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Everything posted by TexasTiffany

  1. Robyn is now blaming the other wives for dumping Kody on her? Like she's sick of him and can't get rid of him? Robyn thinks it's unfair. LOL
  2. I want Suki to ask if Kody was such a good dad, why none of his adult children want a polygamist marriage.
  3. Zac's costume was very dramatic and clever paired with Carla being the gardener with the clippers. But, I wondered who he pissed off since that costume was terribly cumbersome. He couldn't sit down. couldn't really see well, and had a hard time eating the contestant's cakes. At first, I thought Zac was a green poop emoji. In that other episode, Zac wasn't there during one of the tasting and judging segments. John gave us a clever excuse that Zac stayed too long in the bubble bath or something to that effect. I wonder what really happened. Why was Zac not there during the tasting? Makes me wonder. I did enjoy Carla and Stephanie judging by themselves though. With it being an extended episode and Zac absent, we got to see more of Carla's and Stephanie's funny comments and insights about the cakes. Loved their interaction. We don't usually get to see those segments b/c of time constraints and editing to get everything in the episode. (I've liked the longer episodes. it's been silly fun.) I'm glad Marcus is gone. I think the judges were tired of Marcus' excuses, too. We saw Stephanie and Carla's faces not believing his long winded story during the croquemboot round. Zac was over it as well. It just seemed that Marcus was out of his element on this show. I've been streaming the past seasons, too. One of the scariest costumes was Stephanie's evil clown. She's a good sport. I'm really liking her, Carla, and John this season.
  4. I'm really excited about this, too! The Baking competitions are my favorites. The last months have been s depressing. I need a fun diversion. Super glad that John is back as the host! And Carla! YAY!
  5. Same here and you have to talk back to the tv. At this point it just comes out. Beyond Oak Island? I'm ready for them to do "Oak Island Mystery Theatre 2000"? Rick and Marty having a pint, and sharing sarcasm of their own show.
  6. The blind judging is a good idea. So far, it's easy to pick out Ben's blades though, imo. His workmanship, fit and finish, and blade balance are masterful. I came across this show and became fascinated seeing blade smiths do what they do. (I'm not into weaponry and don't care for the carcass chops.) In the last episode I watched, Ben made a twisted damascus blade. The pattern was so beautiful with so much definition. It reminded me of jewelry, like this wheat chain.
  7. I'm enjoying watching these "Beat the Unbeaten" episodes. I like seeing Ben work in the forge so it doesn't bother me that the show is all about Ben right now. In the last episode Grady asked Ben what he hasn't done yet. He said he hasn't beaten Dave Baker. Dave was like "bring it on". I'd like to see that. I like both of them. In these episodes, the format has been different. The blade smith left standing and Ben forge their blades on site for however many hours. I like this much better. There's always been a disconnect with sending 2 blade smiths back to their home forge. I'd rather see them compete on an even playing field on site.
  8. Ellora had her puffs and craquelin spot on. They were helping each other out talking to one another, being supportive, which isn't difficult to understand. Most of these young bakers I can see being asked back for other Food Network baking shows in the future. I like all of the kids remaining. It makes it easier to take when they get eliminated. We will see Joseph again.
  9. I like all of the remaining kids. It was sad to see Joseph go, but the judges got it right. I found it interesting at judges table that Duff got up, went over to Joseph's other puffs, and picked a different puff to try. Of course, all of Joseph's cream puffs are supposed to be consistent and correct. I figure that Duff did that to make Joseph feel better. What did Joseph do with his time? Lucia had to start her dough over again 3 times but Joseph isn't ahead of her by much. Ellora and Summer made a good team. I'm glad they helped each other out. Ellora is so adorable.
  10. That's the same for me. All of them are nice kids and I can't wait to see what else they can do. Ellora is adorable. Her poke cake decorations with cut raspberries as the flower petals and ombre buttercream showed a lot of thought. The same with Riya's potato chip curd. Summer didn't panic when the jam twist was announced. She had already put her whoopie pies together. She collected herself, figured it out, took her whoopie pies apart and added the jam. Add me to the list who like that Valerie and Duff want to help a kid out of their meltdown so they don't get stuck in the moment. (yeah, I saw that Ben didn't take Duff's advice, but I like that Duff gave it.)
  11. I really liked the episode last night. Buddy's team made the giant slice of rainbow cake with a giant donut on top. Duff's team made that awesome farmers market display. Duff's team was amazing. How she made the edible onion skins, the green edible plastic for the rose bouquets, all of the fruits and veggies, bread, etc. Farmers Markets are so beautiful to begin with since everything is a colorful bounty of food. I was totally into Duff's teams creation. Some low points though... when that zoom judge said they could have covered the real wood crates with fondant or something edible. another zoom judge commenting on the roses not looking as real as they should have since the flowers were all one solid color. Duff made those roses. Oopsie, Duff. another judge said he would have liked Buddy's cake to be like a real cake where the layers showed some spongy texture in the crumb. Buddy replied that it depends on who baked the cake and all of his cakes have a fine crumb. I'm going to watch this episode again. I want to look more closely at all of the work Duff's team did. They had so many things, I didn't get to see them all.
  12. I tend to like Carla, Jason, and Gesine. They know their baking. I think the producers are messing with the show. They wanted a different format and want the judges to be more animated to make this work. I don't care about the opinions and comments of the other bakers. Especially the nasty side glances and grunts from Michele. I'd rather see everyone baking in the last half of the show, rather than a couple of people. ITA. They know it's not going well. I usually catch re-runs of the baking shows. This one I will keep channel surfing past.
  13. That woman didn't act like an attorney. She acted like a stripper. Did they prove she went to law school and passed the bar exam? Otherwise, I think she lied. Her behavior on this show is highly questionable. It looked more likely that she was advertising an online stripper site. I'm glad they helped the woman with the extra boobage under her arms. She's exactly the type person who should be helped. She was so thankful to be able to live a more normal life. Good for her.
  14. It was creative of her to make those little flies. I know it is Shoo-Fly Pie, but those still kind of grossed me out.
  15. I've never had a PieCaken, only seeing one featured on these baking shows. I wouldn't mind tasting one, but I'm certainly not going to create one at home. I too thought it was an odd admission from that baker who said she doesn't like pie, nor key lime. Does she think the judges will somehow give her extra points for doing them despite her aversion? I think it's more likely that the judges will be thinking she doesn't do those items, so she's less practiced putting her as an underdog. I would not have shared that info. I didn't like that the safe bakers were able to comment on and talk to the remaining bakers. I'd rather the editing focus on the ones in the bake-off.
  16. At the end of last season, didn't they say they were going to concentrate on getting to the money pit the coming season? When the show came back, I too thought it might be covid-19 protocols that limited their endeavors, but we've seen that they aren't hindered noticeably at all. In fact, they have added lots more people to this show. ITA this season has been difficult to watch. The man-made stone path discovery held my attention for maybe 2 minutes, yet this show thinks it is riveting tv, and includes it in every episode. In the Digging Down behind-the-scenes episode, one of the crew said something about how this year yielded more artifacts than ever before. He gave a number like 700, iirc, someone else probably remembers. Well, that was quite the surprise to me. We've got to figure that they've shown us the best, right? I was actually trying to imagine what dreck they decided to NOT show. I mean... they actually pointed out the "discolored dirt" as a "find". What could they be holding back on? Navel lint circa 1492? Or, would that be "naval lint".
  17. I really enjoyed the build-a-mobile-tool-shop episode tonight. First off, I liked the first challenge of building a flashlight that can withstand a drop from 5 feet. Straightforward and sounds simple. The contestants seem like nice guys that you want to see do their best. Then, rut-roh, I felt bad for the guy who got hurt. I hope he's okay. Too bad that his wires didn't connect. It was adding insult to injury. This show needs to invite back some of these people for a second chance build. I usually don't like butt jokes, but I giggled at how far Adam went in figuring out what size seat to build for Tim Allen to be comfortable. Tim couldn't contain himself either. Might be the best use of google so far. How odd that Josh decided to take a nap when he could be working. Adam did have a really nice build. Good for him. I think this was the season finale episode. Richard has found his footing and handles himself well with the contestants and presenting the tasks. Tim sometimes loses focus but I think he and Richard are coming together better. They were lucky to find April on Youtube, she's really good. They need a season two.
  18. I'm surprised that Keya won. I feel bad for her personal loss but I wouldn't have chosen her cake to win. The biggest negative was she only decorated the front of the cake. To me, it was unfinished. The Baking Championship cake shouldn't be unfinished. Also, when the camera did a close up to show detail we could see Keya's decorating wasn't clean. Some places had smudges, some of the crumbled cookie was in the wrong place, etc. Since her cake had so many green succulents and other foliage all over it, I think she should have used a different background color (rather than another shade of green) to make it contrast with her other decorations. She did a good job, but I picked her as the 3rd place contestant. I thought either Natalie or Derek would win. Natalie's cake was beautiful to look at with lots of detail on all sides of the cake. She had a good idea and was able to execute her vision. I liked the pink background, which made all the other colors "pop". Very Spring forward with all of the different flowers, techniques, colors, and many different ladybugs and butterflies. She also put a lot of thought into her cake colors, flavors, and fillings. The judges said her cake was dense like a pound cake. Well, so what... pound cake is also a cake. Besides that, I like a pound cake. They raved about everything else, but it was "dense"? If something else happened or was said, they didn't show it. I have to remind myself that the show's editing doesn't always match the outcome. Derek's decorating was awesome, too. I couldn't decide if he should win, or Natalie. Anyhow, I LOVED all the detail work: the corn, the tomatoes, the watermelon patch was adorable, and BUTTERNUT squash... oh my! What a wonderful garden! I loved it, but I figured he'd get a negative b/c it's a Summer garden, not a Spring garden. I'm glad he showed us something great though. Whoever said that he is going to have a full class now, is right. Even though he didn't win on the show, I hope good things happen for him because of the show. I hope that all of the bakers will turn up in future FN baking shows. Some of these people should get a second chance. I like Lorraine but didn't really miss her, IYKWIM. I didn't miss the backbiting between Lorraine and Nancy. Kardea was pleasant enough but rather dull. Maybe she was holding back for whatever reason. I've had enough of Nancy, her push for boozing up the desserts, and her weird hand waving antics. Nancy relies too much on these other distractions. Duff at least talks about how difficult a technique is, how time consuming, the pitfalls of doing something this way rather than that way, etc. Nancy says "not Spring-y enough". Ali was boring. I'd rather have Eddie Jackson hosting.
  19. At first I thought the street sweeper build would be asking too much from the contestants. As it worked out though, the builds weren't all that efficient. Just get the motor to spin these and turn those. ITA the conveyor belt was noisy. Not that good either when the slightest breeze redistributes the leaves and debris back onto the ground you are trying to clear. The build that resembled a racing pod from Star Wars ended up looking cool but it had me shaking my head when they guy cut up his riding lawn mower for this. He probably thought he was definitely going to win so he'd buy a new one. (I did find it funny when one of the ads during the show was for a riding lawn mower.) I thought more people would find this forum. This makes me wonder if the ratings aren't good. I'm still hoping this show will turn into something even better and find its stride.
  20. Everyone is focusing on the cooking (and rightly so)... but how about that odd dress that Susan was wearing at judging? She was dressed for a costume party. She went as a corn husk wrapped tamale. At least it was food related. I felt bad for Darnell. His dish was innovative and playful, but it was just too deconstructed in my opinion. I did enjoy watching him cook though.
  21. I see your point. I raised an eyebrow when they said 3D printer, too. I'm assuming the arrangement of contestants in their own home is due to covid cautions. If there is a season 2 and we can all go back to a more normal life, they might consider evening the playing field by filming and competing in a studio build shop. Everyone would have access to the same equipment. Then again, it's interesting watching them in their home surroundings. It shows their personalities which this show needs. ITA about the car wash system they built being the most useable of all the challenges. Everyone can use that at home. I wonder what order the episodes were filmed and in what order it was shown to viewers. I thought the first episode broadcast (dragon flame thrower) b/c it had the "this needs more power" phrase which is Tim's shtick. Some episodes have dramatic challenges. Maybe the producers thought the car wash build was dull. At the end, April says the winner also gets an iFixit Tool Kit. Don't the contestants already have way better tools and equipment at home? Here you go, a starter tool kit for your home shop with the 3D printer.
  22. Wow. The episode tonight actually has a rocket scientist. Too bad he didn't think to charge his battery. I really wasn't expecting that to happen. I do like that people of different backgrounds and education can compete on this show.
  23. The only entertainment I've gotten out of this season is reading the funny comments here. ♥♥♥ Oh, great. A tie-in to Forged In Fire! "Alright, Smiths. Tonight's challenge is forging an ox shoe and a spike out of these rusty farm tools from the 1400s which are believed to be left by Ancient Aliens." I half expect Rick to be a guest on Swamp People. Rick's got swamp experience. Of course, William Shatner would come along.
  24. Let me try and guess tonight's big find: spike nail ox shoe discolored dirt packed rocks Their suspense is putting me to sleep.
  25. I've watched every episode a couple of times, too. I looked for a topic for this show early on but tried again last night and found it. Regarding the jacuzzi episode - Neither unit was useable really. I didn't like the partial lawn chair in hers but with that flame burner underneath you'd have to use it to keep from being burned. His looked clean, but not comfortable. The episode with the carts - I liked that the guy used wood to frame his and put Wilson on it. Nice shout-out to the character on HI. His cart steered easily. The other guy's was so much harder to use with that hand held device.
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