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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I recall she's always had two phone screen names, Babe and My World.
  2. I'm wondering if the older Sugar Daddy who supposedly pays Ashley $1K to fuck him is the father of her kids and that money is actually child support. They might share custody and when she picks up or drops off the kids, they might occasionally hook up OR Jay just accused her of cheating with no grounds just to justify his cheating.
  3. I love this theory! In many of Nicole's pictures, she has a very pointy chin like Taylor's, maybe she photoshopped them to look more like her sister so she could post Taylor's body instead of hers. I'm glad to see the purple hair is gone and she's gotten a short bob hairstyle.
  4. All I can think of is a ventriloquist and her dummy (although they're both dummies!)
  5. What I read was that Ashley asked Poochie to get her some kind of medication in Jamaica for her odor problem. I agree it was a nasty thing for Poochie to say and to think that I liked her and thought she was a calming influence when she visited!
  6. I agree. Her constant deadpan expression and monotone voice, coupled with zero personality would be a dud on PT. Not to mention the amount of profanity that would need to be bleeped out
  7. Not to belabor the point, but I’m still shaking my head about the whole “piece of crap” hospital provided car seat Libby was bitching about. Okay, I get it that Andrrrei didn’t order one in time, but why couldn’t Libby have asked her mother or sisters to borrow one temporarily and to bring it to the hospital when they visited? Much more useful than a bouquet of flowers! Edited to add: There I go again, trying to add some logic to this orchestrated shit show
  8. If Pao was smart, she'd hand Axel off to Patty the minute he had a poopy diaper.
  9. Sandwiched between Daniel and Carly is their four year old aunt.
  10. I’m beginning to think Ashley’s whole “deport your ass” storyline is fake. How many times did she threaten to deport Jay then when she had the chance to put him on a plane she supposedly lets him go to Miami instead? Then he meekly returns to her bedside after she was hospitalized. I’m NOT saying her health crisis wasn’t real, but if he had been back in Jamaica when it happened, I doubt if it would have been possible for him to return to the US so quickly. We only saw him going to a hotel, who’s to say he didn’t stay there for a while and never took a flight anywhere?
  11. Ashley strikes me as the type who has absolutely no sense of humor.
  12. She did add a new tidbit at the end, "...and have babies!" (with a big grin.) Double UGH
  13. The pictures of her in her hospital bed were all over the internet last January. She even briefly had a GFM to help pay her medical expenses. And this was the deal she gave Jay, if he signed the divorce papers she’d pay for his flight back to Jamaica but I guess they compromised on him going to Miami instead.
  14. Pao’s mother probably had no idea that she came to the table in a skimpy negligee. For all Mama knew, Pao was covered from head to toe in footie pajamas with a hood and bunny ears.
  15. Oh yes, he’s doing “something to do with fishing...” CATFISHING perhaps?
  16. says the man accused of being a deadbeat dad. If I recall correctly, when Libby and Andreiiii were shopping for baby things (when he said he didn't like the idea getting stuff at a thrift shop) all Libby was interested in were impractical things like hair bows and cute little outfits. Then she stormed out of Becky's house before she set up her registry so if she didn't get useful gifts, that's all on her. She has plenty of siblings and nieces and nephews, I'm sure somebody could have loaned her a car seat if she didn't get one at her shower.
  17. The complete lack of comments about this show should clearly indicate to TLC that we're not interested! I think they're promoting the spin off as a modern day Romeo and Juliet story with star-crossed lovers and warring families, and we all know that that ended badly.
  18. actually I think early on it was said that his mother is here in US.
  19. His given name is Conroy St. Christopher Smith
  20. I read somewhere that in addition to the Store lie, she claimed she never game him $ 6K. I think she's just doing damage control because she won't admit she lost that money.
  21. I think production was just short on new material about them since they’ve basically had nothing to work with all season and cobbled together some clips
  22. Just rewatched the “there is no store” revelation and I’m still laughing. Robbalee: “You mean you’ve been lying about it this whole time?” Nicole (shrugging): “Well, if you’ve gotta put it THAT way...”
  23. So now Sister Poochie claims that Ashley has an embarrassing odor on her lady bits, just like Danielle! Is this the first time we’ve heard anything about Ashley’s mother or has she been mentioned before?
  24. I don't have to know what a couple is saying to know that they're having an argument in another language.
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