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Everything posted by beeblebrox

  1. Does it take place in high school or middle school? Why is this episode centered around middle school when they started the show around high school? I'm confused.
  2. Enjoyable episode. What I couldn't get over is how old Brian Doyle-Murray looked. It took me a second to realize that was him as the health teacher.
  3. The crying Marine Corps veteran gave me major Chopped vibes and total cringe.
  4. Watching this season over again reminded how whiny Luke could be. I remember thinking that how could a deaf guy be whiny, but he was such a whiny baby throughout the race. This season was one of the more enjoyable ones to rewatch. I still love Mike & Mel. Mike seems like a low key Hollywood writer and actor and so happy to be on the race. I just thought that their genuineness shown through.
  5. I just finished this season. I liked most of the teams who were middle of the pack and seemed nice. Brian & Ericka were awful. Not shocking that they divorced. What's with all of the LA starting lines? Since I'm binge watching it, there seems to be about 5 seasons now in a row that have started in LA. I liked the Red Rocks start or the Chicago start. Why can't they pick other cities to start the race in? I also noticed that that typically end on the West Coast too. What about the East Coast or the Midwest? Is it a production thing?
  6. I generally enjoyed this season. There were some memorable tasks they did. I could put up with Rob & Amber just fine. I couldn't stand Uchenna. He came off as so patronizing and condescending that season. His shtick worked well in the season they won, but this season he sounded like a jerk each time he talked. I loved Charla and Mirna. They're just fun to watch in general. They seemed nice when they said that they would have given Danny and Oswald the money when D&O yielded the eventual winners. Yeah, it was a good season to watch.
  7. I'm doing a Hulu rewatch of TAR because apparently I'm crazy. This season is such a chore to watch. I don't care about any of the families whatsoever. It's so boring. I like original recipe TAR better.
  8. I'm rewatching this season now. Once I discovered that Hulu has almost all of the seasons streaming, it's become my go to streaming show. I forgot how much I loved this season when I was in my early 20's. I think this season was when reality tv was beginning to make real strides too. The eating challenges coincide with the gross out reality shows of time like Fear Factor. Once I started watching it, I said to myself, "Oh, I liked Chip and Kim." I love that Charla and Mirna were portrayed as the bad guys, but Colin was an epic jackass. Then, googled and remembered they won. So yeah, this has been my favorite binge rewatch so far.
  9. This bothers me so much about the show. They really addressed postpartum depression poorly. The one mini PSA when the doctor was talking about Juliette's acting out/drinking as part of it did nothing to bring light to it. If they wanted to do it right, they could have shown her going through the mental anguish of it on whether or not you made the right decision to have kids, wondering constantly if you're a good parent to your kids, or imagining hurting yourself. Instead, they just crapped on Hayden, the show, and the viewers. Even worse, they made the spouse totally unsupportive or even suggesting marriage counseling. It was "nope, she's acting out, let's take away the kid and divorce her." Whoever wrote that should attend a PPD help group to see just the mental/emotional side of it. They did those characters dirty as well as women who are suffering from PPD. I'm glad that Hayden's honest about how hard it has been on her and open about seeking treatment.
  10. Is it bad that I'm happy it's cancelled!?! This season has been dragging with the most boring storylines ever. Don't get me wrong, I love my soapy Nashville, but it's been a painful season. It really lacked the energy of the previous seasons. The last couple of episodes have been too acting heavy, not enough songs. The suffered without Hayden while she dealt with real life issues. I hope that they keep emancipated Maddie away from Rayna or have someone finally call her out on her crap big time. I'd love happy endings for most of the characters except for Frankie, Cash, Maddie, and Layla.
  11. This whole episode I was preparing for the bait and switches. Sure enough, they did. With each and every story, they did the bait and switch. Juliette and Avery, nope, Avery and Layla. Same with Maddie/family, and Scarlett and Gunnar. Such a typical tv episode. Maddie is the biggest spoiled brat ever. What she did to Daphne was cruel. I could do without Layla's scheming and screwing. They need to pair her up with someone other than the mains we're rooting for. Give her a roadie or Autumn to get with. I feel bad for Juliette with Avery being a continued douche to her. She's trying to redeem herself and he's not listening or seeing it. I wonder if they're going to do a "one that got away" thing with Juliette and Avery where Juliette meets someone nice and she gets back her life and happiness. Avery deserves that for being awful to Juliette whose been trying so hard since she went to rehab. He's not good at forgiveness and forgetting. It takes a big person to. Avery is not that guy.
  12. She's also fantastic in the Hotwives series on Hulu which is loaded with great comediennes. It was weird hearing her not talk in a fake new money Russian accent for once. I'm excited to see what she's going to do with the role of Viv. She's perfect for this series.
  13. We haven't seen him angry like yelling, screaming mad angry. He seems very level headed like disturbingly so. Has he been injured yet? We haven't seen him with a wound either.
  14. Alicia Witt looked so different. Did she jack up her face? Is her acting rusty? She sounded as bad as Hillary Clinton acting on Broad City a few weeks ago. Hayden's return made the show watchable again. It was so nice not to have the whiny sisters on again. I can't wait for the fallout of the Army decision on Maddie. This show has been so boring lately. Conniving Layla's even boring.
  15. I liked this episode for the ending the best where Desi and Marnie broke up. The other awesome part was the sales clerk exchange totally over Marnie's b.s. This episode reminded me so much of some people I see on Facebook who are closer in age to the characters. One of them just turned 30 and is incredibly smug about her life. Both her and her husband are completely tone deaf on Facebook so much like the Girls characters. The girl on Facebook did an abs selfie and said it was all DNA as it why she's toned. She talks all about having the best husband and his money making job. She's a stay at home mom whose barely worked since getting married around 25 years old if at all. Her husband says equally tone deaf things about his money making job and their new house. From what they show on Facebook, she's as insipid as Marnie and the rest of the Girls. They literally have no self awareness or hardship. I resist the Internet smack down so hard reading her posts. Marnie's adventure with Chris and then breakup with Desi was fascinating. Was Chris meant to be eye opening to avoiding huge red flags in her life? Marnie avoided/denied huge red flags with Desi. There were so many red flags with Chris. I get that she wasn't going to change him, but seeing the grit of life, is that what opened up her up to the crap marriage she's in? I mentioned my best friend before (who got remarried recently). Her ex-husband was a huge red flag. I saw that months before the wedding. She was so much in denial and trudged through a painful few years after he imploded their marriage. Talking to her later, she knew she was marrying the wrong person but having it planned and ready, she felt that she couldn't back out. Why didn't they show Marnie having those huge doubts? They showed Desi having issues on the wedding day, but not her. I want Marnie to hook up and marry Ray. They're perfect in a messed up way together. I was thinking about this too: Why doesn't Girls show any functional marriages? Both Jessa and Marnie have been married and divorced quickly. It's all starter marriages. Can one of these girls have a working, healthy relationship/marriage lasting longer than a few months? ETA: I could totally see Charlie's fall from grace in the tech world. I've seen a lot of hard drinking at software companies. His introduction to drugs there isn't too much of a stretch. His becoming a drug addict as a result is possible, an extreme, but entirely possible from what I've seen. I think that the cocaine and other hard drug use in the tech industry is no different from the 1980's stockbrokers boozing and drugging hard in the professional world.
  16. This sounds way too close to home with my best friend's first wedding. The night before the wedding, her and her fiance were fighting really bad. She was crying in her basement while her fiance left the house. They pulled it together to get married. She knew it was a huge mistake then. Like Hannah, I supported her through her epic mistake. She felt that she couldn't back out of the wedding because of the money spent. It was a rocky marriage that ended with his repeated cheating and verbal abuse. She's getting remarried soon to someone we really like. I can totally see Girls going this way with Marnie's marriage to Desi.
  17. Yes, commentary on this show. I love it. I have a middling like of Armisen and love Hader. They were awesome with the source material. When Hader did the singing and dancing, he nailed it. I noticed that one of the documentarians was in Waiting years ago. Good to see him pop up again. I saw the next episode On Demand last week and missed the last five minutes of it. The next episode is even better than the Grey Gardens one. Let's just say that they have HBO's number on making fun of one of its documentary shows.
  18. What banana pudding needs to be baked? Their recipe looked gross. The disapproving looks made it more gross to me. Seriously, I'm married to a Southerner and have never had a baked banana pudding. I love cocktail attire for pigs in a blanket and Ritz crackers. That cracked me up. Christian is such a monumental jerk. Maria asked perfectly reasonable questions, etc to a response of "shut up!" Christian deserves whatever ass kicking Veeral and Josh have for him.
  19. In that rerun of the All Stars competition, I found Anne Burrell's place as a judge hilarious. She seemed like she was trying too hard to measure up to the much more nuanced judges and their criticisms. I hate that she's the only female competitor in the one airing on Tuesday. She just rubs me the wrong way in general. I can't put my finger on it, but she's annoying and try hard on these.
  20. I completely agree on everything. Josh and Meghan really are ill prepared for life. Being shocked about being cut off and not knowing how to run finances at their age is just insane. In graduate school, I knew how to take care of myself from bills to rent to student loan payments with some assistance from parents. These two don't have a clue between them. I cracked up at her ovulation chart. There's apps for that and basic knowledge of your cycle can get you pregnant with a few OPKs. With being late, she really should have dealt with it sooner or later not when you're late. What a dumbass. Another dumbass thing with these two is peeing on a stick at night, not first morning urine. Dumb and Dumber, these two. I understand Veeral's perspective from a medical standpoint but he really does need to relax about it. I had my first at 32 and am due with my next one in a few weeks at 35. Being advanced maternal age nowadays just means an extra, expensive blood test that looks at a wider spectrum than the first one they give you at 12 weeks. I side with Ragini on her, let's relax, and then have kids later. Wow, Maria's still so sad when it comes to her situation especially daughters being put through what she has. Also, this episode felt like the most contrived of the season so far. Let's talk kids, so we'll throw babysitting at Christian and Maria or a possible pregnancy with Josh and Meghan, and Veeral/Ragini just fighting about babies in general.
  21. Indian weddings are awesome. Theirs looks like it was on the more expensive side especially with the classic car entrance. The biggest one I went to did a two part Barat (groom procession) that started at the hotel, went on a boat around the Bay, then into a terrace right by the hotel. As favors, they gave us marble pictures with marble from where the bride's family is from. It was a seriously gorgeous wedding. I loved her walk of shame. Hilarious. On the Southern couple, they're so ill prepared financially. What surprised me the most was how taken aback Josh was about being cut off. Though he tries to portray himself as the smart one with money, he's equally high maintenance as Meghan. I do wonder if his estimation of their future salaries is correct at 50k combined. They're a hot mess.
  22. This is total Southern passive aggressive behavior. With the biscuits and banana pudding, those are a bit of a big deal in the South since it's Southern food. It's a cultural thing down there. As an outsider/interloper/not my mother in law's first choice for her son, I really haven't been taught their recipes. My husband's grandmother is a little more welcoming than his mom is about stuff like that. However, my husband's grandmother thought that once I became a parent, I would become a stay at mom like it was assumed or unquestionable. It's not what's best for our family and not happening. So, the old school mindsets are still very apparent. I hated the scene where Megan was in the bridal suite getting ready while her mother in law and friend or mom kvetched about how awful Megan is. Those women should have been kicked out of the bridal suite once they spoke ill of her. I kept my mother in law out of the area where I was changing, so she could focus on her son which she seemed to have zero interest in that moment. Megan has to learn to stand her ground on a lot of things or she will get brow beaten and passive aggressively taken to task about every single thing by a controlling, jerk of a mother in law.
  23. I threatened to leave while on maternity leave while my hormones were really messed up. The trick with shitty Southern mother in laws is to keep them at arm's length, never given them any ammunition to think that you're the bitch, not the other way around, and limit contact. I don't have phone or email conversations with her at all. My husband calls his family and deals with them mainly. I literally don't engage her in anything. When we visit, I keep conversations to light, non emotional topics. She'll still pull out the drama, but it's all on her, not me. I make a point of rolling it with it. I've had to develop a very thick skin in a decade of her abuse. It's abuse believe me. She's toxic and immature. My husband doesn't get it, but has some awareness that his mom/parents don't behave like most people in many ways. The Southern wife will have to learn this. Also, you have to learn to accept that you'll never be the one that she wants her son to be married to. I've accepted it over the years. It took a lot of pain to get to that point. Now, I don't care at all. She also made the point of telling me this after being married a year too. So, Meghan has a long uphill battle with her bitch mother in law. It's the same behavior I've experienced throughout the years. It's like some messed up Southern mentality these women adopt or have been coddled to believe that it's true. It's all fake Southern charm and bs.
  24. The Romani marriage is scary to watch. Christian clearly wasn't taught how to be respectful to a woman especially a spouse. I feel bad for Maria for being saddled with that family especially her crappy, immature husband. The family as a whole didn't seem trashy in the first episode, but their true colors really showed through in the second episode. The Southern mother-in-law is way too similar to my own Southern mother in law in her behaviors. The openly passive agressive behavior shielded as Southernisms was glaring. The one up manship displayed in competition with the wife to be. It felt way too close to home. We went to marriage counseling after the birth of our first kid because of how she behaved during my maternity leave. I see this southern wife going through the same thing that I went through. It takes a lot of energy to ignore and quell those negative behaviors displayed against you.That girl has a long way to go in managing her jerk mother in law. I seriously believe that the mother in law on Arranged has a narcissistic personality disorder. Her son will defend his mom before his wife because of how she conditioned him to. It's a huge uphill battle in general. I pretty much have a non existent relationship with my mother in law because of years of treatment like how the wife in Arranged is being treated. I've attended a number of Indian weddings. Theirs sound pretty standard. Surprising the groom with a dance at the Sangeet is normal. Sangeet's are a lot of fun since it's just a night of dancing, food, stories, etc. The wedding ceremony is neat to watch too with the rituals, the pretty dresses, etc. All of the Indian weddings I have attended have been a lot of fun and a big party.
  25. I love True Life old episodes so much. I remember Bru's cake being lopsided from being so heavy, her dress, and tattooed eyebrows. The young newlywed ones annoyed me. By the time that aired, I had been married awhile to know that both couples were so naive about the whole marriage and finances thing. I liked the little person episode a lot. Terra, the performer from that True Life, now has the Little Women: LA show and her spin off with her pregnancy. I'll never forget her line about "just needing some extra stools around the house" when it came to talking about being a little person and how her brother was adopted because his bio parents couldn't handle him being a little person. I thought it was pretty profound from someone that young at the time. I'm sure that there's other episodes I can't remember offhand. I miss the old ones the most.
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