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  1. It's American classic, E.A.Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue, so why not?
  2. Wow, that was high camp. Almost on the level of "Flash Gordon" and "Space Balls" but unintentionally, I suppose. I hope they will top it in season two. Now we know it was on purpose, because it is an artificial eye! Brilliant. Stanislavsky method is the best!
  3. Wow, one really must try hard to turn a groundbreaking sci-fi masterpiece (original Dune) that inspired dozens of imitations including Star Wars into a cheap Games of Thrones rip off. Well done.
  4. Basically Frimmel has the same role he had in "Raised by Wolves". The pilot was not good, it seemed somehow cheap and boring, and once I saw the show-runner's interview I knew right away it won't be good. She couldn't even explain what the show is about. Well, in Asia women still wear burqa, which comes from the 15th century or something, so why not?
  5. This is such a guilty pleasure, and so well done. F**k and scheme, scheme and f**k. I hope we will get the 3rd season, it is by far one of the best things on TV rights now.
  6. Haven't we seen it all already in "Hannibal", "True Detectives" and "Se7en"?
  7. This is exactly that I was thinking. Although the final season had its moments, it was not nearly as good as previous ones, and the final 4 episodes were utter crap. I wish I never saw it.
  8. 4 completely unoriginal, dull stories. Didn't we see it all before, only better? Basically 2 of them were "Black Mirror" rip off and other 2 were predictable and stupid. I also find the whole Saxenda-Ozempic shading in the "Tapeworm" so annoying. I bet the 90 % of the crew including Murphy is using it. "Organ" was also badly done from the technical perspective. The camerawork, the cutting felt very amateurish. It's like the director is completely incompetent and doesn't know what she's doing. I hope it will be cancelled, they really have nothing original to say.
  9. It became unwatchable ☹️
  10. Just when you think they can't make this show even more stupid than it is already.... BANG!!!
  11. It is as bad as the podcast it's based upon... 😪
  12. TVLine became such a s**t lately.
  13. It is probably one of the worst shows of the decade. Tired, unoriginal and just plain horrible.
  14. The Idol in a nutshell:
  15. I mean, his character is extremely unrealistic; sex scenes are cringe; and gosh! no woman in a sober mind would sleep with a man who dresses and acts like Tedros (although I realise that Jocelin is on drugs and pills, so maybe that's why...)
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