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Everything posted by Maya

  1. Can the same person be the winner and America's favorite?
  2. I agree with those who think production told (possibly helped?) Sarah to finish/win so they would have a male/female duo to send to the next competition.
  3. I have never made a pie crust from scratch, but even I knew all their pie crusts were too thick and wouldn’t bake in time. And that they should par bake them. And probably not make an apple pie when time is limited.
  4. Loved it. Michael is a smug asshole.
  5. Nothing Kyle says ever sounds sincere. And Brittany is basically useless isn’t she?
  6. I noticed the hand on Kyle. So so sketchy.
  7. You wouldn’t wear a sparkly silver turtleneck under a neon yellow 80s prom dress? 🤣
  8. I forgot how annoying all that “Have you changed your mind?” BS at the end is.
  9. I wanted Tim (or someone) to ask her how she transported those dresses in a suitcase.
  10. Alyssa’s hurt and offended because she was left out of the Leftovers alliance, which was formed by people who were left out of the dominant alliance - which she was in… 🙄
  11. Cayla’s awesome and so is Justine. I wonder when people will stop underestimating them.
  12. Was the Leo/Girlfriend argument fake? That was really bizarre…
  13. David and Desi should have taken a shot at Tyson. Seriously, what is everyone waiting for? I wish they showed more of the strategizing, etc. I have never seen the Challenge so I don’t know if this is normal. Either way is seems like a missed opportunity to make this show more interesting.
  14. There has seriously never been a more boring showmance than Kyle and Alyssa.
  15. I think I would hate Tyson in real life but he’s kind of funny on TV 😂 The Love Island girls are actually doing really well (ok except Cashay). Pretty sure they were included in this show to be the butt of the joke, so good for them for bringing it.
  16. Every time they won a taste challenge, I thought to myself “Tyler sure loves his cheese sauce recipe!”
  17. MCBWI has made some disgusting looking food in the past, but cold shrimp ceviche on top of hot Mac and cheese puts them all to shame 🤮
  18. That was giving me so much anxiety when they were still taking orders even though they had 45 minute wait times. The heat in those trucks looked so miserable. Could they at least give them fans? That Mac and cheese on a bun looked so nasty. Hilarious that team is still there.
  19. I don’t mind Anne. I think she’d be considered “direct” and confident if she was a man.
  20. The vegan quesadilla- was it just cream cheese and guava jelly on a tortilla? Was it even warm? Didn’t look or sound appetizing. I don’t mind the senoritas. Their food looks good usually. I don’t even really see the attitude people are complaining about.
  21. I think Don will go next and there will be one from each team in the finale (shocker). I think Tina/Bobby will win.
  22. Well she actually started crying when Lime Truck had a line, so the “meltdown” was probably something equally as devastating.
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