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Everything posted by Dissy

  1. No more being coy about it, just flat out asking now. Just keep repeating, it's almost over, it's almost over!
  2. I have to agree Former Nun! I think Sherri will do or say whatever gets the next job. I just wish she would stick to tv or movie acting jobs. She is actually good using someone else's words. Sherri must have good legal counsel who is telling her not to say anything regarding the divorce or baby. I think this will help her while Sal's inane tweets make him look the fool.
  3. I stumbled across Sal's LinkedIn account. It says he is an instructor at Los Angeles Academy of Media and Technology. I looked this school up and it is a non-profit that helps inner city kids learn about digital filmmaking and technology. I guess he went back to teaching.
  4. Just spitballing here but I agree that the turning point was the trip to California. I think Sherri knew her contract was up and the show was allowing her to get another job before she announced she was moving on. Sal had been pushing to move back to California (in tweets) so this was probably why he was so excited back then. It could be that Sherri believed she had an "in" with someone and could get a show without any problems. As I recall, the tweets were happy, happy, then all of a sudden they went sad, sad. Whatever job or jobs they were so sure of just didn't happen. I think that Sal just decided he wasn't going back. Who knows how much he thought this whole thing out. YMMV!
  5. I used to watch The Cycle when Sippy was on it. She loves to preen for the camera. I saw her trying to do that on today's show. She likes to put her arm back if the camera is panning near her boobs. She also will make sure her legs are in the shot if possible. I know she has a brain but she will just start spouting inane talking points that mean nothing. It is easy to tell when she is just saying things she has memorized. She will take large gulps of air as she is talking. It is a real tell.
  6. Sherri's still trying to get that reality show "Oh That Wacky Sherri" http://instagram.com/p/qo3iiHoLjf/
  7. If they did their "research" on this woman's story, they might have had a more intelligent discussion. Well, one can hope. This link gives current information and some background on the case. This is another case of law enforcement and people over-reacting again. http://www.youcaring.com/help-a-neighbor/support-debra-harrell/204837 Click on updates, Mom and daughter have been reunited.
  8. Just one more heads up on shingles, if that's okay. My 19 year old daughter had a bout of shingles a few months ago. Painful doesn't begin to describe it. She had to suffer the first outbreak but the anit-viral meds prevented a second batch from breaking out. Just a heads up that it can happen to anyone no matter age. Now back to regular programming.
  9. Roger beat me to it so I say go for it, Former Nun. It can be a lot of fun on twitter.
  10. This custody story case should be either discussed in print with both sides presented or on a show with intelligent presentation of all the facts. It just isn't a five minute story.
  11. I agree, Haleth. And sadly, you're probably right!
  12. Interesting Jenny article. She hates celebrities? really https://tv.yahoo.com/news/jenny-mccarthy-slams-view-trashes-hollywood-howard-stern-173800473.html
  13. I changed my mind about her Scientology views when I found out she had been in it since she was a young girl. She was fairly young when her mother took Leah and her sister to the Florida compound. According to her, they were treated like slaves but apparently the brain washing worked. I respect that she has taken a stand now.
  14. I think we are all in agreeance that the answer is NO!
  15. I grew up in Florida and we ate shark whenever it was caught. I think recently there has been some warnings about shark meat and mercury or some other element. I couldn't tell you what kind of shark it was though.
  16. I believe she said it was over the weekend. Over the weekend she was tweeting about being in Miami for a dirty sexy funny event. She didn't mention the lemonade stand on twitter or in her blog. I think Roger and springtime are right on this one.
  17. I agree about Chelsea, mbutterfly. I was more offended by what she said about little people. I think Rosie has always been sensitive to those with special needs though. When I worked with adults with disabilities I also heard remarks but they were usually much more harsh and hateful.
  18. Considering she was talking to Chelsea Handler, I thought the conversation was okay. She admitted to feeling anxious around little people. It just sounds like she hasn't interacted with very many little people. She used the word phobia and fear but said it was really anxiety.
  19. Just found this about some of Rosie's comments on twitter. The good parts are at the end of article. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/rosie-odonnell-responds-elisabeth-hasselbeck
  20. I agree with everyone above. PTV is great. It takes a little getting used to but it is well worth it. The multiple threads that allow us to go full snark mode are wonderful!
  21. Thanks RogerFromOhio! Great clip. I will probably think of pigs now every time I watch the show.
  22. Interesting Bitsy pulled that doesn't support the troops crap. Rosie's son, Parker, is at Valley Forge military academy and headed to the Citadel. Bitsy can't see the difference between supporting the troops and supporting all wars. I changed over to Fauxnews and thought that was Bitsy at first too. Wow, is the basement full of blonde pods over there?
  23. Oh Former Nun! The whole show would be filmed in split screen!!!
  24. No Palin, no way! I wouldn't watch, dvr or read about the show. I find her condescension unbearable. Maybe the half governor wants a shot to be the half talk show host!
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