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  1. My understanding from gossip pages is that one of the girls was hiding the closet, or hid her phone in the closet when Madison came in, and went into Austen's bedroom.
  2. I absolutely agree. One thing that struck me in addition to how cruel that was to Barbara, was that Ramona kept trying to get Sonja to go out with her. The woman couldn't stand, couldn't stop yelling, couldn't control herself. And Ramona wanted to drag her out on the town for more drinks. What. The. Hell. I can't figure out why Ramona would even want to be seen in public with her in that state. Right there with you. Everything you said (so well).
  3. ` Couldn't agree with the above any more. How many times did James need to tell you he wasn't drinking before you gave up on the idea of trying to "do something nice" by give him something he's not suppose to have, according to the big boss herself? There is a LOT about James that I don't like much, but you just don't fuck around with someone's sobriety. Really bad form. What Jax was trying to do was as clear as the 5 incarnations of noses that have appeared on his face. I've never really thought about it, but by golly you're right. At least that I can recall. That intrigues me. I feel the same way. I still want to love it, but the bloom is off the English Rose. TomTom feels like nothing more than what it really is; a way to keep the admission money rolling in for people who want to come see the animals at the zoo. Unfortunately, the zoo exhibits have changed and their lives have changed and they aren't so happy waitressing/bussing/bartending anymore. So Lisa went out and built different cages, but they remain in them, for the world to come hand Lisa money, in order to poke and prod and pose with them. And the whole show just feels like a safari tour at this point.
  4. This episode was beyond refreshing. Way to go, Justin!!!
  5. I was watching their bare feet with a bit of a cringe for reasons from infections to parasites. I also took a moment's pause when I saw food consumed in it. Giardia, anyone? I probably sound like a bit of a germaphobe, and I'm really not. I just have bad luck and learn the hard way.
  6. THANK YOU, RHJunkie. Only a guess, but I'm betting Mr. Clothes Horse took them off when he went back for lunch so as not to overly wrinkle them or drop food on them, and he was putting them back on right before he returned to the couch.
  7. Well ,you're asking a Coloradan, so I'd personally say "nothing wrong with that". But then again, I personally don't have a custody arrangement that is dependent on a clean drug screen. So I'd assume her milage varies.
  8. I thought the same thing, with a big sense of disappointment. I really am impressed with the person she's working towards becoming. And I was one of her worst critics. That being said, by the time she finished talking to Patricia and sat down with Shep, I thought her speech seemed back to normal. But boy when she was ranting about "J. Snow", she did sound half a drink too deep or one toke over the line. Wow, did JD look like shit. I mean, he never looks great, but he was flushed and gin blossomed, and clearly tried to wear a tux from 30 lbs ago. His hair was greasy and disheveled...in short he looked like he showed up directly from a 2 week coke/whisky/adderall bender. He looked like he smelled. Boss Warthog indeed. Not much to say about Ashley that hasn't been said. I'm glad we won't be subjected to another season of...whatever the hell that was.
  9. Oh, Stassi, honey...no. He acts like that and YOU apologise to him? He's got you 10 kinds of messed up, sweetie. Dang.
  10. Yes to all of this. When Lisa said don't hug me hello but it would be nice if you acknowledged me, this is what happened. I'd mainly noticed his face get instantly full of rage, but I didn't notice his angry fist until I paused it to take the pic. Lisa is insane if she doesn't distance herself and her business from Jax. This man is imploding, and anyone standing too close is going to get splattered.
  11. No wonder they're doing their own cleaning during a free stay at Rob's rental Big Bear lake house.
  12. I feel more comfortable today with my hair-brained theory that Schwartz went somewhere to dry out after this trip, and the scene in the Mexican restaurant drinking water with Katie a few weeks back (after he was absent for an episode or two) was shot later after he'd cleaned up a bit and added as filler to hide a longer absence than we saw . My next prediction is that we'll see scenes with Katie worrying to Lisa, possibly Lisa confronting Tom about it, and sad but poignant come to Jesus meeting that ends with him agreeing to seek treatment. He wasn't just messy tonight. Agree with the rest of you, it's not amusing, he's reached matter-of-time-ville. Hope he really did get some help.
  13. Hey, Nassif does great work. ;-) I did a lot of comparing pictures too, and I think you are likely correct.
  14. It's okay, Dorit, WE know how you do it. A little Adderall, maybe a line or two...
  15. May I toss in a side of "doing the splits when least appropriate"? :-)
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