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Everything posted by berly57

  1. Deb's fiance is one scary guy . . . I just watched the YouTube video shared above with the beer making. I really hope I'm wrong, but he seems like he's ready to snap and do some serious harm to her.
  2. I might be nuts or it could just be that it's super late and I'm super tired, but that clear bottle sure looks like to me like that's a pair of tweezers sitting inside the bottle & a tick above the right "prong," up by the lid.
  3. I'll join the cast-offs on the island that is in B's corner of the ocean. She can't get a break (I mean as far as what most everyone is saying). If she had stayed at the table and cried, she would have been called an attention whore . . . she chose to go into another room (& of course the cameras are going to follow) and, of course, she's still an attention whore. Yes, most of us in here certainly can't identify with her life and are thinking how the hell can you bitch about your life when you're rich, have a beautiful daughter, travel all over, etc., etc. But, we have no idea what is really going on w/Jason. I, for one, tend to give more credence to a judge's actions than Page Six. If Jason is indeed harassing her like has been implied, that is a horrible, horrible situation and would put such pressure on anyone. I think the reason we see B act the way she does is because of the fact that she doesn't share with many people. I think she gets pushed to a point where she just breaks down. But because we're used to seeing mostly the sarcastic, cutting side of her, when she does break down, all of a sudden we have no compassion. Full disclosure, I had a horrible relationship with my mother . . . she was a horrid, horrid person. When Carol was saying that Jason had called B by her mother's name, that just set something off in me. A friend of mine did that once to me -- called me my mother's name & I can't tell you what that did to me. Took me quite awhile to get over it. If you haven't been through a certain situation, there is no way you can understand it -- and you shouldn't understand it. But, just have a little bit of empathy for other people's situations . . .
  4. As usual, sorry if this has been talked about already, but just watching episode right now & haven't read any comments. Having said that, WTF Farrah. Your mother literally says, "I'm proud of you and I love you," and your response is, ". . . and when you come here, I'm really frustrated." Shut your damn mouth, Farrah, just once & listen to what people are saying to you!!!!! Yeah, therapy's really working well for this bunch. Oh, my blood pressure's already rising & I'm only 23 minutes in. And Tyler can go right to hell with his blaming C's mental illness for Mommy thinking he looks exhausted, etc. And there's C slumped over in the corner, biting her nails & disappearing into herself. Ugh . . .
  5. I am not even reading my fellow posters comments tonight, so apologize if I'm being redundant. I can honestly say I have never stopped watching a Bravo show (including all the Housewives, the stupid ski lodge ones, Below Deck, etc.), but I am drawing the line at this show as of tonight. After watching just a few minutes and seeing that pompous asshole saying he keeps his children in his guest house, I am out. Excuse my language, but who the fuck does that!!?? I am literally sick to my stomach hearing a so-called parent talk about his children that way. Oh, and by the way, I have watched every season . . .
  6. I just finished watching the last two episodes & have not read any posts, but I just want to go on record as saying I take back any comment I ever made about Jo that could even have been slightly interpreted as negative. This guy is a gem!!!! The way he is handling this whole Javi situation with Isaac is unbelievable!
  7. I watch a lot of Bravo reality shows (too many) & have for years, and have to say this is the first one where I have not liked a single member of the cast . . .
  8. How fucking old are these supposed women again??? Seriously, this has gone beyond ridiculous . . . texting each other because they're so proud they didn't answer Lala's inquiry of how their weekend was. My God, I really am going to have to stop watching. They are in their late 20's, early 30's and this is what they concern themselves with???? Grow up, you stupid little bitches!!!
  9. This is kind of off-topic and you all are going to probably think I'm nuts, but it's been driving me nuts that Ben reminds me of someone. It's Robert Downey, Jr. from his Ally McBeal days . . . certainly not present day, but back then.
  10. Hmm . . . sounds like Kelly may have just let something slip on this morning's show. The winner (Richard Curtis, I think his name is) of the co-host contest is on again. They were talking about his daughter and Kelly said something to the effect of wait until you go on one of our Disney remotes with us . . .
  11. I just watched & though I do hate to stick up for Sierra, I believe she did mean providing for the mother along with his child, i.e., him saying she would never have to work another day in her life. I don't know too many fathers who pay enough to the mother of their child(ren) that she would never have to work again. And for me, personally, that might be a bit of a "red flag".
  12. Let me just say sorry up front because I'm sure this has been talked about many times. I've only gotten through the first page of posts & just finished watching the episode. I hate Kelly with a passion! More than any other housewife on any franchise. Because her husband drops a chopstick, she says he's a drunk and she can't take him anywhere because he's so embarrassing????? This from the woman who screams at a "friend" at a restaurant that they are a c***!!!! WTF! She is so using this show to try to "corroborate" evidence for her imminent divorce filing. I don't particularly like her husband, but after watching this episode, I hope to hell he divorces her and gets custody of Jolie . . . this woman is seriously a psycho!!
  13. Okay, I will admit right now I have not read a single post. I just watched and am not ashamed to say I was sitting here bawling my ass off. Good for David! Good for Shannon and I hope everything works out for them for years to come. I maybe a bit emotional right now because my daughter is moving 2000 miles away from me this Thursday, so maybe I should blame it on that -- lol. I will say, again, I absolutely abhor Vicki & Kelly!!! I have watched every episode of every season and have to say I was usually in Vicki's corner. Not anymore . . . just can't stand her. Kelly is a waste!
  14. Did I miss something? What is with the new seating arrangement? Whoopi's now in the middle? I'm sorry if this has already been spoken about . . . been sick for the past week so haven't taken the time to look at all the previous posts.
  15. Meghan & Jim are the two most boring people on the planet!!! Period! I didn't think that whole "wet dream" convo was all that bad . . . girls had obviously heard about it in class and were ragging on Dad. I think both he & Shannon handled it fine. Of course, I have a warped sense of humor, too. Boy, I do love me some Shannon . . . she's just wacky and out there & great!
  16. Petunia -- by any chance did you watch on Project Free TV? I just watched last night's episode & they have the wrong title
  17. Okay, I'll try it again . . . full disclosure, I have just finished watching this episode and have not read a single comment on here. 1. Jules & Bethenny -- Jules needs to not take this so personally, i.e., Bethenny's comments about can you imagine if I had taken you to the doctors. Jules, herself, has admitted she's all over the place -- her mind is, her mouth is. I am very emotional, wear my heart on my sleeve, say whatever is on my mind -- I equate this with a friend saying, can you imagine me taking you to (wherever) & me saying, OMG, no, that would have been a disaster. And laughing about it. 2. Jules & Carole (and the whole eating disorder thing) -- I have been trying to not form any opinions about Jules' eating disorder, but to me it seemed that Carole was right on spot about that . . . that whole thing was just bizarre w/Jules at the pizza party. I don't "blame" Carole (or, for that matter any of the "girls" questioning Jules about her eating habits). That's what friends do -- they call each other out on shit & Jules put it out there. I am of the personal opinion that Jules putting all that shit in the calzone was just so she could avoid eating it. 3. Lou & Carole -- Sorry, but I'm on Carole's side on this one. Granted, it has dragged on for way too long and they are only friends for the show, but Lou get off your fucking high horse and just meet w/her for coffee. And, if she does that, Carole, drop it. 4. Sonja and getting rid of her stuff. Oh, man, I could so see where she was coming from. Totally. I have one child (grown now) but no other family -- my mother's dead & I had no relationship with her anyway, my father's is non-existent, my man who I lived w/for 17 years is dead so totally get her holding onto her "baby's" toys, etc, that reminded her of a happier time. I'm just now able to start getting rid of some stuff that I have clung to for years, because it brought back good memories. 5. Once again, Ramona has surprised me in this episode . . . somewhat of a voice of reason. Except, honestly, I still can't stand her -- lol. 6. Loved seeing Heather & Carole together again. 7. Dorinda, I'd be your besty any day! 8. Bethenny . . . I really do get what a lot of you on here say about her, but got to say, through all these years, she's the one I'd want for my friend. She's honest -- to a fault. She doesn't put up with bullshit. I think there's more going on w/Jason & his side of the family that we haven't heard and, thus, her extreme reaction about the whole operation, etc. She's the real deal to me and I don't think I've "drank the Kool-Aid" in this case because I have seen her go through all the years and yes, she's changed from when we first started seeing her on RHONY, but I get where she's at.
  18. WTH! I just wrote this long post and hit enter & it disappeared . . .
  19. WTF is w/this Candace Cam or whatever the hell it is???
  20. Brace yourselves, my fellow Snowflake devotees -- LOL. I have a very, very potential job offer with our special little lady. Ha! Back @ the beginning of May, sent her/site and email saying this: Landon (or whoever reads this), Truly enjoy you on Southern Charm and very happy you have "found your niche". Just wanted to shoot you a quick note re: your website. Under your Roam Worthy? section,emailng needs to be changed to emailing.I'm a bit of a proofreading nut, so stuff like this pops out to me. I just hate to see a misspelled word, especially on a brand-new website. Good luck to you with everything you do! Today, got this: ROAM Guide 6:29 PM (1 hour ago) to me Thank you so much for checking it out, and taking the time to let us know. I will reach out when we can afford to take on a full-time editor, you got the eye!! haha We are excited to share this journey with you. All my best, x Anna Please, please try not to be envious -- lmao
  21. Let me just preface this by saying, I have not read any of the posts and I'm sure someone has talked about this already (God, I hope so), but please, please someone get that poor little boy, Jace, away from both Jenelle and Barb. I know Barb's been trying to do what's right by him, but I am so pissed off right now watching the way he is being put in the middle of all of this toxicity. He does not need to be grilled on what is going on at his mother's house. CPS needs to be called for this child immediately!!!!!! If there is a God above, please, please let Nathan get custody of Kaiser and let CPS step in and take over the care of Jace. I truly believe that poor little boy would be better off in foster care right now -- and I know what the foster care system is like, but Jesus, what that little one is suffering through is just absolutely unbelievable. If MTV has any pull at all, they need to step in NOW.
  22. Don't know if someone has already addressed this, because I haven't read every post, but something that kind of bothered me last night was when Weber was looking around at the different couples (before he saw Catherine in the elevator), everything was kind of fuzzy & I noticed him rubbing his neck . . . I hope that's not a hint of something to come . . . I may be wrong, but I think that may be a sign of a stroke or tumor or something.
  23. Still having a hard time w/these latest episodes for some reason. I cannot stand Penny/Callie . . . there is absolutely no chemistry, no nothing. I was really hoping when Bailey gave that whole watching your daughter in the soccer match thing and who would you want to be there cheering her on, next to you, that Callie would think Arizona (I know, I know, I'm a sap, what can I say). Just nothing there between Callie and Penny at all. The thing w/Katherine at the end surprised me. I can only hope she's not really thinking of going after April for custody. In my unicorn/rainbow world, I'm hoping she means that maybe the divorce is null now. Kind of like where the Amelia/Owen thing went . . . don't know if this means the end of them or what -- maybe opening the door for her & Riggs? Surprisingly, I don't like how Maggie and DeLuca ended up . . . frankly, it sucks that he got what he wanted and then bails on her.
  24. I have just been catching up on Season 7 (having watched all of the previous seasons) and I have to say: 1. I HATE Jenelle (and I don't use that term lightly, by any means -- in fact, have only used it referencing one other person in my life). She is a despicable human being. I cannot fathom that she can look at any of these episodes and not see what kind of person she is. I actually pray that Jace gets taken away from Barbara too. She is definitely trying her best, but this is beyond her. Jace is going to turn into the young man who gets into constant trouble and probably ends up in prison. The way Jenelle treats her other son is just unbelievable. She does not have a single maternal instinct in her. Watching her and her "nanny" put the baby in his crib and run to her bedroom just disgusted me. 2. I am so very happy that Cory won primary custody of those girls, but I worry about the other baby (I'm sorry, I can't keep all the names straight). I wish somehow they could have gotten custody of her, also because it honestly seems like her dad isn't really involved either. Leah, in my opinion, does love her daughters with all her heart but if someone doesn't step in like NOW and do something she is going to end up dead. I know that's a horrible thing to say, but you can see it coming from a mile away. She was so totally f'd up in that scene where she called her sister to pick up the girls from school. The only thing I could think of watching her is Anna Nicole . . . 3. Again, Chelsea is the voice of reason and the best mom . . . and I know this is such a trivial thing, but GOD, stop the baby voice, please!!!!!! And stop with the constant validation of Cole in their lives. He's great . . . you love him . . . Aubry loves him . . . he's wonderful with her and for you, so just stop w/the do you like Cole being here picking pumpkins, do you like Cole standing in the kitchen next to us, do you like Cole breathing the same air as us. Just let it flow naturally, Chelsea. And, my God, what is up with Adam and his creepy, creepy, friend/sponsor, whatever the hell he is. 4. I really hope Kailyn and Javi make it -- I really do. They're doing a great job raising the kids. But, they both really need to grow up. There is so much tension there . . . Javi, let it go w/Jo . . . you are all bound together now, for better or worse, for the next 20 years. Kailyn, stop being so controlling . . . Jo, get a job and man up . . . Javi, be the true man soldier that you are and realize you are all a family. I know I have rambled and probably the majority of this post makes no sense, but I am just so wound up after watching Jenelle and Leah that I could scream.
  25. I'm sorry but seriously all I have to say about this is WTF -- "The question that caused millions of jaws to drop"???
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