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Lady of nod

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  1. I just started watching and as annoying as I find Dorit I am here for whoever is going to take down Kyle 100%. I have been over her bullshit for years now it’s time for her to go.
  2. The only reason I can watch this is Jenna fing Lyons. I find her fascinating and I would love to hear more of her stories of escapades in New York. The rest of them can just go away, especially Uber and Brynn. UGH they are the worst.
  3. Well, Teresa barely speaks English so I wouldn’t read too much into it
  4. As much as I would hate to see Teresa and Luis get anything I think that’s a brilliant idea because I would never have to see their faces or Aiden‘s face again. Jen Aiden is clearly a very unhappy woman and vicious as hell. Her big arsenal she always pulls out is that she has more money than other people. Wow Jen, that’s only because you married a plastic surgeon. It’s not because of any of your accomplishments. That way, we can have Dolores and Danielle, who by the way I’m beginning to love and Melissa, who has proven herself to be able to rise above Teresa’s bullshit finally. And I didn’t really get the comment about Danielle‘s husband‘s chest, but it certainly was a shit thing to say because it really upset her. There has. always been toxicity on this show, but it has really sunk to the lowest steps in the last couple years.
  5. I’m sorry, but I don’t really see what difference it makes if Margaret was talking to the caveman‘s ex. She has to film with these people and be around these people and I would wanna know their background too. This is not to say I’m a fan of Margaret or anything, but most of these women are snakes. And in my opinion Luis is a very scary and dangerous guy. The other men on the show may be assholes assholes but Luis Is fucking scary. you can see it in his eyes and I don’t think he’s been a good thing for Teresa, not that I really care.
  6. Only halfway through the show and haven’t read any comments yet just had to say how much did I love seeing Melissa and family with an endorsement for marinara sauce? a lot because Teresa and Lou must be losing their shit over this. And since I consider them the absolute scum of the Earth, this makes me happy
  7. Margaret! Yes! Tre is really struggling for a storyline. Her bombshell fizzled. So Margaret spoke to caveman's ex. Who cares. The house burning down was a big OM??? She's such a moron. She really needs to exit, along with Caveman and her sidekick Gia. I'm liking Danielle more and more. At least she can laugh off all this BS. And Delores, I love you but Paulie is just jerking you around. You can do better.
  8. Does everybody know that Teresa is a really spiritual person? OMG I almost fell off my chair.
  9. Fraser needs to take a seat. He's not a chef. The charter guests are happy with the food - not everything needs a garnish. All he's done all season is bitch about the chefs and Barbie. He's way to full of himself..
  10. Dolores looks fabulous as always. Teresa - wtf - looks awful. Maybe that love bubble has popped Franks a rat. Why is Jackie even on this show? I liked Paulie last season, but is he crossing over to the dark side of Demon Luis? Say what you will about Fuda, if scumbag Luis was digging up trash from my drug addict, child abandoning prisoner ex, I'd be pissed too, and not interested in a sit down. I'm very happy that Teresa and the Gorga's will not be interacting finally.
  11. This finale was as boring and unmemorable as the rest of the season .What exactly were the storylines? PK sends as much time away from Dorito as possible - can you blame him? Kyle has a girl crush on a mumbling country singer her daughter's age, and her perfect marriage fell apart - maybe. She and Erika are as nasty as ever. New girl is annoying. Still love Garcelle and Sutton though. Crystal. hmmm, oh yeah fights with new girl. Did I miss anything? Was happy to hear Denise was coming back, but unfortunately she was a train wreck. Best thing about the season was no Rhinna. Never thought I'd say it but I missed Kathy Hilton. At least she provided some comic relief. The last scene was in such bad taste. Kyle and Mauricio having that conversation with their kids on camera was the height of fame whoredom. Reunion looks like it might be better than anything that happened on the season. One can hope.
  12. Not even Kevin Lee can turn a freakin football field into an inviting space. $400,000 for a party is just so wrong. This was a bad idea. Is Kyle thinking she’s Beyonce? Haven’t gotten to ice queen’s performance yet. Can’t wait (sarcasm)
  13. i love your post. I have nothing to add except the only person I'm sad to say I miss is Stassi. At least she had a brain and was funny (at times). I just got through the first 2 1/2 epis (while cleaning my house) and I'm done, as soon as I see LaLa go off on Ariana - who I hate just as much as all the others. If this is the #1 show, there really is no hope for us.
  14. Maybe this is her only song, or maybe she just seized the moment to reel Kyle in, but either way singing about taking your clothes off and having sex on the kitchen floor (ewww) is just so cringeworthy and wrong at a Celebration of Life. This is about your friend Kyle, not about your infatuation with country singer girl. Kyle makes everything about her.
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