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According to Warren the season finale will be episode 20 instead of 24 but thats OK since a lot of old characters and victims will come back in this episode. Thoughts?
This is just great. So now they are screwing Sonny as well. He was taken off the case that involved Tommy so yeah.
OK I read that it's Carisi's niece's classmate that gets sexually assaulted not his niece.
Well we officially only have one POC now. I'm out.
What the fuck! I am done with this show! Not only do they destroy the best character on the show, they replace him with another white guy. Oh yeah he was gonna be Barba's boss. Sure he will. Bullshit! Rafael would never do that! Ever! I hate the writers! This is such... I don't even know what to say. Fuck this shit! I'm out
He is rehearsing for Chess which is showing next week. So he will be absent for an episode or two but not for long.
I think he might help the baby die. That's why he's on trial.
I'm sick of this shit. It's not fair that they take one of the best characters on the show, a Latino guy who grew up in the hood, who worked his ass of for a scholarship, went to Harvard, became a well known prosecutor, is smart as a whip and knows how to manipulate the law to suit his needs, and turned him into a guy who apparently can't do anything without Benson, who is making ridiculous closing arguments (no matter how good), taking cases that would never see a courtroom in real life, and making stupid decisions all in the name of Olivia Benson's vision of justice. I get that he is supposed to care more about the victims but maybe he should think about how it would affect the victim when they lose a weak case. Putting them through the process of telling their story to a bunch of strangers and then said strangers not believing them. That's gotta be traumatic. And now he is pulling stupid stunts like the elevator scene with the jurors. Or now somehow interfering with a case and puts the DA's office in jeopardy? Really? Why can't we have a compelling Barba storyline that doesn't involve him doing something stupid? He is not a stupid guy. Why do they insist on writing him like this? It's annoying. And now they have to bring in the young white guy to make sure he doesn't screw up. Or some shit. It's pissing me off. Apparently only white people can get promoted in this show. Amaro got written off as a lost cause, Fin passed the sergeants exam but would have to leave the unit (Munch and Benson didn't), and now Barba has had his career tossed down the drain because of the writers wanting him to do Benson's bidding. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in the same boat that Amaro was in in season 16.
So apparently Raúl most likely didn't have any say about this scene. If he refused he could have been fired and fined for a breach of contract. Actors are apparently low on the totem pole in productions. So they don't really have a say. That's even more fucked up! I don't blame Raúl at all for this.
OK they just released a deleted scene where Benson and Barba are listening to a voice recording from the cockpit and Barba says, " at least she didn't say Allahu Akbar." He acknowledges it was a bad joke but WTF?! What the hell were the writers thinking?! And not only that but they made Rafael Barba say that? For what, the sake of a Barson scene? To make Olivia look like a moral compass? I'm shocked Raúl agreed to say that. I mean he looks really uncomfortable saying it so why agree to say it in the first place. I know Rafi can say some things that Liv doesn't agree with but this is completely out of character.
Nice episode. Lots of Fin. Lots of Amanda Lots of Rafael. Not so much Benson. OK onto the ending. I see a lot of people are pissed at Rafi because he did it for Liv or some crap like that but he didn't. She never told him what to do. He came up with it on his own. It was his decision. Almost like the whole giving a junkie money for drugs so she can testify. The only thing I'm mad about is we didn't get to see the scene between him and Barth in her chambers. I would have loved to see that. Even s18 did that with Imposter. That would have been way more interesting than Noah.
Glad the Noah drama is over. Predictable as shit. OK my fave stuff: Rafi being very worried and awkward. Especially that hug. So cute and awkward. That last scene with all of them together. Uncle Sonny. Aunt Amanda. Uncle Rafa! Very casual Rafi! ? Rafi excited to see Noah! We went from holding a baby like a bomb to being very happy to see him! I'm convinced that that was mostly Raúl than Rafi but whatever! That's jaywalking! Jessie!! She got so big!!
Apparently Stone and McCoy will be appearing in the same episode. And they will be interacting. No word on if Barba and McCoy will interact (probably not). Not looking forward to Stone. If he's just a white version of Barba I'm gonna be pissed.
Yeah two in what, 5 years? I want to know more about Barba. What about the death threats (the most interesting storyline dropped after two episodes. Oh and they spend maybe 10 minutes on it? How's his mother doing? Does he see her regularly? Does he visit his abuelita's grave regularly? How long has he known Carmen? What about him and Rita? Do they get together and talk? Or Fin. How's his son? His grand baby? Is he dating anyone? Does he see John often? What does he do outside of SVU? Guys been on the show for 18 years and we don't know that much about him. Hell we know more about Carisi than Fin. I mean we get alot of the other three. These two tend to get ignored when it comes to plot lines.
Of all the white members yes. Fin and Rafael apparently don't count.