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Everything posted by mikewho

  1. My favorite part of this episode was when Jessica picked Kat for 'houseguest's choice' and Kat rattled off something so incoherent, they captioned it. Something like, 'Imvqr rhighb pucketo mey!' Alrighty then. Yee-Haw!'
  2. Why would you hate to say it? I'll say it: With these clowns, I think it's funny (and perfect) that his Bestie will be evicted on his birthday.
  3. One thing I miss is when Julie would have a one-on-one talk with the HOH while nobody else in the house could hear them, and the HOH could speak freely.
  4. FWIW, I didn't like the Twinnies AT ALL. I found them extremely annoying. I was glad they were out first on their second season.
  5. I couldn't stand Lynn and Alex on the race. And again, I was at that TARcon. Everyone from that season showed up except one member from one team (I can't remember her name. One of the girls who was eliminated in the second leg). There was a table of 'trinkets' near the door. When Lynn and Alex arrived, they looked at the table and someone gave them one. It was a round button that someone had made to resemble the Survivor logo. It said, 'I Survived...Rob and Amber...on The Amazing Race.' (There were several. I took one. Lost it when I moved). Either Lynn or Alex looked at it, threw it so DRAMATICALLY back down on the table it bounced across and went over the other side, and declared, 'I want NOTHING to do with them!' So they still weren't over it. I always liked to meet the racers, but I avoided them like the plague. Rob and Amber were the last to arrive (with Phil). The place was huge, and I didn't see them anywhere near Lynn and Alex either. But they definitely didn't care that they were there.
  6. With that being said, at the end of the day, I 1000% don't want to be thrown under the bus. Okay, you're just evil 😉
  7. Please add to my list of Big Brother phrases I never want to hear again: 'I just don't want him/her to throw me, him, her Under The Bus'.
  8. Just think of 'Single Ladies' and it will go away. Or any other song that was used to death at every wedding reception. Maybe 'Electric Slide'?
  9. I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing EVERY fucking season (mostly in the DR): 'I blah blah blah am up against so and so so I NEED to win this POV because...' 'I blah blah blah am sure so and so is out to get me so I need to win this HOH so that...' And they rarely do. It's the same every season. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  10. I'm sorry, but that made me chuckle and reminded me of Ghandia saying of Ted (long ago on Survivor) 'I wanna punch his ass in the eye'.
  11. Thanks, Slider. I have no idea how anyone picked that up, but on rewatch it was true! Sneaky and hilarious for those in the know. I think it needed a Splash sound effect that sounded like a 400 pound man doing a belly flop off the back porch into a backyard swimming pool to really get the point across.
  12. I'm using an ad blocker and it played for me. Jessica's interest once she was out:
  13. Nice list, Rough Draft, but realistically, there's only one that could possibly pertain to the question asked about Tommy. And it's not Long Playing record.
  14. Who said what (and cursed) during the competition that made Julie chastise them for cursing on live TV? I watched the episode and didn't hear it. Was someone else talking over them?
  15. Cristie said something like, 'Now I wish I hadn't told the whole house about my Special Power because Blah Blah Blah. I should've just kept it to myself.' Why are these blabber-mouths always regretting what they did when they realize it was a bad move? Can't they think in advance? Foresight is often better than Hindsight.
  16. I felt bad for Ovi, Kemi and David. Glad for Cliff, though. 'Old guy shows 'em how to do it.' Jack continues to show what an asshole he is. And he looks even more ugly without the facial hair. He needs to cover that mug. Someone a while ago here talked about if Janelle was there, she would have stocked the fridge with water bottles. I would've had a hard time NOT just cutting the cord to it, but that would hurt other house guests, too.
  17. Jack is a Prick (sorry, don't use that word often, but I mean it.) Bella is a Bitch (read above). The moment she said, 'I'm not here to listen, so shut up, I'm just here to speak.' I would've said 'Fine, Fuck you' and left the room. Looks like Kaitlyn had some kind of work done (dental?) but whatever it was, good for her. She looked amazing. This was the only episode I was really interested in, so I'll stick around. It's GOTTA get interesting when the ridiculous alliance implodes and they have to turn on each other, right?
  18. Isn't it amazing how every season the folks think this is the best season EVER? I'd love to see all their faces when they get out and find out what the public really thought of them.
  19. I have a few things to say about Season 6 that you guys might find interesting. But they come from that Season's TARcon. One of the most enjoyable ones I've attended. Aside from Lori and Bolo, who I think attended their own West Coast party, Freddy and Kendra were the only team to not attended. At TARcons, the teams generally didn't put each other down, even the ones who didn't like each other. But that season, most were more than happy to spill the beans about how much they disliked F&K. I heard they were not only elitist, but ALSO racist. This was back when CBS still held their own finale party. F&K attended that one, and I've heard that Phil highly encouraged the racers to attend TARcon. Many showed up with an attitude of 'Now THIS is a party!' and enjoyed the hell out of it. Apparently, F&K thought it was beneath them to attend a party thrown by a bunch of fans, so they didn't attend. One very interesting fact about the lock and key roadblock. This is one instance where I know editing played a part in how it was shown in the episode. It's kind of confusing, but I'll do my best. I think the last gondola went down at 7. Rebecca (with what's his face) and Hayden were still there. At 6:30 production told them to start thinking about whether to continue, or give up and take the penalty. But there was still a half hour left. Hayden and Aaron and Rebecca and what's his face started to discuss what they would do if they ran out of time. They decided BOTH teams would take the penalty, meaning that at least one of them would win the next leg and continue on, the other would be eliminated. Sort of battle it out. Makes sense. At 6:55, production asked for their decisions. Aaron said they'd take the penalty and then IMMEDIATELY after, Rebecca found the right lock. But she never said they'd take the penalty, so that automatically meant that Hayden and Aaron were out. Aaron told me, 'That was why I was so pissed and spun around like I was going to throw my bag over the edge. Not for the reason it appeared on the show like I was throwing a hissy fit. We knew at that moment, it was over for us because Rebecca never said they'd take the penalty'. Regarding Jonathan and Victoria, Jonathan mostly stood in one spot, where he could easily be seen, wearing a permanent smile and behaving like an absolute choir boy. People treated Victoria badly and I actually felt sorry for her. Sorry for her because I spoke with her for about 10 minutes and she did NOTHING but talk about how great Jonathan was. She kept tapping my arm with her fingers every time she made another point about it. She told me that by the time they were eliminated, Jonathan had amassed eleven hundred dollars by begging throughout the race even tho (I don't think) they were ever in last place. And what they 'didn't show' was the reason those kids were following them to the pit stop was because J was throwing that money back over his shoulders to the kids, because he's 'so generous'. Just thought you guys might be interested. Hope it made sense, since I'm typing with a broken pinky finger 😉
  20. Thinking a show has just gotten BAD isn't the meaning of 'Jump the Shark'. It started with Happy Days. Ratings were slipping big time, so they came up with a 2-part episode where Fonzie would literally jump over one or two shark tanks on a jet ski. The intention was to generate enough interest that tons of people would tune in, and it would increase ratings. They promoted the hell out of it. But it had the opposite effect. People thought it was ridiculous, and although I think the show continued for another few seasons, the ratings never were raised to where they had been at its peak. So saying a season is BAD isn't really 'jumping the shark'. That phrase is specifically reserved for a show that is suffering so in the ratings that they come up with a stupid idea to increase ratings, but it actually has the opposite effect. PHEW! To bring this full circle, after last season being somewhat entertaining (to me), I think this season is just BAD. You may think the POC being eliminated and an 8 person alliance is jumping the shark, but the season wasn't PLANNED that way. It's the assholes in the house who did that.
  21. I'm not heartless, so I did feel bad for Sam when he learned his grandfather died. But prior to that, I was thinking there should be another category added to the usual stereotypes cast every season: The DIARY ROOM SCREAMER. Sam, shut UP. You're giving me flashbacks to Your Boy Paul, and that is definitely not a good thing.
  22. I read that when the race planners were setting up that challenge, they neglected to tell them that women would be participating too. It was strictly a male sport in that country. So when the racers got there, the local government tried to stop it, and it took a lot of persuading from the producers to get them to allow Tian to do it. No wonder the guys on the sidelines had such big smiles on their faces.
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