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Everything posted by teddysmom

  1. I think Oakville pointed out on episodes thread that Joe has a lot to do wrangling the neighbors who have the Covid and are wandering around the 'hood like zombies high off their asses on Dexamethasone. Mika could help with that, or maybe bake cookies and her cakes that look like they were decorated by a blind person and deliver them to the steroid zombies once he gets them back in their houses.
  2. There is a tv for virtually every news channel in gyms, Joe. MSNBC, Fox CNN NBC ABC CBS etc. Calm down.
  3. When Mika said "and next we'll have one of the candidates running for President", I was like "what the fuck is she talking about?" So she's trying to make it sound like Biden is going to be on and they have this Green Party guy? They have finally turned into Wayne's World. Yes please promote a guy who will do nothing but syphon votes from Biden. Give him a platform. The good news is no one who would vote for him would watch this show.
  4. This was reposted this morning at 5:29 am, it's a repeat from Sept 24. Instead of getting ready for her show, she is reposting her online Pity Party. Maybe instead of whining non stop, we should count our blessings?
  5. Really Mika? Interns have that level security clearance? Does it ever occur to you that, even tho we all know you have virtually no credibility, that saying something like that is completely inappropriate? Some of your viewers aren't that savvy and believe the idiotic stuff you and Joe spew out every morning. And why can't you & the MJ staff do your own tributes to the people who have died from Covid 19? You get paid millions of dollars and all you do is read what others wrote. The sheer laziness displayed on this program is unbelievable. Oh and Donny, if someone is so young they have never seen the original Ghostbusters movie, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they aren't watching Morning Joe.
  6. Yes they're re enacting Hartsfield Landing. It airs on HBO Max Oct 15. I follow a bunch of the cast on Twitter, and West Wing Weekly podcast. They've been talking it about it for a few months. It's a GOTV promotion in association with Michelle Obama.
  7. Feel good about politics again.
  8. The trailer for the West Wing special is up. I'm posting it in Small Talk. I've been crying for five minutes straight.
  9. It's Joe & Mika. Why should they do more than the bare minimum? They have a contract, and apparently MSNBC is fine with their bullshit. They haven't given two shits about this show for months. Why start now? If Joe Biden gets elected, their little party is over. They can barely get guests on the show now. I don't know what they've got on Woodward that he keeps appearing, if I were him I'd collect those book royalties and sleep in. And until there is a vaccine and Mika can go back to KYV shaminars, these "dark times" she's going thru are gonna get darker and darker. Hell, they don't even interview all their guests, they let the guests interview the other guests. I know no other show where the host just turns it over to whoever is there and disappears.
  10. You mean why would Joe Scarborough make something up to appear to have WH sources? Reporters say this all the time. One reporter will say "I heard this" to another reporter, and 2nd reporter will go to editor and say they have a source. It's an old trick by the press. Notice he didn't say "and I confirmed this". I have a source that says Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are idiots. My source: any one of the many people who comment on this forum.
  11. Is she cutting her hair every day? It looks shorter and more severe every morning.
  12. I agree with this 100%. That's been his schtick since his conservative talk radio days.
  13. They've got nothing. They are a one trick pony and everyone knows the trick. This morning illustrated just how awful this show is. Their job is to report news, comment on it, and interview guests. No one wants to start their day being screamed at by these two jackasses.
  14. It's really condescending of Joe to say Kamala Harris "exceeded expectations", like she's some moron who couldn't hold her own against Mike Pence FFS??? What debate did he watch? The only thing I expected that she didn't do was get up, walk over and smack him to shut him up. Mika and Joe must have eaten an entire cake and then done a couple lines of cocaine this morning. WTF was wrong with them?? And then Mika tries to do a segment like Nicolle's "Life Well Lived" and it comes across like "do I actually have to read this bullshit??!" She chooses people who died six months ago, reads two lines about them, and bungles that. I can't even listen to Nicolle say "and we'll be back with a segment we do every day, honoring a Life Well Lived" without tearing up, all Mika did was piss me off at how awful she is. I know some may say "she's trying to express her disgust that these people died for nothing". Not buying it for a second. You don't talk about someone who died tragically by reading two sentences about their life that sounded like they were thrown together 5 minutes ago, and sound like you walked in the kitchen and found dog poop on the floor. I am so over these two assholes. I don't know what stressed me out more, that debate or listening to Joe & Mika. They are absolutely worthless. I do not know how Cesar Conde watches this shit show and doesn't tell his assistant, get me Joe Scarborough's agent on the phone. And bring me a copy and his and Mika's contracts. In other words, fire their stupid asses. I have a headache right now and I barely saw 15 minutes this morning.
  15. No they are factual. If it wasn't for the electoral college, if our Presidential elections were based on one person one vote, Hillary would be President. Here's a map that breaks down the electoral college vote for 2016. Clinton won more votes (by 3 million) but Trump won more states which leaned Red (Republican). For instance, I vote for Hilary, but in essence my vote doesn't count if Indiana majority of voters go for Trump. If it was popular vote, than they tally the vote each person casts and the candidate with most votes wins. You know, Democracy. Ice cream and cereal is cheaper and it doesn't argue with you. "Now Mika, does that sound like something a mature person would do?"
  16. Agree. I didn't see the segment, but yeah the roid rage stuff is a little over the top esp coming from the guy who wouldn't let anyone say Trump is crazy on his show "because we aren't psychiatrists".
  17. He's actually not wrong on this point. My sister was on a really strong steroid, I'm not sure if it was this one, for rheumatoid arthritis. She said it made her feel like Superwoman, that she had all this energy, would stay up all night cleaning, wake up my BiL and make him take her to a local pub at midnight, and that in her mind, she felt happier than she had in a long time. Not that she hadn't been happy, it was a false delirium. Doctors have stated this steroid Trump is on has severe effects on emotions and mental capacity. I'd like to know what Kasie's source is on this "Nancy wants to hold off til she has a majority and Biden in the WH to do a deal, and moderate Dems are pushing her to do something". Because that's not what's happening at all. She's had bills passed and is working with Mnuchin to get something done. She may have said " if we get nothing done, we can do something after the election if we get a majority in the Senate and Biden in the WH". Nancy isn't the one holding up deals, Kasie. WHAT???
  18. The ass kissing is strong with this one. Joe Scarborough can tell time and read a calendar. Accurately points out that the debate that happened last Tuesday, did not happen at 7:22 am.
  19. I noticed that too. Joe doesn't seem to be helping with the dark times.
  20. But she's suffering. These are dark times, indeed. Wait a minute, has she been watching Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallow???
  21. Exactly. If your "friend" (and I have to wonder if the friend is like the many sources Joe has within every agency of the US Gov't, diplomats at Embassies around the world, ie, imaginary) would go to a gathering with that many people who don't wear masks, maybe they bear some responsibility if they get sick? Was your "friend who lives in Canada" wearing a mask? That being said, they don't think it was the Rose Garden event that caused the spread, that it was the meetings, etc inside the WH. Not that you couldn't get it being that close outside. There's a photo of Barrett standing 2 feet from Tom Tillis. He tested positive. There are others with her family sitting jammed together on the sofas with Trump & his staff in the Oval. Sans masks. Boggles the mind.
  22. Yes it's dark times when you jet back and forth between Maine and Florida, make $8 million for 2 hours a work each day. Dark times indeed. What a trooper she is.
  23. Mika would lose her shit if she saw how much Kasie covered the play offs this morning. THIS!!! Proof that a professional can talk about any issue without sounding like a raving lunatic. Unless you're Joe Scarborough or Mika Brzezinski.
  24. I wouldn't want a friend who is celebrating overturning Roe v Wade, ACA, same sex marriage, just for starters. But that's just me. I see Mika has moved on from cry reading to cry screeching. You know when someone is making a legitimate point, but they're being so obnoxious about it, you just want to shake them and say "Will you shut the FUCK UP??! I agree with you for Christ's sake!! It's Brookings Institute, not Brooking Institution, Mika. She's a doctor, not a mental patient. I certainly appreciate Jimmy Carter's presidency, but I'm not quite sure I get Alter's comment re the Camp David talks "And Mika was there!!" FFS man she was ten years old!! At 50 she has nothing of relevance to say re foreign policy, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet a 7-8 year old wasn't part of the negotiations. Reagan would roll over in his grave if he heard Joe praising Jimmy Carter like that. Next thing we know Joe will admit Carter didn't bungle the Iran Hostage crisis, that there were multiple moving parts that had to be considered; keeping Iran stable, trying to keep the Ayatolleh from gaining more power, the humanitarian issue of the Shah needing treatment for his cancer, (not excusing his treatment of Iranian people) the Iran foreign minister promising our embassy would be safe, etc. The Ayatollah released the hostages immediately after Reagan was sworn into office, just to hurt Carter. But you know why read about history when you can just make shit up. Maybe Joe will read Alter's book. Like the white bracelet thing they put on you when you're admitted or treated in an ER? Maybe she's getting Lucky Charms via IV now. Yeah I bet that's a buzz saw he regrets walking into.
  25. lmao🤣 "or Listeners". Oh god you just reminded me it's almost NPR pledge drive time.
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