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Everything posted by teddysmom

  1. I'm surprised they didn't turn Cecily Strong loose on Don Jr's GF, whatshername? I still can't believe Gavin Newsome was married to her. They only did that tiny bit in the cold open, but man she nailed it. When she did Judge Jeanine falling off the chair and spitting wine all over Colin Jost, I was dying. I think she got an Emmy nomination for that.
  2. Somebody else started Cry Reading, I came up with Cry Tweeting when I saw her tweet this morning. Hanging with you guys is prize enough 😘 I noticed in her IG/Tweet with the photo of the lake, no mention of Joe. Just lake, brain fog, calm, dog, stick. I do wonder if she went back up there to get away. Maybe that house has nicer carpeting than the one in Jupiter. I know the ice cream she likes, remember the photo of her shoveling it in her mouth from the 5 gallon drum like a college coed who smoked too much pot, is from up on the East Coast.
  3. Anybody else notice no one from Biden campaign makes appearances on Morning Joe? I see Simone Sanders on tv quite a bit. Maybe Mika's shriekfest interview wasn't the raging success she thought it was. I notice Joe Biden is doing a town hall with that inexperienced wannabe Lester Holt tonight, who has not been a Congressman, a lawyer, nor does he have Joe's contacts within CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, NASA, IKEA, CVS (drug store where Joe picks up Mika's Xanax and Vodka) .
  4. Unless there's a place in FL where there are huge hills around a lake and trees changing color and steam/fog on a lake and it looks like it's about 50 degrees. Does his rabbi know about this? Briefly when the Amazon driver shows up with her weekly delivery of three cases of Lucky Charms. And when Joe goes to see his kids by himself.
  5. Mrs Obvious now cry tweeting. I think she meant, "I mourn for those we lost". We mourn for the lost makes it sound like someone driving around trying to find the open house their coworker is having. "Hey we're lost, what street are you on again?" She's in Maine as of yesterday. Wonder where Joe is. Well considering his ability to get to the truth thru all his sources, why isn't he calling Mark and asking him WTF is going on?
  6. Yeah I have friends in the cast of The Avengers movie. Who the f are they friends with in that crowd? All they do is bitch about them.
  7. Twitter is full of media/pundits saying stuff that is pretty obvious to a person with a functioning brain. So Joe is right in line with getting a "No shit Sherlock" response to his stupid comments. The lawyer in him. If you aren't a practicing lawyer, you're not a lawyer, Joe. Just like you're not a Congressman. You're barely the host of a tv show. Seeing as how you can only do it when you feel like it, for 30 minutes or so a day.
  8. I think 24 hours of politics is insane. I realize politics is the news right now. Joy was a brief blurb as far as her ratings, but she's nothing special really. She's adequate and she's doing an okay job I guess. I don't watch her show unless Mary Trump is on. I'd probably follow Mary Trump over a cliff. I'm just doing other things at 7 pm. I really don't watch MSNBC at night much at all. It's all so depressing right now. I don't mind the morning show with political and news talk, to have on in the background, but Joe & Mika have to go. Joe just wants to yell and Mika has been phoning it in since they moved to FL. Willie hosts the majority of the show anyway. He does a better job, he can be snarky without being belligerent, he's dressed like a professional, and actually understands sports, tv, movies, etc. Like if Mika understood the joke she screwed up, she could have said: "Trump tested positive so he & Melania have to quarantine for 2 weeks. Melania is so furious she's making him live in a van down by the river. While he's there he'll search for those imaginary missing ballots. " See how easy that is, Mika?
  9. Mika retweeted this from Lincoln Project. I think she got confused that this was the van down by the river skit. It's the plane scene from Bridesmaids. Please Mika, go eat some Lucky Charms and take a nap. You're wearing me out.
  10. Considering the phrase refers to a loser type person living in a van down by the river, not a river running thru a van, she apparently is not that familiar with it at all.
  11. Was the one bright spot this morning that Mika didn't cry read Joe's little story about democracy? She did post it on Twitter, it's basically a summary of stuff other people said all week. From Meacham to Mark Hamill.
  12. She can't even make a joke correctly. How is a river in a van down by the river?
  13. Hallie Jackson too. She came on a little after 1 am with BriWi, and then was on this morning. Mika got a little snotty with Meacham, he looked at her like "Bitch please. "
  14. I don't think it's lighting. She hadn't done her make up, until this morning. Today she did the highlighting and contouring and she looks better. Why all of a sudden would they change her lighting? It makes no sense. She's just not making much of an effort. Let's be honest, Willie has been carrying this show for months. And as was pointed out in that second clip she couldn't put on an outfit that looks pulled together, and it wasn't even on right, the top was all crooked. No one is marginalizing Mika, least of all Joe. He knows better. She's going thru some type of depression, which she has talked about so we aren't speaking out of school, either from being deprived the KYV attention, or from menopause, or whatever.
  15. Don't forget Hillary would beat Obama. He wasn't qualified to be President, according to Joe & His Magic 8 Ball.
  16. I am literally going to throw up. Joe Scarborough thinks he's going to save democracy, and Mika will cry read it to you tomorrow. I'd rather have a root canal, followed by a kidney stone. Democracy isn't dying Joe. Over 2 million people have already voted. In 2016 the number was around 10,000 at the same time. Go take a walk with Lady McCake.
  17. I thought we could all use a laugh. Warning: This may not be everyone's taste. It's a new Borat movie, so it's crude, juvenile, and hilarious. My Amazon Prime subscription just became worth the $. https://people.com/movies/see-sacha-baron-cohen-dressed-as-trump-in-new-trailer-for-borat-sequel/ I linked it like this because the still in the trailer has Cohen almost naked. Important areas are covered. Didn't want to offend anyone. Please to enjoy!
  18. Mika is retweeting a tv evangelist Beth Moore. I'm not quite sure what's going on. Beth basically does what Mika does, but with books about how to be a lady of God instead of wine & teeshirts. Religion is fine, I just don't think it's very Godly for someone to be selling books and having seminars where they're making money off of telling people if they do this or that they'll go to Heaven. No more than I want women to think Mika has the answer to their problems with cereal and vodka.
  19. Yeah full grown mini pigs get to around 150 lbs. They don't stay little like Chihauhuas. Regular hogs get to around 750 lbs. I think the last couple mornings Mika isn't doing her make up like she normally does. You can see she doesn't have that black eye liner on which she always wears. The lighting in the basement is the lighting in the basement. I don't think anyone is playing favorites.
  20. It's not hard hitting, and it makes no sense. It's basically saying "you were awful and I won't play with you". which is fine if you're a kid and your friend cheated when you played Monopoly. Mika is like that kid, saying "I'm taking my ball and going home, you're too mean. " This is politics, it's not a game. This is the most important election of our lives. You do not give an inch If you're Biden you ask the Debate Commission to come up with some way to insure that the next debate the moderator has more controls over the way the candidates respond. You promise you will do your level best to abide by the rules, but that you expect them to keep the other candidate under control, or THEY can pause the debate til he does. She doesn't understand Trump at all if she thinks Biden not doing anymore debates is a good idea. It plays right into Trump's hand, his claims that Biden is weak and old and isn't up to the task, while he is strong and tough and smarter. Nice try Mika, stick to blogging about cake and carpet fibers.
  21. Mika is weighing in on the debate in Cosmopolitan. Where we normally get advice on How To Do A Smoky Eye" and "Six Ways to Spice Up your Sex Life". She scribbled this out this morning while Willie, Kattie, et al were doing her job. She admits she's writing it while Woodward is on. Meeks every one is entitled to their opinion but let me clue you in. If Biden says he won't debate again, that just fuels Trump and his "Sleepy Joe can't handle the heat of a campaign" and "Biden is a coward" "he quit after one debate because I beat him so badly". I have a better idea. Let's cancel you giving out your worthless advice, that by the way, no one asked for.
  22. Oh Alicia! She is fantastic! I've watched her show on the weekends after Yasmin. I hope she isn't falling into Mika's KYV trap. Somebody has to stand up to her. Scarred more than one generation, let me tell you.
  23. I freaking LOVE Mary Trump. She is so smart, and I just love listening to her talk. I know she's a clinical psychologist, but I'd love for her to have a show or podcast. She is the best. I wonder if the Ladies (Nicolle, Joy or Rachel) will have her on today/tonight to discuss her uncle's "performance".
  24. I'm sure it was given to a sanctuary or some one else. No it was a miniature pig, it wouldn't have enough meat on it anyway. Hopefully it's in a home or place where the owner doesn't hold it up to make it cry out and laugh about it. I can't find anything about that woman you mentioned. Their podcast is only 45 min long it only goes as far as when the Politico guy was on. There's no info. Hope everything's okay at Neona house.
  25. I didn't see it. Is she in the media or did they give any hint as to who she was or what she does now so we can look it up?
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