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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Tune in for "90 Day Fiance, Second Chance at Finding Love at First Sight at a Tropical Bar"
  2. You're right, but it's definitely her based on other pictures in the same outfit: https://www.instagram.com/liviraebras1/?hl=en But the guy in the photo isn't necessarily her new BF. He might just have been her bartender...Uh oh
  3. Did they ever mention that Nicole’s Pastor Grandpa passed away two years ago? https://www.griffithcline.com/notices/Thomas-Nafziger also, from looking at that church website, there appear to be many activities for young mothers and their children for Nicole and May to take advantage of.
  4. What I've read describes the traditional Moroccan wedding dresses as "caftans" which fit loosely, so I would imagine that "one size fits MOST"
  5. Not just ANY trucks, mind you, WAL-MART trucks!
  6. Apparently, there's not enough time to special order a dress in the correct size, but they can add the CorSET top on site. I would imagine that means letting it out as much as possible, changing the back zipper to a lace up, industrial strength boning and hopefully adding more fabric coverage to the bra cups (but that's just a guess.) Where's VERA when you need her?
  7. ooh, it's even strapless, just like she wanted!
  8. Again, spoiler tagging about the Baby Daddy:
  9. This was just posted about an hour ago about Nicole and Azan's "journey." I'll spoil tag it just in case: I thought he was Latino
  10. OMG, Cheetos and a wedding gown would be a disastrous combination. But I doubt she’ll be wearing it around the hovel unless the bridal shop sends over a couple of women to zip, or should I say hoist, her into it
  11. Maybe Pnina Tornai came up with that affected pronunciation
  12. In Nicole's Case, it would definitely be pronounced BUST-e-yer.
  13. Will Sister Pedro be staying with them in their studio apartment? Maybe on the couch? Tune in... ooh, I just had another thought. Is she coming to the US to HARVEST an American husband?
  14. In Chantel’s case, it’s also lockjaw
  15. I don’t think there’s a husband in the picture, but Ashley might want to go clubbing in Louisville. Those of us who also tune in to “Say Yes to the Dress” and its various spin-offs will verify that they pronounce the word with the accent on the second syllable. I guess they think it sounds sound classy but I think it’s just affected.
  16. The store owner did say that she had to bring the dress back for alterations but she could take it home with her. That reminded me of always wanting to wear my new back to school shoes home even from the store though it was August. I’m sure adding the miraculous “corSET” and other alterations wouldn’t come cheap! But like other posters have mentioned, the dress was probably comped for publicity for the store. Maybe Robbalee wasn’t in on it and Nicole really blindsided her when she said the “bride’s family pays for the dress and other wedding stuff...”
  17. I’ve found if you fast forward through the commercials and endless repeated scenes, there’s only about one hour of new information I loved the glimmer of hope in Jorge’s eyes when Anfisa fake jumped his bones in the bedroom. Apparently Nicole thinks adding a corSET to the top of her dress will perform some kind of fitting miracle. Maybe she needs to visit Molly’s bra store for a supportive undergarment. I hope she also gets her roots done before the wedding or at the very least washes her hair. Luis appears to spend all his time in the bedroom (Doing who knows what!) and only emerges for meals, like a teenage boy. I don’t think Chantel just found out Pedro’s mother is an attorney, she just didn’t know the type of law she practices. Can anyone post that Marriage Ring website “Miss Karen” claims to have seen? If this is an actual business, could Pedro’s role in it be finding American men looking for Dominican wives?
  18. When Nicole told Robbalee and her step-father about the Wedding in Morocco scheme, after he said what a ridiculous idea that was, Step-Dad said “Who is going to pay for that?” Nicole’s snotty answer was, “Well, not YOUUUUUUU!” Following that she absolutely refused to answer any questions about how much money she sends to Azan saying it was “nobody’s business.” I was floored at the bridal salon when she played the “the bride’s family pays for the dress” card and downright stunned when Robbalee meekly agreed to it. No Nicole, there’s no law that your family HAS to contribute to your wedding AT ALL, especially when they disapprove of the whole idea but you refuse to listen to reason and call their concerns “stupid.”
  19. I didn't remember her studying Spanish there for a year, so I double checked. This is from TLC's website: "Chantel, a cheerleading instructor from Atlanta, never expected to meet her fiance by learning Spanish via Skype. But her tutor Pedro, from the Dominican Republic, ended up stealing her heart. In a whirlwind romance, Chantel visited Pedro in the DR a few times before he proposed on her third visit!" And the first season, when they visited Chantel's minister before their US wedding, wasn't he in some way responsible for setting up the Spanish lessons?
  20. That's my understanding, too, although once they're married, get a green card and can legally work in the US, then the foreign spouse can also be paid for appearing on the show. (In fact, that's why I think Anfisa has stuck with it this season!) But what's stopping Nicole from sending Azan her show money? Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Pastor Grandpa is receiving financial assistance for providing some kind of low income housing in his church owned motel, he might return at least some of the money to her each month.
  21. Pedro himself said his mother was an attorney. She and his sister had recently moved to a three bedroom apartment in town (the scene of Chicken Feet Gate) which Pedro helped fund. The fact that there are three bedrooms for two people is what makes the Family Chantel suspicious that he plans to move back. The shack where they refused to get out of the van was his grandmother's place out in the country where Pedro had spent his boyhood.
  22. "In Touch" website posted this about whether or not the participants are paid and how much: "The main cast is paid $1,000 per episode, but some participants get nothing. Nikki...(Chris's wife) revealed that all the American participants were paid $1,000 an episode, but "friends" of the cast members were paid nothing. Also, shockingly, the foreign spouses were also paid nothing. [I suspect that Nicole is sending her $1K to Azan and that's why he's trying to keep this gravy train on the tracks] Season 5's Luis Mendez confirmed this in an Instagram post. "TLC is a piece of s--t," he wrote. "They only use the immigrant people for make million dollar. They don't pay to us in the first 90 days and they destroy our lives with bad fame, but I don't received any money only the american people because we are trash to them." Can't you just HEAR Luis saying this? Also, according to Nikki, the "cast members" also make $ 2500 to appear on the Tell All Reunion but once the couples are married and the foreign spouse has a green card and can legally work here, they are also paid. To me that would mean Anfisa, Pedro and Pao are being paid but Luis and Annie are not. Edited to add: That would also explain David's explanation that "things will get better" once Annie is able to work. Not only will she have a paying job, the show will pay her, too.
  23. Not defending them, but maybe Family Chantel is paying for her tuition, but she's expected to pay for her own books, uniforms and other incidentals like her stethoscope. I don't think that's unreasonable especially since she's in her late 20s and presumably has been working since high school.
  24. Ah, how does Skype work? Do both people have to be on WiFi? Nicole was in her hovel, but maybe she couldn’t reach Azan so she had to use her network minutes to contact him?
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