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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I think it's far more important for Pedro to improve his English than for Chantel to learn to speak Spanish. He's been here for two years and working manual labor jobs where I imagine he is with other Spanish speakers all day. When he gets home, he has to listen to Chantel trying to communicate in Spanish again and neither of them corrects the other when they make mistakes. The rule should be "English only at home" for both of them if he wants to improve his skills enough to go to school, or get some training for a job that the Family Chantel will consider worthy of their daughter. Learning to speak English is a necessity for him, Spanish is a luxury for Chantel. I forget, was it ever mentioned that he has a career in mind like Devar going to diving school or Andreiii becoming a truck driver or was it only "going back to the DR to start a business?"
  2. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least. I can imagine Azan and his friends sitting around, none of them employed, and seeing who can get the most foreign women to send them money. They could compare notes and brainstorm ideas on how to pull off their scams. He claimed he was drinking with his buddies the night he made the voice recordings (that he laughed about and said he never thought Nicole would find out.) The first time he met Nicole at the airport, he did take a friend with him, maybe he had to verify to the others that she really existed. After that, I don’t recall any interactions with anyone outside of his family. He could be the Arabian Prince of Thieves and the envy of all his fellow scammers because his con was so successful.
  3. We only have Azan’s word for his family losing the money on the wedding cancellation, and that has proved to be worthless. And isn’t it a huge coincidence that it’s exactly the $6,000 that Nicole brought with her and she is now expected to pay for wedding #2? So it’s obvious Azan is lying and his family didn’t lose a cent. There were no deposits put down on anything and nothing was purchased. What I can’t wrap my head around is how Nicole never questioned what the family claimed they lost and just meekly agreed to pay for the rescheduled wedding.
  4. I guess those "nursin' school" classes are paying off. Danielle learned that people in the medical profession shower DAILY!
  5. Do you think they would have actually gotten married on the original date? My theory is that Azan would have come up with another reason to postpone everything, first citing that the wedding was just going to be too expensive for his family to pay for alone. Would Nicole like to chip in her $ 6,000 towards it? Great, but they still need to move the date and can't possibly get married before her 90 Day tourist visa expires, so she'll have to go home and come back later. Then, just days before she's headed home to Florida, he brings up the store idea and how the wedding will be back on "sometime" in the future, meanwhile just keep sending those checks!
  6. I can't help but wonder how this whole switch from the K1 to the K3 Visa plan would have played out if Nicole HAD brought the correct paperwork with her to get the marriage license. I'm sure Azan originally had another stall tactic in mind but didn't need to put it in action because of her stupidity and he really dodged a bullet.
  7. Don’t forget her snotty Instagram message from a few weeks ago, after she returned from Morocco: "My life. My choices. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business.”
  8. I think the producers put out all sorts of "casting calls" for participating on 90DF: attorneys, photographers, modeling agents, private investigators, potential employers, therapists, physicians, and even friends. ALL of the interactions are scripted!
  9. I think the $6K is only a PORTION of the money she has sent him over the past three seasons she's been getting a 90 DF paycheck. It's what she brought with her on this trip, naively believing that they would be living off it until Azan miraculously found a job to support the three of them. And I think they're both trying to wrangle another season of their "journey" and paychecks for both of them.
  10. My guess is that the $6K is part of what Nicole made for filming this season. Plus, any time she came to Morocco, I believe Azan could also be paid for filming so he would certainly be in favor of that and in fact would want to drag out the Moroccan episodes to get more paid air time. I also think they're both angling for another season with gullible Nicole thinking the wedding is actually going to happen and Azan working to weasel out of it. But, all of this is just my theory. edited to add: I also don't think Azan's end game was ever to come to the US. He's living an easy life in Morocco, drinking with his friends, going to the gym and doesn't have to have a real job or any skills since there are plenty of desperate women around the world that are willing to send him money in exchange for some internet love bombing. When Nicole came into the picture and later the chance to make (to him) a great deal of money from a TV show, his con game paid off big time! All he has to do is play along and come up with new stall tactics.
  11. and now, instead of blaming everything on bad internet connection, he can blame the language barrier. Wafa instead of WiFi?
  12. He's probably too busy minding the store...
  13. Call me Connie Conservative (and I am not by any stretch, but doe she want a high five for her son knocking up the same chick with no ring? It's about time!! Maybe since they're EXCEPTING a baby, their expectations are different?
  14. Another thing Danielle addressed in the same soshul meedya post was her genital odor! If that question has been weighing heavily on your mind, it’s answered here. Also what happened when she rejected Neltson’s booty call. And can someone explain what that disk is under her shirt in the first photo? https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2018/07/danielle-mullins-finally-explains-her-mysterious-genital-odor/amp/ (what an eye-catching headline, it drew me right in!) I just couldn’t resist adding this family update: "My son is engaged to the mother of his children," Danielle reminds fans. "And they are excepting another baby in October."
  15. I could see Anfisa being a business major
  16. Like Wafa said, "We're used to Nicole." Nicole probably slept a lot and when she was awake, Azan was in charge of entertaining her so all the family had to do was watch May.
  17. My favorite part will always be at the end of the trip after Pedro rode home in sullen silence and Father Chantel said, "Well, Pedro, did you have a good time?" Priceless! On another Family Chantel topic, it struck me as funny when they met with the PI and there was a big discussion of whether or not "Pedro was really Pedro" when their very own Ce'Air has been going by Chantel for three seasons.
  18. I like your theory except I can't imagine Nicole coming up with the open-a-store-instead-of-having-a-wedding idea on her own. Azan is the mastermind here and Nicole is so desperate to keep him, she'd agree to anything
  19. I was under the impression the 6K was just on this particular trip. There has been no mention of the total amount of money she has given him over the 3 years or whatever they have been "together". Yes, that’s my impression, too. I believe that Nicole started out sending him her barista salary but when they were accepted to appear on 90 Day Fiancé he “hit pay dirt” and the amount she could send increased dramatically. Azan no longer needed to work a regular job, he devoted his time to scamming Nicole. HE could also be paid whenever they were filmed in Morocco. Then when she blindsided him with the idea of moving to Morocco and marrying him there, he told her she needed to bring $6K to tide them over until he found a job which later became the exact amount his family supposedly lost on the wedding (which I don’t believe for a minute) then the amount she needed to pay for the wedding herself. Finally, in order to weasel out of the wedding, he convinced her that they would be better off postponing it and opening some kind of bogus store. There has never been a stated amount of how much money she has sent him over the years. Robbalee only guesses it was “a lot” and Nicole’s response is that her “financials” are nobody’s business.
  20. This season they are in a larger one bedroom apartment instead of the studio from last year where the bed was next to the stove. Then Nicole wanted a couch and when they went shopping for it, Pedro broke the news that he had sent his sister a ticket to come and visit without discussing it with her.
  21. I don't think the total money Nicole sent was $6K. She's been on the 90 Day payroll and presumably sending him money for three years. I think that figure is totally separate, and what she was bringing with her in savings to live on until he found a job and could support them. Coincidentally, $ 6K is exactly what he first claimed his family lost on the cancelled wedding, then it became the amount she needed to pay for the second wedding and finally, the amount of money he needed to open the store. In addition, he's probably getting his own paycheck for filming in Morocco. Edited to add: I recall reading somewhere that the foreign fiance couldn't get paid when they were in the US until they married and got their green card, but they could get paid for filming in their home countries. That could also explain why Azan was never in a hurry to come here.
  22. And, he won’t be the last. She even made a very half-assed apology to Olivia when she said something like, "It could even happen again because I'm only human." Way to take NO responsibility for your actions!
  23. oh no, please don't give TLC and Sharp Entertainment any encouragement!
  24. I just pray she didn’t leave Morocco with a little Azan souvenir on board, as per her Twitter (I think) reference about being “blessed” and a mention of her “new family.”
  25. Maybe he's "The Love of Her Life" and "their relationship is none of anyone's business" as Nicole would say
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