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Everything posted by magemaud

  1. Erika changed her hair color scheme for the Tell All
  2. You mean overall body size I pray. Ewwwwww! "Colt 45" refers to his waist size, not that he's packing heat
  3. I haven't watched the preview yet, but thanks for the warning about Colt at the beach. He says he's ready to be "Colt 2.0" but I think it looks more like Colt XXXL.
  4. Yo "believed" she had Covid in December just like she "believed" Williams was a real man who was in love with her despite all evidence to the contrary. I still say she was in a coma and on a ventilator because she forgot how to breathe.
  5. Seeing Ariela's Star of David necklace makes me wonder if Avery has gotten any flak regarding her Cross tattoo.
  6. It certainly would have been discussed around the water cooler at the office the next day, that is, if people were still going to the office!
  7. She could be the most low energy, morose greeter in Wally World history, droning "Hi, welcome to Walmart" while appearing to be on the verge of tears. But seriously, she must be able to do some kind of work and not just mooch off her daughter. It's like a reverse "failure to launch."
  8. We've already had a glimpse of her first (of, I predict many) "I'm sorry I'm not Muslim!" meltdown in the preview for this week. I have to admit I didn't even recognize her with her hair covered and was trying to figure out if this was a new "contestant" we would be meeting soon. when will we see the "I'm sorry I forgot I got married" meltdown?
  9. Again, you’re absolutely correct about the differences in the clothing between the two visits so it must have been filmed in different seasons. Now, I’m wondering how much time really elapsed between Lana standing David up again and actually meeting him on Trip #5. Now I have a whole new theory. David’s failure to meet Lana on his first (or 4th depending on how you look at it) trip was totally part of the script. We all were led to believe he was totally being catfished and why couldn’t he see what was obvious to the rest of us? There would have been no drama in her getting off the train in a red dress, but the totally fake story of David traveling to her hometown and filming the cliffhanger of “who was behind the door?” and later “would she show up in the cafe?” had viewers tuning in and commenting all over the internet. David goes home, hires a PI but still won’t listen to reason. What is wrong with this guy? How can anyone be so stupid? Against everyone’s advice, he returns to Kiev, CZ in his pocket, and viewers are gobsmacked when we all FINALLY get to meet Lana! We didn’t see it coming! We were all frauded! Ratings gold!
  10. She's trying to be in competition with Darcey's "House of 11" including the ridiculous sunglasses
  11. oh, okay, that explains her showing up for their first meeting without any luggage. I often miss things that are said in a foreign language when I'm trying to read subtitles and keep up with Live Chat on the forum at the same time. But I have another theory. I think David actually only made one trip this season but it was edited to make it look like Lana was a "no show" so he went home to Vegas then returned to the Ukraine to try again.
  12. Lana really packed light for her trip to Kiev. Just the pink sweatsuit and a green top! It also makes me wonder, where DID she spend the night when she declined David's invitation to come to his hotel, but met him outside in the morning to go to the airport?
  13. FTFY. Oh, thank you! I forgot to use the Proper British spelling. Colour me embarrassed!
  14. Is he planning to drive around and live in the Ukraine in a giant RV? What happened to "See America" with a Ukrainian bride?
  15. I recall him smoking outside the studio when Angela had her famous storm out scene at the last Tell All. He's so suave, I'm surprised he didn't light two cigarettes and give her one like in an old movie. He also looked like a pretentious ass drinking champagne in his mother's living room or should I say "parlor"
  16. That commercial was just on! "Did I hear an MMMMM? I think I did!"
  17. More like Lane Pryce (and remember what happened to him!) Yes, she has a 14 year old daughter who hasn't been filmed. Her name might be "Jennie" because I think that's what BGL's upper arm tattoo says.
  18. Thank you, Mr. BB, for adding to Lana's profile! I didn't catch the "irradiates" comment, ha ha
  19. Yes, Sveta and her friends are VERY eager to meet you! I'm wondering if these were Lana's original dating website photos and she actually was 27/28 at the time when David met her 7 years ago, but time has stood still online but of course she and David have both aged in real life. If anyone is reluctant to click on the site, here's some info about her. I couldn't resist adding some more info that Sveta appears to have omitted: About me Life is so beautiful and can give us so many possibilities, that it is a shame not to use them and not to enjoy every day discovering something new! I'm honest, kind-hearted, smiling and purposeful woman who really believes in finding her soul mate. I am always ready to rescue and believe that helping people makes me only better person. My friends say that I’m a lively girl who irradiates only positive energy and make this world better. I believe that any troubles we face are for some reasons and giving up is the last thing we can do. I enjoy living life to the fullest and take pleasure in every moment of it :) My desire We will enjoy our future together! I dream of reliable, strong and confident man. Humor is a huge part of my life and I would be happy if he has a great sense of humor as I do. I want to be good friends with him and feel I am safe. It’s very important for me if he can keep his word and be a responsible person :) He is honest, kind, sincere, and caring man. He enjoys leading an active lifestyle :) ["I love bowling, horseback riding and watching hockey games"] I would be glad to see next to me a man who knows how to treat a woman [can ride a unicycle] and be the best for her. He knows what he wants from life and how to get it. [living in a big RV is a plus] And I would give him all my love and support in return:) He loves life and is happy with it. I’m not looking for ideal man, I’m looking for that one who will be my everything and could accept me for who I’m. We were born to be real, not to be perfect!:)
  20. To win Stephanie's heart, you must correctly answer her ten questions. They are based on the security questions you set for your online account like "mother's maiden name", "name of your first school" and "what was your first car." If you cannot answer all ten correctly, you will never get beyond one awkward, dry, close mouthed kiss.
  21. I thought it was a stupid hollow gesture, but since Darcey sells them in her store, it was an opportunity for free advertising. Send it to Rose who will promptly sell it in her flip flip shop (no wait, it will never be delivered...) At one point she appears to have swapped out "QUEEN" for "BOSS", also available online for $ 15 plus S&H.
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