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Everything posted by Mollie

  1. Derick has his Cross Church School of Ministry graduation tomorrow, probably during the Sunday morning church service. Expect a typical Duggar party and Instagram posting. The Instagram post will direct you to the Dillards' website, where they hope to collect money from the Google ads it displays. The good news is that we probably will be spared viewing one of Jill/Michelle's recipes on Sunday.
  2. Gideon is the name of a Biblical army commander who lived in the days of the Judges, after the death of Joshua and before the reign of King David. He was the first man to have this name.
  3. It's not just the maternal deaths, but thousands of women become permanently injured by faulty medical care during childbirth in U.S. hospitals. "Every year in the U.S., more than 50,000 mothers are severely injured during or after childbirth and 700 die." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-most-dangerous-place-to-give-birth-in-developed-world-usa-today-investigation-finds/
  4. While I am an advocate of hospital births over homebirths, the American track record on the safety of hospital births is abysmal. There is a new study that confirms the U.S. is the most dangerous place in the developed world to give birth. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/deadly-deliveries/2018/07/26/maternal-mortality-rates-preeclampsia-postpartum-hemorrhage-safety/546889002/ This chart shows maternal deaths per 100,000 births.
  5. Maybe Abbie will do what Anna did and have the wedding in her hometown at her local church. Jill started the trend of having 1,000 people at Duggar weddings by inviting the entire congregation of Cross Curch to attend. She didn't even know most of the people who were at her wedding! TLC will film it no matter where it is. It's about a four-hour drive from Abbie's home to Springdale, AR. If the wedding is near the Duggar compound, many of Abbie's friends probably won't be able to attend.
  6. I guess Dr. Jill, Medicine Woman, wasn't invited to attend the birth. Good decision, Jinger!
  7. Nana was also the Duggar kids' piano teacher. She started teaching them when Josh was 5-years-old.
  8. Abbie's family lives in Stratford, Oklahoma. The nearest landing strip for small aircraft is in Ada, Oklahoma, 16 miles away. Abbie's father appeared on the Duggars' special "Raising 16 Children" back in 2006. Her parents are huge Gothardites and have appeared in advertising for ATI homeschooling. They also were counselors at the Institute of Basic Life Principles Northwoods retreat center. I'm saddened that John David will be sucked even deeper into the Gothard rabbit hole if he marries Abbie. I had hoped that he was becoming more liberated.
  9. That entire house redo is fifty shades of grey ugly. It looks like it was decorated by a teenage boy. And that's because it was!
  10. The orientation for Jeremy's seminary in Los Angeles begins on July 26. Classes begin on August 7th. I wonder if the Vuolos are still planning to move with the new baby to start the fall semester.
  11. If Derick is going to law school at the Univ. of Arkansas, expect a blog post announcement any day now. There is a full week of orientation beginning on August 13, which is just three weeks away. Semester classes begin on August 20th. His 'graduation' from the Cross Church School of Ministry is scheduled for July 29.
  12. She usually wears a wig when she knows she's going to be photographed.
  13. He's saying, "See, that's exactly why we need to practice our 'first kiss.'"
  14. The dean of the University of Arkansas Fayetteville Law School is a woman. Not only that, but she is the School of Law’s third successive female dean.
  15. WTF - She has no idea how to measure the milk for this recipe? She's a certifiable moron.
  16. I'm waiting for the day Derick uses a verse from the Book of Proverbs as Case Law.
  17. That's because she can't remember anything about his life for the past 21 years. He's just number 8 out of 19 kids.
  18. Derick is 29. He finished his undergraduate degree seven years ago and has been a vagabond ever since.
  19. Let me see if I understand this. The god that Derick supposedly worships jerked his chain and demanded that Derick rise up out of his chair at Walmart and go forth to Central America as a missionary. But Derick spent more time in Arkansas than in Central America during that two-year stint, so he got jerked from being a missionary and put into a program to learn how to be a minister at Cross Church. Now his god changes his mind again and decides that Derick should be a lawyer. Derick probably wants to learn how to challenge laws relating to LGBT and abortion rights. He would also like to learn how to manipulate the law to keep girls out of the Boy Scouts and how to win big bucks in lawsuits against In Touch Magazine. In addition, he may have delusional thoughts about seeking power and glory by running for political office some day. Poor, dimwit Derick doesn't have much of a chance of surviving three years of law school. Law students are required to take several courses in writing and Derick will have great difficulty presenting logical arguments, especially about his pet peeve issues. Consider the difficulty he has in writing coherently on Twitter or in one of his rambling sermons, not to mention the countless times he was caught twisting the truth or outright lying. Also, The University of Arkansas School of Law endorses equal rights and opportunities regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. If Derick starts up again with his Tweets against Jazz and TLC's programming decisions, he can get kicked out of law school for violating its Code of Conduct for law students. The law school program is demanding and the dean recommends that first year students do not work part-time while attending. Second and third year students are limited to working 20 hours per week. Since it is doubtful that Jill will go out and get a job to help put Derick through law school, how will the Dillards manage to pay rent and put food on the table for the next three years? I think that previous donors to their many solicitation requests are going to balk if he tries another GoFundMe for financial support. In law school, Derick is going to find himself way out of his comfort zone and way out of his league. I imagine that most of his fellow law students think the whole Duggar clan is a joke worthy of a big eye roll.
  20. So Jill bought a cardboard kit full of stuff to teach phonics to her three-year-old. Israel is not ready to learn how to read. He barely knows how to talk. Jill has to tell him what to say or repeat what he says so that people can understand him.
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