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Everything posted by mikewho

  1. As I recall, from reading the live feeds, there was much more to it than just that. He had an ex in the house, and she'd had sex with another house guest. BUT from the live feed reports (which were reported before the episode aired), it was also exposed that he had an STD. And before the chair throwing incident, the others were freaking out about it. Allison in particular, because she'd used the same toilet. BB had to ensure them that they weren't at risk. The show that was broadcast made it seem as if the only reason he flipped out and threw chairs was because he found out his ex had sex with another guy. But before that, the house was already nuts when they found out he had an STD.
  2. I think that was a later season, with Jeff and Jordan from BB. I remember them painting the interior of a house. (I'm not saying they were the ones painting the wrong house. I don't remember). I also remember one of the 'clues' from Season 1. 'Find the smoke that thunders.' It was a clue to the waterfalls in Brazil. Amie said, 'I've got it. The thundering is the sound of the falls and the smoke is the spray that shoots up!' Something like that.
  3. Not to mention the fact that I think an alliance of 8 or 9 (depending on if Jack fucks up or not) is a ridiculously large alliance in the first place. How can anybody feel safe in an alliance that large? How deep can that trust go?
  4. ...and I hope nobody believes that bullshit.
  5. Good. I hope it crashes and bursts into flames before episode 3. That sounds even worse than the Challenge or the Bachelor/ette.
  6. It was so long ago, I'm not sure of the actual wording, but I remember reading an interview with either Rob or Brennan (or both) afterwards where they addressed that. They said there WERE times they got pissed off or frustrated with each other. But they'd made a decision before the race started that when that happened, they would put it aside till the end of the leg, then let the anger out at the pit stop. Talk about self control.
  7. I know nothing about fashion and barely even notice what she wears, but I can't help wondering if she's aware of how critical people are of her outfits and feeds into that. You know...keep 'em talking about it.
  8. I wasn't. I thought that challenge was played out. It was interesting the first few times, but the show's gotta change so it doesn't become reduntant.
  9. I understand, but I just don't think the Big Brother house is the place to look for that.
  10. Really? You expect that nowadays? It's a new world. You might as well give up on thinking that way. 😉
  11. That's if you want it to maintain excitement. If you want to really see people breaking down, three months does it.
  12. Then where do I put a polite post about my opinion of people wanting 'normal' people on shows as opposed to reality stars?
  13. I thought she at least piped a little enthusiasm into this snoozefest of a season.
  14. The 'wildlife' was definitely edited in. I've often said I'm not addicted to watching seasons of Big Brother. I watched last season because I thought it was interesting. Not so with this season, so far. I agree with IMONREY. That was painfully boring. Just watched it, and as much as I usually hate taking naps, I wanna thank Big Brother for the 2 hours I just got after I watched the episode. I'm not saying 'I'm OUT!' yet, but it better pick up.
  15. Really? If they'd had a great relationship and loved each other, I don't think her graduating from college would be reason enough for her to break up with him. That's kind of snobbish. Maybe now she'll rethink just 'building a life' with him and consider getting a tent of her own. But I don't follow them on any social media (I don't follow any of them), so what do I know? All I know is what I read here.
  16. For those who are saying that Christie sort of lost her Zen with the cab driver, at least she admits it:
  17. Excellent pics, rlangmit. I don't have time to read your FB/Reddit right now, but I definitely will. Now I can admit that I've been spoiled since the day the race ended. I knew Colin and Christie won. I happened to be on SUCKS that day (a site I normally hate) and there were pages and pages from people who were actually there, posting in real time. They knew the Afganimals were stuck at the last roadblock. Someone also posted a video of Colin hoisting the cow. And someone filmed Colin and Christie winning. In years past, the final 3 have been spoiled, but this is the first time the actual WINNERS were known, as far as I know. So I also knew Vic and Nic were out fourth. I'm not so pro-TAR and anti-BB that I'll automatically be against anyone who was on that show. Everybody should be judged by their own personalities, and I liked them. Nic could be whiny sometimes, yeah, but I always thought Vic was a good guy, so I was still sad to see them go.
  18. Really? I always wondered who had that T-shirt made. Good job! I can tell you they both found it very amusing.
  19. You say that every year, Lantern7. I'm sure many of us miss them, me included, but they're OVER. Time to move on maybe?... I was at TARCon 5. I have lots of pics of myself with the racers. Including one with Colin and Christie. He's wearing the T-Shirt that someone had made for him saying, 'My OX is BROKEN!' on the front and 'This is Bullshit!' on the back. And the 3 of us are cracking up over it.
  20. Not necessarily. I'm born, raised and lived in NJ all my life. Until now I never knew there were two Washington Townships. I only knew about the one in the northwest portion of the state. And I always hear on the news about cities and townships I've never heard of before.
  21. "We want to just find a spot and build. Not a house, but build ourselves," Haleigh told E! News. "We just want to enjoy life." So they don't need a house, or an apartment, or a tent? They just want to build themselves and enjoy life. I guess they'll be living in the woods near a creek. 'Building themselves'.
  22. That was one of the most boring first episodes of Big Brother I've ever seen. I've said that I haven't watched every season, but with each new season I hope it'll be something to be interested in, something to follow for three months. That happened last season. I'll give it a few more chances though. The first episode is always full of 'WOOOO's!' from everybody, which amounts to nothing. And I have absolutely no opinion on anybody. So call me SCROOGE?
  23. Especially since said child calmly reached up to push the boar away from him and his mother said nothing to reprimand them. Agreed. It's not as if a speed boat was racing towards them. I noticed that as the boat was approaching, the mother put her arm toward her kid to protect him. Isn't that just what (most) mothers do? And that one minute shot probably cost the production company hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Sopranos filmed for 2 days in the city I live in. Streets were blocked off, traffic was fucked up. There was ONE scene that I saw in the episode that lasted maybe one minute.
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