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Everything posted by mikewho

  1. I think the clue saying 'Take a dozen eggs' pretty much says it. If you took an extra egg, the egg guy would probably say you didn't follow directions.
  2. Call me a Grump (Go ahead!) but I don't find tasks or even scenes involving animals amusing at all. In fact, I was glad the task involving cows used fake cows.
  3. Same here. I guess I got it from my parents. Whenever they traveled, they'd see the 'touristy' things first, then get in a cab and ask to be taken to the non-touristy parts of town. They were more interested in what they called 'local color'. That might be a little more than 'mundane', but it's a lot more interesting. Yeah, she has a whiny voice, but I don't recall her actually whining in this episode. At least, nothing that I picked up. I was glad they showed that. So many times people complain about the Racers being 'Ugly Americans' in foreign countries. As if the foreigners are always perfect? I was glad that foreigner gave somebody the smack-down, calling them Idiots. As quick as it was, that was more entertaining to me than those singing women.
  4. What a cushy job he had. Sit there under an umbrella, saying 'Yes' or 'No' for each team. It's not like he was digging ditches in the hot sun.
  5. You find out so much more behind-the-scenes, you (me) might rightfully wonder about what's shown on the broadcast version.
  6. That makes sense, then. That they'd try it here. Whether we like it or not, TAR isn't the ONLY version around the world. So I don't blame them for trying something from a different country. TAR US is not the pristine version many would like it to be.
  7. Why? I'm just curious. Was it just because she said, 'Absolutely not.' when Rachel asked to look at her clue? That's not being 'not zen', it's just being in a race for a million dollars. And these folks aren't out there to be singing Kumbaya. I saw at least 2 during the apple-shoot. As I've said, I've noticed cameramen since season 3 on every season. Season 4 had a lot of them.
  8. You weren't. I was rooting for Chip and Kim, but if not them then Colin and Christie. I'm hoping for a Colin and Christie win this time. First time, I didn't like them but they were excellent racers. This time, they're still excellent racers but I ALSO like them. I also always wondered how it might have ended if we'd been shown that flat tire C&C's cab got on the way to the pit stop in that final leg.
  9. Or it could be funny. Just imagine. *fake crying*. Why they after ME? That's so UnFAIR! They're only after me because I'm Reality Royalty! 'Rachel. You ARE the weakest link. Good-bye!'
  10. Talk about a Famewhore. He's probably the one one I've seen who not only deserved it, he patented it.
  11. Thank you. I've been long since the time where I've found humor about animals posted here. They never amuse me at all. And I say that as an animal lover.
  12. It was years ago, but didn't Dallas and his mother get eliminated because they lost their clue? Or was it their passports? Personally, I think it was time we could stop hating on the BB or Survivor teams. Corrine and and Eliza...gone. Rupert and Laura...gone. Both out early. Now Rachel and Elissa gone (Janelle and Britney didn't bother me and didn't act BB-ish). Now at the beginning of this episode Victor said something like, 'There was some drama with Rachel and Elissa, but there's no need to continue that drama'. Something like that. And that's definitely not BB-ish. At this point, I'm rooting for Colin and Christie, Chris and Bret (I don't even remember them from their Survivor seasons. They're doing TAR now.) and Vic and Nicole. Side note: I personally never found any humor in Colin's declaration of 'My ox is Broken! This is Bullshit!' But at that season's TarCon, someone had made him a T-shirt that said 'My ox is Broken!' on the front, and 'This is Bullshit!' on the back. He was very amused. Somewhere in the depths of my closet, I have an envelope of pics of myself with TarCon pics. They both have big smiles on their faces, Colin wearing the T-shirt.
  13. Wow. I'd hate to imagine what you must think of The Bachelor. I never saw The Bachelor, but as far as Sebastian is concerned, you don't think people can just have a sense of humor?
  14. The Amazing Race has never been a 'G' rated family program. I'd always put it as a 'PG-13' at best. Meaning, if you care so much, 'Parental guidance suggested'. So guide. If I could count the amount of Bleeps on this show...
  15. And what of Flo in TAR 3, who wanted the twins out in the beginning just because? I'm rooting for Colin and Christie and Victor and Nicole.
  16. Thank YOU! I'm so sick of the whole 'but think of the CHILDREN!' mindset.
  17. Yes, it was. And I saw nothing wrong with it. It was said jokingly, or realistically, to a friend. I agree. So what? Colin didn't seem to care. That goes way back to TAR 3. Although she eventually hooked up with one of the twins, in the beginning, FLO wanted them out. She even formed an alliance with some of the others. I remember her stupidly saying 'Whoever gets a twin out today, gets a prize'. It's better than you might think. I find the scheming to be quite quick. And it DOES add more dimension to the raaace (I hate that term). And it doesn't happen in every episode. Otherwise it would just be a travelogue. I barely noticed Sebastian. And I sure didn't think the amount of comments about him were anything over the top. No. But Elissa's tits weren't hanging out. It's difficult to explain, but there is a difference between a woman's breasts being shown (but blurred) with that comment and a guy's butt. Didn't seem to bother Colin, whereas if it had been Elissa's boobs, I'd agree. Or incline, as they call them in Pittsburgh. Here in the (falsely) dreaded NJ, we call them Funiculars. Much as I'm not a Probst fan, there was at least one Survivor episode (and possibly more) where he rode on the outside of a helicopter, standing on the rail. He's done that a few times. What sexual remarks did they make about Sebastian? Did they talk about the potential size of his dick, about wanting to blow or fuck him, or about other such graphic things? No, they said he was a 6'4" tall drink of water and was bearded and gorgeous. Yep. Completely innocent. That's called a 'compliment'. Of all the tasks in this episode, I felt the worst for Bret being terrified to rappel down that mountain. That dude was SCARED all the way down.
  18. I would have LOVED to do that zipline! But it's weird. Going up that elevator in the Frame Building would've made me very nervous.
  19. OK, but Exactly my point. Not everyone is there for the cameras, therefore don't deserve to be called a famewhore.
  20. Geez. Imagine how boring this show would be if everyone behaved like a perfect next door neighbor.
  21. I've always hated the broad-term 'FAMEWHORES' with a passion. Of course, I know what it means, and some may be, but I've always found it to be too broad a stroke to be painted over just about anybody who's on a reality show. Perhaps Chris and Brett for example were just offered the opportunity and said, 'Hey! Another opportunity to do something new and different! And a rare opportunity at that. Go for it.' What makes Colin and Christie so special? They're there too.
  22. That's exactly what I thought. And that somebody wrote it FOR him. I've very briefly met Phil at a few TarCons, and he is somewhat different from how he appears on the show. But that kind of 'cool', he ain't.
  23. Some team that I sure don't remember. I remember it happening, but I couldn't tell you who it was. I'm sorry that Brit and Janelle were eliminated. I like them both. And I'll be honest, if I read a clue that said 'Rolex', I would've been looking for watches too. But I'm glad Victor and Nicole are still there. I saw Victor's season on BB, and I saw one season of Nicole's. BB is a much different game (kind of a train wreck, to me), so I like seeing them in a different game, different atmosphere, different behaviors.
  24. We've seen the cameramen in every season. I think it's just that most shots are so quick, you're paying attention to the racers, so miss the cameraman. It was way back in season 3 (the one Flo and Zach won) when I first noticed it though. In Switzerland, I think. The teams were all running towards a fence, and a cameraman ran RIGHT through the crowd from left to right, but it was so quick, and I was paying attention to the teams, so it was easy to miss. I caught it on a re-watch. Blah blah. I often pay attention to the racers' surroundings, and even though the shots are quick, there are often shots that include the cameramen.
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