie, which Rob Thomas said was a love letter to the fans. And I get that noir is not happy endings. I get that, I really do. But this really feels like a big fuck you to the longtime fans. Not just because of Logan and the many ways they could make it an unhappy ending without killing him, but because of how the ending is basically setting up Veronica being in other places. Sorry Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell, I'm not interested in a Veronica Mars show that is not in Neptune, with at least some of the characters we've grown to love. I simply don't understand why a creator of a show that was so successful in the eyes of critics and fans would move on from what made it so successful. Can anyone name a show that was successful after changing everything about the show? I'm not in the right frame of mind to think of any. I wanted to have faith in Rob Thomas, that this was ending was just a classic cliffhanger, but the comments in this thread that mention his interviews, I think it would be even more naive of me to keep having that faith. I'm still in a bit of shock. I don't think this will ruin the previous seasons for me, but it may take me awhile before I can watch my DVDs again. Veronica Mars was one of my all time favorite shows. This ending for Veronica Mars, to me, is like if my all time favorite show, The West Wing, rebooted only to show that President Bartlet not only was a huge fan of Trump, but that he started campaigning for him. (Sorry for injecting politics into it, but it's an appropriate comparison for how I feel)
Just finished season 2 and I loved it! The first ep dragged a bit for me, but after that, I was all in and I think I might like season 2 more than season 1. Johnny just cracks me up and some of his lines got snort laughs from me. I love watching him and Daniel together, and would be totally fine with just watching them go back and forth. I was indifferent to Amanda in season 1, but really liked her in season 2. I did not miss their son, Anthony, at all. Lastly, I can't stand Hawk! His scowling facial expressions are so over the top to me, he's coming across like a cartoon villain.
Based on their meeting, I do think they would play well off of each other. However, April annoyed me, so I would not want to see more of her.
I just finished and I didn't like the ending, other than Luke being ok and Steve getting back together with his wife. The whole series to me was creepy, but I only had a couple jump scares. Also, I kept trying to inject logic into what was happening and that is a mistake when I should just be enjoying a ghost story. I kept thinking that the black mold in the house made everyone crazy and have hallucinations. Like others mentioned, I too wonder what happened with the dad not raising his kids. I just assumed he had been in prison for his wife's death because he didn't want the kids to know what happened, but they never answered that question. Oh and I have another question that was probably answered and I can't remember. Why did the Dudley's stay as caretakers of the house after the Hills died? They had been there for years before the Cranes moved in, but did they ever answer why they were there? And why didn't they warn the Cranes before moving in? I assume that if they did warn them, Hugh wouldn't have believed it, but I still would have liked to know that the Dudleys at least tried to warn them. Overall, I liked the series, but the ending was a disappointment, so I don't really need or want another season.
When Mason found out about the drug operation, and was told that he had to go back out on the water, he didn't want to. The Snells made it clear to Marty that if Mason didn't go back out on the water, they would cut the baby from Grace's (Mason's wife) stomach. So Mason & Grace knew about the danger they were in (I don't think they knew the exact details) and she was the actually the one who convinced Mason to go back out on the water, at least until the baby was born. Mason did and was trying to do his sermon, but wasn't able to go through with it. He talked to the Snells about it and thought he was out of trouble, but obviously that was not the case.
First off, I'm really enjoying this series! I'm about 15 minutes into this episode and one thing is really bothering me. How was it possible for Suleiman and his son to get into the US, without Suleiman wearing any kind of disguise? This guy was all over the news for the Paris attack, and you would think he would be recognized by at least one person. Just having a fake id isn't going to make people doubt who he is, if he was recognized. Ok, rant over. Maybe that question will be answered at some point in this episode?
I am definitely team Liza/Charles, but I didn't really think the love scene was hot. It was sweet, but not hot. The sneaking around part is more hot, because of the danger in being caught. You know, I might have a messed up concept of love and hotness....haha. I liked Lauren a lot in this episode. In fact, this season she has been a lot less annoying. Last season, I was ready for her to leave, but she can stay if she is going to continue to be this cool. I saw gaslighting mentioned as a descriptor of what Liza is doing to the company. I don't see it that way. Gaslighting is trying to drive you crazy by making you think you're not really seeing what you're seeing, etc. Liza would be gaslighting if everyone was on to her and she kept denying it and coming up with reasons why everyone else is wrong, etc. I see her actions as more fraudulent, especially with her lying on documents. I'm glad that Kelsey put the brakes on her relationship with Jake. I know she wants to break the pattern, but I do like her with Zane. He challenges her. I like Josh a lot and really wish they would do more with his character this season. I think it's time to introduce another love interest for him. Oh, edited to add that Pauline did have an inkling about Liza and Charles. I forget which episode it was, but all 3 of them were talking and she saw a look between Charles and Liza and it dawned on her.
Diana was very orange in this episode, and it was distracting. Other than that, I really liked it. :)