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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. I watched it, too and it cracked me up. Colt is lounging on the couch, with his arms extended in both directions and Ashley is cringing sitting next to him. Does Chantel use the word “disrespect” in every sentence? https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/90-day-fiance-tell-all-clip-colt-and-chantel-fight-backstage/
  2. The show premieres Monday night. I hope there’s a live chat so I can snark without watching.
  3. I think Aladin wants to make Laura Wife #1, access her money and then when he can support them (using Laura's $$) he will add Wives 2-4 to his stable.
  4. I guess production wants us to think, “Wow, what a bad-ass!” when we see Mother Chantel toting around a taser, but my only reaction is “What an asshole!”
  5. I saw that, too, and just figured it was an abbreviation for “apartamentos” and some other identifying information.
  6. I almost expected him to end with, "Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?"
  7. The way she pronounces the name Ronald annoys me. I guess she’s trying to say it with a SA accent? It’s as pretentious as Libby saying “Andrrrrreeeeeei”
  8. Thanks! Maybe someday "Coltee's Kitties" will be the answer on Final Jeopardy and I'll be all ready!
  9. That reminds me, can someone refresh my memory. When we first met Coltee he was dressing THREE cats (in hindsight, this should have been a red flag). He introduced them as Cookie Dough, and Sugar but what was the third cat's name? One of them was on a shelf in the bedroom closet when Larissa opened the door, but did we ever see more than one cat at a time after that?
  10. I wondered about that, too, so I looked online. Believe it or not, she claims to be a MODEL! Yes, another one! But I suspect her real job might be the same job that some think single mom Rachel had, working the system for benefits! (At least Lucy was adorable!)
  11. This article really didn’t have much new info and the pictures which we’ve seen countless times took forever to load, but there were a couple of great quotes in there: https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/90-day-fiance-nicole-denies-azan-dumped-her-after-morocco-trip/ “The reality star’s mother was worried because Nicole didn’t have a lot of extra money, and might not be able to financially support herself while in Morocco.” First, I hate it when they refer to these idiots as “stars.” And she didn’t have a lot of EXTRA money, how about ANY money to support herself in Morocco? No “might” about it! The article includes a lengthy screen grab supposedly written by Step Dad Joe, the only voice of reason in the house. Nicole disputes what he says happened and says to her “fans” “This whole message was fabricated and 100% not true. Why do people spend their time spreading lies and rumors?” Lies, Nicole? Why would people lie? Why would they have any reason to lie? How’s the store, Nicole?
  12. He was a glib enough liar at the outset to convince Jenny she was chatting with handsome “Michael” from the UK.
  13. I couldn’t copy the picture to post here, but from the People article, in Laura and Aladin’s Wedding picture from July 2018, she is wearing a ridiculous long blonde wig that doesn’t cover her own frizzy hair in the front. And what’s with the tattoos? Is it a requirement for this show that all older women have them in a effort to look young and trendy?
  14. I don’t think Daddy and Mommy Libby are on the best of terms and he might not have been welcome at the hospital when she was there.
  15. I laughed when Corey got Evelin to ask “Does everybody want to see a magic trick?” and the overwhelming response needed no translating, “NO!”
  16. Actually Jenny has at least two pairs of fugly glasses, the ones she wore to meet Sumit’s friends and even larger purple frames in her regular THs
  17. The same loyal friends who were noticeably absent from her bedside. Jay’s probably the LAST person they would have called unless they were told to.
  18. It’s “Eric, that’s E.R.I.C” and he’s good looking but he pings my gaydar big time
  19. I don’t care what Chantel says on the commercials, no way was chubby sullen Winter EVER a cheerleader!
  20. I need new glasses because I read this as QUITTING then I realized she’ll never quit Azan
  21. Watching sensitive Corey’s over the top fear of needles, maybe he’s been sheltered from the graphic aspect of putting fresh meat on the table.
  22. “What a blow we just suffered right now...”
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