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Everything posted by jewel21

  1. Airdate: 05/30/2024 Season finale!
  2. Airdate: 05/22/2024 This is the season finale.
  3. Anthony would have been my third choice. The two women should have been in the final two with Madison winning. What a bunch of malarkey.
  4. How on earth is Madison third place?!
  5. Airdate: 05/15/2024
  6. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I knew George was going to die, but I had always hoped it would be just mentioned in a voiceover in the final episode. But as I sat there watching the two episodes that aired tonight, that sinking feeling kept building in the pit of my stomach. George was funny, sweet, and he had finally caught a break. The whole family did. Sheldon was heading off to California, George finally had his dream come true and was going to teach college ball in Houston, Missy was excited to move, and before any of it could happen, George died. As soon as Mary mentioned the family photo, I was like damn. And then George was late, and I was still hoping I was wrong. But, nope. George died at work and I found myself just as devastated as the Coopers in that moment. No words, I just had to turn off the TV and walk away. And I’m still upset about it hours later. Life just isn’t fair.
  7. I knew him from his role on Titanic. I'm sad to learn he passed. R.I.P, sir.
  8. Airdate: 05/08/2024
  9. The kid and Churro are my favorites.
  10. I think it stands for "as far as I'm concerned."
  11. I feel like most of them do. I say this as a former child. ETA: I thought Karen was an engineer, not a therapist. Did I miss something?
  12. @peacheslatour I tried pming you but wasn't able to. Is there a way I can message you?
  13. Did anyone catch the premiere tonight? I'm sad Maya lost her job at the vet clinic. I enjoyed seeing her at work and interacting with the animals.
  14. Airdate: 04/03/2024 Season finale!
  15. Mariah ~~~~~~~~~~ Nina ~~~~~~~~~~ Lily ~~~~~~~~~~ Sally
  16. Airdate: 04/03/2024
  17. I love purple/lavender lilacs. I used to have a tree in my backyard growing up. I still miss it. I'm not crazy about white lilacs though, I find the smell too sickly sweet and cloying.
  18. I will go with Lauren. That woman survived Sheila Carter too many times to just give up now.
  19. This is fun! Am I the only one picturing Esther getting distracted by trying to dust the forest? Diane ~~~~~~~~~~ Sally ~~~~~~~~~~ Sharon ~~~~~~~~~~ Mariah ~~~~~~~~~~ Lily ~~~~~~~~~~ Nina ~~~~~~~~~~ Lauren ~~~~~~~~~~ Nikki
  20. I'm sorry to hear about your tree. The weather here has been a bit all over the place. Mild, cold, snowing, raining, etc. And while I'm sorry to hear your sister is sick, I feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one experiencing this weird virus. She is also experiencing itching? I was itchy all over and it seemed to worsen when I would vomit.
  21. Has anyone else been under the weather? For the past two weeks I have had gastro symptoms on and off along with itching the entire time. Last Friday I noticed my legs were covered in bruises. I finally managed to have my GP fit me in and she was baffled. She sent me straight to the emergency room for blood tests. I were there from 12 PM until around 9:15 PM. I got home at 10 PM. Blood panels were normal except for my white blood cells being elevated and my potassium was low. They gave me potassium pills to take for three days and allergy pills to take for five days. They figure I must have caught a bug and for some reason it's also making me itch. Yesterday I think I overate because my stomach got upset again which was super upsetting because I had finally managed to keep food down for three days straight. Anyone else experiencing anything similar? I miss eating real food and not just oatmeal and apple sauce and rice.
  22. Airdate: 03/27/2024
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