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Everything posted by Bluethcs24

  1. Chelsea-Congrats to her on finding her baby voiced match in life! Lol seriously though, I hope it works out for them. She just needs to work on not overly pushing Cole into Adams place. He can be a step father but he will never be her father. God forbid she gets her kid super attached and it doesn't work out. Just let it happen organically. I don't know if it was this thread or another one where their educational differences were discussed, but I agree with the people who said a degree doesn't equal intelligence. I've graduated with and met some pretty basic matriculates (I have a Bachelors and Masters). Chelsea and Cole seem equally yoked conversation wise with their baby talk and giggling. To me, an undergraduate degree just shows how well a person can do in following curriculum, completing work and being knowledgeable in a certain subject matter. It's a worthy accomplishment of course. Jenelle-That poor Kaiser. I feel like I'm watching a live documentary on how reactive attachment disorder manifests. She is a worthless person. Her reaction to the lawyer was hilarious. I think the lawyer was trying to say: "I deal with criminals LIKE YOU all day long and Jessica's not like that". Hahaha. Jenelle sounds dumb in the sneak peak, saying she doesn't want to "use her son"...bitch!!! You've been using your son to piss off Nathan for months. Pissing of Nathan and filming Teen Mom are the only reasons she has Kaiser and I can tell by the way she is constantly overwhelmed by the most normal, petty parenting situations. How much time would it take for her lazy ass to try and soothe her baby before bed or work on transitioning him TO bed instead of just dropping him in the crib and closing the door?! I bet he is miserable. Kail-Who knows whats real. I wouldn't put it past her to be a cheater, she is a selfish person. Sad story though. Her marriage seems crappy. Leah-She's just all over the place. Pitiful. She's really unraveling. Her time management is horrible. I think she gets so embarrassed fucking up around Corey. I get second hand embarrassment from just watching her. She waits until the very last minute to do everything and then is pissed it takes longer than 10 minutes to do 20 tasks. Jesus be an organizational planner. Watching her crazy life is the most entertaining part of the series.
  2. Yes, I really can't stand that they blame all of their problems on Annalise. Really hating Laurel right now. Maybe if you talked to Frank you could get the answers you want! I'm interested to see where Wes's paternity story leads. I'm tired of Michaela's bitching. Hopefully her hook up with Asher will loosen her up but I doubt it. All of the students except for Asher are annoying me. He's the only one that sees his part in causing the situation and seems grateful that he's being protected.
  3. I'm here for this show! I've only watched reruns in passing but I recently watched a marathon and Holy Cow it's WAY more interesting than OG! Hell, Leah could have her own show and I'd be entertained! Can't wait for the new season :)))
  4. Just watched. Is Amber really sitting on that stage saying what is and what isn't the audiences business? Bitch, this is your job! The only career you have is to sit on your fucking couch and talk about your life. She should want to share more dirt so she has something interesting to talk about before the show is cancelled and she's left with no job, no education and no skills. I really disliked the way she talked to Gary and Dr. Drew when she was defending Matt. Thank you Gary for saying what's real! Matt, how are your abandoned kids in the past? Did you catch up your child support? Did you establish a relationship with your kids? So, no, this is all current. How can anyone, and a parent at that, be interested in someone who so casually severs blood and relationship ties? And you think he is going to commit to you and your child? Even if he was a drug addict then, he isn't one NOW. What's stopping him from making things right (at least financially) with his kids and exes? He is such a greasy, slimy con and Amber deserves everything she's about to get with him because she's been adequately warned. Why is Catelynn so salty towards Farrah? She really thought Amber and Maci were going to back her attitude up. When they didn't and Farrah (for the first time in her life) sounded like a rational person, Catelynn had to eat crow and apologize. Even though Catelynn annoys me, she is the only one that hasn't gotten snippy with the producers about what she does and doesn't want to film. If I was MTV, I'd call these girls bluffs when they get all snotty. Oh you don't want to film? Ok, let us take our cameras and checks and get out of here. I doubt Farrah or Amber would be acting like divas anymore.
  5. Watching on Netflix now! "Baby please!" is my favorite line...crazy that he improvised that :). I love anything that Ron says lol. He makes me laugh in almost every episode.
  6. Amber is so willfully obtuse about Matt. It's crazy. I saw that she even dismissed his own rabid tweets to the Teen Mom cast as "haters" or "he's changed". What do you see in him girl?
  7. I wish they'd end the show now and check-in in a few seasons too. I feel like we would really get a true picture of these girls lives if they no longer had the safety net of a reality show paycheck.
  8. Ryan is attractive when he has energy (which is rare) and does not have that disgusting tobacco in his mouth. Maci is average but she has a great metabolism! I like her hair long and she looks best when she is not orange and is not wearing a lot of makeup.
  9. One cool thing about Sophia is that she has moments of empathy. In one of the earlier episodes of the season, Farrah is being rude to Debra about using the washing machine to wash one shirt (WTF?) and when Debra starts crying Sophia tells Farrah she hurt her feelings (and hits Farrah which almost negates this lol). Then when Farrah is house hunting and Debra chastises the realtor, Sophia comments that Debra hurt the realtors feelings. Although she is a mini terror, I like that she seems to recognize and care (I think) about the feelings of others. Of course, every time she's done this, Farrah and Debra have explained why it's ok to disregard the feelings of others so who knows how long it will last.
  10. I miss the witches, especially Paige. Ugh, there's nothing I hate more than a family that pops up out of nowhere and becomes overly important in a characters life. That used to always happen in General Hospital with Sonny.
  11. Maci didn't realize she was pregnant bc she's a lush. When she found out she didn't tell the public be she was embarrassed so she waited until she was engaged to make it sound better. Like, "we were getting married anyway!"
  12. Now will we get a season of Maci bitching about setting a date?! The joy!
  13. I really liked this episode. I also am enjoying JLOs daughter when typically I don't like teens on tv shows. I like how loyal Ray Liottas character is. I get the vibe that the FBI handler is attracted to JLO. And is he going to threaten to arrest her in every episode lol? I liked the two black officers discussion. Nice POV.
  14. Maybe I'm biased because I really really disliked Stabler, but I saw no problems with this episode. He was so smug and such an asshole. He was a self righteous prick and the show was stagnant with him on. If Olivia says she was stagnant with her old partner, that's her prerogative. I started watching again this season and I love it. I love seeing the personal lives of the characters and I liked the adoption plot.
  15. Ugh. I hated Stabler. I loveeee all the new detectives. When he was in the show I was actively rooting for the criminals smh.
  16. Something that's weird to me is Farrah's insufferable-ness. She's always been bratty but how did she go from cray cray to full out crazy? She is incapable of having the most basic polite conversation with anyone. It's baffling. I always disliked her attitude but now I flat out abhor her. I feel like there's a missing step in the progression to her current incarnation.
  17. Wow so Tyler straight up admitted he doesn't think Catelynn is attractive? Say what? I'm no Rihanna, but I at least expect my boyfriend to find me attractive...like WTF? I think Tyler wanted to end things with Catelynn and have it appear mutual but he realized that she is stuck to him like Velcro. The only way to break it off would have been for him to call it off and he can't deal with being seen as anything less than perfect. Did they plan Nova?
  18. I agree, she should embrace it, she could probably make something of a career out of selling "romance" toys, do a podcast, partner with someone to write a sex how to book, etc. Call it employment, random shit, whatever you want, I appreciate that she is going after a goal that she wants. Does it have longevity? Maybe, maybe not, but compared to her counterparts she is doing okay for herself. As far as finding an audience, Snooki sells the cheapest shit on Etsy that I would never buy but others like it. However, Snooki is like able to some so that probably factors in. I think Farrah has always said she wanted to be an entrepreneur, with her original idea owning a restaurant. Plenty of jobs don't have time cards and I don't begrudge her for not having one of those. I think she's a crazy see you next tuesday but I do like her ambition. That's my opinion.
  19. I'm impressed with Farrah's hustle because she isn't content to sit around and collect MTV checks. She is ambitious and is always trying a new business venture, making an effort to put herself out there, taking meetings, etc. I don't know how lucrative her businesses are but she stays busy. The other girls seem lazy in comparison. They rarely have anything going on career wise. Maci at least works and has a crappy tshirt website, so there's that. If this show stopped tomorrow, I believe Farrah (and Maci) will be able to make money for themselves. Farrah also appears to have multiple streams of income. Caitlin and Amber have no education, job skills or employment history. They sit around on their asses all day. So to me, Farrah is a hustler. ETA: I have no problem with some of her businesses being tied to the sex industry. Everyone has sex and some people like sex toys and porn. And both are legal. If Farrah was smart, she could do like Kandi Burrus from the RH of Atlanta and create her own little niche.
  20. I've seen on other boards that Kendall had her lips slightly tweaked and a subtle nose job. I never thought (and still don't think) Kendall was some great beauty. She's pretty plain, especially with no makeup IMO. I think the problem with her and Kylie was that she started becoming some big model and left Kylie in her dust. Plus many people do believe Kendall is beautiful and started comparing them. People did call her the ugly one, she was Khloe 2.0 without the thick skin (and she was only a teen). Based on the surgeries she's had, I think Kylie wanted to look like Kim. I know people may differ in opinions, but to me Kim has always been the beauty of that family. She was exotic and curvy (even if she bought those curves). At least until after Kris Humphries when she went overboard with plastic surgery. I will say that I think Kylie looked better after her initial enhancements, however she is starting to go too far and her attitude really went left after she became popular. I don't remember her being so vain and vapid and rude prior to being "pretty" so I think it's a fail overall. However, she was kind of background when I used to watch so maybe she didn't get a lobotomy with her lip fillers, maybe she's always been that way. I do believe she will run into a Joan Rivers/Latoya Jackson problem with plastic surgery if she doesn't work on her insecurities at some point.
  21. There are plenty of men, past and present, that wish to escape responsibility of their children because they weren't ready, felt trapped, never wanted kids, etc. In my experience, those men aren't allowed to walk away without at least financially supporting a child and society (deservedly imo) looks down upon them. They are called deadbeat dads and Kenyas mother is the same, a deadbeat mom.
  22. I wonder if people would be attempting all these mental acrobatics if it was Ronald that had behaved the way Patricia did. My aunt was an unwed teen mom in the south in the mid 70s. She had to go to an alternative high school to finish her schooling. But she kept her baby and raised him. I don't know what it was like in Detroit, but she was able to manage (albeit struggle) in Texas.
  23. I felt bad for Farrah on the after show. The other girls all shared one couch and appear to be very close and then there is Farrah on the other couch looking uncomfortable. Then they were all cackling about their night out. At least Farrah was diplomatic. Maci is such a contradiction. She says on the after show that she allows Bentley to see Ryan because it's best for him, even when she doesn't want to, however she was JUST talking about limiting the weekends during the episode. Also, what is marriage really going to change about your relationship Maci? You already own a home and have a child together. On the flip side, I wonder why Taylor won't just pop the question since they are basically living the married life. It was funny how pissed Maci looked when Taylor's friend pretty much told her to stop pressuring him. And her passive aggressive comment about people in her life tiring of waiting for him to propose was uncalled for. Don't drag your family and friends into that discussion. That's a wuss move. Speak on what you want in your relationship and why but don't try to use other people to apply added pressure. I don't know why but Catelynn on the after show was so annoying to me. Also, that stripper hyping their relationship is the reason they think their shit doesn't stink. Catelynn's smug look during that conversation was annoying. I like how Debra called out the real reason Farrah wasn't invited to the White Party as her porn past. I laughed. However, it's probably more likely due to Farrah's reputation of having a nasty attitude. If it was a Hadid party, they're friend with the Kardashians' right? Their bread and butter is based on a sex tape.
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