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Everything posted by mommalib

  1. They torturing my man Atwater. He be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and he has to learn how to find the balance between caring and caring too much. It seems like they having him go through some final growing pains before he makes detective. That mother is unlikable but she's not wrong in what she said to Atwater, even though I know he did those things from his heart. And it was nice to see Trudy get some screen time, that talk at the end was better coming from her than Voight.
  2. I'm thinking something like that might happen to, which means more heartbreak for Jake because she really wants to be there for her and she did choose him.
  3. mommalib

    S07.E10: Snafu

    The father made it hard for me to feel sorry for him, he was straight up cold blooded. The end almost made me drop a tear, I felt everything that Hondo felt in that very moment. He's lost Deacon, Street and Luka back to back to back. I wonder how they gonna sought all this out with there being a season 8.
  4. Yes Andre and Amanda work really well together hopefully they are paired up more in the future.
  5. Really good episode, I love Andre and seeing him in action hero kick ass mode. Amanda handled herself pretty well and I think she's a great addition to the team.
  6. I don't know if Mickey is interesting enough to have her own show. Sometimes I watch this show and it seems the only character I actually like is Jake everybody else annoys me to different degrees.
  7. So they have decided to break Jake's heart for the second time. Screw that they should have killed off Diego, that would have made more sense. Wouldn't have tugged at the heart strings the same but would have been preferable.
  8. This episode wasn't a good look for Torress. He came across as reckless and a little stupid. I know he's a rookie but wow.
  9. Both parents were the worst, they neglected they kid because of their soap opera drama.
  10. I have to say I love when Boden goes papa bear mode to protect his people. So Gibson is gone already, I was hoping he would stick around. Him as a drug addict kind of came out of nowhere. I guess that's how Kylie returns.
  11. I wonder if Petrovic gonna be the female replacement for Haley when she leaves.
  12. This might be the first time that I have ever kinda liked Nolan and he was right that man deserved better. It's weird because at first I was in agreement with Baxter but by the end he came across as somebody who doesn't stand on anything. The outcome doesn't surprise me because just like in the real world a Black life doesn't mean a damn thing.
  13. That was a decent episode and I don't even like Voight.
  14. No Riley was was out of pocket he has no idea what it's like to be a Black man or a Black cop. He went from acting as if he was trying to be understanding to being a little judgmental. Shaw has every right to respond the way he did.
  15. I think this was the strongest episode of the season so far. And they need to give Mechad Brooks more leading stories. Shaw is a strong intense dude but also vulnerable and kind. Brooks balances both perfectly.
  16. I don't know if the point was for you to feel sorry for the guy. Understand yes feel sorry maybe not.
  17. Shaw is a great character and Mechad Books is a great actor. The duality of being a Black man and a cop must feel like a trap. He could relate to everything single thing that guy had went through and he understood the rage. Obviously what that guy did was wrong and he deserved to be punished, he should have taken the deal. And of course Shaw had the integrity to get on the stand and tell the truth. What's sad is Shaw is surrounded by people who don't get it and don't really want to like Riley.
  18. I like Gibson so far and was glad to learn more about his past in this episode. Even though it wasn't intentional knowing that your responsible for someones death is a heavy thing to have to live with. I'm looking forward to seeing how they continue to flesh the character out.
  19. Atwater one of my favorite TV characters ever, I always love Kevin centric episodes. This show is always torturing my guy, always making him carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. But one of the things I love about him is also one of the things that worked against him in this episode and it's that he so genuinely cares. A lot of cops can compartmentalize and move on but that's not easy for Kevin. He wants everything and everyone to be alright and sometimes it's just not like that. On a happier not I am glad about how his relationship with his father has developed. Now if only he can have a steady woman in his life.
  20. I liked this episode a lot as Ray is my favorite character. I'm glad they have added more to him him by bringing in his father. Ray Sr. seems to be as likable as Jr. and he it seems he can hold his own in a rough spot, pleasure meeting him.
  21. My favorite is Ray so I loved watching him get to take some bad guys. Nina fit in beautifully, it's almost like she always belonged. I still don't like Remy.
  22. I thought for a second they was killing off Raines and if they did they would have lost me because he's my favorite character. Irony for me that Raines risked himself to save Powell a character that I don't think is needed. Kellett is ok but I don't think she's a great loss. Interested to get to know this new character. I hope they don't pair her with Forrester, if they go that route I would prefer Raines.
  23. Don't like them killing Hobbs but otherwise a decent premier. Glad this was a Tiffany focused episode i've always liked her character.
  24. As i'm watching this episode all I kept thinking is how much better this show is with less Benson. They need to do this more often. Of course I always love when the homie Ice-t gets to shine and his chemistry with Bruno maybe up there with what he had with Munch.
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