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Everything posted by Mollie

  1. Jill receives $8 commission for each box sale referred through her tracking link. If she sells at least three boxes during a season (boxes are sent four times a year), then she gets her box for free. This company doesn't tell affiliates how to pose or display the product, so Jill just copied Whitney because she's too stupid to come up with her own idea.
  2. Do you mean Kendra or Kendra's baby? Kendra's parents got married in January of 1998 and Kendra was born on August 11, 1998. (Do the math.) Mrs. Caldwell was 18-years-old when she married.
  3. You forgot to mention the Happy Birthday post for Derick's dead father. That was solely done to get Derick's attention. Funny, isn't it, that Jill never posts a Happy Birthday message to Derick's step father, who is alive and well and lives nearby.
  4. If Jill is receiving money or free product to post that endorsement, she must clearly disclose this. If not, she is violating Truth-in-Advertising laws of the Federal Trade Commission.
  5. There's one in every class: the guy nobody wants to sit next to.
  6. Well, she at least has to create her own picture instead of just stealing one, now that she knows that's illegal and Derick is a lawyer wannabe. Since they both own the blog, getting caught for copyright violations could get him kicked out of law school.
  7. Derick is losing weight again. His wedding ring is about to fall off. Maybe he will do better eating at the school cafeteria rather than eating Jill's "recipes."
  8. Jill wrote twice as many words explaining how to dump potatoes onto a cookie sheet and bake them than she did to explain Derick's major life decision to enroll in law school! The Dillards gave no explanation to the people who sent them money this time last year when they wanted Derick to go to minister school but claimed they didn't have the $12,000 to pay for tuition. (They never disclosed how they got the money to pay for Jill's airfare to Africa, Mexico, Colorado Springs and Washington D.C. so that she could tag along with Derick on the class trips.) Well, never mind about all of that now because, "We look forward to seeing how God will continue to direct our family in this new chapter of life!" Derick's first classes start next Monday at 8:00 a.m. He will be required to read and absorb thousands of pages of material every month. Since it will be impossible to do that kind of intense study in a small house with two toddlers, he will ensconce himself in the law library and return to home late at night after the kids are in bed. Jilly is going to freak out as Derick disconnects from the marriage. This will not have a pretty ending. No wonder Jill is at a loss for words.
  9. After three years, Derick is still wearing braces and his teeth are not centered under his nose. The guy is off kiltered.
  10. There were real clues in last week's episode. First of all, Josiah invites Lauren over for dinner and says, "At this time, I'm still trying to impress Lauren." So how does he do this? By serving her take-out leftovers from the fridge with someone else's germs all over them, rancid guacamole, and a wheat flour tortilla when he knows she is gluten intolerant. She should have run for the door, but instead she just smiles and looks all gooey eyed because she so wants to be a TV Duggar. Then Josiah asks her, "If money wasn't a factor, where would you like to go on a get-away?" "I've always wanted to go to Israel," she responds. "Israel?" he says. "I am kind of surprised that you were going to say Israel because I remember that you've always talked about The Sound of Music and that was kind of cool, and all the mountains. Is it Aus-tri-YAH? Not Australia….so that's probably your second." "The first would be Israel," Lauren says with dreams of her future honeymoon destination. So, where do they go on their honeymoon? To Austria. It's plain that Josiah is a total idiot and is just not that into her. But then, Lauren is not that into him, either, so they probably deserve each other.
  11. Well, this is what we have come to expect from Jessa, isn't it? Her sister has a baby and Jessa makes that event all about Jessa: Hey, look at me! See how my baby looked two years ago! I had a baby before Jinger did! I taught Jinger parenting skills and let her practice on my baby! Remember when Jessa posted 100 additional pictures from her wedding (nine months earlier) on the weekend of cousin Amy's wedding? I do. Jessa is incapable of letting someone else be the center of attention.
  12. Since it is now obvious that Derick's god did not call him to the ministry but to law school instead, I wonder if Cross Church School of Ministry will revoke his Certificate of License for the Gospel Ministry. That certificate was supposed to verify that God called Derick to the Ministry. What we've got here is failure to communicate.
  13. FYI: If you are looking for videos or reviews about this episode online, you have to look for: Counting On, Season 8, Episode 2, Make Room for Baby. The second half of this two-hour show is: Counting On, Season 8, Episode 3, Jinger and Jeremy's Little Secret. That is all.
  14. They may want God to receive all the glory, but the Duggars are keeping all the money.
  15. Indeed, let us all be grateful that Derick finally has a license. Up until now, he has been preaching without a license, which sounds like a criminal offense. And to think that he accomplished this without having to take tests or quizzes, because the Cross Church School of Ministry is "not a school that burdens students with tests and quizzes." I'm so impressed. NOT.
  16. Cross Church gave Derick a 'license into the gospel ministry.' (You, too, can buy one on Amazon for less than $10.) According to Derick's minister, this means that Cross Church "confirms and verifies" that God personally called Derick to the ministry. Exactly how God called Derick and how this was confirmed and verified remains a secret. Licensing is not to be confused with ordination. "And then, following a proven time period, spiritually, personally and professionally, the minister goes through an ordination counsel and then is formally ordained."
  17. Abbie's twin sisters, Maggie and Carinna, are 22-years-old. Their birthday was yesterday.
  18. Because the word has five syllables.
  19. Poor Ben spent so much time and effort planning to celebrate the third wedding anniversary and Jessa did NOTHING. Ben spent weeks creating a special necklace for Jessa to commemorate the event and Jessa didn't even get Ben a present. Jessa leaves Ben to watch the kids while she goes to town with her sisters, gets her nails done, gets a pedicure, and has Ben prepare their anniversary dinner. What did she do for him? NOTHING.
  20. Isn't Ben about ready to finish his online studies at Moody Bible Institute to be a minister? We know he completed his internship at Harvard Avenue Baptist Church in Siloam Springs. He's been taking courses and working odd jobs for Jim Bob for at least the past five years. It's about time for him to move on with his life.
  21. Because they don't want his diaper to leak on the floor.
  22. Jill doesn't even drain the grease after browning the ground beef. Even lean meat has grease in it. You can't even pour grease down the drain without causing problems. Imagine what this does to her children!
  23. Amy's position is 'Youth Care Worker.' It's the bottom-rung-of-the-ladder position in that institution. She's not a counselor and this is not a day camp. Other positions are for registered nurses, psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, social workers, and clerical workers. The facility is for psychiatric residential treatment and only houses 28 girls. Amy wants us to think of her as a mentor to these girls. She doesn't even know what that word means. Amy has no experience doing anything but hanging out and posting on Instagram. Her job is a minimum wage, dead-end job with no opportunity for advancement unless she goes to college and gets the requisite credentials. I don’t think she will last 90 days on this job.
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