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Everything posted by mikewho

  1. Flicking someone off or Flipping someone off is a no-brainer. It's giving someone the finger. Tamar, to me, is someone who is always 'ON' all the time. Meaning...acting a part. And I've never heard of her before. Or Kandi, for that matter.
  2. I have to agree with Rachel RSL and Nashville. In MY real world, people have often laughed at me for the way I pronounce some words, I guess because of my accent. But that's OK. I often laugh at the way they pronounce words because of theirs (they usually don't think they have one). And it's all in good fun, not tearing each other down. Even though we're laughing at each other.
  3. I don't mind spoilers. Mostly because when you read the live feed threads, you get a MUCH more accurate description of what's actually going on, versus the chopped-to-death version that's shown in the episodes. Of course, that pertains more to the regular seasons than CBB, since everything is so rushed during CBB. I have to admit, though, that even though I've HEARD of most of these people, I don't actually know much about them. For instance, Tamar, Kandi, Ricky and some more I can't think of right now. So the episodes do give me a chance to see more of what they're like, 'in person'.
  4. I don't think I can speculate on what Ricky should or shouldn't have done with the veto, since I believe the only reason he was even shown in this episode was BECAUSE he won the veto. Up until now, we've known basically nothing about him.
  5. I don't care why Mooch left. Although I'd prefer that he left 'cause he couldn't deal with it. I wouldn't buy the Mole theory, because what kind of Mole-ish things did he do? Just BE there? Moles are supposed to cause disruption. He did nothing. And if he was just hired for a week so he could bounce out, that would be even worse.
  6. That was an OK episode. The only part where I actually LOL'd was when Tom was in the DR and said something like, 'By the way. I have a beer here.' And they put in the slurping noises when he drank from it. I'll be joining you later, Tom. I like Tom. The first argument between Tamar and Kandi was absolutely boring. I guess it was supposed to be dramatic and all but...that kind of thing just bores me most of the time. When they went at it again a second time, I sided with Kandi. Tamar will NOT listen. Or even engage in an actual conversation. She's one of those people who 'dismisses' the conversation by talking over the other person then walking away. Like Omarosa. Lochte might not be the brightest bulb, but at least he's TRYING to play the game. The rest was filler. OH yeah. Then Ricky won POV and didn't use it. OK.
  7. Just watched the episode. It was more interesting than the first. LoLo reminds me of...J-Lo. In some camera shots, and also the way she speaks. And the sound of her voice. Lochte doesn't bother me as much as I thought he would. I guess in spite of his accomplishments, all I had on the brain was that drunken crap he pulled with his buddies in...Brazil, was it? As far as Tom is concerned, it may get annoying eventually, but I don't find he overdoes it about his testicle. Those may be producer-provoked questions. And if I'd lost my right nut, I don't know if I'd be able to joke about it at all.
  8. Thank You! I never liked Christian from the beginning. I thought that whenever he was shown on the jury, he looked smug as hell. And then at the reunion, he actually said some shit like, "I don't speak like others do. I use words like 'Algorithm' ". Really, Einstein? You're better than others because of your vocabulary? Fuck off. And you're ugly (just had to put that in there). If he's invited back for a future season, I'll feel like it's Hantz or Rupert all over again. I'll watch, because I've seen all seasons, but I'll hope his pompous ass is voted out first.
  9. Wow. I actually forgot about Vecepia's season, I disliked it so much. I think that was the worst one. Thanks for reminding me (I mean that). It was ages ago so some of this could definitely be incorrect, but I remember thinking I didn't like her strategy of flip flopping to whatever alliance seemed to be in power on that day. I also recall her screwing Kathy at the final IC. What I REALLY didn't like was how she brought religion into it, especially in her post-season interviews. But it's funny. I definitely agreed with Sandra's (both times) basic strategy of 'Anyone but me. Another three days. My vote is for sale.' I thought that was simple, but smart. I didn't see it as coattail riding, I saw it as a viable plan that worked. All the other seasons, I was OK with the winner, for reasons I stated before. And it'll be the same for this season. There's never been a winner I just plain disliked as much as Vecepia.
  10. But that's sort of my point. Even if you thought they played the best game, the other players voted them out, for a variety of reasons. Which is usually to move ahead. So they couldn't have played the best game, among those who were actually there. They didn't play the best game just by nature of the fact that they were voted out.
  11. You know, I've never thought there was such a thing as a 'disappointing winner'. It may not be one of the players people WANTED to win, but if they got the votes, then it was all fair, and that person won. I didn't watch the 1st season while it aired, only watched the finale, but everyone was talking about it all season long. So I had a basic sense of what was going on (I later bought the DVD's and watched it, knowing the winner was Hatch). I remember the next day at work, when it was big water cooler conversation, everyone being pissed because they hated Hatch. I remember saying, 'Didn't he deserve the win just by nature of the fact that the majority voted for him, no matter how you feel about it? No matter how he got there or what you think of him, he deserved the win. Because he won by a majority vote.' That's how I'll feel about whoever wins tonight.
  12. I don't like proposals on TAR or Survivor but eh, I'll let it pass. If it's gonna happen, nothing we can do about it. But I sure as hell won't be excited. Nowadays, the live finale is usually boring as hell anyway. And barely more than a half hour long. I'm not going to speculate about who might have done what. But personally, I hope there IS some kind of exposure of someone cheating, creating some kind of change in the finale. That would sure as hell shake things up. I'd like that.
  13. I understand what you're saying. But Jeff over-emphasizes everything he says at every challenge, so while I also find it amusing, it's just more of the same 'ol. Sort of like if he'd said "Davie tries to knock ALL of his BLOCKS OFF, but his rope is too SHORT!' And in this case, they WERE balls, so...even though I get the innuendo, what else would he say? To me, comparing Phil and Jeff is like comparing apples and oranges. And I don't really prefer one over the other. They're just two completely different kinds of 'hosts'.
  14. Well, they WERE balancing balls. What was he supposed to say? 'So-and-so's leaves are starting to separate and slide around their disc?'
  15. I can't Honk, because I've never watched "24", but I did notice the smoking torch and thought the same thing. OMG! Christian was voted out! It was as if we were all supposed to cry over Christian's elimination. Like a sledgehammer. Hell, not me. Could never stand the guy. Any time he had a confessional, at all tribal councils, every time he opened his mouth my mind wandered. I just did NOT want to hear anything he had to say. I would have enjoyed the season more if he'd been voted out earlier.
  16. I never said that Christian wasn't smart. He absolutely is. And apparently, somewhat accomplished. I just said that as a viewer of a show that I watch purely for entertainment, I find him annoying and I do agree the show is shoving his 'brilliance' down our throats, to the extent that I don't give a rat's ass what he's done in the game. He just bugs me. It's that simple. He's my least favorite player this season.
  17. I don't think it's agoraphobia. I've known a couple and true agoraphobics can barely even get out of their own front door, much less TRAVEL anywhere in the first place. Thank you! I never liked Christian and I especially like where you say 'production is shoving this whole 'brilliant nerd' thing down our throats.' As opposed to being entertaining or even interesting, I've always found him to be just plain annoying.
  18. I have to say something about the Family Reunion thing. Every season, people say 'They've only been away for a month and it's not like they won't see them again for another year! Get over it.' But I think about 3 things. One, I believe it's true that when you've been out there for a month, not knowing who you can trust, worrying about being blindsided, being hungry and tired, loooong days thinking game play 24/7, making deals...well, that would take a toll on me. And you have to try to keep that up. Second, think about the family members who show UP for that. They've known their loved one is out there, going through who knows what. Of course they'll be happy to see THEIR loved one. Which could also break down the player's emotions. And traveling all that distance. I know that if I were on Survivor, even if I was keeping it together, when I saw my mom if she came (RIP) I KNOW that she would cry seeing me, and that I was basically okay. That would make me cry, honestly. And I'm not a crier. Also, and I could be in a minority here, some complain that it goes on too long and takes too much from seeing actual game play. To be honest, I'm relieved to get away from that for one friggin' episode. I get TIRED of seeing strategy, strategy, strategy every episode. This is at least a break from it.
  19. Just watched the episode and it's official. I can't stand Christian. I don't care if it's part of his strategy or not, his schtick just gets on my nerves. Even the sound of his voice gets on my nerves. For me, this season, he's been the only one who drives me nuts. I hope he loses.
  20. I watched the episode once yesterday, so I may be wrong. But in John's final words, didn't he say something like 'I thought it would be blah blah blah. But it was me. Son of a Bitch!' I hope I'm right, because that was my favorite line of the night.
  21. Sorry, but I just couldn't care less about any of these hookups or showmances or whatever you want to call them. Or who stays with who, or who breaks up with who. Or who had a baby. And it amazes me that people actually send them GIFTS? They're past season's House guests ferchrissakes. That's all. Ok if you're interested in all that, but the only thing I kind of like to see are the pics. No more than that.
  22. In my world, I'd like to think it's gone because he realized that the public didn't like him after all. But this isn't my world.
  23. I'm a PTV forum poster. That's who I am to judge. You're right. I should have said, 'Who am I to judge?'
  24. Well, they seem to really like each other, so who are we to judge?
  25. I'm unspoiled, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have an advantage. Every race is different, with different challenges. What about those match-ups, or whatever they call them, that have been done for a few seasons now, where the teams have to compete against each other in the final round of the leg and whoever wins moves forward? A team who's been doing great can lose right there.
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